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The Visage of Ghatanothoa 13

As the curtains rise on cataclysm, Ghatanothoa stirs

in his slumber. Although he may be unable to awak-
en now, he still wishes to contribute to the chaos. His
visage flickers feebly in areas across the globe,
threatening to petrify any who gazes upon it.
Retreat Doom by 1.
Shuffle the eight visage tokens and place
them facedown on the side of the board.
Investigators take turns resolving the reck-
oning effect when it occurs. If an investiga-
tor reveals Ghatanothoa’s face, they are Ghatanothoa
Devoured. 1 Cthulhu’s Firstborn
Once four visage tokens are face up, turn
them face down and shuffle them. - - : The lead investigator flips a visage token.

If Ghatanothoa is the Ancient One, discard If you would lose sanity from When an investigator flips a visage token, if they
this card and draw another Prelude. the Will test, flip a visage reveal Ghatanothoa’s face then that Investigator is
Devoured. If not, leave the token face up. Once four
token instead.
visage tokens are face up turn them face down and
An Investigator flips a visage token. shuffle the visage tokens.

When three Mysteries have been solved, Investigators

win the game.

Shuffle the eight visage tokens and place them When doom advances to zero, flip this card.
facedown on this sheet. Set aside the Mummy,
Mi-go and Lloigor monsters.
Ghatanothoa was worshipped by the ancient Muvians,
who both feared and respected him because of his ability
to turn any humans that beheld him into living, thinking
mummies. He was brought to Earth from the planet
1 2 1 Yuggoth by an ancient alien race.
2 3 0
3 4 1

Epilogue (Not Awakened)

As the your final task comes to an end,
you let out a long sigh of relief. The
gates slowly fade away, the monsters
creep back into the darkness, and the
visage of Ghatanothoa is concealed by
darkness once more. However, there is
still plenty of rebuilding that needs to
be done. Plenty of remaining worship-
pers that still need to be hunted down.
But for now, that can wait. For the first
time in weeks, you can finally rest easy.
The Annihilating Gaze
Final Mystery
A mighty shadow emerges through the dimen-
sional portal, and ludicrous shapes enter into our
world. Every being who’s eyes meet with this
madness becomes petrified immediately.

Place as many visage tokens on the board as there

are investigators in play. Place them on random
spaces. When three mysteries have been solved,
investigators win the game.

The King of K’naa

: Place another visage token on a random space. (Up
to a maximum of 8 tokens)

The visage tokens represent the army of

Ghatanothoa. They move 1 space towards the
1 nearest investigator at the end of each Mythos
Phase. If a visage of token ends its movement on a

- - space with an investigator, they are devoured.

If you would lose sanity from

the Will test, become De-
voured instead.

Epilogue (Awakened)
You still continue to fire your weapon into
the air where the creature was just a mo-
ment ago, screaming your lungs out.
The creature was blown to pieces, but to
you it felt like it was still there.
Oh that terrifying visage!
The moment you gazed upon it, you knew
it would continue to haunt you for the rest
of your days on this earth. Perhaps even
after you passed on.
But at least it was gone. You felt a small
amount of comfort in knowing that it
would never return in your lifetime, and
that you had at least spared others from
gazing into raw madness.
At a university, you encounter a professor who may just The local points you to the abandoned factory. Half of the In the middle of the night on the busy roadway, a
know something about how to stop Ghatanothoa’s group of cultists prepare to put up a banner of
building lies completely decimated. He tells you it was
servants. You try and ask him for information ( ). If
caused by a gas explosion, but with what’s been going on Ghatanothoa’s face. You try to stop them ( ). If
you pass, gain this clue. If you fail, he has no idea what you
lately, that explanation won’t satisfy you. You search the you pass, gain this clue. If you fail, flip a visage
are talking about and calls you insane, lose 1 Sanity from
wreckage ( ). If you pass, you find a greenish liquid token.
the demoralization.
pooling up in the wreckage, gain this clue.

You follow the sounds of chanting and screaming through the

The small creature you were chasing suddenly dives into a dark wilderness. Before long, you reach their source. In a clearing, a group You follow your leads to the headquarters of the local cult.
cave. You try to search for it in the blackness ( ). of thirty or more cultists stand around a blazing fire, roasting people They are enacting some sort of ritual in a clearing up ahead.
alive. You cannot intervene, but maybe observing them would let The only nearby vantage point is a large sturdy tree. You
If you pass, gain this clue. If you fail, the creature attacks you you learn something. Reluctantly, you try to watch until the ritual is attempt to climb it ( ). If you pass, gain this clue. If you fail,
by surprise and then runs away, lose 1 health. finished ( ). If you pass, gain this clue. If you fail, you cannot stand you fall down and injure yourself, gain an INJURY condition.
the gruesome sight, lose 2 sanity. Luckily, you manage to limp away unnoticed.

