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Oracle Application Server 10g

Release 3 ( -
Enterprise Web Services
An Oracle White Paper
October 2006
Oracle Application Server 10gR3
Enterprise Web Services

Oracle Application Server Web Service Architecture............................3
Oracle Application Server Web Services Features.................................4
J2EE 1.4 Web services........................................................................4
Web Services Metadata – Annotations Based Web Services..............5
Database Web Services ......................................................................6
Web Services Invocation Framework Support (WSIF)......................6
Web Services Attachments..................................................................7
Web Services interoperability.................................................................8
Oracle and WS-I..................................................................................8
Quality of Services and Management.....................................................9
Web Services Management...............................................................10
Web Services Security.......................................................................10
Web Services Reliable Messaging ...................................................12
Web Services Monitoring.................................................................13
REST Web Services..............................................................................13
Developing Web Services.....................................................................13
Implementing the Web Services........................................................13
Consuming Web Services.................................................................14
OracleAS 10g Web Services and Tooling.........................................14
Oracle Fusion Middleware and Web Services......................................16

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 2
Oracle Application Server 10gR3
Enterprise Web Services

With the advent of the Internet, enterprise applications evolved from a
client/server to an Internet computing architecture, growing rapidly in complexity
as a consequence. Faced with this architectural shift and with ever-changing
business pressures, many information technology departments deployed
enterprise applications using fragmented, piecemeal software infrastructure
called middleware. The resulting middleware complexity represents nearly 50%
of IT costs in most organizations. Further, 60% of organizations today consider
their enterprise application infrastructure an impediment to their ability to meet
business requirements. Enterprises are also evolving their applications from
being monolithic, closed systems to being modular, open systems with well-
defined interfaces. This new application architecture, called Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA), represents a fundamental shift in the way new applications
are being designed and developed.
Web Services are in the center of the SOA by providing a standard based
solution that answer the needs of having distributed system that can interoperate
independently of the technology that it is used to implement the service itself or
the client that consume it. Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (
has complete support for Web Services. With a comprehensive offering, Oracle
provides the ability to combine technologies to deliver unique and innovative
business opportunities that will differentiate your business. This white paper
provides a technical overview of Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3
( Web Services features.


The Oracle Application Server Web Services framework has been designed from
customer requirements, with a focus on usability, performance, interoperability
and manageability. In addition to customer requirement Oracle is committed to
support key enterprise standards that are emerging from Web services standard
bodies like the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Java Community Process

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 3
(JCP) and the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards (OASIS).
Figure 1 provides an architectural overview of the Oracle Application Server
Web Services environment. This shows that the Web services framework is built
on the top of the proven J2EE 1.4 infrastructure of Oracle Application Server.
The Web service runtime fully leverage the scalability, reliability and
performance characteristics of that core runtime.

Figue 1: OracleAS 10g R3 Web Service Architecture

In addition to supporting publishing and consuming Java Web services, the

Oracle Application Server Web Service environment also enable declarative
quality of services (QoS) characteristics on those endpoints such as WS-Security,
WS-Reliability, content based logging and auditing. The Oracle Application
Server Web Service framework is used across the Oracle platform in a variety of
component areas as foundation infrastructure in addition to being a standalone
developer platform for developing Web Services.


J2EE 1.4 Web services

The J2EE 1.4 specification outline a family of standards that make up the
With JAX-RPC and related APIs, J2EE 1.4
programming model for portable Web services. OracleAS 10g Release 3
introduces standard development and
( offers a complete implementation of these standards.
deployment models to develop Web
services applications From a core programming API, this includes the Java API for XML Remote
Procedure Calls (JAX-RPC 1.1) and the SOAP Attachment API for Java (SAAJ)
Also impacting component developers is the addition of a native mechanism to
declare an EJB 2.1 Session Bean as Web services. Lastly, Enterprise Web

