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Seeds Technical Handbook


EQUATOR SEEDS LIMITED is a full line Seed Company licensed by the Ministry of
Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) of the Republic of Uganda to Produce,
Process and Markets quality seeds of improved crop varieties.

Based in Minakulu, Oyam district, the company has built up a vast Marketing and
Distribution network covering the greater North, West Nile, Teso, Karamoja, Bunyoro,
Kampala and beyond the country’s bounders. Its product range includes the commonly
improved open pollinated varieties and hybrids released by National Variety Release
Committee of MAAIF



EQUATOR SEEDS LIMITED undertakes Contract Production of open pollinated varieties

(OPVs) of maize, beans, soya beans, rice, sorghum, ground nuts, simsim, etc. 7
cooperatives and 120 groups are under contract farming.

Productions are conducted in accordance with National standards of certified seed

production. All field crops are carefully inspected during the active growth and any off-types
removed, to ensure a high level of uniformity and genetic purity. The seed stocks used for
production are obtained from research institute under National Agricultural Research
Organization in Uganda.

Seed processing including grading, hand sorting, treating (dressing), and packaging are
done at the processing unit. Each and every process is supervised thoroughly by team of
technologist to ensure highest quality of the final product. The company has installed a
state-of-the-art 7 in 1 processing plant in Minakulu A, Gulu Kampala Highway.


EQUATOR SEEDS LIMITED tests its seeds regularly from National Seed Testing Laboratory,
in Kawanda for germination, purity and moisture content.

Seeds offered for sale conforms to the highest quality standards and are treated for
recommended chemicals.

Technical advice on production guidelines are given in good faith by EQUATOR SEEDS
LIMITED and its personnel to the clients.

Variety descriptions, illustrations, performance (attributes), and adaptability in this catalogue
are offered as guidance and are best used for comparative purposes only.

Both the performance and adaptability of variety can be expressed as variable between the
environment including management and genotype interaction.

Quality seeds for a better living

Seeds Technical Handbook

Bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)

K 131
Small seeded cream mottled variety and yields 800-1000Kg/acre under good
matures within 85-90days, has good taste, management. Released in 1994, tolerant
to drought conditions

K 132 Large seeded light red mottled

Large seeded red mottled variety similar to variety,Matures early 85-90 days. It
K20 (Nambale). K 132 is high yielding tolerates major field diseases such as
than K 20, with more disease resistance. angular leaf
K132 yields 800Kg/acre(8bags/acres), K spot, anthracnose, and takesshort cooking
20 yields 600Kg/acre (6bags/acre). time. Good for export

Nabe 4
Nabe 15 Nabe 16
Medium seeded pink with red striped Cream with red mottles, resistant to foliar
variety released in 2010. Early maturing diseases (ALS, CBB, Rust, Halo blight,
58-70days duration, yield potential 700- Anthracnose). Early maturing 62-75 days
800Kgs/acre underoptimal duration, yielding 700-800Kg/acre under
conditions.Resistant to foliar diseases. optimal conditions

Sowing guide for beans (Bush types)

Variety type Seed rate Sowing Plant spacing days to Utilization
depth In rows Plant to plants maturity
Large seeded 30-35 2-3cm but 50cm 10cm 85-90 Fresh market/
Kg/acre not deeper Or export
Small seeded 25-30 than 5cm 25cm 20cm 85-90 Market/
Kg/acre Consumption

Pests and disease management by farmers

The most important pests of beans are: flower beetles, foliage beetles, cut worms
bean stem maggot (bean fly), aphids, and bruchids (storage pests).

What to do Beans are attacked by a number of

diseasessuch as common blight, fusarium
 Plant improved resistant varieties root rot, rust, bean common mosaic virus,
against stem maggots angular leaf spots, halo blight, powdery
 Plant earlier within three weeks from mildew and root knot nematodes. In case
the on-set of rains they are a problem farmers should:
 During first weeding earth up the
plants  Buy improved and certified pest and
 In severe attack apply disease free seeds
insecticide,endosulfan, dimetheote.  Carry out crop rotation and removal of
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. diseased plants
 Plant treated seeds  Practice proper good weed control
 Conducting regular monitoring  Use organic and inorganic fertilizers to
improve soil fertility
Disease management  Practice deep ploughing

Quality seeds for a better living
Seeds Technical Handbook

 Chemicals such as Mancozeb 80wp,

Ridomil, Victory 72 wp can be used to
control most of the fungal diseases
 Spray aphids which transmit viral
diseases with Dimetheote, Pyrinex

Maize (Zea mays L.)

Longe 1 (OPV) Longe 5 (Nalongo) - OPV

Introduced in 1991 by NARO.Flint type Released by NARO in 2000. Semi-dent
variety, yield potential 1.0-1.6 tones/acre type, widely marketed as Nalongo “mother
under good management.It is early of twins” signifying its double benefits (that
maturing takes duration of 115 days, is good nutrition and good yields). It has
tolerant to drought and streak. comparable agronomic performance and
is nutritional superior to other existing
Longe 4 (OPV) maize varieties in Uganda. Its protein
Released in the year 2000 by doubles the levels of lysine and tryptophan
NARO.Semi-dent type, yieldpotential 1.0- compared to other varieties. It is medium
1.6 tones/acre under good variety with duration of 110-120 days,
management.It’s early maturing: takes yields under optional conditions are
100-105 days, drought tolerant to drought, between 1.6-2.0 tones/acre.
streak and other foliar diseases.

