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Issue No.

Village Voice
The newsletter of Bottesford, Easthorpe, Muston & Normanton
September - October 2010

Bottesford Football Club News

Have you seen the change at
Nottingham Road? The pitches
have been levelled and seeded
and we can now see the mist of
green appearing! Unfortunately,
because of the delays caused by
the weather, the Nottingham
Road site will not be ready for
the start of next season. In-
stead, the club has decided to
look to progress the site for the
2011/12 season. All teams are
keen to extend their squads
ahead of the next season and
are therefore now looking for
new players in all age groups.
Anyone interested should con-
tact Ros Morton on 843633.
Awards for the 2009/10 season
were given to—
Under 15s Knockout Cup winners at The Meres, Grantham

Under 10s Under 11s Under 12s Under 13s Under 15s
Player’s player Thomas Murphy Jack Wilkins Toby Mellor Sam Daws Jack Long
Manager’s player Ben Gudalajtys Jacob Robinson Brodie Evans-Snow Alex Hare Charlie Morgan
Supporter’s player Oliver Thornhill Lyndon James Ben Marriott Danny Barratt Alex Mee
Team player Jevan Scott George Skerritt

Most improved player, under 12s: Sam Keirl Top scorer, under 10s: Joshua Brown
Outstanding achievement, under 12s: Edward Coy Top scorer, under 11s: Sam Turner

Brownies ‘takeover’ ‘Bill and Ben’

in the dark
In this centenary year of guiding, one
Remember, it’s the
of the challenges set to the girls was to Bottesford Horticultural
‘take-over’ a building. So, two Brownie Show on 11th September!
leaders, 20 Brownies and Judith Wells –
Reader of St Mary’s Church – took over This photo of two children, in
St Marys for a sleepover. They spent the Fancy Dress competition at
the night on the carpeted area at the a garden fete at Bottesford Rec-
back of the church and played games, tory, is courtesy of Mrs J Peach.
had a quiz and some hot chocolate.
Judith said, “It was good fun and an Does anyone know in which
experience that the girls will remember year the photo was taken?
for a long time.”
Bottesford C of E Primary School
Winners of the Village Voice Junior Literacy Awards for 2010 were:
Amy Hinsliff-Smith, Sophie Reisenbuchler, Jessica Paine and Ella Mendham

L R Mees Ltd
Call us for all your electrical needs
Service sales and electrical Friends of Bottesford C of E Primary School future events:
Engineers The AGM on Tuesday 14th September 7.30 pm at The Bull.
Established 1965 Annual Jumble Sale Saturday 18th Sept, doors open 10.30 am.
Lions and Friends Race Night at the VC Hall on Saturday 2nd October.
5 Market Street 3 Shopping Centre
6th Curling event at VC Hall, starts 7.30 pm on Saturday 15th January 2011.
Bingham, Notts Cotgrave, Notts
Many thanks go to all those parents and the local community for their continued
01949 838597 0115 9892312
support. For more information go to

Belvoir High School Achievement Evening


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OR 07887 655453 Emergency number The guest speaker at this years Achievement Evening was Marianne Lumb, first
female finalist of Masterchef. A former pupil of Belvoir, Marianne spoke about
her journey to being selected to take part in Masterchef, and how her career has
progressed. She encouraged everyone to pursue their dreams to achieve their
full potential and reminded pupils of the effort and hard work that has to go in to
get the results you need.
With Mr Sherwin (Principal) are Lauren Mulla, Credit Cup winner; Vicky Yates the
Pupil of the Year, winner of the Duke of Rutland Trophy; Chloe Loach, Rosie May
Trophy for Expressive Arts; Theo Pilcher, Village Voice Trophy awarded to Theo
for his speaking, listening, expressive gesture and mature approach.
Two local lads are looking for-
ward to taking part in a challeng-
ing expedition to Nepal in Octo-
ber and will be trekking to An-
napurna Base Camp. Sixteen-
year-olds Luke Holdsworth of
Muston and William Jones of
Bottesford are both pupils at The
King’s School in Grantham. As
part of the challenge, the group
has pledged to raise £5,000 for
Community Action Nepal, a char-
ity set up by legendary moun-
taineer Doug Scott to help
mountain people to help them-
selves. William Jones (left) and Luke Holdsworth (right)
Anyone wanting to know more, or help the boys raise money for Community
Action Nepal, can look at Luke and Wil-
liam wish to thank those who have already supported them, including Bottesford
Parish Council and the Vale of Belvoir Lions, Totemic, The Everest Inn, BGB En-
gineering Ltd and Cyclesport Grantham.

