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Course Introduction

Date: Tuesday November 6th

Desired Outcomes:
- Outline classroom expectations
- Overview class syllabus
- Introduce students
- Classroom Guidelines (30 copies printed)
- Google Form Pre-Assessment
Pre-Class Preparation:
- Write Mr. DeNunzio on white board
o Include phonetic spelling
- Write AP Economics on the board
- Write down Google Forms link on white board
o Also will include link on the portal page
- Write on board “Do-Now” activity
o Have students pick up classroom expectation sheet on the way into class
o Have students make a name placard as they enter class
- Write on board the desired objectives
- Print out 30 copies (14 per class) of classroom guidelines
Opening (4-5 Minutes):
- Introduce myself to the class
o Mr. DeNunzio
o Flagg III
o Football in the fall, AP weights winter, and baseball in the spring
o Will be teaching two sections of AP Econ, Mrs. Leyden will teach the other two
- Welcome to AP Economics
- Make sure everybody has picked up a classroom expectations packet
- Make sure everybody has made a name placard
- Hold off on writing the link below I’ll explain the rest of the things on the board
- Before going into everything, I’m new here at Loomis, so I don’t know names we’re
going to introduce ourselves to the class
o More so than that I really want you all as a class to know each other, to engage
with one another
o AP course that has two AP exams and you are each other’s greatest ally’s
o We will do a good number of group activities, sometimes I’ll pick groups,
sometimes I’ll let you pick groups, so everybody has to know each other and
work together
o We have one common goal of tackling the AP, much easier to do that as a group
 Now I’ll be getting off my coaching soap box
Name Game (10-12 Minutes)
- Turn to the person sitting next to you and here’s what I want to know
o 1. Name
o 2. Where they’re from
o 3. Where they are living on campus (Because I don’t know all the dorm names
o 4. The one thing they’ve done that they think nobody else in the room has done
- You will be introducing your partner so you need to remember all the details
- Giving you 1 minute to think about your activity and then 2 minutes to discuss with your
- Every student will stand up
- Students will then go around the room introducing their partners, each partner will only
have 30 seconds to introduce their peer to the class
- If nobody has your activity you can sit down
- If somebody has your activity you have to remain standing and we’ll come back to you at
the end
- Goal is to have everybody in the class seated by the end
Classroom Logistics (5 Minutes) (Can shrink as needed, students can read and ask questions
- Take time out of class to read through the classroom guidelines
- Points of emphasis
o Classroom “Do-Now,” objectives
o AP curriculum, high expectations
o Classroom environment, respect and community
o Technology
o Keeping up to date on current events
o Best practices
Homework (2-3 Minutes)
- Reading tonight textbook pages 4-12
- Naked Economics Introduction
- Google Form
o Pre-assessment
- Turn it in (?)

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