Sowing guide for maize

Seed rate Sowing depth Plant spacing Altitude Utilization
In rows Between plants
10Kg/acre 3-6cm but 75cm 30cm (1 seed per Low to Fresh market
or 25Kg/ha depends on hill) or 50cm (two medium (roasting &
for hand seed size, type seeds per hill boiling), milling,
sowing of soil and 90cm 30cm fodder
weather. (recommended in
dry/marginal areas)

Pest and disease management

Stem borers, striga weed, cut worms and  Destroy plant residues or debris left in
termites are major field pests of maize and the field after harvest
storage pests include angoumois grain  Practice crop rotation to reduce build
moth, large grain borer, maize weevil and up pest and diseases
rodents  Harvest at right time to eliminate
storage pest infestation
What to do:  In storage: inspect, remove infested
 Practice early weeding at least 2 stock, practice store hygiene
weeks after planting
 Plough and harrow field properly Disease management
before sowing Maize streak virus, Northern leaf blight,
 Use improved certified seeds, treated Grey leaf spot, Ear rot, Head smuts are
with recommended chemical common diseases of maize.
 Insecticides such as Bulldock or
malathion can be used to control stem What to do
borers  Use resistant varieties available
 Practice push and pull strategy for  Practice crop rotation
striga weed control  Eliminate volunteer host plants

Quality seeds for a better living
Seeds Technical Handbook

Soya beans (Glycine max)

Maksoy 1N size, cream in appearance with small

Small seeded light cream variety released whitish helium (eye)
in 2004 by NARO, resistant to soya bean
rust and pod shattering. Early maturing Maksoy 3N
with duration of 95 days, yields 800- Released in 2010. Maturity 90 days. Yield
1000Kg/acre under good management. Its 2- 3.5tons/Ha. Seed size is large. Protein
oil content is 17% and 41% protein. content is 36%. Oil content is 22%.

Maksoy 2N
Tall varietyreleased in 2008 by NARO. It Namsoy 4M
tends to maximise production on space. Large seeded with black helium. Resistant
Resistant to soya bean rust and pod to soya bean rust and pod shattering (if
shattering.Early maturing with duration of harvesting is not delayed). Released in
105 days, yields 800-1400Kg/acre under 2004 by NARO, having 19-20% oil content
optimal conditions.Maksoy 2N has oil and 43% protein. It is an early maturing
content of 18-20% and high protein variety with duration of 100days, yielding
content 38%. The seeds are medium in 800-1400Kg/acre under optimal
Sowing guide for soya beans
Seed rate Sowing depth Plant spacing Altitude Utilization
In rows Between plants
25Kg/acre 3.8cm but not 60cm 5-10cm (1 seed/ hill Low to Fresh market
deeper than machine planting) medium (roasting &
5 cm Or boiling),
50cm 25cm (two seeds/ milling, poultry
hill hand planting) feeds

Pests and disease management

 Plant early at the onset of rains
Common pests of soya beans are Root -
knot nematodes, bugs, bean flies, cotton
aphids, pod borers Disease management
Rust is important disease in soya bean
What to do growing. Others include: Bacterial pustule,
 Plant early in the season bacterial blight
 Monitor the crop regularly
 Remove and destroy crop residues of What to do
infested plants  Use resistant varieties

 Practice crop rotation 3-4 years with  Spray with sulphur

other cereals for nematode control  Use certified disease free-seeds
 Spray with botanical insecticides like  Practice good field sanitation
neem extracts
 Uproot and destroy severely infested

Cow peas (Vignaunguiculata)

Quality seeds for a better living
Seeds Technical Handbook

Secow 1T Secow 2T
Small seeded varieties, white in colour Released in 2003 by NARO.Less
with cream helium compared to local type susceptible to storage pest attack. Early
with black helium. Released in 2003 by maturing 70-85 days duration. Yield
NARO. Early maturing 85-90 days potential 600-800Kg/acre.
duration, yield potential 600-800Kg/acre

Sowing guide for cow peas

Seed rate Sowing depth Plant spacing Altitude Utilization
In rows Between plants
4Kg/acre row 2.5 cm a) As green vegetable Low to Fresh
planting -3.8cm but 30-40cm 8-12cm medium market
not deeper
than 5 cm b) As seed crop
60cm 30cm (2seeds/hill)

Pest and disease management  In heavy infestation spray with

insecticides like Dimetheote, Pyrinex
Aphids are major field pests of cowpeas. or other botanicals
They suck sap on stems, terminal buds  Practice crop rotation
and petioles of seedlings, and on pods
and flowers of mature plants Disease management
Cowpeas mosaic virus, anthracnose,
Heavy attack can cause death of ascochyta, leaf spots, pythium soft stem
seedlings, stunting and decay in flowering, rot, blight are diseases of cow peas
vector of viral disease (cow pea mosaic
virus) What to do
 Practice crop rotation
What to do  Use resistant varieties if available
 Sow resistant varieties  Apply fungicidal sprays like Ridomil
 Plant early in the season  Seed treatment
 Practice early to eliminate alternate
 Monitor build of aphids host plants

Upland rice(Oryzasativa)

Nerica 4
Released in 2002 by NARO.Gold grain, Maturity 110-120days duration, yield
with excellent milling ability.Resistant to potential 1,500-2,000Kg/acre under good
rust, drought tolerant and non-shattering. management

Sowing guide for rice

Seed rate Sowing Plant spacing Altitude Utilization
(seed requirement) depth In rows Between plants
25Kg/acre hand 3-4cm 30cm Drill then thin to Low to Milling
planting 1.5cm apart medium

Quality seeds for a better living
Seeds Technical Handbook

Pest and disease management

Stem borers, termites, stink bugs, gall Diseases
midge are important pests of rice. Rice The most common and sever disease of
weevil, lesser grain borer are storage pest rice is blast. It attacks rice leaves, nodes
and floral parts, particularly the basal part
What to do of the panel
 Destroy crop residues after harvest
and alternate host What to do
 Timely planting and harvest is  Use of resistant varieties
important  Practice field sanitation and crop
 Practice crop rotation rotation
 Eliminate infested stock in storage to  Apply fungicidal sprays like
avoid attracting storage pests Carbendazim 80wp

Sunflower (Helianthus annum)

New sunfola
Medium maturing open pollinated variety. soft seed coat. It matures in 100-110 days,
Having oil content of 35%. Seeds have yield potential 600-800Kg/acre.
Susceptible to major diseases

Sowing guide for sunflower

Seed rate Sowing depth Plant spacing Altitude Utilization
(seed In Rows Plant to plant
2Kg/acre 3cmis ideal in 75cm 30-50cm. Medium Vegetable fat,
moist soil. Dropping 1 or 2 animal feeds and
seeds per hill organic fertilizer