British Cheese Board rewards star cheese trainer

The British Cheese Board has presented Christine Ashby from Bottesford with its
prestigious Bath & West Cheese Industry Award at this year’s show.
The annual award, which recognises outstanding contributions to the UK cheese
industry, was presented to Chris of AB Cheesemaking. The award recognises her
long career and particularly her involvement in the development and delivery of
cheesemaking courses to the next generation of British cheesemakers.

Inauguration of the new Rector of St Marys

Rev’d Dr Mark Smith was licensed
as Team Rector by Bishop Tim in
June, on a glorious midsummer eve-

The congregation of over 200 was made up

of clergy and readers from across
the deanery and diocese, parishioners from
both Bottesford and the Vale parishes and
guests representing the local community and
schools, churches, Councils, uniformed or-
ganisations and the local police force. Also
present were members of the congregation
of Mark’s previous parish.

The photo shows Mark with his wife Lisa and

their children Aidan and Hannah.

Lumps and bumps of North East Leicestershire

Archaeologist Fred Hartley gave a talk in Bottesford library in July on 'Medieval
Earthworks of North-east Leicestershire’, as part of the annual festival of British
Archaeology. His book is currently out of print but a copy can be borrowed from
Leicestershire libraries.
Lions Open Gardens - a blooming success!
Over the glorious first weekend in July the
sun smiled on everyone and the Vale of
Belvoir Lions Club held their biennial Open
Gardens event. A total of 20 gardens were
on show throughout Bottesford, Easthorpe
and Normanton and everyone involved had
worked hard to present their gardens at
their very best and prepare delicious teas
and refreshments.
Many thanks to all involved for such a
splendid day. Over £1,000 was raised which
will help support the Grantham Stroke Unit
and Help for Heroes.

Pictured, Kathryn Price at her home on

Devon Lane

NEED A MAN THAT A fundraising success for St Mary’s

The Grand Church Plant Sale held at Underacre raised £1100 for church funds.
CAN ? Stalls selling cards, plants, books, home-made preserves and cakes, a wine or
Call CHRIS water game, tombola and a raffle – plus lovely gardens and refreshments all
07814 802963 or 01949 843358 contributed to a wonderful afternoon.
House & Property Maintenance & Repairs
Inside & Out, Tiling - Wall / Floor, Slabbing
Patios, Fencing, Joinery, Guttering
Singing success
Well done to the 2nd Bottesford Guides for raising over £500 for Air Ambulance
funds with their wonderful Sing-along in July.

The Rosie May Home

Nottingham Trent District Oddfellows
raised £200 for the Rosie May Home in
Boossa, Sri Lanka which now has thir-
teen orphaned girls aged 4 to 14 years
including three sets of re-united sisters.
For an update and information on how
to sponsor a child and/or volunteer at
the Rosie May home go to
Pictured, Oddfellows’ Karen Pye-Smith
(left) and Mary Storrie.

