Zhang 2003

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Clin Genet 2003: 63: 139±144 Copyright # Blackwell Munksgaard 2003

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved CLINICAL GENETICS

ISSN 0009-9163

Short Report

The I allele of the angiotensin-converting

enzyme gene is associated with an increased
percentage of slow-twitch type I fibers in
human skeletal muscle
a b c
Zhang B, Tanaka H, Shono N, Miura S, Kiyonaga A, Shindo M, Saku B Zhang , H Tanaka , N Shono ,
K. The I allele of the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene is associated S Miuraa, A Kiyonagac,
with an increased percentage of slow-twitch type I fibers in human M Shindoc and K Sakua
skeletal muscle. a
Clin Genet 2003: 63: 139±144. # Blackwell Munksgaard, 2003 Department of Cardiology, Fukuoka
University School of Medicine, Fukuoka,
Faculty of Sports and Health Science,
The insertion (I) allele of the human angiotensin-converting enzyme Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan and
(ACE) gene is associated with lower serum and tissue ACE activity, and c
Department of Community Health Science,
with greater endurance performance and enhanced mechanical efficiency Saga Medical School, Saga
of trained muscle. We tested the hypothesis that the ACE-I allele may be
associated with increased slow-twitch fiber, which is more efficient than
fast-twitch fiber in low-velocity contraction, by examining the
association between the ACE genotype and skeletal muscle fiber (SMF)
types in 41 untrained healthy young volunteer subjects (31 males, 10
females, age 24  3 years). Skeletal muscle samples were taken from the
left vastus lateralis using the needle-biopsy method. Slow-twitch type I
fibers and fast-twitch type IIa and IIb fibers were classified
histochemically based on staining for myosin adenosine triphosphatase
(ATPase) activity at different pH values. Amylase-periodic acid-Schiff
staining was used to visualize capillaries around fibers. ACE-II subjects
had significantly (p < 0.01) higher percentages of type I fibers
(50.1  13.9% vs 30.5  13.3%) and lower percentages of type IIb fibers
(16.2  6.6% vs 32.9  7.4%) than ACE-DD subjects. The linear trends
Key words: ACE genotype ^ exercise
for decreases in type I fibers and increases in type IIb fibers from ACE-II endurance ^ muscle biopsy ^ muscle fiber
! ID ! DD genotypes were significant as assessed by an analysis of type ^ skeletal muscle
variance. The ratio of type I:II fibers also differed according to the ACE Corresponding author: Keijiro Saku, MD,
genotype. A multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the PhD, FACP, FACC, Department of Cardiology,
ACE-I allele had significant additive and recessive (codominant) effects Fukuoka University School of Medicine,
on the increased type I fibers and the ratio of type I:II fibers. No specific 7-45-1Nanakuma Jonan-ku, Fukuoka
814-0180, Japan.Tel.: ‡81 92 8011011;
pattern of capillarization was observed among the three ACE genotypes. Fax: ‡81 92 865 2692;
In conclusion, the ACE-I allele was associated with increased type I e-mail: saku-k@cis.fukuoka-u.ac.jp
SMF, which may be a mechanism for the association between the ACE Received 8 August 2002, revised and
genotype and endurance performance. accepted for publication 9 October 2002

The circulating human renin-angiotensin system produces the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II and
(RAS) (1) plays an important role in circulatory metabolizes vasodilatory kinins. A local RAS also
homeostasis. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) exists in skeletal muscle (2), and may work with other
metabolic tissue to influence the whole-body energy
Parts of this study were presented at the 72nd American Heart balance (3). The ACE gene shows a polymorphism
Association Scientific Sessions, 10 November 1999, in Atlanta. based on the presence [insertion (I)] or absence