As you sail across the stormy waters, you are suddenly You notice a large shape at the edge of your vision in the fog, In the coiling twisting mists surrounding you, you are
assaulted with visions of an ancient continent ( ). If you pass, you try to navigate your way towards it ( -1). If you pass,
assaulted by hallucinations of the visage of Ghatanothoa.
you recognize it as the sunken continent of Mu, gain this you find that it is a tiny island with even smaller ruins ( ). If
You try to convince yourself that you’re just imagining it
clue. If you fail, the visions continue to assault you, gain a you pass, you recognize it as part of the continent of Mu, gain
( ). If you pass, gain this clue. If you fail, flip a
Hallucinations condition. this clue and a random artefact that you find in the ruins.
visage token.
1 2 3

As you walk through the back alley, a man approaches you. He The person who tipped you off on the location of the cult is
As you step into the abandoned home, you pick up a scent of
turns his face towards you, revealing a mask carved into the nowhere to be seen the following day. You search for them at
rot. You know this is the place. An entire family lies petrified
shape of a terrifying visage ( -1). If you pass, you manage to the most likely location: the cultists’ headquarters. You try to
like mummies in the centre of the living room. The horrible sight
steel yourself and run away, gain this clue. If you fail, the fend off the half dozen cultists who rush to attack you ( -1).
shakes you to your very core ( -1). If you pass, you know that
terrifying mask petrifies you, become Delayed and lose 1 sanity. If you pass, the person you rescued joins you, gain this clue and
they were petrified by the gaze of Ghatanothoa, gain this clue.
a random Ally Asset. If you fail, the cultists attack you and
If you fail, lose 2 Sanity.
throw you out, gain an INJURY condition.

You hear a rumbling from the rocky hill above you, and turn In your walk through the wilderness, you’re assaulted by a You talk to the hiker. He says he saw it, just over around the
to see a landslide heading directly towards you! You try with sudden storm. You find shelter in a nearby cave. After lighting corner; a person completely petrified like a mummy, still
all your might to sprint away ( -2). If you pass, you manage a fire, the flames reveal strange markings on the wall ( ). standing in the middle of a clearing. The man is shaking as he
to escape. You hear a Lloigor roaring in the distance, gain this If you pass, you recognize it as an ancient language from the talks, you try to convince him to take you there ( -1). If
clue. If you fail, part of the landslide strikes you, gain two continent of Mu, gain this clue. you pass, he brings you to the mummy. You recognize it as
random Injury conditions or lose 4 Health. the work of a servant of Ghatanothoa, gain this clue.

Upon walking into the cabin, you are surprised to find the You cannot contain your surprise and despair as a large, unearthly
Your crewmen suddenly cry out to you in the middle of the night.
captain mummified. ( -1) If you pass, gain this clue. If you fail, horror bursts out of the sea. Terrifying faces cover its entire body.
You come out to see what the ruckus is about, and they point to the
you are unable to make sense of the predicament and leave water. A dozen corpses float in the waves, all mummified with
Each Investigator must flip a visage token. If no investigators are
the cabin shaken, lose 1 Sanity and flip a visage token. terrible expressions on their faces ( ). If you pass, gain this clue. If
devoured, then each investigator gains one clue.
you fail, flip a visage token.
Either way, you gain this clue.

4 5 6

The strange old man you meet in the curio shop offers to
You enter the local museum and go directly to the In the backroom of the geological museum,
teach you about the ancient language used when the
section with the mummies. One of them appears to be
continent of Mu still remained on the surface. You may you find a map that may lead to the ancient
unlike the rest ( ). If you pass, you realize that is not an
choose to become Delayed. If you do, gain this clue and
ancient mummy, but somebody recently petrified by the continent of Mu ( ). If you pass, gain this
improve either Lore or Will.
gaze of Ghatanothoa. Gain this clue. clue and one Sea Ticket.

