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Página Principal en es Usted se ha identificado como SANDRA MILENA TORRES (Salir)

INGLÉS A1 900001A_362

Página Principal ► INGLÉS A1 900001A_362 ► Monitoring and evaluation ► Activity 6: Quiz Unit 3

Comenzado el domingo, 6 de agosto de 2017, 00:35

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en domingo, 6 de agosto de 2017, 00:59
Tiempo empleado 23 minutos 57 segundos
Puntos 15,0/15,0
Calificación 50,0 de 50,0 (100%)
Comentario - Excelente

Pregunta 1 WRITING
Choose the best answer to fill out the blanks according the conversations.
Puntúa 1,0 sobre
A. Honey! I want to go on vacations.
Marcar B. Ok, let's go on vacations.Any idea where you want to go?
B. Well, I would ___________ to an island rather than a city.
A.Ok, so let’s see possible destinations online.

Seleccione una:
a. prefer going Yes! it is correct

b. to like to go

c. like to going
d. prefer to going

La respuesta correcta es: prefer going

Pregunta 2 LISTENING
Puntúa 1,0 sobre
According to the audio, "Do you like your job?" Answer the
1,0 following question:
pregunta What does he do exactly?

Seleccione una:
a. He watches the cars
b. He takes orders Yes, that's what he actually does.

c. He makes hamburgers

d. He washes the dishes

La respuesta correcta es: He takes orders

Look at the text in each picture. What does it say?
Puntúa 1,0 sobre


Select the correct option.

Seleccione una:
a. Do not let someone else supervise your luggage.

b. You must stay with your luggage at all times Yes, It's correct. This is the mean of this
c. Let a friend check your luggage.
d. Don't forget your luggage in your home

La respuesta correcta es: You must stay with your luggage at all times

Pregunta 4 GRAMMAR
Puntúa 1,0 sobre
With the words given below, choose the option that is grammatically correct using "enjoy" in the
1,0 negative form.
pregunta Carlos / watch football

Seleccione una:
a. Carlos not enjoys watching football
b. Carlos does not enjoy watch football

c. Carlos do not enjoys watching football

d. Carlos does not enjoy watching football Correct, Carlos is third person so the negative
is "does not" and after "enjoy", the verb goes with "ing"

La respuesta correcta es: Carlos does not enjoy watching football

Pregunta 5 GRAMMAR
According to the words given below, choose the option that is grammatically correct using MUST.
Puntúa 1,0 sobre

Marcar Everybody / wear a uniform.


Seleccione una:
a. Everybody must wear a uniform. Correct, Must goes after the noun without changing.
b. Everybody musts wear a uniform.

c. Everybody must wears a uniform.

d. Everybody wear must a uniform.

La respuesta correcta es: Everybody must wear a uniform.

Pregunta 6 READING
Correcta Choose the best answer according to the Reading " Penguins":
Puntúa 1,0 sobre
What information about penguins you CAN’T find in the reading?
Seleccione una:
a. home

b. popularity
c. favorite food
Good job! That’s the correct answer.

d. enemies

La respuesta correcta es: favorite food

Pregunta 7 GRAMMAR
According to the words given below, choose the option that is grammatically correct using the
Puntúa 1,0 sobre
1,0 modal verb CAN

pregunta Lucas/run ten kilometers in twenty minutes

Seleccione una:
a. Lucas can runs ten kilometers in twenty minutes

b. Lucas run can ten kilometers in twenty minutes

c. Lucas cans run ten kilometers in twenty minutes

d. Lucas can run ten kilometers in twenty minutes Correct! can does not change after
third person

La respuesta correcta es: Lucas can run ten kilometers in twenty minutes

Pregunta 8 LISTENING
Puntúa 1,0 sobre
According to the audio, "Sports" Answer the following question:

pregunta According to the conversa on the man …
Seleccione una:
a. is on a team because is fun Yes, that's the right answer.

b. is not on a team because is more fun

c. plays with the woman

d. plays alone because its be er

La respuesta correcta es: is on a team because is fun

Pregunta 9 GRAMMAR
Choose the appropriate response to complete this conversation:
Puntúa 1,0 sobre
1,0 A relative arrives at Paul's house.
Paul: What a nice surprise! Please come in.
Mary: Thank you!
Paul: __________________
Mary: yes, please! They are very heavy. Thanks!

Seleccione una:
a. Can I help you with your suitcases? Correct, can is the correct verb because it's a
b. Must I help you with your suitcases?

c. Do I have to help you with your suitcases?

d. Should I help you with your suitcases?

La respuesta correcta es: Can I help you with your suitcases?

Pregunta 10 READING
Correcta Choose the best answer according to the Reading " Penguins":
Puntúa 1,0 sobre
Penguins support extreme cold because…
Seleccione una:
a. They have fat in their skins
Good job! That’s the correct answer.

b. They have the largest penguin

c. They are predators

d. They are fast swimmers

La respuesta correcta es: They have fat in their skins

Pregunta 11 LISTENING
According to the audio, "Do you like your job?" Answer the
Puntúa 1,0 sobre following question:

Marcar Does Luis have to pay for the hamburgers?


Seleccione una:
a. No, he doesn’t Well done !!! According to the audio he gets them for free

b. Yes, he does.

c. He never does

d. sometimes he does

La respuesta correcta es: No, he doesn’t

Pregunta 12 READING
Puntúa 1,0 sobre Choose the best answer according to the Reading " Penguins":

pregunta From the reading, Penguins live in…

Seleccione una:
a. the South Pole
Good job! That’s the correct answer.

b. the North and South poles

c. the South Pole and the Artic continent

d. the North Pole

La respuesta correcta es: the South Pole

Pregunta 13 LISTENING
Puntúa 1,0 sobre According to the audio, "Sports" Answer the following question:

pregunta What is the man’s favorite sport?

Seleccione una:
a. Volleyball Yes, that's the right answer.

b. Baseball

c. Football
d. Basketball

La respuesta correcta es: Volleyball

Pregunta 14 WRITING
Choose the best answer to fill out the blanks according the conversations.
Puntúa 1,0 sobre
A. Hi Raul, I need an advice, could you help me, please?
Marcar B. Hi Dan, yes sure, tell me!
A. I want to buy a cellphone, which one is the best? Samsung or IPhone?
B. In my personal opinion I __________ an IPhone, it is the best option.

Seleccione una:
a. like to having
b. to like to have

c. prefer have

d. prefer having Yes! it is correct

La respuesta correcta es: prefer having

Pregunta 15 WRITING
Select one correct answer
Puntúa 1,0 sobre
So, I wake up this morning at 7:00 am, and I noctice in the dining-room that
pregunta ___________ is making breakfast, and I think... "wonderful!".

Seleccione una:
a. nobody

b. someone Yes! it is correct, congrats

c. anybody
d. everybody

La respuesta correcta es: someone

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