Pest and disease management

Birds are major constraint in sunflower Diseases

production. Rusty grain beetle, red flour Stalk and head rot, leaf spots and downy
beetle, saw toothed grain beetle are mildews are common diseases in
storage pests. sunflower production

What to do What to do
 Scare the birds a way from sunflower  Plant resistant varieties mainly hybrids
fields  Use fungicidal sprays
 Maintain good store hygiene  Destroy crop residues and debris after
 Inspect grain storage facilities harvest
regularly  Practice crop rotation

Finger millet (Eleusinecoracana)

Pese 1 Light brown seeded variety, resistant to

blast but susceptible to lodging. Good for

Quality seeds for a better living
Seeds Technical Handbook

food and brewing, yields 1000- Early maturing variety takes 70-80days.
1200Kg/acre, matures in 100 days after Resistant to blast and lodging, yields
sowing 800Kg/acre

Seremi 1 or Pese 2
Brown seeded variety. Resistant to blast,
moderately tolerant to lodging than Pese Seremi 3
1. Matures in 100 days and yields 800- Maroon red seeded variety. Resistant to
1000Kg/acre blast and lodging, and drought
tolerant.Maturity 90-100 days with yield
potential of 1000-1200Kg/acre.

Seremi 2
Sowing guide for finger millet
Seed rate Sowing Plant spacing Altitude Utilization
(seed requirement) depth In rows Between plants
1.6-2Kg/acre row 2-3cm 30cm Drill, then thin to Low to Food, brewing
planting 4cm apart medium and forage

Pests and disease management  Plant resistant varieties

Shoot fly, stem borers, birds, Diseases

grasshoppers, caterpillars (army worms), Head smut is common disease in finger
striga are common pests of finger millet millet

What to do What to do
 Destroy crop residues left in field after  Treat the seed before planting
harvest  Practice crop rotation wit non cereal
 Plough the soil deeply to expose crops
residual larval population  Use resistant/ tolerant varieties
 Practice early sowing, soon after first
 Monitor the field regularly for pest

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)

Sekedo Epuripur
Dwarf variety (100cm) with brown-red White seeded variety, resistant to shoot fly
seeds. It matures in 100 days with a yield and stem borer but susceptible to bird
potential of 600-1000Kg/acre. It is tolerant damage. It matures in 100 days with yield
to stem borers and moderately resistant to potential of 600-1000Kgs/acreand it is
shoot fly. good for food, baking and brewing

Sowing guide for sorghum

Seed rate Sowing depth Plant spacing Altitude Utilization
In Rows Plant to plant
3-4Kg/acre 2.5cm in moist 45-60cm 12-20cm Medium Food, baking
soils. 5cm in dry and brewing

Quality seeds for a better living
Seeds Technical Handbook

Pest and disease management

Stem borers, cut worms, purple witch  Dry grain thoroughly before storage
weed (strigahermothica), sorghum shoot and fumigate thereafter
fly, sorghum midge, birds are important  Practice crop rotation with legumes
field pests. Storage pest include rice and root crops
weevil, flour beetle, and grain moth.
What to Anthracnose, smut, rust, ergot, blight are
 Plough and harrow field properly some of foliar diseases of sorghum
 Practice early sowing on the onset of
rains What to do
 Monitor damage by cutworms on  Plant resistant varieties
young plants (collect and destroy  Remove and destroy infected plants
them) from the field
 Plant resistant varieties  Rotate preferably with non-cereals
 Uproot and destroy striga plant before (pulses/legumes)
it produces seeds  Use certified disease-free seeds
 Control birds by scaring them away  Control weeds
from sorghum fields  Destroy crop residues or debris after

Pigeon peas (Cajanuscajan)

Sepi 1
Has indeterminate growth habit. Plant Sepi 2
height 1.5-2 meters.Brown grain colour. It Has determinate growth. Plant height 80-
matures in 120-140 days and less 100cm. Brown grain colour.Matures in
susceptible to storage pests. Yield 110-120 days. Has quick recovery after
potential 600-800Kg/acre. storage pest attack. Yield potential 600-

Sowing guide for pigeon peas

Seed rate Sowing Plant spacing Altitude Utilization
(seed requirement) depth In Rows Plant to plant
8-10Kg/acre 10cm 60cm 30cm Medium Source, fodder

Pest and disease management

Common pests of pigeon peas include:  Remove severely infested plants

pod sucking bugs, pod and seed borers,  Use certified and treated seeds for
pod flies, aphids and nematodes. Bruchids planting
are major storage pest  Monitor the crop regularly
 Timely harvesting and proper drying to
What to do control bruchids. Fumigation can
 Periodic sprays with recommended follow thereafter or use of botanicals
insecticides like Dimethoate 40% EC, Disease management
Endosulfan 35EC

Quality seeds for a better living
Seeds Technical Handbook

Leaf spots, powdery mildew, fusarium wilt  Spray fungicides like Ridomil, Victory,
are important diseases in pigeon peas Mancozeb 80% WP
growing  Use resistant varieties
 Collect and burn infected plants
What to do  Practice crop rotation with cereals
 Plant certified disease-free seeds  Avoid late planting

Quality seeds for a better living
Groundnuts (Arachis hypogea)

Red beauty Serenut 3R

Small seeded red groundnuts oldest in Large red seeded variety. Resistant to
market (released in 1968). Susceptible to rosette and leaf spots.Matures in 100-105
rosette and leaf spots.Suitable for days, yield potential of 1000kg/acre under
confectionery. Matures in 90-110 days, yield good management. Oil content 47%
potential of 900Kg/acre and has excellent
marketability features

Serenut 2 (or Igola 2) Serenut 4

Large seeded tan variety. Resistant to Early maturing 90-100 days: small seeded
rosette, leaf spots and moderately tolerant tan variety. Resistant to rosette and leaf
to drought.Matures in 100-110 days, yield spots. Yield potential 1000Kg/acre under
potential 1000Kg/acre under good good management.
management. Oil content 42%

Sowing guide for groundnuts

Seed Sowing Spacing (depends on growth habit and variety) Utilization
rate depth
Growth type In Rows Plant to plant
40- 5-6cm Bunch type (e.g. Red 40-60cm 7.5-10cm Suitable for
50Kg/ beauty) confectionery
ha Semi-erect type 45cm 15cm Peanut butter,
(e,g. Igola1, Serenut 1 & 2) snack food
Serenut 3 & 4 40cm 10cm

Pests and disease management

Aphids, Root knot nematodes, thrips, Diseases

termites, white grubs, millipedes are Common diseases are groundnut rosette
common pests of groundnut virus, early and late leaf spot, rust.