Right when you are about to set up camp for the night, you are
As you trek through the wilderness, you come across a deep In the middle of the woods, you come across a lot full of startled by a series of moans nearby. You follow them to their source
canyon that is not marked on the map. The way is too steep, so garbage. This is the place. An important scroll lies somewhere and find a man with his lower half mummified. You notice that the
you have to rely on your eyesight to investigate the canyon in this garbage pile. You try to move the garbage around to mummification is slowly creeping up the man’s body ( ). If you pass,
from afar ( ). If you pass, you notice green lakes at the find it ( ). If you pass, gain this clue. If you fail, some of the the man beckons you over and tells you that the gaze of Ghatanothoa
bottom of the canyon. You recognize them as the liquid left made him like this, gain this clue. He thanks you for talking with him in
garbage falls over and hits you, lose 1 Health.
his final moments, and then asks you to end his suffering. You work up
behind from Lloigor explosions, gain this clue.
the will to kill him ( ). If you pass, retreat Doom by 1.

You fear that the cults of Ghatanothoa and Cthulhu may You know that somebody on your ship must be working The tsunami originated in the place that your boat now floats
be working together ( ). If you pass, you recognize with the cult of Ghatanothoa, you try to find him before above. You observe the surrounding area ( ). If you pass, you
members of the Cthulhu cult boarding a boat to a remote he finds you ( ). If you pass, gain this clue. If you fail he find green slime mingling in with the nearby water, gain this clue.
If you fail, hours of searching with zero results leaves you
island where the Ghatanothoa cult meets. Gain this clue. performs some sort of ritual on you in your sleep, gain a
exasperated, lose 1 Sanity.
Madness condition.
7 8 9
You try to convince the politician of the dangers the You’ve been watching him for a few minutes now. The
In the museum there are many artefacts on dis-
world is in ( -2). If you pass, gain this clue. The politician artist carving an image of Ghatanothoa into the marble
play. You know that one of them is from the
enacts measures to ensure his city and the surrounding block. You know that even a replica could be dangerous.
continent of Mu, but which one ( )? If you pass, area stays safe, retreat Doom by 1. If you fail, he sends You barrel into his studio in an attempt to stop him ( ). If
gain this clue. you to a psych ward, gain a Detained condition. you pass, you incapacitate him, gain this clue. If you fail,
the man kicks you out, lose 1 Health.

You follow your map to the area the locals mentioned. You stumble into the clearing, too tired to keep moving. This area may contain a secret that would be of immeasura-
Some ancient tablet lies buried underground nearby. Before long, you start snoring loudly. Suddenly, you are ble help to you. However, it is scattered with rocks and
When you arrive, you get out your shovel and start rudely awakened. You are Ambushed by a Monster! If other debris. You will have to move the rocks and look to
digging ( ). If you pass, gain this clue. If you fail, gain a you defeat the monster, gain this clue. see if you can find it ( and ). If you pass, advance the
Back Injury condition. current mystery. If you fail, advance Doom by 1.

As you look up into the night sky, you try to Staring off the boat into the sloshing waves, you begin to The waves suddenly become violent. Perhaps
interpret the constellations in the sky ( ). If see out spectral faces in the water ( ). If you pass, gain Ghatanothoa’s father is trying to help him? You hold on
this clue. If you fail, gain a Hallucinations condition. tight to the railing ( ). If you pass, gain this clue. If you
you pass, gain this clue. You may also lose 1
fail, gain an Injury condition.
Health and 1 Sanity to move the Omen.

10 11 12

The man leading you through the alley suddenly stops, and
You go into the mysterious library to look for Lying down in the hotel bed, you are suddenly assaulted someone grabs you by the shoulder. “Just kidding, I had no
books containing old maps ( ). If you pass, you by someone from behind! You try to fend off your idea what you were talking about, get him boys!” You
find one that gives you hints towards the location attacker ( ). If you pass, you knock him down and inter- turn around to see two muscular thugs. You try to fend
rogate him, gain this clue. If you fail, he strikes you down them off ( ). If you pass, turns out he really DID know
of the continent of Mu.
and slips away when the hotel workers come running to what you were talking about, gain this clue. If you fail, lose
see what the ruckus is, gain an Injury condition. 1 Health and 1 Item asset.

