God Anointed Vs Man Appointed

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God's Anointed Vs Man's

How To Discover And Deploy Yourself In Life



Abuja, Nigeria
April 19, 2018

God's Anointed Vs Man's Appointed

Published in Nigeria by:


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All Scriptures are from the New King James Version of the Bible, except otherwise stated.
Faith comes by hearing, and faith in God comes only by hearing the Word of God;
and so, to build up oneself to receive substantial quantum of impact and spiritual wisdom;
one must have God's word. I therefore believe that God is sending this word to somebody
somewhere, who must never be vague about God's workings both within, upon and through
him or her.

A man's wisdom, no matter its general applicability or acceptability, can never match
the simplicity of God's word and God's purpose. And so, we shall be putting aside our past
accumulations of theological doctrines and seminary injunctions; even as we seat at the feet
of the Master - Jesus Christ, as He bestows the mind of God upon us by His Spirit who dwells
within us.

Generally, God's anointing and man's appointment have been seen as concurrent
events; and even at best, as similar (replaceable) conditions for leadership and for exploits
among men. So, when we see one taking place, we almost usually believe that the other has
taken place or is also taking place. And as possible as that may be, it is not always true. But
because of the general expectations of the concurrence of these two distinct events; even
when they do not happen together, the people or persons who are beneficiaries of these
events, usually go from there with the promised honour or respect and glory that follow such

Hardly can a man without a Father, Relation, or a Group get appointment from men:
For before men appoint, they ask, Whose son is he?, From which clan is he?, Which group,
team or association does he come from? Really, men's appointment comes from a
man's source, background and association.

If we bring it home, have you discovered that the leadership of International

Organizations such as World Bank, IMF, WHO, UN, etc., and even countries are not usually
based on who a candidate is, what he or she knows, can do and the likes. Rather, they
ask, from which country is he or she?; what elite group (even cult) does she belong? and so
on like that. Really, that sends a message to those prospective candidates that, these guys do
not really care about my person; but my group and nation . And so, to some, getting foreign
citizenship will be the next life ambition; and then, belonging to the group of the movers and
shakers of things. As laudable as such pursuits and efforts may sound; it is all vanity - For no
group or nation or godfather can give you the true gem you so much yearn for.

Really, average human is self in focus, passion and ambition; and no matter how
much they desire to give you or do for you; they will usually make or give you second best -
why? No natural man wants another to come to his or her level; let alone, higher than him
or her. The truth is, men's appointment is the sole pursuit of men everywhere; but if only
they could know how much they are hurt and disappointed daily, their lives, marriages,
businesses, and leadership will be rescued early.

Appointment is good and necessary, but it must not be the sole pursuit of man; rather,
God's anointing. If I may take this deeper - It has been said that anointing is not enough;
while that is true, I must affirm strongly that you need no appointment when you lack

Appointment is like a man that is chosen at random from a crowd to fight a roaring
lion and kill it. While anointing in this context, is like a man whom the LORD of host has
made one with Himself through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit upon his human spirit
to be able to fight any foe and accomplish any assignment given to him. Therefore, the
appointment gives job to a man; but the anointing; but anointing makes a man competent to
do any assigned job. If I may ask then, what must come first – the appointment or the
anointing? But what do we see around us today in churches, fellowships, businesses and
politics? We see men who have never been prepared for the job or office, being positioned by
other (strong-influential) men - with the their backing. And so, some churches are pastured
by Deacons or Evangelists or Prophets. While they have the job title of Pastors, they are
prepared for some other important things. But in order to reduce the weaknesses of these
men; their makers (king makers) anoint them with oil; and COMMAND them in the name of
God to behave, work and fight like Pastors henceforth! Sir/Ma, do you think that a dog that
is trained as dog, but called lion by other lions; can confidently relate with other animals in
the jungle (like Tiger, Leopard, Elephant, etc.) as their king? No of course!

The wisdom of God is simple, He alone calls the things that be not as though they
were - He is the LORD God and He does not even use people haphazardly; rather,
He prepares them, prunes them and them positions them rightly for their generational

In my short experience, I have encountered teams, churches, and even nations that
are led by men and women with nothing but human connections, eye-services, social net-
worth, financial net-worth, etc. But the best teams, churches and nations are led today by
men, whose heart God had touched, whose hand God had trained, whose tongue God had
tamed, and whose head Christ is heading.

When people see certain ephemeral things in people, they rush into conclusions that
these ones must be God's anointed; only for them to have been deceived by mere
appearances (which people put up and off at will). However, when God's anointing is upon a
man, such a man may not possess the typical connections and nationalities; but such man
will take his place in authority and responsibility and will discharge God's agenda among
men. An d that tells me clearly that God's anointed usually do not need to pursue men's
appointment; rather, they will be sought out by men!
And they shall call them The Holy People, the Redeemed of the LORD;

And you shall be called Sought Out, A City Not Forsaken.

Isaiah 62:12

Of a truth, that is what God's anointing turns any man or people to. And according to the
book of 1John 2:27, when God's anointing is bestowed upon any man - his or her reference
will no longer be the School or College he graduated from or his godfather or his country of
origin or his association (party); but the same anointing.

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, AND YOU
DO NOT NEED THAT ANYONE TEACH YOU; but as the same anointing teaches
you concerning ALL THINGS,

1 John 2:27

All you need to have all you really need is the anointing of the LORD! Friends, it is
not just about the oil; but about the Person that will take over the Mentorship, Friendship,
Rulership, Leadership, Relationship, Guardianship, and Scholarship of your life.

Note please, He will not abide in you to make you redundant; but for relevant for the
true agenda of your life. And so, instead of being busy with those strategic frameworks you
have crafted for your own placement in politics, business, education, media and
entertainment, sports, church, etc.; lay all at His feet and let Him hold you up by the hands
to your throne in life.

"Thus says the Lord to His anointed,

To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held ”

To subdue nations before him

And loose the armor of kings,

To open before him the double doors,

So that the gates will not be shut:

'I will go before you

And make the crooked places* straight;

I will break in pieces the gates of bronze

And cut the bars of iron.

I will give you the treasures of darkness

And hidden riches of secret places,

That you may know that I, the Lord,

Who call you by your name,

Am the God of Israel.

Isaiah 45:1-3

Gboyega Adedeji is a disciple of Jesus Christ, and an ambassador of His Kingdom on the earth.
He is a committed student of the Word, with passion spanning across effective living, effective
serving, and effective leading. He is an inspired writer, inspirational teacher, coach and publisher.

He is the President of the Centre for New Dimension Leadership; and a Creative Managing
Partner at kpInspirationals, where he enjoys God’s free grace for leading local multimedia
organizations with a global reach.

He is an Editor at Witicles (www.witicles.com) where he helps other inspired and talented

writers to achieve their objectives of electronic publishing and cataloguing of their expert writings.
He also writes on Fridayposts (www.fridayposts.com) where he challenges the people of Nigeria for
true national transformation and growth. He is married to Omolara, and they are both blessed with
the fruits of marriage.

He can be contacted through these channels:

Social Networks




https:// gboyegaadedeji.hubpile.com





Postal Address:

P.O.Box 126, Bwari, Abuja, Nigeria.


+234-703-382-3104, +234-803-445-5678.

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