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Sub Plans for 3/16/18-DNA Dan Part 2

Thank you for coming in today, I know you’ll have a great time! Students have been learning about Genetics
and DNA models. We’ve covered DNA function, structure, and comparing various models. Yesterday,
students learned about mutations, today they are applying their learning about mutations by using their
knowledge from a DNA Dan part 1 activity that we did together on Monday. The purpose of today is to
understand apply mutations to coding for mutated traits on a DNA Dan model (they draw a picture of a
creature known as “DNA Dan”).

Daily Schedule Period 1 (Science) 8:30 – 9:39

Period 2 (Science) 9:43 – 10:52
Core Plus/7th Lunch/Core Plus 10:56 – 1:19
Period 5 (Science) 1:23 – 2:32
Period 6 (Science) 2:36 – 3:45
I have NO DUTY this semester. Please stand in the hallway and monitor during passing periods.


Learning Objective: I can create “DNA Dan 2” using my application of knowledge about mutations.

Language Objective: I can write examples a mutation using the reading and worksheet.

Opening:  Take attendance (Rosters are on the desk with the seating charts)
5 min.  When students arrive in class, they should have their agenda out and they should
copy down the learning objective.
 Hook: Students answer the opener on their own (Please show opener picture of
sequence A and B presentation on board (Slide 1)!
Mini Lesson:  Debrief the dress with students (pull up slide 2): (2-3 mins)
5 min. × Ask students to share out what they thought the difference between
the sequence A and B (Sequence A is the original, sequence B is the
changed one…):
 You can use the playing cards to randomly select three
students to share.
 Have students repeat the learning objective with you. Make sure they know
that they will be understanding any change in DNA sequences known as a
“mutations”. (1-2 mins)
 Have students move forward into mini-lesson mode (they know what this
is, they need their notebook, pencil, chair and they need to move forward so
they can participate in the lesson) for the directions for work time (1 min)
Work Time  Set the expectations for the reading and worksheet (leave up slide 2) (1-2 mins)
55 min. × Example “You will remain in your seat during the work time, if you
have a question raise your hand and I’ll come around to answer in
the order questions are asked. Your voice level should be at a 0. If
you choose to be disruptive, you will work elsewhere. Make sure you
are answering the questions on the worksheet as you read along in
the assigned pages.”
 Show the materials by holding up the pages in the book Cells and Heredity
pg. 102-103 and a copy of the worksheet that every student needs.
Closing  Debrief the reading (pull up slide 3): (3-5 mins)
5 mins × Ask students to read the slide silently.
× Students fill out closer on their own.
× After students fill out closer, they clean up materials and get ready to
be dismissed and turn in worksheet to the Period (#) box (period
boxes are located by the hallway corner of the classroom).
 Have students return their Cells and Heredity textbook back to the center of
the table.
 Check to see that students have made sure all materials and supplies are
put away correctly.
 If there’s time, refer back to the learning objective—Ask students to reflect
on whether they met the learning objective.
 <1 min til bell: have students stand up, push in their chairs and wait quietly
to be dismissed. Dismiss by table.

Dealing with Behavior

If you get the sense that a student is deliberately being disruptive or trying to cause a distraction, remove
them from the class immediately. This will help you maintain control of the class and set an example for
those who are planning to mess around.

1st Period: This is a great class. Lots of helpful students.

Jesus is still a new and has very limited English. He is sitting diagonal from Camila who is a wonderful
student, and has grown in her English skills. They will both need a little bit of support accessing the text. If it is
too difficult, please feel free to give them the Spanish copy of the KidsHealth article. Please give only Jesus the
modified copy of the worksheet and reading in Spanish. Camila will be fine without one because her English is

Javier may need a bit of prodding to stay on task. He is fully capable, but he can get off task easily.

Beck is on a point sheet for production and preparedness. He is very good about getting it to you and reminding
you to mark it.

These students are also capable of good work, but occasionally let socializing get in the way. Please remind
them to stay on task: Damian, Kyarha, Essiah, Pablo, Armando, Jonothan, Branden B.

2nd Period: This is the largest class we have. They generally do a nice job, BUT they can get off task easily and
be a bit too chatty. They often need reminders to stay on task, stay focused and be productive. There are several
students who will need extra support in this class.

Hugo is a new student in this class, and sits at the front at the Tharp table. He speaks very little English, so
please make sure to give him a Spanish modified copy of the reading. Jimena is a student at the same table who
can help him out if he needs more assistance in Spanish for directions.