What to do What to do
 If the infestation is sever spray with  Seed dressing prior to planting with
insecticides such as contra-z, fungicides like thiram, carbendazim,
dimetheote, cypermethrine captan
 Practice crop rotation  Use of resistant varieties for planting
 Plant early at the onset of rains  Cultural practices: early sowing, high
 Destroy nearby anti-hills to control density sowing
termites  Proper weed control
 Proper land preparation  Control aphids with systemic
 insecticides such as dimetheote applied
at interval.

Simsim (Sesamumindicum)

Sesim 1 110 days. Yield potential 400-500Kg/acre

Purple stem, resistant to cercospora leaf with good management.
spots and non-shattering. Matures in 105-
capsules at maturity. Resistant to lodging,
tolerant to gall midge and webworm, high oil
Sesim 2 content 42%, and non-shattering. Matures
Small and white seeded variety suitable for in 105-110 days, yield potential of 400-
confectionery. Purple leaves, stems and 500Kg/acre
Sowing guide for simsim
Seed rate Sowing Plant spacing Altitude Utilization
(seed requirement) depth In Rows Plant to plant
2-4Kg/acre row 1.5 -2.5cm 30-45cm Drill then, thin to medium Confectionery
planting 10-15cm

Pest and disease management

Gall midge, webworm, aphids are common Disease management

pests Leaf spots, powdery mildew, fusarium wilt
are major diseases
What to do
 Plant resistant varieties What to do
 Crop rotation  Use certified disease free-seeds
 In severe attack spray with insecticides:  Practice early planting at the onset of
contra-z, pyrinex, endosulfan rains
 Apply copper based fungicides for leaf
spots and sulphur dust for mildews


a) Suitable land selection and timely preparation is critical factor in productive farming
b) Application of well-decomposed compost or manure as per crop nutrient requirements is a
primary objective of all farmers for bounteous harvest. A farmer should know the best
practices regarding fertilizer application.
c) Crop variety selection
d) Timely planting at the onset of rains is a decisive factor for optimal crop performance. Often
yields decrease with late planting
e) Crop protection is important to minimize economic damages to the crop. Knowledge of the
crop and expected weeds, pests and diseases, good soil fertility and water management
must be utilized in accordance with crop needs

Field emergence diagnostic guide for farmers

Correctly planted seed under ideal germination conditions should be able to emerge
(germinate) after 6 days. In the event that there is no emergence or uneven emergence after 6
to 10 days, follow the guide below to ascertain the cause:

a) dig up sections of the row planted, look for original seed and note for unusual things if any
b) if no seed is present, consider the following
 low seed rate used
 uneven spacing in the row
 seed eaten by pests or birds
c) if seed is present, but no roots or shoot visible
 if seed is dry and healthy then, there is insufficient soil moisture for germination
d) if the seed is swollen and live
 cool temperatures which inhibit germination
 insufficient moisture or delayed moisture

e) if the seed is swollen, but dead and rotten then,

 soils are water logged
 there is insufficient soil moisture to enable seed to germinate
 seeds is diseased
 poor seed to soil contact

f) if the seed is damaged, eaten or cracked

 soil pests
 mechanical damage during planting

g) if seed is present, with germination proceeding (i.e. roots and shoots emerging)
 normal vigour, but slow emergence (possibility: cool temperatures, deep planting,
insufficient moisture at planting)
 low vigour or distorted growth (assumption: cold temperatures, fertilizer burn, soil
capping/surface crust or cloddy soil)

A productive farmer takes time to investigate his/her field in order to prevent problems and
improve productivity. He/she takes time to walk through his field regularly, observing, thinking,
inspecting and evaluating and seeking solutions.

Tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum)

Flora-Dade Maglobe
Determinate variety widely adapted for fresh Widely adapted, hardy tomato variety. Semi-
market. Fruits are medium large and firm determinate with long fruit bearing
and normally not subject to catface and period.Maturity 90-95 days after
cracking. Matures in 65-70 days after transplanting. Produce yields of 20-
transplanting with medium fruit bearing 25tons/acre under optimal growing
period.Average fruit weight 125-170gms conditions and does well in humid climates.
and good firmness. Tolerant to verticillium, Fruit weight 160-175gm and resistant to
fuasrium and alternaria stem cancer fusarium

Heinz 1370 Roma VFN

Determinate variety bearing medium-sized Determinate, very productive variety.Widely
firm fruits.Very adaptable with fruit bearing marketable.Matures in 90-95days after
period.Maturity 80-85 days after transplanting. Fruit weight 60-70gm with
transplanting.Fruit is deep oblate, with pear shape appearance with moderate
average weight 120-140gm. Yield potential firmness. Produces yields of 20-
20tones/acre under good management. 25tones/acre under optimal growing
Resistant to fusarium conditions. Resistant to fusarium and
Money maker
Indeterminate vigourly growing variety.Early Cal J
maturing 75 days after transplanting, prolific Determinate medium-early maturing variety,
bearer of smooth deep-red fruit.Long fruit bearing square shaped fruits. Resistant to
bearing period.Yield potential 8 tones/acre verticillium and fusarium.Produces yields of
under good management. Fruit weight 90- 25-30tones/acre under optimal growing
120gm. Low resistance to diseases. conditions.Matures in 80-85 days after
Conditions for growth
Tomatoes are adapted to wide range of climatic conditions. It requires relatively cool, dry
climate for high yields and premium quality. Sandy loam soils freely drained, rich in organic
matter are preferable with pH of 6 to 6.5

Tomatoes can be directly-seeded or transplanted in the field. Direct seeding is expensive as
large amounts of seed is required (about 200 to 400gm of seed/acre). Raising transplants in a
nursery enables growers to achieve great seedling uniformity, smaller quantity of seed per acre.

