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Multiple choice

Choose A,B,C ,or D as the most appropriate answer.

1. Arrange the following words into a good sentence
The-out of-reach for-sure-batteries-keep-children-be-to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A.8-4-9-6-1-5-2-3-7 C.8-4-1-5-9-7-3-2-6
B.8-4-5-6-2-3-7-1-9 D.8-4-1-2-3-5-9-6-7
2. Arrange the following words into a good sentence
Not-place-them-recharge-do-on-metal-or-the batteries
A.5-1-8-4-9-2-7-3-6 C.5-1-3-8-4-9-2-7-6
B.5-1-4-9-8-2-3-6-7 D.5-1-8-3-2-5-9-6-7
3. Rearrange the sentences below into a good paragraph
1) Then just before we went to the airport we stopped at the Buggis street
2) On last day we had lunch on the orchard road
3) On the second day we went to the merlion state
4) Last year my friend and I went to the Singapore
5) On the first day we went to the universal studio
6) There we bought some gifts for friends
7) We took a lot of pictures around famous statue
8) We enjoyed a lot of rides from famous movies
A.4-5-3-7-8-2-1-6 C.4-5-8-3-7-2-1-6
B.4-5-7-3-8-2-1-6 D.4-5-2-3-7-8-1-6
4. Arrange the following sentence to make a good paragraph
1) Nature’s recycling programme for water is called the water cycle
2) Rain or snow eventually finds their way back to the ocean
3) Water falls from the air as rain or snow
4) Water goes from the ocean,lakes,and rivers into the air
5) One of the things nature recycle is water
6) Did you know that nature recycle too?
7) Maybe you recycle cans,grass,and paper
A.5-6-3-4-7-1-2 C.1-2-3-4-5-6-7
B.2-1-4-3-6-7-5 D.7-6-5-4-3-2-1
the following text is for questions 5 and 6
How to repeal mice

Mice might look cute ,but they can be harmful pets that destroy household items,eat mess with
food and spread severe diseses through their faeces and parasites they are some
useful tips on how to repeal mice.

1. Use peppermint .put te peppermint near wall corners

2. Pour generous amount of peppermint oil on to cotton balls
3. Place the saturated cotton balls in areas where mice are possibly seen around counter
tops ,under the sofas in your living room.
4. Put them behind shelves,wall corners or on the floor beneath your kitchen sink.

5.“Lightly beat the eggs...”(step 1)

The underlined word means...
A.crack C.rice
B.mix D.cook
6. “....until they are lightly scrambled...”(step 2)
The underlined word refers to...
A.oil C.rice
B.salt D.eggs
The following text is for questions 7 and 8

A Basic recipe for fried rice

Ingredients :
 2 large eggs
 1 teaspoon of salt
 Salt and pepper to taste
 4 tablespoons of cooking oil or as needed
 3 cups of cooked rice
 1-2 tablespoon of light soy sauce or oyster sauce,as desired
Steps :
1. Lightly beat the eggs with salt and pepper
2. Heat a wok and add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil.when the oil is hot,pour the
eggs.stir,until they are lightly scrambled but not too dry.
3. Add another 2 tablespoons of cooking oil.add the rice and stir fry for a few
minutes,using a wooden spatula.put soy sauce as desired.
4. Add the scrambled egg back into the pan .mix thoroughly.served hot.

7. Why do we use pepermint to repeal mice?because...

A.peppermint is fresh to breathe C.mice will die of breathing mint
B.mice love the peppermint D.mice hate the smell of peppermint
8. From the text we can conclude that...
A.mice spread severe diseases through faeces
B.peppermint is useful to repeal mice
C.mice love peppermint
D.we can place oil everywhere to repeal mice

9. Attention



The above notice is likely foud in a... C.bookstore D.religious site
10. Notice

Vehicles and content are left here entirely at

owner’s risk.

The notice means...

A.the vehicles and their contents must be left here
B.vehicles and their contents should be taken away from the site
C.the owners should report the management if they lose their vehicles or property
D.the management is not responsible for the vehicles and their contents left i the area.
the following text is dor questions 11 and 12
Bandung english center(BEC)
Get well soon
We miss you very much .we hope you will get well soon and continue your
Indah utami
Manager of BEC

11. Indah Utami sent the card because Sukma is....

A.happy C.silent
B.proud D.sick
12. Sukma is one of the BEC
A.students C.visitors
The following text is for questions 13 to 16

I live in a small village called Dempet in Demak,Central is a nice and quiet place .my
house is near bridge which goes to a market.Behind my house is a big river.The street in front of
my house is about ten meters wide.

People in my village are mostly farmers .they grow paddy,watermelons,and cucumbers.some

people earn their living by raising cattle,such as goats,sheep,and cows.some others and
traders.they sell crops and other stuff as the market .

Early in the morning ,the street in front of my house is always crowded by people going to the
market .the goods are carried by horse carts and bicycles.

