Mystery of The Elder One

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The setup
Take all mystery cards of all the 'Ancient One' and shuffle them.
Then draw 8 cards (without looking) - This is the mystery deck.
All other mysteries set aside and become the 'Additional knowledge' deck.

In the first round flip over the first 2 cards – this is the current mysteries.
All Ancient One sheets placed beside the board
The doom token placed on 15 for long and slowly search, 13 for normal.

Cultists effect of an Ancient One take effect only if this Ancient One as a mystery currently in play.

Take 7 yellow, 7 green and 2 blue Mythos card at random and preform the Mythos deck.

The gameplay
The player can choose what mystery they want to solve (they can try to solve both simultaneously) and when they do,
immediately replace the solved mystery by a new one.

After the players solved 3 mysteries from the same Ancient One they can try to search for more strange events and keep
solved more mysteries OR they can leave their search and assume they stop the threat.
In that case: the players flip over all the mystery cards in the deck (none the 'Additional knowledge' deck) and see which
Ancient One had the most cards in the deck (including the solved mysteries): he is the true threat the world.
If the mysteries they solved belong to that Ancient one: they did good and stop the apocalypse. They win!

If they do not solved 3 mysteries of the true threating Ancient One: the doom track advancing 1 point and they must try to
solved the remaining mysteries to get 3 solved of that specific Ancient One - one after the other!.

If they do not solve the 3 real mysteries and doom token reach zero – face up all mystery cards and see which Ancient One
have the most cards in the deck – he is the true threat and he his Awaken!!!

If there is no Ancient One with 3 or more mysteries in the deck: any 3 mysteries will do to win the game.

If there is a tie between the Ancient One: any 3 mysteries of the same type will do.

Additional rules
When players draw research encounter, they can choose any type of research card (of any Ancient One) that have a
mystery card currently in play.
When a player get a clue from a research card, he can lose that clue to discard one Matching mystery that are currently in
play (only of the same ancient one as the research card) and place it in the bottom of the mystery deck.
By that he showing that he realized that this is not a real threat – and draw a new mystery.

Every time that player get a clue token he can lose that clue to take the top card from the 'Additional knowledge' deck and
place him in the bottom of that deck.
By that he can guess who the Ancient One with the most cards in the real deck and try to solve the right mysteries.

When the Omen advances if no gates match the omen symbol, spawn clues on any gates that have no clues.
Any mystery that refers to the ability of an Ancient One take effect only if this Ancient One as a mystery currently in play.

The player need to watch the mysteries from the deck and from the 'Additional knowledge' deck to try figure out who is the
Ancient One that have the most cards in the Mystery deck and try to solve only his mysteries to stop him!
General Modifications
In the setup the players can make a balanced Mythos cards for more Thematic game.
Draw 3 easy cards, 3 normal cards and 1 hard card from the yellow Mythos cards.
Draw the same amount from the green Mythos cards. And 1 blue card to each difficulty
Shuffle all of them together and take a random cards by their difficulty as described:
2 hard. 3 normal. 1 easy
Above them:
1 hard. 3 normal. 2 easy
Above them:
4 easy. 1 normal.

Take all other Hard Mythos cards from the deck and place them beneath those card.
This is the Mythos deck.

After player make his actions he can decide to continue to his encounter phase or wait for other players to finish their
actions and do his phase after them…

(The leading player get always one additional action. Optional for Odd number of players)
----------------------- -------------------------------------

Delayed investigator need 1 action to stand up and then he can do their other action as usual.

Each Clue token give the player to add 1 die to the roll OR reroll 1 die and this die consider a blessed one.

Focus tokens give the players to reroll how many dice they want from their roll

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