Zhang et al.
[deletion (D)] of a 287-bp Alu-repeat element uate college students, and were not participating in
within intron 16 (4). The I allele is associated with any specific training. This protocol was approved
lower serum (5) and tissue ACE activities (6). by the Ethics Committee of Fukuoka University
The ACE I/D polymorphism has recently School of Medicine and written informed consent
attracted considerable attention with regard to its was obtained from all of the subjects.
association with exercise performance. The I allele
has been associated with superior exercise endur- Muscle biopsy
ance, as it is found at greater than expected fre-
quency in mountaineers (7), rowers (8), and elite Skeletal muscle samples were taken from the vastus
distance runners (9). Conversely, the D allele has lateralis using the needle-biopsy method, immedi-
been associated with power performance, and has ately mounted in an embedding medium (OCT
been found at a greater than expected frequency in compound) and frozen in isopentane cooled with
sprinters (9) and short-distance swimmers (10). liquid nitrogen as described previously (19, 20).
Several studies have failed to identify any associa- Serial 10 mM cross-sections were cut using a cryo-
tion between the ACE I/D polymorphism and elite stat at 20  C, pre-incubated at pH 4.3, 4.6, and
endurance performance (11±13) due to the use of 10.3, and incubated for the histochemical reaction
subjects from mixed sporting disciplines (10, 14). for myofibrillar ATPase at pH 9.4 to identify dif-
Although the mechanism by which the ACE I/D ferent types of fibers. Figure 1 shows serial sections
polymorphism is associated with endurance per- of human skeletal muscle using histochemical reac-
formance is not clear, William et al. (15) reported tions after pre-incubation at pH 4.6 for typical
that the presence of the ACE-I allele confers ACE-II (Fig. 1a) and DD subjects (Fig. 1b). As
enhanced mechanical efficiency (energy used per shown, pre-incubation at pH 4.6 did not inhibit
unit power output) in aerobically trained skeletal the ATPase reaction in type I fibers and inhibited
muscle. the ATPase reaction more in type IIa than in IIb
Human skeletal muscle is composed of a hetero- fibers, so that type I, IIa, and IIb fibers could be
geneous collection of muscle fibers of different easily recognized based on their staining intensity:
types with various metabolic and contractile pro- type I fibers were stained dark, type IIa fibers were
perties. Muscle fibers are generally classified as being stained light, and type IIb fibers had intermediate
either slow-twitch (type I) or fast-twitch (type IIa staining intensity. More than 200 fibers were
and IIb) based on their histochemical staining for counted for each subject, and the cross-sectional
myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity area was calculated. Fiber type was expressed
(16). ATPase-based type I, IIa, and IIb fibers cor- as the percent distribution area of the fiber type
respond to myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms (types I, IIa, and IIb). Recently, fibers that are
[MHCI, MHCIIa, and MHCIIx/d, respectively primarily denoted type IIb in human skeletal
(16)], and to metabolic enzyme-based fiber typing muscle have been shown to resemble type IIx
[slow-twitch oxidative (SO), fast-twitch oxidative- fibers in rat muscle. Capillaries were visualized by
glycolytic (FOG), fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) fibers, amylase-periodic acid-Schiff staining as described
respectively (17)].
Because muscular efficiency is related to the type
of muscle fiber [slow-twitch type I fibers are more
efficient than type II fibers when contractions are
performed isometrically or at relatively low veloci-
ties (18)], we tested the hypothesis that the ACE-I
allele may be related to an increased percentage
oftype I skeletal muscle fiber (SMF). Because
muscle fibers can be induced to transition from
type I to type II by specific training (17), we
examined the association between the ACE I/D
polymorphism and SMF types in untrained young
healthy subjects.

Study subjects
Fig. 1. Serial sections of human skeletal muscle using
The subjects consisted of 41 young healthy Japa- histochemical reactions after pre-incubation at pH 4.6 for
nese volunteers. They were undergraduate or grad- typical ACE-II (a) and DD subjects (b).

