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NRE A THIRTY YEAR PERSPECTIVE ON BROMS’ LATERAL LOADING MODELS, AS APPLIED TO DRILLED SHAFTS Fred H. Kulhawy Comell University, lhaca, New York, USA YoJ Chen Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Taipei, Taiwan ABSTRACT: roms’ ates loading models fr drained and undraine loading ar viewed in terms of heir applcabiliy 1 igi dried shat (bred pile) foundations. The basic models are reviewed brie, nd then 2 ‘comparison i made of these models with an exensive database of both fell and laboratory sae led shat loud ests. The resus re wed to assess the elatveaplieablty ofthese model, nd general eer re given feetheir ate, INTRODUCTION Some thy years ago, Bengt B. Broms published three significant research papers onthe late loading of| tive piles (Brom 196%, 1964, 1965). although was implied thatthe research resus were tobe used oly for imber, see Hor pipe, and precast concrete diva piles of relatively smal diet, the cel inevily vere applied outside he eriginal boundary conditions. With the ensuing popular of riled shafts in many are ofthe world during this same tine period, Brom’ models were applied to thee foundation pen, even ‘Gouah they were diferent in many repere = dalled vx driven, awsiepnes we prc alae ange small iametr, relatively snall DS (depavdamete) ve. large OV, relatively rigid ve eile ee. fo he best ‘of cur knowledge, no detaled comparison has ben made tosses he ative applcbilly of these models fr lle sha. tn his paper, sucha eormpaison is made, using an exesive database of eile shat load tet both the ie nd Iaberaory scale. The esl gives nce general guldslines on usng these models GENERAL BEHAVIOR PATTERNS UNDER LATERAL LOADING. ‘i force system or a laeralyloaced dried shat complex an tre-dimensons, a shown in Fig, 1 ‘These forces tend tobe dominated by the passive sil side reistnce, but there fe shesrng along te tp, font ad back faces. and sides andthe aval force components ean affect he ltl behavior. For most “pial driven pil inslatons, these oer forces are mina, if even extent. However, fr deiled shat. parley ‘hose tat are short and subby, these other components coud play an impertnt ole. ti clea ha a gorus analysis ofthis frce system would require sophisieed tree dimensional aumerial methods such athe nie flement method, and include constintve soil and icrface models that ealisially model isi behavior. Our Knowledge has not progressed that far 8 yt, othe actual problem depicted in Fi. | utully i condensed 0 ‘wo-dimensonal model. earmally evi lyon the pastive ils eistnce, Shaf rigtity & another important factor tht infences the overall safe response and must be evahated crefily, Fig 2ilustates some ofthe imporar fences beeweea rigid and flexible shalt behav. Unfors taely, no generally accepted standard dentin exis fr rigid. Several rari in we ae shown fn Table Driven piles piclly are flexible, while drilled shafts npiclly are rigid. Obviosy, exceptions exist this ere, For lterlyfoaded died sha the fy ofthe shaft bu (top or Rend) als plays an imporant oe in lnueneing abet reponse. Tig. 3 ilsuats the lave modes (or reine (eda an wneraned (Me head) rigid sha. If esained, the shat earsates italy and no rottion occurs. Uf eszane, the shah routes about point. Neary all ein lood ters have been conducted on unrerained sha, Loteral resistance! 7 teow a Oy tote tow YL it tration i sheor . {Qeen Fig Lateral looding and resitnes component on deled shat ©) Rigid (short) _) Flexible (long) Bending of Rie ce LP salt at ahott element = Fig. 2 Rigid versus exible sat behavior Table | Coteria or sht iity ‘Garon fr Cen source Rigid Behavior FixileBetavie Not Brom (96H) BD ts 7 Bereta eta. (1981) De <6 Dm > 20 » Poul & Davi (1980) K > 107 K <0? € Pole & Hl (1989) D , 4 Caner Kuhavy (1588, 1969) DB oMscEUyY bu > ee ‘Nate: B= shaft diametr, D= aa depth, €= cones ela medal, = opera pone of ines = sol ee modal», = so Pozo’ a, C,» ler modulus 4B = (BME y= eet of acbrace ee 18 some cues pay be igi or DB < 10 Co YEDY = fesiliy for 4D, ELE) = ete sat det 1 0fG) (tr 34/8) = mui ol ea modus 0) Restored 8) Uae