Sowing guide for tomato

Seed requirements per Sowing Plant spacing (cm) Plant density/ Yield
acre depth acre ton/acre
In nursery Direct In rows Between of fruits
sowing plants
100-120gm 400-800gm 05-1cm 60-75cm 45cm 10,000-12,000 2 to 2.5
Crop management

Fertilizer application
Well-decomposed compost should be incorporated in the soil during ploughing. Add rock
phosphate fertilizer (e.g. DAP) a tea spoonsful to each hole during planting.

Avoid excessive nitrogen application, because it is associated with fruit puffiness, blossom-end
rot, and dense vegetative growth. During flowering and fruit set apply 50Kg/acre of NPK
(17:17:17) fertilizer in two splits

Should be done to reduce soil temperature, conserve soil moisture, and prevent soil erosion.
Dry plant materials can be used for this purpose

Staking and pruning

Put 2m stakes firmly in the ground for each tomato plant, one week after transplantingand tie
loosely as the plant grows. This helps to facilitate air circulation through the plants and fruit

One or two stems should be allowed to grow and side branches pruned or pinched off as the
crop grows. Also leaves close to the ground has to be removed to help prevent entry of blight.

Tomatoes need adequate irrigation during early stages of growth, fruit set, and enlargement.
Consistency of watersupply to the plants plays a major role in attaining uniform maturity and
reducing incidences of blossom-end rot. Watering at least twice a week in dry weather is

Pest and disease management Diseases of economic importance in tomato

production include: early and late blight,
The economic pests include: cutworms, bacterial wilt, bacterial canker, powdery
aphids, root-knot nematodes, white fly, mildews, anthracnose
thrips, leaf miners, and fruit borers
What to do
What to do  Remove all diseased plants (in the
 Inspect the pests regularly on the plants seedbed and in the field) and destroy
to determine their presence and level of them
infestation  Do not grow eggplant or tomato in
 Dispose off crop residues after harvest succession
 Collect and kill the cutworms by hands

 Plant resistant varieties if available

 Practice crop rotation to reduce build-up  Practice soil sterilization or treatment to
of pests levels eliminate bacterial diseases
 Spray insecticides (Dimetheote,  Keep the field weed free
Endosulfan) or bio-pesticides like neem  Avoid water stress during early stages
extracts, sopa and water, and so forth of fruit development
 Remove weeds and alternate plants in  Disinfect pruning tools with detergent
the tomato field  Apply fertilizers high in calcium like
calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) when
fruits show signs of blossom-end rot or
apply lime in calcium deficient soils
Diseases and their control
Fresh-tomatoes are often marketed at the specifications for instance: clour, calyx
mature-green stage and ripened in storage attachment on fruit, shape, size firmness,
or transit before they are marketed. After and variety. Yield potential 2 to 2.5
picking store in shade or cool place. Sort tones/acre under good management
and grade as per fresh market quality

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.)

Copenhagen market
Widely adapted open-pollinated variety, Drumhead
amongst the ball-headed cabbages. The Oldest popular variety under cool growing
heads are uniform round, firm, medium conditions. It is open-pollinated, late
sized and weighing about 2-3 kg. The plant maturing variety takes about 85-110 days
is short-stemmed and rather small, and can after transplanting. The plant produces
be spaced closer. It is early maturing, takes compact flattish heads of about 30 cm in
about 60-70 days after transplanting. It is diameter and can weigh 5-6Kg.
sensitive to splitting and should not be left in
the field for too long after maturity.

Conditions for growth

Cabbages grow on a wide range of soils with adequate moisture, fertility (nutrition) and freely
drained. Soil pH of 6.0-6.5 is preferable. Cabbage is heavy feeder, so to get good yields proper
fertilization and consistency in water supply is necessary.

Raise transplants from certified disease-free seeds to achieve seedling uniformity and less
requirement seed per acre.

Sowing guide for cabbage

Seed requirements per acre Sowing Plant spacing (cm) Plant Yield
Nursery bed Direct depth In rows Between density/ ton/acre
sowing plants acre of heads
120gm 200-800gm 05-1cm 60cm 45cm 8,000-12,000 5-10

Crop management

Fertilizer application
Cabbage has a very shallow root system. Ensure optimal fertilisation; incorporate well-
decomposed compost in the soil during land preparation to correct nutrient deficiencies
especially boron and molybdenum associated with yellowing of the youngest leaves and stems,
marginal and interveinal, chlorosis, scorching and downward curling of margins. Compost and
well-rotted animal manures are good of micronutrients including boron and molybdenum

Avoid excess nitrogen, it promotes second growth and split heads, shorten storage life and
promotes pungent odour during cooking.

Should be done to reduce soil temperature, conserve soil moisture, prevent soil erosionand
eliminate conditions that induce black rot

Pest and disease management

The economic pests include: diamond black Diseases and their control
moth, cabbage aphid, cabbage webworm Black rot is a serious cabbage disease in
warm climates. Others include downy
What to do mildews, bacterial soft rot
 Intercrop cabbage with tomatoes to
repel diamond black moth and mustard What to do
or garlic to act as trap crop for aphids  Use certified and treated seeds for
 In severe attack apply insecticidal raising transplants
sprays: cypermethrine, dimetheote,  Establish crops in black rot free soils
endosulfan or bio-pesticides like neem  Remove and burn infected plants or
extracts, soap and water sprays, Bt debris from the field
 Practice crop rotation to reduce build-up  Use fungicides like: Ridomil, victory,
of pests levels agro-laxyl, mancozeb
 Keep the fields weed free and remove  Plant cabbage on raised beds, mulched
alternate plants to eliminate conditions which favour
development of black rot

Well-filled and solid heads are usually cut 10tons per acre. After cutting store the
with few wrapper leaves attached. Yields heads in shade or cool place. Sort and
vary with the season of production, variety grade as per fresh market quality
and production system. With good specifications for instance: colour, shape,
management, cabbage can produce 5- size whether trimmed or not.

