Tagatac Vs Jimenez

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Tagatac vs Jimenez car for sale), so she demanded from the manager

for the delivery of the car, but the latter refused.

 Trinidad Tagatac bought a car for $4,500 in the US.  Tagatac filed a suit for the recovery of the car’s
After 7 months, she brought the car to the possession, and the sheriff, pursuant to a warrant of
Philippines. seizure that Tagatac obtained, seized and
impounded the car, but it was delivered back to
 Warner Feist, who pretended to be a wealthy man, Jimenez upon his filing of a counter-bond.
offered to buy Trinidad’s car for P15,000, and
Tagatac was amenable to the idea. Hnece, a deed  The lower court held that Jimenez had the right of
of sale was exceuted. ownership and possession over the car.

 Feist paid by means of a postdated check, and the

car was delivered to Feist. However, PNB refused to
honor the checks and told her that Feist had no Issue: WON Jimenez was a purchaser in good faith and
account in said bank. thus entitled to the ownership and possession of the car.
 Tagatac notified the law enforcement agencies of
the estafa committed by Feist, but the latter was not Held:
apprehended and the car disappeared.
It must be noted that Tagactac was not unlawfully
 Meanwhile, Feist managed succeeded in having the deprived of his car
car’s registration certificate (RC) transferred in his In this case, there is a valid transmission of ownership
name. He sold the car to Sanchez, who was able to from true owner [Tagatac] to the swindler [Feist],
transfer the registration certificate to his name. considering that they had a contract of sale (note: but
such sale is voidable for the fraud and deceit by Feist).
 Sanchez then offered to sell the car to defendant
Liberato Jimenez, who bought the car for P10,000 The disputable presumption that a person found in
after investigating in the Motor Vehicles Office. possession of a thing taken in the doing of a recent
wrongful act is the taker and the doer of the whole act
 Tagatac discovered that the car was in California does NOT apply in this case because the car was not
Car Exchange’s (place where Jimenez displayed the stolen from Tagatac, and Jimenez came into possession
of the car two months after Feist swindled Tagatac.
car passed to Feist. Of course, the title that Feist
Jimenez was a purchaser in good faith for he was not acquired was defective and voidable.
aware of any flaw invalidating the title from the seller
of the car Nevertheless, at the time he sold the car to Felix
In addition, when Jimenez acquired the car, he had no Sanchez, his title thereto had not been avoided and he
knowledge of any flaw in the title of the person from therefore conferred a good title on the latter, provided he
whom he acquired it. It was only later that he became bought the car in good faith, for value and without notice
fully aware that there were some questions regarding the of the defect in Feist's title (Article 1506, N.C.C.). There
car, when he filed a petition to dissolve Tagatac’s search being no proof on record that Felix Sanchez acted in bad
warrant which had as its subject the car in question. faith, it is safe to assume that he acted in good faith.

The contract between Feist and Tagactac was a

voidable contract, it can be annulled or ratified
. . . The fraud and deceit practiced by Warner L. Feist
earmarks this sale as a voidable contract (Article 1390
N.C.C.). Being a voidable contract, it is susceptible of
either ratification or annulment.
If the contract is ratified, the action to annul it is
extinguished (Article 1392, N.C.C.) and the contract is
cleansed from all its defects (Article 1396, N.C.C.); if the
contract is annulled, the contracting parties are restored
to their respective situations before the contract and
mutual restitution follows as a consequence (Article 1398,

Being a voidable contract, it remains valid and

binding until annulled
However, as long as no action is taken by the party
entitled, either that of annulment or of ratification, the
contract of sale remains valid and binding. When plaintiff-
appellant Trinidad C. Tagatac delivered the car to Feist
by virtue of said voidable contract of sale, the title to the

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