ACE genotype, skeletal muscle fiber types, and exercise
previously (19, 20). Capillary density was expressed Table1. Distribution of the ACE genotype in all of the subjects and
as the number of capillaries around each fiber the characteristics of subjects according to the ACE genotype
type. ACE genotypes
DNA extraction and ACE gene polymorphism
n 15 (39.0%) 17 (46.3%) 6 (14.6%)
Blood for leukocyte isolation and subsequent Age (years) 24.1  3.9 24.4  3.0 22.8  1.2
DNA preparation was collected in ethylenediami- Gender (F/M) 5/11 4/15 1/5
netetraacetic acid (EDTA)-containing tubes at a BMI (kg/m2) 23.3  3.7 22.5  2.6 21.0  1.9
final concentration of 50 mmol/l. Genomic DNA BMI: body mass index; ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme.
was amplified as previously described using the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers
flanking the polymorphic region (21, 22). PCR pro- differed among ACE-II, ID, and DD subjects
ducts of 490 and 290 bp were separated on 1.5% (Table 1), as assessed by an analysis of variance.
agarose gels and visualized by ethidium-bromide Figure 2(a) shows the percent distributions of the
staining, as described previously (23). Because the different types of skeletal muscle fiber (types I, IIa,
D allele in heterozygous samples is preferentially and IIb) among ACE-II, ID, and DD subjects. In
amplified, each sample that was found to have the all of the subjects, the average percentage of type
DD genotype was subjected to a second, indepen- I fiber was 43.9  13.6%, similar to that (45±55%)
dent PCR amplification with a primer pair that reported in untrained men and women (17). As
recognizes an insertion-specific sequence to avoid shown in Fig. 2(a), ACE-II subjects had a higher
mistyping the DD genotype (24). percentage of type I fibers and a lower percentage
of type IIb fibers than ACE-DD subjects, as
Statistical analysis assessed by ANOVA and Dunnett's multiple compari-
son test, while there was no significant difference
All of the statistical analyses were performed using in the percentage of type IIa fibers by ACE geno-
the Statistical Analysis System (Version 6.12, SAS type. As shown in Table 2, the linear decrease in
Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Differences in variables type I fibers and increase in type IIb fibers from
among ACE genotypes were examined by an ana- ACE-II ! ID ! DD genotypes were significant
lysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple comparisons
were made using Scheffe and Dunnett's multiple
comparison tests (25). Linear trends in the percen-
tages of SMF types across ACE genotypes were
also examined by ANOVA. The additive (scores of 0,
1, and 2 for DD, ID, and II, respectively), domi-
nant (scores of 0 for DD and 1 for ID and II
combined), and recessive effects (scores of 0 for
DD and ID combined and 1 for II) of ACE-I allele
on the distributions of the types of skeletal muscle
fibers were assessed by a multiple logistic regression
analysis (25). Dummy variables were produced
using the median values in all of the subjects. A
p-value of <5% was considered significant.

Table 1 shows the frequency distribution of the ACE
genotype in all of the subjects and the characteris-
tics of subjects according to ACE-II, ID, and DD
genotypes. The frequencies of the ACE-II, ID and
DD genotypes among the 41 subjects (39.0%,
46.3%, and 14.6%, respectively) agreed with
those predicted by the Hardy±Weinberg equili-
brium (x2 ˆ 0.0004, p ˆ 0.998), and were similar
Fig. 2. (a) Percentages of the different types of skeletal
to those reported in healthy Japanese individuals muscle fiber (types I, IIa, and IIb) and (b) the ratio of type
(37.3%, 48.1%, and 14.7%) (26). Neither age, I:II fibers in ACE-II, ID, and DD subjects. * p < 0.05, II vs.
gender, nor body mass index (BMI) significantly DD, by ANOVA and multiple comparison of Dunnett.