You break the window and enter the abandoned cabin

You suddenly come across a trail of dead animals, In the centre of the large clearing lies an etching in the
for a place to rest. You suddenly hear a crashing noise
each with a large incision on their bodies. You dirt. It bears a close resemblance to Ghatanothoa’s face.
from another room. You try to conceal yourself as best
You feel slight unease set in, and try to cover up the
as you can ( ). If you pass, you see a hooded man try follow the trail ( ). If you pass, you come across
image ( ). If you pass, you succeed, gain this clue. If you
to search for you, gain this clue. If you fail, your nerves traces of Mi-go, gain this clue.
fail, flip a visage token.
can barely handle the pressure, lose 1 Sanity.

You find dozens of terrifying masks hidden in the cap-

“FIRE!” The crewman screams. You rush down to help The stars in the night sky seem almost as if they are moving.
tains quarters. You try to throw them overboard as Hold on, one of them really is! It swoops down towards you;
him put out the fire in the lower decks ( ). If you pass,
stealthily as possible ( ). If you pass, gain this clue. If you are Ambushed by Mi-go Monster! If you defeat it, gain
you put out the fire and find strange claw marks, gain this
you fail, the captain throws you overboard instead. this clue.
clue. If you fail, you manage to put the fire out, but not
Move to the nearest city and become Delayed.
uninjured. Lose 2 Health.
13 14 15

As you take a sip of your drink at the restaurant, you

The researcher tells you he may be able to help This library may have information on Yuggoth,
start to feel a little dizzy ( ). If you pass, you confront
you find out how Ghatanothoa came to this Ghatanothoa’s place of origin. You look through
the waiter and find out they spiked your drink. As the
authorities drag them away, they scream prayers to planet. You both go through his notes ( ). If the books ( ). If you pass, gain this clue and
Ghatanothoa, gain this clue. If you fail, you wake up on you pass, gain this clue. improve Lore.
the outskirts of the city, unsure of how you got there.
Gain an Amnesia condition.

In your travels, you come across an old hermit. He carries As you prepare to leave your camp, you hear footsteps Suddenly, an earthquake strikes the area that
around a book with markings that seem familiar to you. approaching. You hide in a place where you can watch you are in. You try to discern the source ( ). If
You try to convince him to let you look at it ( ). If you whatever’s coming go by ( ). If you pass, gain this clue.
you pass, gain this clue. If you fail, you are too
pass, he tells you he was waiting for you to find him, gain If you fail, flip a visage token.
this clue and one random Tome asset. distracted to notice the ground open up beneath
your feet. Gain an Injury condition.

As you sail across the sea you come across a floating chunk of You try to convince the captain to bring you closer to The captain can’t take your ramblings about eldritch horrors
land. A strange glow emanates from it. You try to discern its anymore. He asks you to give you one reason not to kick you
the rocky island ( ). If you pass, he takes you there.
origins ( +1). If you pass, you know that it came from the off the boat ( ). If you pass, you convince him. He tells you
Your suspicions were correct. The rocks have ancient
continent of Mu, gain this clue. that you brought up bad memories of a past experience, and
markings on them, gain this clue.
he tells you of it, gain this clue. If you fail, become

16 17 18
The patient in the asylum begs for you to approach him. You believe that members of a crime syndicate may have connec- A museum containing an extensive library of maps
tions to the cult of Ghatanothoa. With a any allies you can
You may become Delayed to listen to his story. If you do, stands before you. You may become Delayed to
gather, you storm the syndicate’s headquarters ( -3, gain +1 for
he tells you in horrific detail about how he gazed with one enter the museum. If you do, gain this clue and
every Ally you have and every Investigator on your space). If
eye into the stare of Ghatanothoa ( -1). If you pass, he you pass, gain this clue and two other clues. If you fail, you are two other clues.
thanks you for believing him, gain this clue and retreat severely injured, lose 2 Health and gain an injury condition.
Doom by 1. If you fail, flip a visage token.

One of the trees suddenly catches your attention. You The cave leads deeper than you expected. Paranoia You are surprised to find a small little house in the middle
approach it and find the visage of Ghatanothoa carved starts to creep in as you feel like you’ve been here of the wilderness. You talk to the couple who lives there
into the tree! Flip a visage token. If you are not devoured, longer than you should ( ). If you pass, you find ( ). If you pass, they share vital information, gain this
gain this clue and one other clue. ancient markings in the cave, gain this clue. If you fail, clue. Either way, recover all of your sanity.
gain a Paranoia condition.