tiaeieen Rca a et i} iLL 4 {vot { tf LS Le ae ape ern te Fig.3 Infueneof bu Sy on failure mode of iid stats “Tae concep se estances shown a Fig. 4. The passive esse ress om sil srengh mai ftom sucton or adhesion eects that are temporary. For both undrined and drained lading, the active rei tae is eavely sal and therfore is neglece (face if eacking develops onthe anloded sha fae, ‘here wil be no seve esance al UNDRAINED LATERAL LOAD ANALYSIS “The taal sree method of anys ie the most appropri use for undrine loading this pointe For this metic the ner sll resitance ory rest (p) I expressed i tem of nel bearing Ho ).defaed as: Nop © in which 5, = undrined shear arengih, The appropriate undiined szengh rst ype to use ace TE (visa {stecion) forthe ura eo rete nd BSS (eet srl her) forthe pons, i ineladed (2 2) Restrcined 2) Unrestrcined rr — Meee ae este = ta ithe a Fig 4 Concepual ditbuon of el sol resance frigid hats uhawy and Mayor 1800) The significant ifaences of test spe on te resing 6 values wee au el Iopccatel st ene of Brom soci. In it, Brom (1968) recommended ta vals be evalu SY ded vi (esiaby sora soslied compra ie ht, ae ip used on cet underanding of Deavc, sng hse es esl seal of TE could node pt 100% or moren he evan tnany ese, esol imi se trade is charac! by Now arcund te sak Atstallow et, he son feet of te Saf en move upward en aera. Theriot, ost mle motels cde et EetSne csi ey Sue ste common sreced moda erate in Fg $a ae hy desoed bel Np NptPu/Sy a ties A ercvedie range A t Hons, 1961 9 Beams, 1964 0483 10 92.357 10 5 9 a al fol a let ar * aus lias BEBen BTS peawagn ont vey Se Fig 5 Some eanimendd url bewing tors ‘Reese (1959 utilized a wedge model for hallow failure an a plasticity mode! fo literal plastic Now aroun the shaft or dep failure, Hansen (1961) employed an earth pressure mode at shallow depths a Rankine wed, spultvium model at moderate depths anda plane fl model at gener depts, Bros (1964) wned pla ‘ow mode fr dec ius and judgment for shallow flue, aged onthe Reve and Hanzen mode's and ait shield est data, Stevens and Auber (1979) backfgued profiles of N, with depth fom assis of sry mented drive ple load test dats. And Randolph and Houlby (\984) esselly modified te Reee shallow ‘modelo include surface roughness () and expanded on he Sroms dep plate Now model. In the Broms (1964) model, five diferent rost-seetinal shapes and aurfiee roughness ware cvaite, 2 shown in Fig. 6. The ough circular sto solution stat of Randolph and Houlsy (1983). Based on avaiable fidence aghn esseally that fr arven ples, Broms ote tat he probable range of N, would be fom 8 ic 1 He then made s¥o important simplifying tsumption. The fst as fo assme aungue value of Ny = 9 Considering the square an circular sluons ia Fig fort smooth sure, which would be ite esonabie fx a diver pile value 0f9 sa fi simplicarion. However, for adele and ett-n-pace foundation soc a ¢ drilled shat the surface would be much rougher, and perhaps a vale closer 12 would be more appropriate The second ey assumption was ose, =O fra depth eqalt 1.3 shaft ameter. The asimption quit reasonable for adriven ple hat typical has a diametr inthe ange of 1 t 23 ofa eter. Caps, cracks et alos alvays occur atthe ground surface around a driven pile, 20 diregarding small depth sprog However, if this recommendation i applied Sindy to riled shat, o for tat manera large diameter ver ile, thea ithecames a groly vercanervative simon With dled sats normally in exes ate Aismeter, and eguerlycwo and thre messin lamece, dlregard ofa depth equal 15 diameters ovry congestive and unrealistic. Unforunsey, he fst writer has seen Dis happen too often, paslay whet software is sed indiscriminately or inorety fr foundation types iterent rom th ones ited. Broms noted tat he assumed prsure dsibuion wil ye eu which are onthe sf ide”. Thi state ‘ment was directed toward riven ples. Fordriled shat, the rests shouldbe even mere conservative. 