Book Group Race for Life

Five members of the Bottesford
Bookworms bookgroup completed
Cancer Research UK's Race for Life
at Peterborough on June 10th. Be-
tween them they raised well over

Carol Hulse
An open day on Sunday 18th July saw over 90
people arrive at Carol Hulse’s home to eat delicious
home made delicacies, drink and be merry - in or-
der to raise funds for Lymphoma and Leukaemia.
Carol and her husband Bob raised over £750 for
this worthwhile cause. Well Done!
SPOTLIGHT ON… The Admin Team at Bottesford
The Community Centre is part of
the Leicestershire Adult Learn-
Community Centre
ing Service and offers many
courses. Started in 1992 by the
Women’s Access Project, Julia,
Alison and Clare have all bene-
fited from courses.
Julia started in 1995 and is the long-
est serving member of the team.
She has a degree in textiles and has
created jumpers for the famous in-
cluding Princess Diana, Elton John
and Elkie Brooks. Julia has attended
many courses, including IT and
Business Studies, and has also
taught. She enjoyed the glass mak-
ing courses so much that she has
bought a kiln! In 1997, Alison
started Interior Design and Book
keeping courses. New to the area,
with children, she wanted to meet
people outside a ‘playgroup situa-
tion’. She has been a learner, tutor
and Advice and Information worker.
Clare, who moved from London, had a banking background but wanted to up- Left to right: Claire, Alison and Julia
date her IT skills. She has attended several courses and is currently studying Spanish. Julia, Alison and Clare all
enjoy their work and are keen to help people choose a course.


The children from Mogilev, near to Chernobyl, have been on their fourth of five visits. They were very busy while they
were here – ice skating, ten pin bowling, laser quest and sailing, to name but a few, and the group would like to say a
big ‘thank you’ to all the people who have helped to ferry them around and take care of them.
They would also like to say a very big ‘thank you’ to the Primary School Staff and ladies in the kitchen who have given
them some wonderful meals while they were with us. The children are only allowed to come for 3 years from now on,
but if you can have a child for one visit in the hope that you can carry on after that, it would be great. However, if you
are unable to continue for some reason the local group or the Charity nationally will try to continue the care of that child
with another host. Next year is the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster and will also be the final visit of this group
of children. If you would be interested in learning more about the Charity or think that you would like to start hosting
a child, or even set up a new group in the area with children coming from 2011, then please either contact Anne on
842259 or or speak to any of the present host families.