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 4
Services 1.1 (also known as JSR 921) defines a portable packaging and
deployment model for Web services.
Using this standards based infrastructure the following Java artifacts are
publishable as Web services in Oracle Application Server 10g R3:
·Java classes
·Stateful Java classes
·EJB 3.0 components
·EJB 2.0 components
·EJB 2.1 components
·JMS queue and topics

Web Services Metadata – Annotations Based Web Services

In addition to the fully specified Web services programming API provided by
J2EE 1.4, Oracle Application Server Web Services debuts on of the first
commercial implementations of Java 5.0 annotation programming model for
With Web Services Metadata (JSR-181),
OracleAS 10 g R3 leverages Java 5
Web services, compliant with Web Services Metadata (JSR 181)
annotations to simplify Web Service This approach enables a significantly simplified programming model for Web
services where developers add simple annotation markup to their Java classes to
describe them as Web services. No other configuration is necessary. A sample
class annotated for Web services is shown in Listing 1.

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

public class Echo {

public String echoString(String p) {
return "echo" + p;
Listing 1: Annotated Java Class for Web Services

The annotation approach to programming in Java 5.0 is considered a major step

forward in usability and productivity across the entire Java platform. Oracle has
taken deliberate steps to ensure this model is available to the developer
community as early as possible to ensure developers are able to understand how
best to use it in their environments.
In addition to the standard JSR 181 annotations, Oracle provides

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 5
Web Services and Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) 3.0

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3, is the first J2EE containers to support
the EJB 3.0 specifications. EJB 3.0 simplifies the development of beans by using
Java 5.0 annotations. In addition to the base EJB annotations, OracleAS 10g
Web Services also provide JSR-181 annotation to EJB developers. With the
support of EJB 3.0 published as Web Services using JSR-181, Oracle Application
Server 10g R3 provides early features of Java Enterprise Edition 5 (JEE5).

Database Web Services

Oracle Application Server Web Services has supported publishing PL/SQL as
OracleAS 10g R3 provides a simple and
Web service since Oracle9iAS Release 2. Oracle Application Server Web
powerful way to leverage Oracle RDMS Services is also used as the Java runtime in the Oracle Database 10g for call outs
objects in a Services Oriented Application. to Web services. This support continues going forward but based on the new
J2EE 1.4 Web services infrastructure.
In this release Oracle Application Server Web Services extends its database
capabilities and tooling to include the ability to declaratively define the following
database artifacts as Web services:

·SQL statements
·DML statements
·AQ queues
·Java classes loaded within the database Java virtual machine

Figure 2: Database Web Services

In addition to the capability of publishing database resources as Web service it is

also possible to consume Web services from the database itself.

Web Services Invocation Framework Support (WSIF)

Developers often would like to describe resources using WSDL yet not require
the abstraction of requiring the invocation model to be XML SOAP message
based. The Apache Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) provides a
general-purpose, extensible mechanism to describe arbitrary programmatic

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 6
artifacts using WSDL as well as a framework to invoke those programmatic
artifacts using their native protocols rather than through SOAP based messaging.
Oracle Application Server Web Services provides an implementation of WSIF
along with tooling to generate WSIF bindings within standard Java, EJB and
PL/SQL Web services.

Figure 3: WSIF Architecture for OracleAS Web Services

Oracle WSIF implementation is designated to work hand in hand with the Oracle
BPEL Process Manager which uses both loosely coupled Web services as well as
native, high performance, transactional service interfaces based on WSIF
bindings. Oracle BPEL Process Manager leverage WSIF to connect natively to
Oracle Server, Java classes and Oracle JCA Adapators.