5 nee iain ee ae {pense Rn nd ey 98) DRAINED LATERAL LOAD ANALYSIS ‘The effecve sees method of analysis i the mos sppropriat toute fr dined oedng. Fo this method, the ltl ol resianesor yield ares (9) can aot be epresie in eats Ufa snp Gor sch a Ny Ine, pa tecomes a somewbat more complen function, The Resse (Reese et al 1976) and Hansen (1961) models re bised on the same cechancs principles described for undrined loin, but the Broms (19648) mode mate, dierent assumptions. Specially was assumed hap, ereced isnt, 2 fllows 2K, a in which j ~ sil eectve anit weight, 2 = depth, and X, = Rankine maximum passive ses coefficient The resultg yield fre disbution is shown in Fg. 7. The approprate drained steagt et pease era ‘ang Kis TE (Gail extension). As noted peviusly, he influences of et ype even ily appre in 1966. in fax, Broms (196) commenced nat the efecve suet fston ange be evaluated by eraied tie asia (presimaby roopically-consoicted,comptesson) o die! shear laboratory tes be etted fm the sandard pene est (SPT), Based oncureat understanding of sil behavior, sing thee labora tet results instead of TE woul induce a relatively small err, probably lest tan 25% Estimates fom the SPT ‘could be wore f Be 3380%, (a) Displacements (b) Sei Recetions Fig. 7 Simplified Broms yield free dsibation Fig § shows an ilsraive comparton ofthe yield ress disbutios for the hee modes, As canbe sof the Broms matod i the mot conservative one, exept shallower dephe where all tes methods ate cr rnble. In addition, when roms compared his method withthe avaible dtaonciven ples, he noted ht ie rverae measured ultimate laeral resistances exceeded the calculated resiances by mre than 50 pee aivng a conservaive result neat all he tie. Fora dled shaft with ough sure, the Brome value would be even more conservative tha fra diven pile with smooth surfice, DATABASES FOR LATERAL LOAD EVALUATION To evause the aera copaciy model, avalable cae histories were compiled to develop duabace de> tailed numerical comparisons. Both abortry modes and fd fll-cle loud tts were nluded bese ofthe limited number of field ws. Allo the ter evaluted were cated st iid sats. Complete deals ‘on he daabaes are given by Chen and Kulavy(1999), For undnined loeding, £7 lnbortory tase and 21 fed tee ware evaluated For the laboratory tin homogeneous clay With varied sess histories, the range of sat ameter (B) was fom 89 175mm and te ‘IB (depediomete) was Denven 3 and 8. Fr th ld tes in a vary ofeesve si pofie, the ange of liameter was fom 0. 19 2.0 meters, nd the D/B was benween 25 and (0S. 52 164s wnt, 8 = 19 m Depth, z (mm) » fas tae Nett Horizontal Yield Sirass, py (UN/m#) Fig Uurative comparison of yield sess debuts (Agsiby et. 1992) For dined lading, $5 abrstanyet and 10 field tess ere eval, For the laboratory tt in home geneous and with varied oes hse, the ange o shaft arte (8) wa fom 760 152m and th DB (Gepavamece) was bere 2.5 and9. Forte fd ters inn varie of eben 0 pole the range of lamer was fom 0.11 16 meters, nd the DVB was beeen 25 td 7. Forth laboratory te, extensive propery tng had be dane, andere al ofthe require dt ner saab wo evalua the seesay purer (or wal extension (TE). However, forth el te, allo he necessary poactes wee not avaible ety. ‘Toerefore was cee rely on salable emp a= ‘ions to bai hare parmeter 8 sunmaied ed developed by Kathryn Maye (1990), (Oe adtonal eampizaton that away aries inthe evan of ad tet dats show to determine the “capaci” or whats “ilure™ A rece! reve of lod est terprettion proces by Hay and Kulhny (A985) disingushed a leas oveve diferent ener being eed t ermine the lea epacity (I). Ten of these methods define che capaci’ a he lad camespncing to specie dscerent limits (cher abou ‘alues or percentage ofthe dame B) oro rin linia, The ahr oro ae esrb below end see load-diplacement crv eximate he capac. Fig ius the wi waitin i te erred apse {ss fom these procedures when applied oda fom a elder loud top a Lm ameter iid tat Fortis example th inerpreed capacity anges fom 1.0 MN-m at 84mm placement 0.2 Mim 23 placement equal © 20% [Is clear ar thue various values ae sbinary ana ber no clatonship foe seal lon defrmaton espns, ‘Brom (19648) append sugeest ening the agai aa dpacement eel to 20% 8. While hed pscement may be rexoable fo pies driven ple of amall ameter, clea wl be