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Project: Sideways Stories from Wayside School

Your Name: Reanna Russell

Your Role: Platypus Puppeteer

Place an "X" in the appropriate column for each row, indicating your performance in the stated category.
If this was not a collaborative project, leave the rows for "Collegiality & Collaboration" and "Overall Dependability" blank.
Frequency of < 1% of 1-10% of 1-10% of < 1% of
80% of Scores Should Fall Into These Rankings
Rating Scores Scores Scores Scores

Truly Extremely Completely

Rating Above Average Average Struggling
Inspirational Impressive Uncceptable
Collegiality &
Raw Talent /
& Dedication
Performance /

Describe your greatest strengths / contributions to the project:

I brought Finkleton T. to life. I had worked with puppets before, so I did my best to bring expression into his face and upper body, and made unique character
choices for his reactions. The audience seemed to love the platypus. He added another fun personality to the group of students. I took direction well, and
struggled through a difficult physical working environment. I was consistent, and although I was occasionally late because I was working while the show was
going, I always made it to rehearsal. I was very supportive of my cast mates, and even took Kenya to the doctor when she was having her kidney stone issues.

Describe how you could have made a stronger contribution to the project:
It was difficult to bond with my cast mates from under the stump, which made it increasingly disheartening to be there, in addition to the physical discomfort. I
should have made more an effort to be positive about the experience while it was happening, and should have reached out to my cast mates more in order to
really get to know them and to build my support system.

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