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Business Etiquette:

1. When corresponding with a business contact by email you should:

a. Be as formal as if you were writing an actual letter on paper
b. Be a little more informal to appear up-to-date with technology and the trend towards a
relaxed work atmosphere

2. A co-worker shares office gossip/rumors with you. You:

a. Thank him for telling you and pass the stories on
b. Check out the facts with other employees
c. Politely listen and keep the information to yourself
d. warn him and ask him to mind his own business.
3.It is acceptable to leave on your personal cellular phone during office hours and answer it when it
a. True
b. False

4. You pass a co-worker in the hallway and he asks “How are you?”. You respond by:
a. Telling him that your back has been hurting you and you have a cold
b. Saying “Fine, thanks”
c. Explaining that you are tired and stressed out in your job

5. After a meeting with a contact, in order to express your thanks, it is appropriate to:
a. Send him/her a small box of chocolates with a note
b. Drop by the office and give him/her a hot cup of coffee
c. Send a dozen red roses to his/her home
d. Send a thank you letter

6. When breaking the ice with a contact at the beginning of a meeting it is appropriate to discuss such
things as the weather, politics and traffic
a. False
b. true
7.You’re taking a taxi with three superiors from the office. You:
a. Get in first, and slide all the way over.

b. Get in second, so that you can take the uncomfortable middle seat.

c. Get in third.

d. Get in fourth, so that you sit up front with the driver

8. When two people are discussing business, how far apart should they stand?
a. 10 feet. (Or even further— if one of them hasn’t showered.)

b. 7 feet.

c. 6 feet.

d. 3 feet

9. Your office has "Casual Fridays" during the summer. Your normal year-round attire is pants with a
shirt and tie, or a suit. As a guy, you can get away with:

a. Flip flops, Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt

b. A shirt and a pair of khaki pants or pressed jeans.

10. Most of your department shares a printer and copy machine. While you're using it, it breaks. You

a. Slither away quietly

b. Bang it with your fist

c. Call the help desk to report the issue. Leave a note on the machine for the next person that it's
not working.

11.You enter a coworker's cubicle to find her on the phone

a. Leave a note to call you when finished

b. Wait outside the door

c. Interrupt the call.

12. Even though you may be working on a team project together, you should never open the closed
door of a co-worker without knocking first.

a. True

b. False

13. When receiving a business card, you should treat it as a gift. Take a moment to study the card and
perhaps remark on its distinctive design.

a. True

b. False

14.When traveling abroad, you should show respect for businesspeople who are older than you by
opening doors for them and allowing them to be seated first.

a. True

b. False

15. In business dress for men/women, tattoos and piercings are acceptable as long as:

a. Your boss approves of it

b. They are modest in appearance

c.They are in a place that's covered by clothing

16.Whenever you enter a room for the first time, it takes only a few seconds for people you’ve never
met to form perceptions about you and your abilities.



17.In general, when replying to an email it is best to

a.Reply to some

b.Reply to the sender

c.Reply to all

18.The subject line in an email the recipient a clue about the main idea of the message'nt required really, you can skip it to save time the person you are sending the mail to

19.The tone of a professional email should be



C.Casual- like the tone you use with friends

20.If someone sends you an email Chain Letter, that asks you to send the email to all your friends or
you will have bad luck, or something like that...what should you do???

a.Keep it in your inbox and figure out who to send it to later

b.Send it to only your best friends

c.Delete the email - "chain" email is forbidden on all email systems

21.If you don't want to type your name at the end of every email you send, what can you do

a. Only sign emails being sent to people outside of your organization

b. Don't sign it at all as people know who the email is from

c. Create a signature that will attach to every email you send

22.What does the 'e' in e-mail stand for:

a. Express

b. Electronic

23.The first part of your e-mail address before the @ is called

a. domain name

b. user name
c. password

24. You call a colleague on your speakerphone while another co-worker is in the room. You should:

a. Mention neither the speaker phone nor the other person in the room.
b. Tell the person on the phone that you wish to use the speakerphone. Mention the other
person in the room, and ask the person on the phone if this is okay.
c. Tell the person on the phone that you are using the speakerphone, but don’t mention the other
person in the room.

25. You’re presenting to a potential client. Suddenly his/her body language turns very negative. You

a. Try to engage the person in some interaction.

b. Stop in the middle of the presentation and ask that person what is wrong.
c. Ask questions to determine what you said that was upsetting and attempt to rectify the
d. Ignore the reaction and finish your presentation as planned

26. Learning to speak a few words of the language of clients, customers, or coworkers whose first
language is different from yours is:

a. Generally a good idea, as the effort communicates respect for the other culture.
b. Generally not a good idea because they may feel patronized.
c. Generally not a good idea, because they might be offended if you make a mistake in
vocabulary or pronunciation.

27. When answering a business phone, always answer:

a. With a simple hello. It sounds more approachable and less pretentious.

b. With your name.
c. With your name, department, title, and a greeting
28. You’re delivering an important presentation that you don’t want interrupted with questions. You

a. Refuse to answer the first question that someone asks. The rest of the audience will get the
b. Tell the audience beforehand that you prefer to answer all questions at the end of the
c. Answer questions as they are asked, even though you prefer
29. When you reach a doorway at the same time as a person of the opposite sex, the following rules
a. Whoever arrives first should open it and hold it for those who are following.
b. Men should still open doors for women.
c. Women should open doors for men to prove they are no longer oppressed.
d. Always open and hold the door for someone of either sex if that person has his or her hands
30. When your client is late for lunch, how long should you wait before calling and how long
before leaving the restaurant?

A. Call after 30 minutes, leave after 45 minutes.

B. Call after 15 minutes, leave after 30 minutes.
C. Call after 30 minutes, leave after 60 minutes.

31. A client is talking to you at a reception and you must greet someone who has just arrived. Do
a. Excuse yourself and leave
b. Beckon to the new arrival to join you.
c. Introduce the client to someone else before you leave to greet the new arrival.
32. You have been asked to a meeting. You may remove your jacket:

a. As soon as you are seated.

b. Only if your host does
c. Only in a medical emergency
33. Why are the telephone greetings so important?

a. It is the first impression

b. It shows you are happy

c. it shows you are polite.

34. When putting a caller on hold, what do you need to say or ask?

a. Ask if its ok to put the caller on hold

b. “would you like to be put on hold?”

c.“I apologize for the inconvenience”

35. When taking a caller off hold, what should you say?

a. “I apologize for the inconvenience”

b. “ Thank you for holding”

c. “ hello, are you still there?”

36. Who should end the phone call first?

a. The person who answered

b. The person who called

c. It doesn't matter.

37. What item(s) listed below are considered OK while answering the phone?

a. Chewing gum

b. Listening to low music in the back ground

c. Smoking

d. You shouldn't have any distractions while answering the phone

38. What should you always do when you answer calls for a person that is not around

a. Take a message

b. Tell the person to call back


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