Photo courtesy of Ted Rayson

What’s On in September..
Thurs 2nd 2.30pm Methodist Friendship Group. 'Indian Experience'. Speaker:
Elaine Robinson. Contact Glenys Bradshaw, 842893
Fri 3rd 10- Wriggly Readers at Bottesford Library. Babes to young
10.30am children; songs, rhymes, stories.
Weds 8 12.45pm Health Walk, meet outside Welby Practice, Walford Close.
for 1.00pm Balderton Lakes/Sustrans track. Approx 1 hr. All welcome.
Thurs 9th 7.30pm Local History Society AGM @ Fuller Rooms, plus 'Home
words for Heart and Hearth' Speaker Sue Dunsmore.
Sat 11th 2.30pm Bottesford & District Gardens Association. VC Hall. 33rd
Annual Horticultural Open Show. If you would like to enter
or join, call Vic Martin, Secretary, 842683
Sun 12th 10am VoB Ramblers. Barkston, Lincs, 8 miles. Along the Witham
valley to Marston. Contact Jan 0115 9825600.
Mon 13th 7.15pm Parish Council meeting. Old School, Muston. Residents are
welcome as observers and for 15 minutes at the start may
address the council with concerns or questions.
Tues 14th 2pm U3A 'All I Need is Four Wheels' Speaker. Irene Hotchin.
VC Hall
Thurs 16th Methodist Friendship Group. 'Rosie May Home for
2.30pm Orphaned Girls in Sri Lanka'. Speaker: Mary Storrie.
Refreshments. Contact 842893.
Fri 17th 7pm for Brains of Belvoir Quiz organised by Vale of Belvoir Lions.
7.30pm start Registration fee includes Supper. Contact Nigel Davis on
844486 to pre-register team of 6. Details on local posters.
Sat 18th 7pm Musical Evening in aid of Army Benevolent Fund and Help
for Heroes. St Mary's Church. Mix of music to suit all
tastes. Tickets £10 & £7.50. from Martyn Stubbs 843040,
David Wright 842610 and Pru Chandler 842355.
Tues 21st 7.30pm W.I. 'At a Drop of a Hat'. Dorothy Wood. VC Hall.
Sun 26th 2.30pm East Midlands Orchid Society AGM and Show. VC Hall.
Trade displays/other club displays. Visitors and new mem-
bers welcome. Phone Mike Armstrong, 842668.
Weds 29th 7pm Belvoir Community Forum, Long Clawson Village Hall. For
info/book a free place: Richard Downing on 0116 3055823
Thurs 30th 2.30pm Methodist Friendship Group. 'Childhood Memories'.
Speaker: Kathleen Fisher. Refreshments. All welcome.
And in October...
Fri 1st 10-10.30am Wriggly Readers.
Sun 3rd 11am St Mary's Church Harvest Festival followed by 'Bring and
Share' lunch.
Sun 10th 12 noon Churches Together. Harvest Praise, starting with picnic
Mon 11th 7.15pm Parish Council meeting. Fuller Rooms. See 13th September
Tues 12th 2pm U3A, 'The Last Laugh' – Speaker, Jean Townsend – VC Hall
Weds 13th 12.45pm Health Walk, meet outside Welby Practice, Walford Close.
for 1.00pm River Witham/Wyndham. Approx 1 hr. Led by Anne & Sue.
Thurs 14th 2.30pm Methodist Friendship Group. Members' Afternoon, followed
by refreshments. Contact Glenys Bradshaw on 842893.
Thurs 14th 7.30pm Local History Society – "Crime and Punishment'. Speaker –
Tim Lee B.A.
Tues 19th 7.30pm W.I. Ramble Round the Vale of Belvoir ,Val Henstock. VC
Sun 24th 2.30pm East Midlands Orchid Society. VC Hall. Visitors welcome.
Contact Mike Armstrong, 842668.
Thurs 28th 2.30pm Methodist Friendship Group. 'My Life with Horses' Speaker:
Janet Kyle. Refreshments. Further details 842893.
Sun 31st !pm - 4pm Autumn Fair. VC Hall
Village Notes
The wind turbines
After a Public Enquiry which started in February and finally ended in June, Her
Majesty’s Inspector Mr Christopher Frost has refused the application by Ridge-
wind to erect wind turbines in Palmers Hollow, just north of Bottesford.
The Belvoir Locals Oppose Turbines (BLOT) group have worked tirelessly over
the last 2 years to initially oppose the Infinergy proposal for turbines at Thack-
sons Well just over the county border in Lincolnshire, and then this second ap-
plication for the Palmers Hollow site received just 17 days after the Thacksons
Well application was refused. The Inspectors decision can be found within the
BLOT website
Neighbourhood watch
If you would like to be notified by e-mail of local crime and anti-social behaviour
problems or want to supply information about these issues, then why not join
the 800+ people who are now on the Neighbourhood Watch e-mailing list. It
costs nothing to join, just e-mail for more informa-
Affordable Housing
A recent public meeting in Bottesford discussed local housing needs and how
these could be met, including low cost housing and rented accommodation.
Twenty two homes are envisaged on 3 sites within the village. For more infor-
mation contact Richard Windley, Leicestershire Rural Housing Enabler on 01530
276546 or e-mail
The May Day Gala is always a great day out for families and visitors alike, and
raises lots of money for charity. Would you like to be part of the group that
works together to make this annual event happen? The first planning meeting
for Gala 2011 will take place on Thursday 7th October, 8.00 pm at The
Bull. Currently the committee is made up of 11 members covering 6 chari-
ties/organisations in OUR village and the dedicated and hardworking group only
meets six times between October and May. They are looking for representation
from more local organisations or individuals who feel they have skills and exper-
tise which could strengthen the future success of this village event. For more
information please contact Kathryn Hinsliff-Smith on 842333.
Surestart Melton aim to improve health and emotional development for children,
and support parents and families. For information about Surestart Outreach
Services coming to Bottesford contact Milan on 07771611844 or Charlotte on
Advertise in The Village Voice
01664 502429. Delivered to 1490 homes in the
parish, 6 times per year.
Poppies. Could you help with the Annual collection for The British Legion?
6 cm wide x 2 cm high £42
Please contact Alex on 842784 or Anne on 842259 for more information.
6 cm wide x 4 cm high £84
65 years ago in 1945 … 6 cm wide x 6 cm high £126
Victory in Europe was celebrated on May 8th and victory in the Far East on 6 cm wide x 8 cm high £168
August 15th 1945.
For your guidance, this panel is the
The Grantham Journal reported that on Beacon Hill the Guides and Scouts of
uniform 6 cm wide, x 8 cm high.
Bottesford hoisted a flag and constructed the huge bonfire that blazed on a
Panels higher than 8 cm can be
neighbouring hill and ‘flickered merrily’ until a late hour. There was a good rea-
purchased, space permitting,
son for the merry flicker! Ian Norris remembers that some lads went down to at proportional cost.
the Bottesford Gas Works and collected a 40-gallon drum of tar that they then
transported up the hill and concealed in the bonfire. The metal bung in the Please phone 842259 for advice.
drum melted far more quickly than the metal drum. The tar expanded with the
heat and a gush of flaming spray emerged from the centre of the bonfire and
travelled for yards and yards. Fortunately no one was hurt. Parents were not
informed. Health and Safety in 1945!