Web Services Attachments

Web services are getting more and more complex, and are used to send any types
of information between applications. It is now a very current use case to have
systems that send binary using Web services, this data could be document,
images, multimedia files. Binary content can be sent using a SOAP message
simply by encoding the content using Base64, this approach has the advantage of
being interoperable but is not efficient document exchanged has a very large
size. Industry has defined a standard way to exchange document with SOAP by
sending them as attachments.
OracleAS Web Services enables developers to pass Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extension (MIME) using SOAP with Attachment (SwA). OracleAS Web
Services also support the Web Service-Interoperability (WS-I) Attachment

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 7
Profile 1.0. This profile defines a new XML Schema construct swaRef, providing
an interoperable way to use Web Services with attachment.
In addition to MIME attachments using SwA and sawRef, Oracle also support
Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME). DIME is the encoding format
supported by the Microsoft .Net platform. DIME is an important extension to the
standard SOAP with attachment since Microsoft .Net does not support SwA and
Finally, OracleAS 10g R3 ( introduces support for Message
Transmission and Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) encoding of binary
OracleAS Web Services provides support for content. MTOM together with XOP (XML Binary Optimized Packaging) defines
MTOM, the new attachment specification; how an XML binary data such as xs:base64Binary can be optimally transmitted
facilitating interoperability with Microsoft .Net
over the wire. Not like SOAP with Attachment and DIME, MTOM does not add
and WCF platforms.
any particular extension to the WSDL, allowing optimized binary content
transmission without impacting the development model. MTOM is becoming the
default standard for attachment, and its has been adopted by the major Web
Services platform including JavaEE and Microsoft with .Net 2.0 and Windows
Communication Foundation (WCF).

Dealing with large attachments

It is now common to see applications that exchange hundred on megabytes or

even gigabytes of information using Web services. One of the limitations of
JAX-RPC is the fact that SOAP messages and attachments are treated entirely in
memory, which will limit the size of the messages to the memory of your system.
OracleAS 10g R3 Web Services allow the content to be streamed over the
network. Streaming of attachments improves performance and scalability of Web
services since there is no need to load the attachment in memory.


In a SOA, services can be distributed on various locations and networks, intranet
or the Internet. So it is impossible in this configuration to control the
technologies used by all the actors of the application. It is true that Web Services
Web services provide the infrastructure, based on industry standards, to support
distributed services. Web services also define an implementation agnostic way of
executing business logic. However many Web services specifications are open
to interpretation, which result in services that cannot interoperate. The Web
Services Interoperability organization (WS-I) was created to deliver clear and
consistent recommendations to ensure interoperability between Web services.

Oracle and WS-I

A significant effort in J2EE 1.4 Web services was ensuring that Web services
built with JAX-RPC and SAAJ could easily conform to the WS-I Basic Profile.
By conforming to the WS-I Basic profile, a set of best practices defined by
Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Sun and others, developers have a high certainty that

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 8
their Web services will interoperate across heterogeneous Web services
implementations. By default, Web services built with Oracle Application Server
OracleAS Web Services facilitates the 10g R3 Web Services conform to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1. Further, Oracle
development of services compliant with the has also done the same interoperability certification with its WS-Security
WS-I Basic Profile 1.1, Basic Security Profile
implementation conforming to the WS-I Basic Security Profile 1.0. WS-I
1.0 and Attachment Profile 1.0
provides also testing tools to help developer to check the compliance of a Web
In addition, Oracle has extended interoperability scope by testing with most of
the vendors and open source Web services stack available. One example of this
effort in ensuring “real-life interoperability” is the support of DIME that has
been targeted to have attachments that can interoperate with Microsoft .Net
applications. In the same order, Oracle has also improved its Web service stack
to facilitate the integration between Java and Microsoft Office 2003. It is now
easy to develop Web services that can be consumed by the components of the


When companies are implementing applications they have several requirements
related to security, reliability of the exchanges between the different systems, but
also need to have solution to administer and monitor a running system. Web
services application like any other, also need to provide such quality of services
and management. Oracle Application Server 10g R3 provides a comprehensive
solution to configure security and reliability of Web services. Oracle also
implements some advanced capabilities around SOAP messages auditing and
logging to facilitate the monitoring of Web services applications.

