Problem Statement: The Requirement Model

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Documenting the Requirement Model

1. Problem Statement: 2 to 3 line statement (technical)

2. The Requirement Model
a. System diagram
b. Actors:
i. Give primary actors with sufficient description.
ii. Give secondary actors with sufficient description.
iii. Each actor must be given a good logical name.
iv. If an actor is an abstract actor, then give inheritance here.
v. Make a small diagram of system & actors as shown.
c. Interface Description:
i. Specify interface for every actor identified. In case of no interface, describe why is
it so for that particular actor?
ii. Use diagrams to represent interfaces with less and to the point description.
iii. Give number and name to every interface.
d. Use Case Methods:
i. Give proper name (logical) and heading for every use case.
ii. In each use case description specify the following:
1. Use case number (better if specified as an alphanumeric number like AUN100),
2. Use case type (abstract / base or concrete/ extended/ included):
a. In case of extended / included and abstract use case specify the reason for
extension or inclusion or abstraction here.
3. Pre conditions,
4. Post conditions,
5. Actors involved,
6. Description,
a. Basic course (normal one)
b. Alternative course (several like error handling etc.)
7. Purpose,
8. Assumptions,
9. Other related use case,
10. Formal flow chart for this use case
e. Problem Domain Object Model:
i. Locate nouns and entities here.
ii. Make a diagram showing the following:
1. Inheritance (if any),
2. Attributes of main entities (if any)
3. The static instance association between objects.
f. Extends (if any):
i. Specify extended and included use case here.
ii. For every extended and included use case description should be similar to the
description of main use cases.
g. Use Case Diagrams:
h. Draw diagram as shown with actors, use cases, extends, uses.
i. Use any UML book to study further these diagrams.
Note: Any other thing discussed in class.

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