13.What do the people in the writer’s village mostly do for a living ?by being a/an...
A.farmer C.shepherd
B.seller D.trader
14.How the villagers earn their living?they are...
A.growing flowers
B.raising chicken
C.selling paddy
D.driving horse carts.
15..“they sell crops and other stuff at the market.”(paragraph 2)
The underlined word has similar meaning with...
B.harvest goods
16..Behind the writer’s house is a...
A.big river
B.quiet place
C.small river
The following text is for questions 17 and 18

Nevada book fair

March 12-15

Before/after school and during lunch (8-4 p.m.)

In the hall of Global Jaya School)

17.What is the purpose of the text...
A. To inform the students about the kinds of books in the book fair
B. To let the students know about Nevada Publisher
C. To persuade the students to visit the book fair
D. To advertise Global Jaya School
18 How do the students help the school get free books? visiting the book fair working at the book fair buying the books at the fair donating money to yhe school
The following text is for questions 19 and 20
From : Maryam

To :Salma

I’m really sorry about the torn pages of your novel.I’m going to find a new copy and come
to your house to give it to you as soon as i have it.

19. Why does Maryam write the message? apologize inform about some torn pages confirm her visit to Salma’s house tell Salma that she will come immediatelly
20. What has Maryam promised to Salma? give Salma some money to buy a new one come to her house immediatelly substitute the novel say sorry
For questions 1 to 3,choose the correct words to complete the text below.
There once lived a very rich ,greedy king named Midas. He was fond of gold and had so much,
but was never ………21)one day, a God came to him and told the king that he could grant him a
wish. King Midas asked to have touch of a gold. King Midas was so happy that his wish was
granted, so he touched everything and was amazed to see that it turned into………22)gold. The
next day his daughter found out that the roses in the garden had changed into a gold, so she
went to meet her father and cried …………23)for she loved the flowers very much. King Midas
was sosorry and he touched his daughter 's …………24)to wipe her tears. King Midas was shocked
to see his beloved daughter suddenly turned into gold. He, then, begged the God to take away
his touch of gold and to return everything to normal. Luckily ,the god ………………25)and king
midas realized that wealth was not everything.
21. A. Satisfaction
B. Satisfying
22. A. Sparkling
B. Blurry
C. Clear
D. Dim
23. A. Joyfully
B. Bitterly
C. Happily
D. Angrily
24. A. Hair
B. Chin
C. Eyes
D. Cheeks
25. A. Agreed
B. Refused
C. Declined
D. Hesitated
The following text is for questions 26 and 27
Happy Chinese new year
You are invited to a Chinese new year party
Buffet Diner Provided
Date. : February 8
Time. : 7 P. M
Venue : Vina's residence
Jl. Tulus harapan no .215 Ungaran

26. the purpose of the text is to....

A. Invite the recipient to come to a new year's party
B. Tell the recipient to come on time in a new year's party
C. Inform the recipient about the agenda of a new year's party.
D. Inform the recipient about the dinner they will have during the party.
27. "Buffet dinner provided "
The underlined word means....
A. The guests are suggested to make an advance order upon their arrival
B. Food laid out on a table to which the guests serve themselves
C .dinner which is served based on the guest's order
D. Dinner which has only limited choices of food.
The following text is for questions 28-31

Once there was a monkey that lived in a forest. When the forest caught on fire, the monkey
ran to the river. He wanted to cross the river to move into another forest. Some crocodiles
were waiting in the river, looking for prey. As they saw the monkey, they threatened to eat

The monkey had an idea. He asked them to line up to count how many crocodiles he would
have to give his meat to. The crocodiles did so. The monkey counted them while jumping on
their backs to cross the river to the other side. When he got to the other side, the monkey
mocked the crocodiles for their foolishness and then ran away into the new forest.

28. What is the main idea of second paragraph?

A. The monkey mocked the crocodiles for their foolishness
B. The monkey wanted to move into another forest
C. The monkey had an idea to cross the river
D. The crocodiles threatened the monkey
29. what do we learn from the story?
A. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today
B. Think twice before you do something
C. Don't try to lie to your enemy
D. Intelligence is the best capital
30. what is the story about?
A. The jumping monkey
B. The monkey and the bushfire
C. The monkey and the crocodiles
D. The crocodiles and the new forest
31. "……the monkey mocked the crocodiles for their foolishness... "(Paragraph 2)
A. To give someone suggested
B. To make someone angry
C. To keep someone away
D. To laugh at someone
The text below is for questions 32-34.
Pure fruit juices
100% orange juice
Packed by:
Cape quench, athlone, 7764.
Shake well
350 ml
Ingredients : citrus concentrate, apple concentrate, citrus cells, stabilizer, antifoam,
carmosine Keep refrigerator

32. what information will you get from the label?