Onion (Allium cepa L)

Red creole Bombay red

Popular standard variety, flat-round bulbs, Variety for dry and warmer climatic
bright red in colour and with pungent conditions. Small to medium sized, globe
taste.Its hardy and has good keeping shape, purplish red and pungent
qualities. Matures in 100-120 days after

Conditions for growth

Onions can grow on any fertile, well-drained, and non-crusting soil with pH of 6.0 to 6.8.
Adequate water and nutrition is necessary during bulbing. Over-fertilization, uneven water
supply, and fluctuation affect bulb formation and yield.

Raise transplants. Prior to transplanting, the main field should be ploughed and disked
sufficiently to eliminate debris and soil clods. Beds of 0.9-1.0m wide, 2 to 3 rows are seeded

Sowing guide
Seed requirements per acre Sowing Plant spacing (cm) Plant Yield
Nursery bed Direct sowing depth In rows Between density/ ton/acre
plants acre of bulbs
120gm 200-800gm 05-1cm 20-30cm 8-10cm 300,000 1.5-2.0

Crop management

Fertilizer application
Onions respond very well to well decomposed organic manure. Organic manure at 10 to
160t/acre is recommended to obtain high bulb yield. Spoonful of rock phosphate fertilizer can be
added to each hole during transplanting/ seeding

Mulching onions with dry grass, or banana leaves is highly recommended so as to maintain soil
organic content, prevent soil-borne diseases, and suppress weeds

On light sandy soils irrigation is necessary. Irrigation could be either overhead or drip during
active growth and bulbing stages on raised beds.

Pests and disease control

Thrips and onion fly are common pests of

onions What to do
 Use certified disease-free seeds
What to do  Increased spacing between plants may
 Don’t plant onion in succession. Practice reduce development of purple blotch
crop rotation  Rotate with non-allium species at least 3
 Remove and destroy infested plants, years
and plant debris after harvesting  Remove plants, crop residues and plant
 Plough deeply to exposure the pupae in well-drained soils
 Avoid planting onions in un-  In severe infection, use prevent
decomposed manure. Flies tend to lay protective and preventive fungicides like
eggs in moist soil with high organic Milraz, Agro-laxyl, Ridomil, Victory
matter  Care should be taken to avoid bruising
during harvesting and packing of onion
Diseases and their control to avoid bacterial soft rot
 Store in cool, dry and ventilated to avoid
Purple blotch is major disease in onion accumulation of moisture on the surface
production. Others include: downy mildews, of bulbs
bacterial soft rot

After maturity when leaves collapse in about 100-120days after sowing. The bulbs are lifted/
pulled out by hand from the soil gently and left to dry for 2-3 days in windrows. The leaves are
then cut off and the mature bulbs bagged or packed in create (for either transport or storage).

Fresh market qualities must be observed such as: being well cured, no greenery with tight neck,
sharp flavour, no off smells, free from foreign matter and desirable size.

Okra (Abelmoschusesculentus)
Clemson spineless (Opv)
Uniform prolific variety, with average height of 1.2m bearing straight spineless slightly ribbed
green pods ± 10-15cm long. Maturity is 55 days after sowing

Pusasawani (Opv)
Grows up to 2m tall, has long pods (18 to 20cm), dark green, smooth, and has 5 ridges.Mainly
for fresh market

Anamika (Opv)
Vigorous, tall erect branching variety, bearing fruits in flushes with cylindrical tapering
appearance having light reddish shades. The fruit surface is coarse with 5 ridges. Resistant to
yellow vein mosaic. Matures in 40-45 days after sowing and fruit length of 15-20cm

Growing conditions
Okra grows on wide range of soils, but preferably high in organic matter. When grown on sandy
soils, it must be frequently fertilized. pH 5.8 to 5.8 ideal, one has to perform soil test to
determine if liming s required

Okra is directly seeded in the main field. Prior to seeding thorough seedbed preparation at least
2 to 3 months must be done, to allow crop residues and organic matter in the soil to decompose

Sowing guide
Seed requirements per acre Sowing Plant spacing (cm) Plant Yield
Nursery bed Direct sowing depth In rows Between density/ Ton/acre
plants acre
- 3-4Kgs 1-1.5cm 45cm 45cm 20,000 to 0.8-1.5
50cm 30cm, or 40,000
60cm 15cm

Crop management

Fertilizer application
In land preparations incorporate well-decomposed compost 6-8tones/acre. Apply NPK fertilizer
(17:17:17) in bands during planting at rate of 50Kg/acre. Later at top dressing apply 56Kg/acre
of CAN (Calcium ammonium nitrate) in two split applications. First application 3-4 weeks after
planting and the second application 3-4 weeks later. Apply NPK (17:17:17) at flowering to boost
flowering and pod production.

Okra’s water requirement is high during critical times like emergence, flowering, and pod
production. Average of 35mm of water per week (equal to 35 litres of water per square metre)

Pests and disease management

African bollworm, aphids, cutworms, cotton  Monitor crops regularly for eggs and
seed bugs, boll worm, root-knot nematodes levels of insect pest infestation for
are common pest immediate action
 Always rotate okra with maize, millet to
What to do prevent build-up of pests
 Remove plants and all its debris soon
after harvest
 In severe infestation spray with
insecticides such as dimetheote, What to do
endosulfan, pyrinex, thionex or bio-  Use certified disease free-seeds
pesticides  Control weeds properly and remove
 Practice mix cropping with marigold alternate host plants
(Tagetesspp) to control nematodes  Practice crop rotation, avoid fields
previously planted with cotton
 If the disease is severe spray with
Disease control copper based preventive and curative
fungicides such as ridomil, milraz,
Damping off of seedlings, early blight, copper hydroxide
fusarium wilt, powdery mildews are major
diseases of okra

For fresh market pods are normally ready for picking between 45 to 55 days after planting,
when they are still tender and have attained length of 7 to 15cm, depending on the variety and
market requirements. They are either snapped off or cut off, leaving a small stalk not longer
than one cm. The crop will bear pods for several months under good management.

