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Ace of spades : Something you will do when you are 30 years old
2. 2 of spades : Something you will do if you become a millionare
3. 3 of spades : Something you have to do today until midnight
4. 4 of spades : Something you can’t do,but want to learn how to do
5. 5 of spades : How you are going to celebrate your next birthday?
6. 6 of spades : If you won the lottery, what would you do on the first day you got your money? Why?
7. 7 of spades : If you could have one day repeat over and over again for the rest of your life, which day would it be
and why?
8. 8 of spades : What is the next new year or birthday gift going to be for your mother/father?
9. 9 of spades : What do you think the world is going to be like 50 years later?
10. 10 of spades : Imagine that you could choose one type of weather for the rest of your life, what would you
choose and how would it affect your life?
11. Jack of spades : Imagine you are going to master any academic subject ,which subject will it be ?
12. Queen of spades: You are going to go abroad for further education such as master or Phd. Where it will be and
13. King of spades : Do you think is it a good idea to have a mechanism to read peeople’s thoughts in the future?
Why or why not?

14. Ace of hearts :If you were a millionare in the near future ,which charity organization would you give your money
15. 2 of hearts: What is the transportation system going to be like in the near future?
16. 3 of hearts:What is the next language you would like to learn and why?
17. 4 of hearts :Tell an animal you would like to keep and feed in your house soon.
18. 5 of hearts: Tell us an invention that you are going to create purposefully.
19. 6 of hearts: Imagine you will start you new job tomorrow, how would you feel ?
20. 7 of hearts: You have just met a nice girl/ boy. You are going to spend a day together tomorrow. How would you
organize that day?
21. 8 of hearts: What do you think abut the lifespan of people 50 years later and why?
22. 9 of hearts: Imagine you are a chef..What type of restaurant would you open and why?
23. 10 of hearts:Where do you see yourself ( college ,job,city) in ten years?
24. Jack of hearts:Tell us a goal of you that can be done without money.
25. Queen of hearts:What is your next holiday going to be like ?
26. King of hearts:Do you think people have fewer goals as they get old?

27. Ace of diamonds: What are the main differences between male and female goals?
28. 2 of diamonds:Tell us three important goals that you believe in achieving.
29. 3 of diamonds:How many children are you going to have in the future? Why?
30. 4 of diamonds:What it the biggest dream of you ?
31. 5 of diamonds:What are the new technological devices that is going to pop up in the future?
32. 6 of diamonds: Will robot replace humans? Why or why not?
33. 7 of diamons:Tell us three important characterictics of a person that you are going to get married.
34. 8 of diamonds:How will computers change in the future?
35. 9 of diamonds:How will cellphones change in the future?
36. 10 of diamonds:What kind of developments might happen in health care in the future?
37. Jack of diamonds:Could there be another world war in the future? How can we prevent a world war from
38. Queen of diamonds:Where do you hope to travel before you die?
39. King of diamonds:Do you think life will be more difficult or easier for our grandchildren? In what ways?

40. Ace of clubs : How do you think you will change in the future?
41. 2 of clubs:Do you think the Earth will become overpopulated? Will there be any forests left?
42. 3 of clubs:Would you like to have a robot in your house?
43. 4 of clubs:What new kinds of energy might be used in the next 100 years?
44. 5 of clubs:Do you believe faster-than-light travel is possible?
45. 6 of clubs:What is the future of money? Will there still be money in the future?
46. 7 of clubs:What age are going to get retired? Why or why not?
47. 8 of clubs:Tell us your favourite celebrity that you want to meet one day.
48. 9 of clubs:What are the changes in the colleges or unversities 100 years later?
49. 10 of clubs:How are you going to spend your next Saturday?
50. Jack of clubs: What will be the most popular job in the future?
51. Queen of clubs: Will all the women be allowed to join the army in the near future? Should it be?
52. King of clubs: What are your plans after retirement ?

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