Through some momentary burst of power, the visage of You find strange markings in the lower areas of the ship As you sleep, a presence watches over you ( ). If you
Ghatanothoa manifests for a brief moment in the clouds ( ). If you pass, you recognize it as the language spoken pass, you fend off the mental attack, gain this clue. If you
above. Flip a visage token. If you are not devoured, gain by the people of Mu, gain this clue. fail, flip two visage tokens.
this clue.

19 20 21

A masquerade party is going to take place tonight, but you

You sneak through the art gallery at night, trying The beautiful garden behind the manor hosts a
know that the host is part of the cult of Ghatanothoa, and will
to be as quiet as you can ( ). If you pass, you undoubtedly give his fellow cultists masks of the visage. You collection of human statues. One of them isn’t
take down the covered painting of Ghatanothoa’s barter with a guest to trade something for their invitation really a statue. You search the garden ( ). If you
visage. Gain this clue. If you fail, you are caught ( ). If you pass, he hands it to you. You enter early and pass, gain this clue. If you fail, flip a visage token.
destroy the masks before the host enters, gain this clue. If
by the guards, gain a Detained condition.
you fail, flip a visage token.

As you walk into the cave with the markings above it, the
ground suddenly disappears from beneath your feet. You In the shadows of the night, you swear you can A group of wild animals lay mummified in front of you,
can feel your molecules tear apart and rearrange themselves see strange faces staring at you . Flip a visage and behind a group of trees stands a man in a thick cloak.
( ). If you pass, draw an Other World Encounter and He wears a terrifying mask. You charge towards him,
token. If you are not devoured, gain this clue
resolve it as if you passed every test, where it would say trying not to look at the mask ( and ). If you pass,
and another clue.
“Close this gate”, gain a clue instead. If you fail, gain a gain this clue. If you fail, flip a visage token.
Lost in Time and Space condition.

As you stare into the full moon, you swear you You try to convince one of the crewmen to give The seaman suddenly begins to babble phrases in what at
can almost make out a face. Flip a visage token, if you the strange pendant he’s wearing ( ). If you first seems incoherent ( ). If you pass, you recognize
you are not devoured, gain this clue. pass, he gives it to you, gain this clue.
the ancient language of Mu, gain this clue.

22 23 24

“You’re fired!” The Indian man in the pizza place yells

The local theatre has been infiltrated by cultists, and at you. You have no idea what he’s talking about, but
The man thanks you for saving one of his family members
they are about to show an image of the visage of you try to negotiate ( ). If you pass, “This is your
earlier. He says he works at a transportation company.
Ghatanothoa to unsuspecting viewers. You storm the last chance,” he says as he hands you a fresh pizza.
Gain a Train Ticket and a Sea Ticket as thanks for helping
theatre and try to stop the cult ( -1). If you pass, You stare at him in bewilderment. “GOOOO!” He
his family. You try and press him for information ( ). If
gain this clue. If you fail, flip a visage token. you pass, gain this clue. yells. Gain this clue and a Courier Run Unique Asset.

“The cult doesn’t know what they’re doing!” The grizzled

You encounter an injured man that was attacked You light your torch in the dark cavern, casting the
old man tells you. You know that isn’t true. You try to
by the cult. You ask him to share his story ( ). If darkness away. The light reveals an ancient marking, you
dispel the fiction ( ). If you pass, you tell him “The cult
you pass, gain this clue. try to decipher its meaning ( ). If you pass, you learn
knows exactly what they’re doing. They’re undergoing a
that Ghatanothoa is sealed away underground, in the
systematic effort to awaken an old one.” Gain this clue.
continent of Mu. Gain this clue.

You point your gun at the line of cultists tied up on the boat. “First one to talk, gets to
Something suddenly rocks violently against the boat. You One of the crewmen asks you to spot him as he repairs stay on my ship!” None of them respond. “Awful lotta loyalty for insane cultists” One of
rush out to see what it is; a Lloigor emerges from the part of the boat ( ). If you pass, you notice signs that a the cultists talks to you, he wears a mask “Or perhaps they are wondering why someone
would shoot a man before throwing them off of a ship” You approach him, “If I take that
waves! Spawn on Lloigor on this space and gain this clue. Mi-go caused the damage, gain this clue. If you fail, mask off, will you die?” “It would be extremely painful” “You’re a big guy” “For you”
Suddenly, the cultists are no longer tied up! They charge towards you ( ). If you pass,
become delayed unless you spend 1 Focus.
they get what's coming to them, gain this clue. If you fail, their master plan is enacted,
advance Doom by 1.

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