Figure 3: OracleAS 10g R3 Web Services Management

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 9
Web Services Management
Oracle Application Server Control is designed to provide comprehensive end-to-
end configuration management and real time monitoring with JMX. When
Oracle Application Server Control offers a deployed in OracleAS 10g R3, JAX-RPC, and metadata Web Services are
comprehensive way to administer and automatically exposed to the management console.
monitor Web services endpoints

Figure 4: Oracle Application Server Control

Oracle Web Services Manager (WSM)

In the recent years, most large companies have deployed dozen of Web services
implementing a Services Oriented Architectures. These Web services are most of
the time running on different platforms various level of security and
management. In addition of the support of Web services management and
security built in OracleAS 10g R3, Oracle provides with Oracle Web Service
Manager a solution to centralized the visibility and control of all the Web
services of the enterprise, running on Oracle AS or not. OracleAS Web Services
framework is integrated with Oracle WSM facilitating the configuration of
security policies, and monitoring of the different services deployed in Oracle
Application Server. Oracle WSM allows administrator to easily integrate Web
services to the global enterprise access control system such as Oracle Identity

Web Services Security

Oracle Application Server 10g R3 provides a comprehensive WS-Security
implementation for authentication, confidentiality with encryption and integrity
with digital signatures as described below:
XML Digital Signatures: Message integrity addresses how to use digital
signatures to ensure that SOAP messages are not tampered with during
transmission. Oracle Application Server uses XML Digital Signatures to

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 10
ensure message integrity.
XML Encryption: Message confidentiality addresses how to use encryption
to keep portions of a SOAP message confidential. Oracle Application Server
uses XML Encryption to ensure message confidentiality.
Security Tokens: Message authentication provides a means for associating
an identity with a message. For example, this could be a digital certificate or
a username token. Oracle Application Server uses WS-Security
SecurityTokens to provide message authentication capabilities.
SAML: Support SAML token profile as an authentication mechanism
within WS-Security. This feature enables customers to use standards based
authentication and to propagate the identity from one web service to another
Web service in a standard interoperable way.

Figure 5: OracleAS WS-Security

Oracle Application Server Control provides a declarative way to configure

security after deployment. Administrators can easily choose the different
authentication options, but also the integrity and confidentiality of the messages.

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 11
Figure 6: Oracle Application Server Control WS-Security Configuration

Oracle Application Server 10g Web Services leverages the Oracle security
libraries to sign and encrypt SOAP messages.

Securing Web Services application using HTTP security

In addition to the message level security (MLS) using WS-Security

implementation, Web services leverage the HTTP security and authentication of
Oracle Application Server 10g allowing administrators and developers to ensure
security at the transport level (TLS). The standard solution to encrypt
communication between the Web service client and the Web service has been to
use Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The authentication is done using Basic, Digest
or certificates-based schemes. On the server side, developer will use standard
J2EE security model JAAS (Java Architecture for Authentication and
Authorization) to validate the credential information and to check the
authorization of the client application.

Web Services Reliable Messaging

In Oracle Application Server 10g R3, Oracle provides a complete SOAP reliable
messaging infrastructure. This reliable messaging implementation is designed to
provide architects with a guaranteed message delivery between a Web service
client and server ensuring at least once, at most once and exactly once SOAP
message delivery. In the current previews Oracle Application Server 10g R3,
provides an implementation of the OASIS standard WS-Reliability however
Oracle is committed to delivering an implementation of WS-ReliableExchange,
a reliable messaging variant that has drawn consensus from the major Web
services infrastructure vendors Oracle, IBM, BEA and Microsoft when it
emerges from the OASIS standards body.
Like for the security, Web services Reliability is exposed in Oracle Application
Server Control allowing administrator to easily configure the different policies
around reliability of the Web services.

Web Services Monitoring

In Oracle Application Server 10g R3, Oracle provides a way to monitor very
finely Web services exchanges. Administrators and developers can easily
configure a Web service end point or client to persist entire or part of the SOAP
requests, responses and faults. Auditing records message contents for purpose of
auditing and/or non-repudiation, and logging extracts contents of messages and
store them.