Zhang et al.
Table 2. Linear trend across ACE genotypes, as tested by an produced by the small number of ACE-DD
analysis of variance subjects (n ˆ 6).
Variable Type II sum of F value p value
Type I fibers 1837 5.88 <0.01 Discussion
Type IIa fibers 111 0.29 n.s.
Type IIb fibers 1230 6.43 <0.01 Our result that the ACE-II genotype was asso-
Ratio of type I : II fibers 2.5 5.52 <0.01 ciated with an increased percentage of type I
SMF compared with the DD genotype provides a
possible mechanism for the reported association of
the ACE-I allele with greater endurance
(p <0.01), as assessed by an ANOVA. As shown in performance (7±9), and enhanced mechanical
Fig. 2(b) and Table 2, the ratio of the percentages (15) and metabolic (3) efficiency of trained muscle,
of type I:II fibers also differed according to the as type I SMF is more efficient than type II SMF in
ACE genotype: ACE-II subjects had a higher slow contraction (18). Our finding that the ACE-
ratio of type I:II fibers than ACE-DD subjects DD genotype had a greater percentage of type IIb
(Fig. 2b) and the linear trend for a decrease in the SMF than the ACE-II genotype may support the
ratio of type I:II fibers from ACE-II ! ID ! DD notion that the ACE-D allele is associated with
genotypes was significant (Table 2) as assessed by power performance (9, 10).
ANOVA, indicating that the distributions of different Our findings indicated that the distribution of
types of skeletal muscle fibers differed among type I and II SMF, as reflected by the ratio of
ACE-II, ID, and DD subjects. Capillary densities, type I:II fibers, differed according to the ACE
as expressed as the number of capillaries around genotype. Muscle fibers can adapt to changing
each fiber type, were not significantly different demands by changing size or fiber-type composi-
among the three ACE genotypes (data not shown). tion. This adaptive responsiveness is the basis of
Table 3 shows the results of a multiple logistic fiber-type transition (27). The transition between
regression analysis that tested the association FG (IIb) and FOG (IIa) is the most common due
between the ACE-I allele and the percentages of to decreases or increases in the amount and/or
type I and IIb skeletal muscle fiber after adjusting intensity of performance (16), although this meta-
for age, gender, and BMI. As shown, after con- bolic adaptation does not necessarily affect the
trolling for age, gender, and BMI, the ACE-I allele myosin ATPase-based fiber-type distribution.
was additively and positively associated with However, the transition between types I and II
the percentage of type I SMF and the ratio of needs to be induced by specific training (17):
type I:II SMF, and additively but negatively athletes with the highest aerobic and endurance
associated with the percentage of type IIb SMF, capacities, such as distance runners and cross-
confirming the results in Table 2. As also shown country skiers, have the highest percentage of
in Table 3, the recessive (codominant) effects of the slow-twitch fibers, often as high as 90±95% in the
ACE-I allele on the percentages of type I and IIb, leg's gastrocnemius muscle, while weight lifters, ice
and the ratio of type I:II fibers were also sign- hockey players, and sprinters tend to have more
ificant. The dominant effects of the ACE-I allele fast-twitch fibers and a relatively low aerobic
(II and ID vs DD) were not tabulated because the capacity. Therefore, because subjects in the present
data may not be reliable due to the large variance study were untrained college students, our finding

Table 3. Multiple logistic regression analysis of the additive, recessive, and dominant effects of the ACE-I allele on type I and IIb SMF, and
the ratio of type I:II SMF
SMF Model Effect of the Regression coefficient Wald p-value
types studied I allele  standard error x2
Type I fibers
II vs ID vs DD Additive 1.53  0.61 6.23 0.013
II vs ID and DD Recessive 1.92  0.78 6.09 0.014
Type IIb fibers
II vs ID vs DD Additive 1.78  0.64 7.80 0.005
II vs ID and DD Recessive 1.68  0.74 5.22 0.022
Ratio of type I:II
II vs ID vs DD Additive 1.53  0.61 6.23 0.013
II vs ID and DD Recessive 1.92  0.78 6.09 0.014

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