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Diagnostic Test A

D don’t plays
8 ‘My father has a good job.’ ‘Oh, where ______?’
1 02 Listen to the recording twice and choose A is he work B does he work C works he
the correct answer.
D does he works

1 The town has two _____.

9 I get up at _____ every morning.
A banks B supermarkets C post offices
A half to seven B half past six C half before seven

2 The town has a _____.

10 _____ a bank in this street?
A police station B train station C bus station
A Is it B Are there C Is there D There’s

3 The town does not have a _____.

11 My brother is _____ to me in the photo.
A church B swimming pool C cinema
A in front B behind C next D between

4 At the sports centre, people can play badminton

12 ‘Where’s Emma?’ ‘_____ in the living room.’
and _____.
A She’s reading B She’s read C She reads
A volleyball B squash C football
D She reading

5 Ashley goes _____ at the sports centre.

13 My little sister _____.
A running B swimming C skiing
A is five years old B has five years
C is five years D is old five years

Grammar & Vocabulary 14 My teacher is a very nice woman, and I like

2 Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D. _____ a lot.
A it B she C her D him
1 Carole, _____ your mobile phone number?
A how is B what’s C what D how 15 I _____ English and French.
A can speak B can speaks C cans speak
2 _____ 11 players in a football team. D can speaking
A It’s B There C They are D There are

3 ‘_____ from England?’ ‘No, I’m from Scotland.’

A You are B Be you C Are you D Is you

4 This is _____ car.

A my brothers B my brother C my brother’s
D my brother his

5 ‘Have you got an electric guitar?’ ‘No, _____.’

A I haven’t B I’ve not C I haven’t got
D I’ve not got

6 We’ve got _____ at school this week.

A a new teacher B teacher new
C new teacher D a teacher new

7 My friends _____ computer games.

A don’t play B doesn’t play C aren’t play
Diagnostic Test A
3 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or
false (F)?

My best friend
My name’s Ben. My best friend is John.
John and I go to the same school. John
and I walk to school together, but we’re
not in the same class for every subject.
John is very good at sports and he plays
for the school football team. He likes
music and he has guitar lessons, but he’s
not very good at playing the guitar.
John lives opposite my house. He lives in a
semi-detached house – all the houses in
the street are semi-detached. John’s got a
brother and a sister. He shares a bedroom
with his brother.
They’ve got a TV and a computer in their
room. They don’t play computer games very
often – they use the computer for their
homework. I’ve got my own room in my
house, but I haven’t got a TV or a
computer in my room.

1 John can play the guitar well. ____

2 John lives in a semi-detached house. ____
3 John has his own room. ____
4 John’s brother does homework on a computer.
5 I watch TV in my room. ____

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