excessive fo dled Shaft ules on i leking wt uma Limi tes Asc be ace aig ha eh given weap Ot ‘occur at paceman a sim excess of ay allowable value (250), Oe akerative she teal or momen lini (Hi) erteron tat was developed by Hany and Kalhny (985,989) to eran aa lnd-eforato espanse and he des osha ar, tn ths proce. dure, ifereces ae nce between eanskonal and eocenl behavior by pling te depth ofthe appre point ofan versus the apple load, a shown in Fig. 10.. The apparent pot of aon i defied ate ‘ato of ut diplacement te ange ofthe but slop, a shove as nF 0. Thi eon of aa ‘rmoren int clades the te poate flare mechanism thwn ithe are: sol re curve A) kik ‘ut ofthe shat ip (uve Ba igi bdy roten curve C). Te ime eae cate gives by H. The ii Applied Ground-Line Moment (kip= Depth of Apparent Point of Rotation Hypertote Moment ot bun SUBSE! pres 20% 8 = = a= £5" (rotation) Displacement at Top of Shaft (in.) Fig. 9 Comparison of lateral loud interpretation citra(Hirany and Kuthawy 1988) Apparent point of tation Lateral Load or Moment Fig. 10 fterpretation of lateral o moment imi (Hiany and Kulhawy 1988) (i-m) corresponds approximately tothe oad at which ina fluro yield acer, no thea int stae. Appi faven of his definicon oe daa in Fig, 9 gives lateral or moment it qual 92.1 -e, Forte hate lini stat, a simple hyperbole representation can be used, a shown in Fg. 1. The acta curve in Fig. Hacan be reploted a shown in Fig 11b, The slope of he daca can be obtained and then see procs wil be the hypertolic capaci (Extensive evaluations of this appre by Mae and Kulhawy {(991) and Agaiby and Kaba (1994) have chown eo bea good model forall avalable aera lad te ca For she daa in Fig 9, he hypectoli expaciy i equal 03.8 MN-m. This eapaciy always lies above te men ed daa and represents an upper bound Both the lateral or moment imi andthe hyperbolic epacity were used herein in he evauton of he load E Jo) = : : : ‘4 zg 8 . i : es ie Be 3 § ee 3 3 wae Heroic Olpacemen, 8 Heron Dsplacenen, 8 Fig. 11 Mstation of hyperbole interpretion RESULTS OF LATERAL LOAD ANALYSES OF RIGID DRILLED SHAFTS ‘Tae resus of he analyses for undraned loading ar sown in Fig 12 forte laboratory ests, Fig forthe Sel tet, and in Table 2A canbe seen, he aboratry and ld et rel rin genera, emperable. The slopes of he rearession fr H, are quite clos, bu ihe slopes for Hy ifr. I appears hatte ewo bigh points tre alterag and contig the borcory regression for HyinFig-12. When the vo dase are combing te Sele slopes dominate. When the dua sets are examined ik eons ofthe lel capacity ras athe Boron of Pigs. (2nd (3, dhe overalls (ea wed sandal deviaun) xe cl more cnparble ‘The results ofthe anlyes for deine loading are shown in Fig (4 for he Iabortory te, Fig. 13 forthe Sel texts and in Table 3. Asean be ee, the aborstory an Feld ese esl ee basicly comparable. The slopes ofthe regressions for Hare quite close, but the slopes for Hy fer somewhat. Ie appears tat sve igh points are altering and conoling the sborstory repression fr Hi in Fig. Atte ume tine, be Fel dat re gute limita andr estan defve When the two cases recombined the ea slopes domi- tte. When te daa ses ae examined in ters ofthe Inter! eapneity ratios the botom of Figa. 6 and thesis genera simiary inthe overall sates, but detailed comparisons ae ile becanse ofthe limited field daa avaiable “Table 4 prevents 2 summary of the undrined aster for the five diferent teal load mols consider hein, As canbe sen all ofthe modes give comparable COV (coetiient of variation, given by sands deviton/ mean vles, ante order of 03, Aa 0 whether one mode superior to another, mh isin the ofthe beholder. Stevens and Auaibe predic H, wel, and midvay between Resse and Hansen a good peie~ ‘or fH Broms is quite conservative in all especs, predicting only 78% of Hand SOM of Hy. Considesng all he actors noted previously this eu ist be expected. However, increasing Ny tom 9 0 12 and besin~ ‘ing with an Ny itereepe ground sures would give rsuke mor ike hove of Randaph and Holby, which tus between and Hh and more tecepable. Noe tha, oll of he dt, heme Hy is about 23. Brems (1984) Undrained