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End of term 1 speaking test

About you Photo description

1 Talk about your family, your home town and 3 Describe the photo.
your hobbies.
Photo A
 Who is in your family? Describe one person in
 What can you see? Where are they? What food
your family.
is there?
 Where do you live? What are your favourite
 Describe one of the boys.
places in your town / village?
 Describe one of the girls.
 What sports do you do? What clubs are there at
your school?
EXTENSION Answer the questions.
 What’s your favourite food?
Role play  Describe your favourite restaurant.
2 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in
the box. Then practise the dialogue.
Where are they in this photo?
How do you spell that? I’ve got some photos
She’s the girl They’re lucky!

A Hi Polly.
B Hi Marc. What’s that?
A (1) _______________________ of my cousins
in Scotland – Maira and Gordon.
B Maira? (2) ______________________
A M-A-I-R-A. Look. (3) ______________________
with the short, fair hair.
B That’s a good photo. Is that her brother?
A Yes. That’s Gordon. He’s 15.
B (4) _______________________
A They’re in front of the cinema. They live opposite
the cinema in Edinburgh.
B (5) _______________________

EXTENSION Imagine you have some photos of

your cousins. Show them to a friend.
A Say ‘hi’ and introduce yourself.
B Respond.
A Explain that you’ve got some photos. Say who is
in the photos.
B Ask how to spell one name.
A Respond. Describe the appearance of that
B Ask about another person in the photo.
A Respond.
B Ask where they are in the photo.
A Respond.
B Respond.

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