A .brands, quality, ingredients, price
B. Brands, ingredients, net weight, call center
C. Net weight, brand, manufactuter, owner
D. Quality, factory, tools, ingredients
33. it is suggested to shake well....
A. After we buying it
B. Before we consume it
C. During consuming the product
D. When we want to show the product
34. from the text above we know that....
A. It's better to serve it cold
B. The product is still fresh
C. We can cunsume it hot
D. The drink is not ready to serve.
The letter below is for questions 35 to 37

July 12 ,2002
The Manager
Jl.Merdeka 54
Dear sir,
I am one of the customers of your flight company.through this letter,I would like to tell you
something .this is about the services of your company.
Last Monday ,I flew to Medan on the flight number GA 116.on the schedule board,it was stated
that the plane would depart at 07.00 a.m.but the fact is,I had to wait for an hour before taking has happened many times because of that,i was late to attend an important meeting at
my office in Medan.You have to pay close attention to my letter .do your best for you
customers .I am sure that your realize how important the customers are for your company.I do
hope that you will consider this letter.
Your faithfully
Albert juice
35. What is the letter about?
A.complaining about the service
B.informing about the eeting
C.replying to the complaint
D.asking for information
36. Why was the writer late for his meeting?because...
A.the flight to Medan was delayed
B.he didn’t know the time.
C.he attended another activity
D.he forgot the flight schedule.
37. the letter us that the writer....
A. Was happy with the service
B. Attracts the manager's attention
C. Didn't like the customers
D. Has flown on Garuda to Medan many times
38. "the technology brings advantages to people in remote areas".
The underlined word has similar meaning to....
A. Famous
B. Distant
C. Large.
D. Tiny.
39. "Cozy home environment ".
The underlined word nearly has the same meaning as....
A. Comfortable
B. Modern
C. Exciting
D. Lovely
40. "......all the modern amenities & conveniences, but.... "
The underlined word has a similar meaning to....
A. Facilities
B. Faculties
C. Properties
D. Capacities
The following text is for questions 41 to 44

The earth has only natural satellite, the Moon. Its main elements
are rock and metal. There are no life forms on the Moon because
it is has no water or atmosphere. Most of the Moon's surface is
either roo cold or too hot for water to exist. The light we see
emanating from it is actually the reflection of the Sun's light.
Although we think it shines brightly, it reflects less than 20% of
the sunlight.

41.the text above mostly tells us about....

A. The Moon's temperature.
B. The Moon's shape
C. The Earth's Moon
D. Moons
42."most of the Moon's surface is either too cold or too hot for water to exist. "
What does the sentence imply of the temperature of the Moon's surface?
A. It is extreme
B. It is too cold
C. It is too hot
D. It is fickle
43."itsmain elements are rock and metal. "
The underlined word refer to....
A. The Earth
B. The Moon
C. Nature satellite
D. Rock and metal
44.why are there no life forms on the Moon?
A. It reflects the Sun's light
B. It has no water or atmosphere
C. Its main elements are rock and metal
D. The Moon has only one nature satellite
45.If I...... Long holiday, I will go to Bandung.
A. Has
B. Have
C. Had
D. Was
46.if Toni....... Up late, he will come late.
A. Wake
B. Woke
C. Wakes
D. Sit
The following text is for questions 47 and 48

Based on the approval letter of the Governor of Bank Indonesia No.13/108/KEP.GBI/201 I on
December 29,2011,we are pleased to announce that effective january 12,2012.
PT.Saphire Bank
Has changed its name to
PT Bank Diamond indonesia
The name change reflect the shareholding increase of shappire group limited from 85% to 99% in
PT Bank Diamond Indonesia as well as our strong and continuing support to Indonesia’s economic
Jakarta,january 12,2012
Board of Directors
PT Bank Diamond Indonesia

47. the text is about....

A. Bank Indonesia closing a certain bank
B. A change of a bank ownership
C. A change of name bank
D. An announcement of a bank's bankruptcy
48 . Why does the bank change its name?because...
A.they comitted to support Indonesian economic growth
B.there are some changes in shareholding
C.they governor of Bank Indonesia requested it
D.they already announced it to the public.
The following text is for questions 49 and 50
Seminar on "How to Live Green."
Time Agenda Speaker
07:00-08:00 Opening ceremony
08:00-08:30 break and greet with other
08:30-10:00 Why do we have to live green? Prof. Dr. Sofian
10:00-12:00 Discussion
12:00-13:00 Lunch and prayer
13:00-15:00 How to Live Green? Chairul Slim, Ph. D.
15:00-16:00 Closing ceremony

49.the participants are expected to get to know each other during the..... Session.
A. Opening ceremony
B. Closing ceremony
C. Meet and greet
D. Discussion
50.there will be..... Expert talking about the issue.
A. One
B. Two.
C. Three
D. Four
Kunci jawaban:
1. D 11. D 21. C 31. D 41. C
2. B 12. A 22. A. 32. B 42. A
3. C 13. A 23. B 33. B 43. B
4. C 14. C 24. D 34. A 44. B
5. B 15. B 25. A 35. A 45. B
6. D 16. A 26. A 36. A 46. C
7. D 17. C 27. B 37. D 47. C
8. B 18. C 28. C 38. B 48. B
9. D 19. A 29. D 39. A 49. C
10. D 20. C 30. C 40. A 50. B

Arranged by :
Name : Yessa Juliaputri
Number : 34
Class : IX B


PERIOD 2017/2018

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