Laboratory Tests Fig Shats 45 (H),n= 47 (Hy Lateral or Moment Limit, H,, and Hyperbole Capi T 2 3 4 Predicted Lateral Capacity, H, (kN) 20 roms (1864) Uncraind Labret Tests Fig Shate e nedSH).0= 47H) — Hh 16 HA 10 Number of Cases ‘oo aS 8 Lateral Capaciy Ratios, HH, and HH, Fig 12 Comparisons of undraine laborory lateral epsitie withthe Broms ode = 1000 roms (1984) 5 es g Undined Fee Teste = Fig Shats nd Hyperbole Capacity, Hy (a) co m0 “300 I Capacty, H, (kN) Undraned Fed Taste Figs Sats fsoeos | ay a Number of Cases Qe as esa Lateral Capacity Ratios, HJM, and KYHy Fig 13 Comparton of drained eld eral pce wide roms mel Table Summary of peso rays ound ater load teow on tpi le mane ung te Brome ce! Dea Tee i i z eso i FS 0.08 was ute 0977 oan 7 oo feld(n=2) 08s os Mis 9s ou teh oss oa his 0966 9 3 Ryser or eat 1: ype eapety 2 lope ofrezession ough orn gvng oF Hye. 0°20 “uble3 Summary of eresion ales fr dries Ie ond ‘eon ig ld stung te roms made! Daa Tye Be cy i 7 som) os 0.) Tae os? ar oases? oa Ci ese= i) 0s on Ly ogee as3 benien6) oa omms a ti ease 330 a- 8, =n] ormonent ine 8: Ry stypetaiccpeky Co lope of ereation ough vgn ang (H,or = (4. 0 “able 4 Nonmazeundnined ner cnacisr Tair Came Men COV Rea (5H Te 035 ance (1961) oss 030 Bros (968) ox 036 Stren 2 Aubat (197) 030 Rando Holby (0H) 128038 Tee: Mean Bi, = 055 wih COV =O er ned Wen cOV nn rons (96) 13h oat Reweetsic97) 138030 ‘ote: Mean Hy = 057 wid COV>O2T tot 100 Caniea 028 036 > Re roms (1868) ee ross) Drained Laboratery Teste om crassa) 5h Rigid shats 1958 (4). $5 (4) . x Lateral or Moment Limit, H,, and Hyperbolle Capacity, Pradicted Lateral Capacily, Hy (KN) 20 Broms (1964) rained Laboratory 23 Figid Shans z 3 (H).0 g — Ha 3 10 a F Hie Qos Lateral Capacity Ratios, HJH, and HH, Fig. Comparzons of dine laboratory lateral caps oe with he Bears mods 3 roms (1964) rained Fe Tests 1000 + Rigid Shats a-10 ‘800 g Lateral or Moment Limit, H,, and Hyperbolle Capacity, H (kN) 400 « 200 zoo ago 8001000200, Predicted Lateral Capacity, H, (kN) 10 Broms (1964) a Deained Field Tests * Fig Shae “ g nat0 é 6 as 2 35 25 a0 Lateral Capacity Ratios, H/M, and H/H, Fig. 15 Comparisons of ined Feld lateral capacities with he Brome made, “Table presents a summary ofthe caine analyses forthe thee diferent awrlload models considered herein. As canbe sen all ofhe modes give comparable COV values, onthe order of 035-04, ASi0 whether ‘one model superie another, gain mich iin the ee ofthe Seolder. Rese el predit Hy Wel withthe ters que close, and al tee oveprede Hy. Brom i a bit conservative overall. Considering the factors noted previouiy, his al it be expeed However, shoud be noted ht the sha ested Wer al eae {ively Shor, widh the depest being cay 6.4m. As Shown previusly in Fig. 8, comparable rests woul be bained a stall dep but aot at gates depth, Note agin ht, fr al the eat the ean i about 23, [An ovecview evaluation isha ther sno one model hati early superior. The COV for all model is comparable, bt the mean varie consdeebly. Using pita actor, allo the mode means ca beelbated to give precio hate equivalent. However, none athe preent te provide eliable prediction without ‘empincl ausoene SUMMARY ‘A thin year perspective has been presented on Bros’ ata losing model sppied og il shat These mols were presented onginally forse with ven ples, bor ney Rave been subsequently used {or dled sats and, andocedly, ater foundation types. Ahough thes ae many shorsomings wih spect tp det aplication of thse dels oiled sats, he Broms models compare favorably wih other exising models for the conditions examined. All hive compare COV vales and all need empires elation to become accurate precitrs. thes empralausenets a sped the Broms models, hey ae ily © provide predictions of te shaft ter capacity that ae as good ws those of cher walble models. However, ons of them shouldbe used without empire! eibration and 3202 sound eesneennsjdmant ACKNOWLEDGMENTS “This soy is bases paily on research conducted fo he Eleri Power Research inate under Research Project RPIADS. A. Hiany waste projet manager. 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