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In real sense operant as well as classical conditioning are basically two different ways of

learning throughout the life of a person. After reading the topic focusing on behavioral

perspective I have come to realize that operant, as well as classical conditioning, are similar and

different in one way or the other. For example, it is clear that both operant as well classical

conditioning can be affected by various factors in the life of a person .For instance, they can be

affected by the frequency together with the time of administration. In addition, both classical and

operant conditioning can pass through the stages of acquisition and extinction. This happens due

to the fact, after acquiring a certain behavior the existence of that behavior will basically be

determined by how the behavior is continuously repeated and applied. For example, if both

operant, as well as classical conditioning, are withheld at some point in life they will become

extinct. Moreover, both classical and operant condition can be reversed by applying various

forces. For example, in the case of classical conditioning, you find that it can be reversed through

counterconditioning whereby an individual is exposed to a kind of stimuli which can reverse his

or her behavior. On the other hand, operant conditioning can be reversed through the application

of various punishments and reinforcement materials depending on the behavior in question. This

means that the similarities exhibited by both operant and classical conditioning enable them to

exist simultaneously. On the other hand, one difference between operant and classical

conditioning is that operant conditioning usually emphasizes on weakening or strengthening

behaviors. On the other hand, classical conditioning puts emphasis on automatic and involuntary


Classical conditioning is basically a type of learning that entails gaining of new behavior

or information. In this regard, acquiring of new information can change the behavior of a

particular of a person because his or her behavior will be influenced in one way or the other.

Classical conditioning usually occurs on a daily basis only that people rarely notice them. For

example, I happened to visit a hospital and I came to realize that babies cry due to the pain

inflicted by the needle. In response to this other babies start to cry even before seeing the needle

as a result of classical conditioning. In my case, one of my friends was bullied during the first

day of high school. As a result of experiencing bullying during the first day of reporting in that

school, my friend started to fear and hate the moment he thought about that school. In addition,

another friend of mine dislikes Mathematics subject because he was severely punished and

humiliated by the Mathematics teacher after failing to do the homework. Moreover, some of my

friends were full of fear and anxiety the moment we joined high school but one of the teachers

started to organize us in groups of ten in order to improve our confidence and reduce

unnecessary fear when speaking in front of the people. After one year of working as a group,

those friends who were fearing to speak in front of the class gained courage and started talking

confidently without fear. This means that a teacher can create a positive class relationship as a

result of the classical conditioning. Lastly, one of my friends has recently been influenced by the

media after observing a modeling contest. For example, her walking style has changed because

she now wants to behave like a model. The change of her behavior has been as a result of

classical conditioning.

In the case of operant conditioning, you find that behavior is basically controlled or

influenced by its consequences. In reality, there are three main responses that in most cases can

follow a behavior. These responses include the reinforcing people, neutral operant, and

punishers. In this regard, if a person tries to reflect on his or her own life he or she will realize

that the source of motivation was as a result of operant conditioning. For example, one of my

friends a few years ago was behaving like a lazy person and largely neglected his studies but

after receiving a severe punishment from his parents and scolding from the teacher he has

decided to leave that behavior once and for all because he has now become an active student.

When I was reading this chapter I was mostly thinking about how we can apply operant

conditioning in order to improve the performance of people. For example, operant conditioning

can very well be used as a learning strategy in the army .For, example the soldiers who are under

training are usually scolded in order to improve their discipline and performance. In addition, as

I was reading the chapter I came to realize parents can have a great influence on the child's

behavior due to classical conditioning. For example, if the parents are loving and caring people

the child will grow knowing that his parents are friendly and loving people.

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