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YouTube videos as a digital source of information in eLearning

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YouTube represents one of the globe’s largest and most essential video information

organizations, owning no satellite trucks. In only seven years of existence, it has developed into

an essential source of information. It has enabled tens of millions of people worldwide to obtain

information from whenever places they are and at any time. The main objective of this paper is to

demonstrate how YouTube as a search-engine can be used as a digital source of information as in

the case of Mr. Ford’s class presentation on the cardiovascular system: Movement of blood.

Mr. Ford presents to us the three principles controlling the major functions of the

circulatory system: The blood flowing to the tissues is determined by the needs of each tissue since

tissues have different needs due to their different activities. These needs are monitored by the

arterioles and capillaries. The second principle is cardiac output which forms the sum of all local

tissue blood flow; the heart pumps out only what the tissues send back. Lastly, he talks about

arterial pressure as often controlled without the influence of cardiac output or local blood flow.

In explaining the different aspects of blood flow, Ford uses a mathematical expression to

illustrate the concepts of the pressure difference between the two ends of the vessel facilitating the

flow and resistance to the blood flow.

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On the concept of heart action, he defines stroke volume as the quantity of blood pumped

out of the heart with each ventricular contraction. He then describes cardiac output as the volumes

of blood pumped out per minute—an average of 5 liters per minute at rest. He then defines blood

volume as the amount of blood in the vascular system; including the plasma and formed elements.

The presenter further explains the concept of resistance to flow; as blood moves along the

blood vessels, it encounters peripheral resistance. Vasoconstriction increases the resistance while

vasodilation decreases the resistance. The two mechanisms work concurrently.

On viscosity, he argues that the greater the viscosity the increase in resistance to flow, thus

the increase in pressure required in moving blood. Erythrocyte count and albumin concentration

are Major contributors to blood viscosity. Moreover, the red blood cells found in blood gives it a

greater viscosity as opposed to that of water.

Lastly, he introduces the concept of hematocrit. This is the percentage of blood made of

cells, typically around 40% and 60% plasma. Increase in number of cells in blood, increases

hematocrit, increasing viscosity, and resistance to blood flow

YouTube videos can be beneficial in generating and promoting online discussions. The

person posting the YouTube material can influence online discussions by asking their audience to

add their insight like in the case of Mr. Ford’s presentation.

It allows for micro-learning; the audience can watch the videos at whatever time they like

and take their own time in absorbing the information. This is relevant to the above scenario.

It encourages the development of note-taking skills; viewers can improve their skills of

note-taking through rewinding as well as replaying the video till they fully grasp its content and

main points.
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It enables understanding of complex ideas; certain topics can be challenging to explain.

Videos are ideal for visual contexts that help learners to acquire and retain knowledge easily.

Its benefits notwithstanding, YouTube can be associated with some shortcomings; one

must be connected to the internet to access the needed information. This may not be affordable to

some individuals.

YouTube videos may not be convenient for the deaf and blind. Just as in the case of Mr.

Ford’s presentation, the sound and visual contexts may not be appropriate for those with hearing

and visual disabilities respectively.


As YouTube remains to be a leading search-engine for videos, its role in the society will

rise. There should be discussions concerning YouTube’s credibility as a digital source of

information. It may not be a trustworthy source, but do not fear using it in formulating opinions as

well as arguments, as long as you make sure it is fact-checked.

Works cited
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"8 Important Reasons Why YouTube Should Be Part of Your eLearning Course." eLearning

Industry, 12 Mar. 2018,


"Cardiovascular System: Movement of Blood (14:11)." YouTube, 28 May 2013,

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