Connor is often absent, so when he is in class he is unsure or lost due to lack of background. He can give
negative feedback and not work (by choice). He sometimes refuses to participate appropriately. If this occurs,
please send him straight to the office.
Andru can have severe anxiety attacks. If he seems upset or asks for a break allow him to take a break (he can
go to the counseling office). He also has a pressure pass that he can show you to allow him to go straight there.
If he does go to counseling, please call Anita McKiernan x5175 and let her know that he is coming.

Cristo is OFTEN late, unprepared, unengaged in work, more interested in socializing, and intentionally
disruptive. Please remind him that we have had many conversations about the disruptive and distracting
behaviors. He is at an island (self-selected isolation) for a reason, he should not move the desk to join others. He
is on a behavior plan where if he gets more than one redirect for ANY behavior redirect, please send him
immediately down to the office with any work he may need.

These students are quite capable of good work, but OFTEN let socializing get in the way. Remind them to stay
on task and keep conversations on task: Gabriel, Giovany, Edgar, Samuel, Madeline, Alexander, Jakoeb.

These students will need extra support in academics and staying on task. They can easily be social and off task
and they avoid doing work because their skills are a bit lower. Please repeat expectations and directions often
for them: Isaiah Gallegos, Chantel, and Alianna (this student is very HOT and COLD, she occasionally gives
inappropriate feedback when approached to complete work—if this happens, send her to Mrs. Gilbertson or
Mrs. Aylor and call to make sure she arrived). Alianna is on a strict behavior plan where she needs to be held
back after class (she has no passing period). You will walk her to the library for her next class with Mr.

Martin is acquiring English and struggles with accessing the content. If you find that he is struggling too much
with the graphic novel and the graphic organizer, give him the Spanish KidsHealth article to read.

Samora, Brayan, Cason, Angel, and Maliyah are students who are SSN. They will have at least one (if not
two) para(s) with them. They have their own work that they will be completing while the others are completing
the readings. They are welcome to go to the library to complete their work or they can stay in the class, it’s up
to Sandra (paraprofessional).

5th Period: This class can be a challenge. This is a good group of kids, but they definitely struggle at the end of
the day. They can be very chatty, off task, show immature behaviors and socialize too much. They will need
multiple class reminders of expectations. They know what is expected of them and the afternoon is a difficult
time, especially coming back from core plus. There may be MANY students tardy.

These students may need extra help in academics and staying on task. They can easily be social and off task.
They also struggle with class work and their abilities are a bit lower. Please repeat directions and expectations
often for them: Abel, Zitlalic, Brieann, Aaliyah, Daisy (point sheet), Jaleesa, Jonathan C, Louie D, Lucius,
and Hector.

Ely Maez (point sheet), Chelsea Mendez, and Hunter Joe: These students are quite capable of good work,
but OFTEN let socializing get in the way. Please remind them to stay on task. These students may go (one at a
time) to run up and down the stairs to burn off extra energy (if they ask). This is just fine, they are trying to
release energy to then be in class appropriately. Again, ONE at a time and only for a few minutes.

Hailey H struggles with being productive and on task. She often comes unprepared and tardy. She will need
frequent check in’s and reminders to stay on task.

6th Period: Overall, this group is a great bunch of students. They can struggle at the end of the day and they will
test boundaries. They may need multiple reminders of expectations, especially regarding work time and
remaining in their assigned seats/not avoiding work.
Cody sometimes works with a Para-professional Ms. Suzie Johnson, she might come check in with him and she
also might not. He’s a great kid and usually does not have any behavior issues. He has VERY limited reading
and writing abilities. He uses a computer (that he brings to all his classes) to access google documents. If he is
shut down and unresponsive, please give him the choice to go see Mr. Halverson x8927 if he needs the break.

These students are capable of good work, but OFTEN let socializing get in the way. Please remind them to stay
on task, keep conversations on task, and stay in their seat: Dezzy S, Daissy, Jose E, Danny F, Kimmy,
Gonzalo, Genesis, and Lily.

Gabriella has HOT and COLD days. Sometimes she’s fine, and other times she is very emotional and struggles
being in class. If you notice her shut down, unwilling to work (even the littlest tasks), involved with others too
much, or really out of the moment, you can talk to her in the hall to see if she is ready to be in class. Offer her
options, like working in the hall or going to check in with a counselor. If you do send her to the counseling
office please call the office (x5161) and let them know that she’s headed down.

Names of students that were disrespectful or off-task:

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Names of students that were helpful or went above and beyond:

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I’m sure you’ll have a great day, but please write down the names of any students that are off task, disruptive,
disrespectful, etc. or students who were awesome.

Thanks, Amanda Conner

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