Important: To publicise your event in the ‘What’s On’ column for November &
December, please ring 844823 or email by 30th September.
Sports News
Darts in the
This new version of the
traditional game took
place in June when the
Bottesford Women’s Insti- Neil Smith & Dad
tute darts team played Plumbing & Heating
the Red Lion. It was a
For all domestic & light
very close match (the Red
Commercial work
Lion won) and became very interesting when a power cut meant that the teams
ended the match playing in torchlight – something you don’t see at Lakeside. 07976219989 — 01949 842145
Both teams enjoyed a great evening and would like to thank Max and Bob for
their hospitality. The WI team (pictured) finished top of their league this season. Gas safe registered

Cricket update
The U13s side had
a mixed season in
terms of results, win-
ning three and losing
three of their league
matches and finishing
in fourth position. Re-
sults didn't really re-
flect the quality of
some of the perform-
ances however, with
the whole squad show-
ing great improvement
over the season.
Individual perform-
ances saw George
Crowther and Danny
Under 11s hard ball squad Barratt taking the most
wickets with 5 each, with Will Seymour scoring most runs with a total of 122. A
particular mention goes to Danny Copley who topped both batting and bowling
The whole squad performed really well over the season with some excellent
fielding performances in particular. Perhaps most important though was a great
team spirit amongst the group with all the players supporting and encouraging
each other.
Kwik cricket is on Friday nights 6.30-7.45 and has registered 54 children in total
since starting in April. They have had a very successful season winning 4
matches on Sunday mornings. There are 3 age groups: 5-6 year olds, 7-8 year
old and 9-10 year olds.
If you would like to help with coaching please contact Dave Charlesworth on
844639 or Andy Morley on 842488.
Under 11s hard ball team is having a great season with 3 good wins already out
of 6 matches. Training night for school year 6 is Wednesday 6.30-7.45 and nets
are on Sunday mornings 10-11.30.
Village Voice Contact information:
Advertising: Anne Ablewhite on 842259
Editorial: Dilys Shepherd on 843505, or Susan Meech on 843402
Deadline for Issue 50: 20th September.
E mail: or 12 The Paddocks, Bottesford, NG13 0BD
Whilst every care is taken in the printing of notices and advertisements, the committee accepts no responsibility for
any inaccuracies or consequences which may arise from them.
Views expressed in the Village Voice do not necessarily reflect those of the committee.

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