Okra should not be harvested when it is raining or having excessive. This induces mould
development on the pods and cut petioles. Yield potential 800-1500Kgs of fruits per acre


Sugar baby Crimson sweet

Popular variety, open pollinated variety, It is open pollinated variety, small almost
small round, dark green with dark veins. round in shape, with light green blurred dark
Matures in 75-80 days after sowing. green stripes. Matures in 80-90 days,
Average fruit weight 4-5Kgs with bright red average fruit weight 12 kgs, deep red juicy
flesh colour. Suitable for long transport flesh. Resistant to fusarium, anthracnose.

Growing conditions
Water melon does well in sandy loam soils rich in organic matter, slightly acidic 6.0-6.5, when
planted on heavy soils the plants develop slowly, fruit size and quality are usually inferior

Production is suited in low to medium areas with additional irrigation. Excessive humidity favour
development of foliar diseases and affects flowering

Water melon is normally seeded directly in the well prepared field

Sowing guide
Seed requirements per acre Sowing Plant spacing (cm) Plant Yield
Nursery bed Direct sowing depth In rows Between density/ ton/acre
plants acre
- 1.2 -1.5Kg 3-5cm 200cm 100cm 3,000 to 8-10

Crop management

Fertilizer application
Well-decomposed compost should be worked properly in the soil during preparation, to provide
balanced nutrients for plant growth. 50Kg/acre of Diammonium phosphate (DAP) fertilizer can
be added during planting, tea spoonful in each planting hole is sufficient

In hot dry weather, mulch the plants with dry grass to conserve soil moisture, suppress weeds
and to keep the fruits off the soil

During critical stages such as after planting, at early bloom, during fruit development adequate
water supply is necessary for even emergence, prevent poor fruit set, good size development
and maturity. However avoid too much irrigation

Fruit disorders
Inspect plants for fruit disorders such as blossom-end rot, internal cracking, spongy end, white
heart, hollow heart, sun burn, and ring necrosis. Once observed seek advice from trained
agricultural extension worker near you.

Pests and disease management

Pests such as aphids, white flies, root-knot Disease control

nematodes, are common in water melon
production Damping off of seedlings, powdery mildews,
angular leaf spots, anthracnose, fusarium
What to do wilt,
 Monitor the crop frequently for larvae,
pupae or adult insect pests, particularly What to do
during the first stages of the crop to  Use certified disease - free seeds for
control significant damage to a crop planting
 Provide good nutrition and favourable  Practice crop rotation with onions,
growing conditions to enable the cabbages, cereals or with non-
infested plants recover from pest stress. related crops
 Monitor and control disease vectors
 Weed in and around fields regularly, to such as aphids, white flies by
eliminate breeding grounds of insects, regular spraying with contact and
thus reducing crop damage. systemic insecticides:
 When necessary spray insecticides  Practice early planting at the on-set
such as dimetheote, endosulfan, contra- of rains
z or botanicalslikes neem extracts

Harvesting begins when the crop is mature 3-4 months after planting. In addition to that,
maturity indicators such as: dull hollow sound heard when the fruit is tapped, colour change
from white to cream or pale yellow where the fruit has been resting on the soil, shrivelling of
tendrils on nodes to which the melon is attached or brix test should be performed.

Cut the fruit rather than pulling from the vein to avoid damage to the stem end. Do not stack
fruits on their ends; this is where the rind is thinnest. The yield potential under optimal growing
conditions is 8-10tones of fruits per acre

Eggplant (Solanummelongena)

Black beauty (Opv)

Popular widely adapted fresh market variety. A vigorous, bushy plant bearing oval to deep globe
fruits with dark purple colour. Matures in 80-90days after transplanting, and has long picking
period of up to 6 months. Fruit size ± 12×15cm

Early long purple (Opv)

Widely adapted hardy variety, grown all year round. It is erect bearing long purple fruits of 20-
25× 6-7cm size with long standing ability. Maturity 75-80 days after transplanting.

Runako (Opv)
Erect plant with intermediate resistance to bacterial wilt. High yielder, cylindrical fruits, purple
violet in colour and excellent shelf life. Maturity 75-80 days after transplanting

Conditions for growth

Eggplant is not a drought tolerate crop. High temperatures and humidity affects production.
Suitable conditions are well-drained, sandy loam soils preferably found in lowland areas where
temperature variation is little.

Raise transplants (seedlings) in the nursery bed. Prior to transplanting, prepare the main field
properly by ploughing, harrowing and ridging. Dig hole deep enough to burry seedling so that its
first true leaves are just above the soil surface. Press the soil firmly around the root, irrigate
immediately after transplanting

Sowing guide
Seed requirements per acre Sowing Plant spacing (cm) Plant Yield
Nursery bed Direct sowing depth In rows Between density/ ton/acre
plants acre of fruits
200gm 800gms 05-1cm 75cm 50cm 6,000 - 5-8

Crop management

Fertilizer application
Eggplants need good irrigation and fertilizer management for fruit setting and development.
10tones/acre of well decomposed compost should be incorporated in the soil during ploughing.
Add a teaspoonful of diammonium phosphate (DAP) fertilizer in each planting hole during
planting. Top dress 50Kg/acre of NPK (17:17:17) 3-4 weeks after planting in splits to boost fruit
set and development, and yield.

Mulch with dry plant materials to reduce moisture loos and weeds problems

In prolong drought periods, supplementary irrigation is essential.

