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Lesson Plan Template A – ED 3501 MNO

Intro to the Chicken Dance Date April 17
Subject/Grade Time
Grade 1 Music 30 minutes
Level Duration

Unit Folk Dancing Teacher Mr. Zappone

Lesson The chicken dance will be introduced to students today.



Learning  enjoyment of music
Outcomes:  awareness and appreciation of a variety of music, including music of the many cultures
represented in Canada

Learning Rhythm
Outcomes: 1. Music may move to a steady beat.
1. Music can be organized into sections––alike or different.
2. A section may be repeated (verse, chorus).
4. Perform simple action songs and singing games.

Main Inquiry
How do you move to a rhythm?

(These How does rhythm change during songs?
facilitate and How do dance moves change when rhythm changes?
guide the
Students will:
1. Follow (B) actions of the teacher (P) in time to music for the chicken dance (M).
2. Move (B) in time to music (P) for the chicken dance (M).
3. Identify (B) sections of a song (P) when they occur in the chicken dance (M).

Formative: 
Observation/Anecdotal  Observation-Can students move to the beat and recognize changes to different
Self-Assessment sections.
Peer Assessment
Alberta program of study- Elementary Music  Chicken Dance (Sing n play album on spotify)

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 1

Lesson Plan Template A – ED 3501 MNO

Prior to lesson Prep music, sync ipad.

Introduction Time
Attention Grabber Play the chicken dance as you lead students into the room. Sit in a circle.
Have students tap the beat along with you. When it comes to the clapping
section, do the 4 claps along with the song.

Assessment of Prior Seeing if students can figure out the pattern of when to clap and accuracy
Knowledge of rhythm will act as a pre assessment.
Expectations for Students will not talk during instruction. During the dance they will
Learning and Behavior participate and follow along. They will not run around and swing their
partners vigoriously.
Transition to Body “Who knows what animal this song is named after? What do chickens
sound like?” 2

Body Time
Learning Activity #1 Chicken Dance
 “Everyone stand up.”
 “First thing we need to do is the beak, show me your beak hands.
Now, the chicken clucks 3 times. Everybody show me your
chicken clucking”
 “ Now the chicken flaps their wings. Everyone show me your
chicken wings. How many times do you think we flap our wings?”
 “Now the chicken twists down to the ground like this!” Show
students the waddle downward.
 “Now the chicken jumps up and claps just like we did at the
beginning of class! How many times did we clap?”
 “Now we repeat it all again.” Go through the steps again slower
with all the students. Put the music on and go through the first
section with the students.
 Play the music for the second section. Ask the students what
sounds different.
 The music is different. That means that our dance moves
 “Everyone join hands. We are going to skip to the right for 8
BEATS, then turn around and go the other way. We switch once
more both ways.”
 Go through this part of the song with the students.
 “What happens after we do these skips? What does this music
sound like?”
 Tell students that each section keeps repeating.
 “Now we are going to put it all together! Everybody show me
your beaks.
 Run through the song.
 After running the song, tell students that we are going to do it
again, but when we get to the second section, everyone is going
to do their best chicken impression until the music from the first
section starts again.

Teacher Notes: Assessments/

Learning Activity #2 FASTER 5

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 2

Lesson Plan Template A – ED 3501 MNO

 Tell students that you found a super special recording of the

chicken dance. It’s going to sound a little different at the end, so
make sure you are listening to how fast or slow the music goes!
Closure Time
Consolidation of Have students spread out.
Learning: “We are going to play the high-low game. I will play the piano. You have
to show me with your body if the sound is high by making yourself as 5
high up to the sky as possible, or if its low by making your body as low as

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 3

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