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11/2/2017 Test: Sectionalism | Quizlet


5 Written questions

1. Region of the U.S. in the 1800's that was the center for industry, manufacturing, and shipping.  

2. The right of each state to make certain decisions without interference from the federal government.

3. Someone who works to end slavery.

4. This Act set up territory west of Missouri. Each state would use popular sovereignty to decide what to do about slavery. This began
fighting in the area. 

5. Advocated by Henry Clay and Stephen Douglas to settle status of the Mexican Cession. Stated: (1) California admitted as free state,
(2) territorial status and popular sovereignty of Utah and New Mexico territories 

5 Matching questions

1. Bleeding Kansas A. Made into a slave and treated as property

B. Leading cash crop in the South in the 1800's.

2. Cotton

3. Secede 1/4
11/2/2017 Test: Sectionalism | Quizlet

4. Freedman C. To leave or withdraw 

5. Enslave

D. A series of violent fights between pro-slavery and anti-slavery

forces in Kansas who had moved to Kansas to try to influence
the decision of whether or not Kansas would a slave state or a
free state.

E. A former slave that gained freedom or emancipation legally.

5 Multiple choice questions

1. A state witch does not allow slavery

A. Free State

B. Dred Scott v. Sanford

C. States' Rights

D. Abolitionist

2. Lincoln, the Republican candidate, won because the Democratic party was split over slavery. 

A. 36-30' Line

B. Sectionalism

C. Election of 1860

D. Uncle Tom's Cabin

3. Required that northern states forcibly return escaped slaves to their owners

A. Fugitive Slave Law

B. Election of 1860

C. Henry Clay

D. Kansas-Nebraska Act 2/4
11/2/2017 Test: Sectionalism | Quizlet

4. Well-known abolitionist that used violence to stop slavery immediately; Was convicted of treason and hung after leading an
unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. 

A. Bleeding Kansas

B. Freedman

C. John Brown

D. Popular Sovereignty

5. An agreement proposed by Henry Clay that allowed one state to enter the Union as a slave state and another to enter as a free state
and outlawed slavery in any territories or states north of 36°30´ latitude. 

A. Compromise

B. Missouri Compromise of 1820

C. Compromise of 1850

D. Election of 1860

5 True/False questions

1. When you support the region you live in rather than the entire U.S. 

 → Sectionalism



2. Book by Harriet Beecher Stowe that showed the evils of slavery and convinced many people that slavery had to end.  → Popular


False 3/4
11/2/2017 Test: Sectionalism | Quizlet

3. An agreement in which both sides give up some demands → Compromise



4. The idea government gets its power from the people. Territories that voted to become a slave or free state used this
principle → Uncle Tom's Cabin



5. Region of the U.S. in the 1800's that focused heavily on the plantation system and slave labor.  

 → North


False 4/4

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