Pest and disease management

Major pests in eggplant production include:  Inspect the plants regularly to determine
cutworms, root-knot nematodes, thrips, type of pest (s), their levels so as to
aphids, jassids, fruit borers warrant control measures
 Remove and destroy severely infested
What to do plants from the field
 Keep the fields weed free
 Provide good nutrition to the plants.  In endemic conditions spray the plants
Healthy plants can withstand pest attack with selective insecticides such as
because of vigour endosulfan, cypermethrine, dimetheote,

Disease control
Baterial wilt, powdery mildews,  Plant seedlings in raised bed to improve
anthracnose, early and late blight, fusarium drainage
wilt, phytoththora fruit rot are major  Remove infected plants from the field
diseases of eggplants and destroy
 Apply sulphur or copper fungicides for
What to do prevention or to cure as soon as the
 Rotate with non-solanceous plants eg disease is seen or when conditions are
maize, rice, beans, cabbages to prevent favourable for disease development like
reoccurrence of the same pests and high humidity
diseases pathogen  Plant resistant varieties if available

Begin to harvest fruits when they are about two-thirds of their maximum size. Harvesting should
be done once or twice a week by cutting of the fruit from the stem and leaving a short piece on
the fruit

Pepper (Capscumspp)

California wonder (Opv)

Popular sweet pepper variety, widely adapted. It is a vigorous, upright plant 70-75cm high
bearing medium green, square blocky fruits (with 4 lobes). Matures in 75-80 days after
transplanting.Fruit weight 110gms

Cayenne long slim (Opv)

Hot pepper variety, bushy 50-60cm high producing long slim wrinkled fruits 0f 5-10gms.Deep
green turning to bright red when mature, pungent.

Growing conditions
Capsicum peppers grow best on well-drained loamy soils at pH 5.5-6.8. They grow at a wide
range of altitudes, with rainfall between 600 and 1250 mm. It cannot tolerate severe drought.

Cooler night temperatures down to 15°C favour fruit setting, although flowering will be delayed
as temperatures drop below 25°C. Flower buds will usually abort rather than develop to maturity
if night temperatures reach 30°C.

Raise transplants (seedlings). Seed dormancy may occur sometime if the seeds are harvested
from unripe fruits.Store for 2-3months to allow then mature physiological so as break dormancy

Sowing guide
Seed requirements per acre Sowing Plant spacing (cm) Plant Yield
Nursery bed Direct sowing depth In rows Between density/ ton/acre
plants acre of fruits
100gm 140gms 05-1cm 80cm 50cm 9000-10,000 4-5
Crop management

Fertilizer application
Capsicum peppers perform well if supplied with sufficient amount of 4-8 ton/acre organic matter.
General nutrient requirements are 52 kg/acre of N, 32 kg/acre of P and 44 kg/acre of K. Nutrient
availability is subject to soil type and environmental conditions, so local recommendations vary

Irrigation and mulching

In dry periods provide supplementary water supply through irrigation at critical stages such as
germination, growth, fruit set and development. Mulching with dry plants parts helps to conserve
soil moisture, suppressing weeds and help to minimise insect vectors of plant viruses.

Pests and diseases control

Root-knot nematodes, aphids, cutworms, Disease control
fruit worms, thrips are common pest of Damping off and root rot, powdery mildews,
capsicum bacterial wilt, bacterial soft rot, cercospora
leaf spot, fusarium wilt, collar rot,
What to do phytophthora blight are major diseases of
 Check crop regularly for early detection pepper
and prompt control of pests attack
 Eliminate weeds and alternate hosts in What to do
the field by weeding and slashing  Plant certified disease-free seeds
 Practice mixed cropping with African  Grow the plants on raised bed to
marigold (Tagetespp) for controlling root facilitate drainage
knot nematodes in the soil  Control root knot nematodes to minimize
 If infestation is severe, spray plants with infection and spread of bacterial wilt
bio-pesticides such as neem extract,  Remove wilted plants from the field and
ash, soap or other recommended destroy them to reduce disease spread
insecticides like dimetheote, endosulfan,  Do not grow pepper in soils with high
cypermethrin wilt pressure
 Conserve natural enemies of pests in  Spray with fungicides such as Milraz,
the field Agro-laxyl, Ridomil, Mancozed with
preventive and curative action

Capsicum peppers are often ready for harvest 3-6 weeks after flowering depending on desired
fruit maturity. Green fruits are mature when firm, if gently squeezed they make a characteristic
popping sound.

Harvesting is done by hand or with the aid of a small knife. Sweet capsicum peppers are often
harvested at the green mature stage oryellow, orange depending on the variety. Hot pepper is
harvested green or red depending on the utilisation. For the fresh market, fruits are harvested
when mature and firm.



 Construct raised seedbed of a maximum of one meter width and 15-20cm high in a place
where no potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants or pepper have been grown previously
 Incorporate about 5Kg of well - decomposed and sieved compost manure per square meter
and mix thoroughly. Never use fresh manure it will burn young seedlings
 Keep beds covered for a week using preferably, black plastic paper (sheet) to kill the
disease causing organisms through fumigation
 Make or drill shallow furrows 6-8cm apart with pointed stick.
 Sow the seeds evenly in the furrows 0.5-1cm deep and cover lightly with soil on the bed
 Spread a thin layer of dry grass to cover the surface of the bed to keep the soil moist
preventing it from cracking and hardening
 Water the beds properly. Avoid excessive watering to avoid damping off disease of
seedlings and extended wetness of seedlings favours development of foliar diseases.
 Remove mulch just after seedling emergence to allow sunlight to get through to the young
 Irrigate the beds using watering can to maintain optimum moisture for healthy seedling
growth. Water every morning and evening during hot and dry periods. Avoid excessive
 Thin out excess seedlings and transplant to another box
 Within three to four weeks, seedlings will be ready for transplanting. A week before
transplanting, reduce watering to harden the seedlings. Water seedlings thoroughly 12 to 24
hours before they are lifted out of the seedbed, to avoid excessive damage to the roots
 Transplant seedlings in the afternoon or on a still, cloudy day to reduce transplant shock,
and then water them immediately


1. EQUATOR SEEDS LIMITED warrants that all goods sold conforms to the label description
within tolerance accepted by laws and regulations of seeds of Uganda
2. Orders are received in good faith and acceptance is based on anticipated stock
3. No return of goods correctly supplied will be accepted unless the company’s prior written
approval is obtained. And verification ascertained
4. Placing of an order shall be regarded as acceptance of the purchase
5. Claims of defects, non-conformity of the product to the specifications in the label must be
reported within 72 hours

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