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 12
In Oracle Application Server 10g R3, ordinary JAX-RPC Web services can be
declaratively defined to support both SOAP messages over multiple protocols
and additionally what is frequently called a REST style of Web services. REST
is an acronym for Representational State Transfer and defines a simplified model
for constructing Web services predicated on the basic web infrastructure of
HTTP, URI and simplified data formats of plain old XML (POX).
Any JAX-RPC or Web Services Metadata Web service built on Oracle
Application Server 10g R3 can be simply exposed both as a SOAP Web service
or a REST Web service. In the latter case, there is no SOAP wrappers required
on the message exchange, simply the XML message content, however, the
resulting plain XML messages are still constrained by the message schemas
defined in the WSDL. The end result is a highly productive yet radically
simplified model for building Web services integrations and applications.


Like any distributed technology, Web Services as different actors:
The service provider implements the Web Service end point
The service consumer implement a Web Service client.
OracleAS 10g R3 provides tools and support to develop provider and consumer
of Web services. OracleAS Web Services frameworks facilitates the
development of the applications with powerful tools and runtime that hide the
complexity of Web Services such as Java-XML mapping, generation and
consumption of WSDL files.

Implementing the Web Services

Web Services can be developed using two approaches:
Bottom-up development
Top-down development
Bottom-up Web services development starts from the service implementation,
for example a Java class. OracleAS Web Services tools, help developers to
generates all the necessary Java artifacts, deployment descriptors, and the WSDL
without having to deal with manual operations.
Top-down Web services development starts from the WSDL. Using Oracle Web
services tools, developers use the WSDL to generate all the necessary Java
artifacts and deployment descriptors.
Both development approaches are supported by OracleAS 10g R3 Web Services
framework. Bottom-up approach is usually the easiest and quickest way of
developing Web Services. But it may have some impact on interoperability. In a
general manner the top-down approach is the best way of ensuring

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 13
interoperability, since the developer starts to develop his service describing the
different message formats, and operation using XML standards, that are platform

Consuming Web Services

The other actor of a service-oriented application is the service consumer.
OracleAS 10g Web Service framework allows developer to easily create Web
services clients simply using the WSDL file.
Using Oracle client side Web services API based on JAX-RPC, SAAJ and WSIF
developer can access services running on Oracle Application Server or any other
platform. When using the JAX-RPC client, developers can use declarative
approach to set the security, reliability or auditing.

OracleAS 10g Web Services and Tooling

Oracle Application Server 10g R3 provides various tools to facilitate the
development of Web Services, from a comment line interface, and Apache Ant
to a complete integration to Oracle JDeveloper 10g.

Oracle Web Services Assembler (WSA)

Oracle Web Services Assembler (WSA) is the tool exposed by the framework
that allows developer to easily create Web services endpoint from various
sources, and also create Java client from WSDL files. WSA is accessible to
developer using two modes:
Command Line Interface
Apache Ant task
These different more of operations allow the developer and architects to integrate
the Oracle Web Services stack to any type of development and any IDE of the

Oracle JDeveloper 10g and Web Services

Oracle JDeveloper 10g is an Java IDE that provide end to end support to develop,
debug, tune and deploy J2EE applications. In addition to all the necessary
wizards, and tools to develop J2EE applications, from any Web component
Oracle JDeveloper 10 g is a complete Web
(Servlets, JavaServer Pages and JavaServer Faces), to EJB development (2.x and
Services tools allowing development,
deployment and testing of service endpoints
3.0), JDeveloper also provides a complete set of tools for Web Services
and clients. developers.
First of all it is possible to create services using top-down and bottom-up
methodologies, using Java annotations and JAX-RPC code. JDeveloper provides
wizard to publish Java classes, EJB, PL/SQL and JMS as Web Services. Also you
can point a wizard to any WSDL and create JAX-RPC client. These wizard
directly leverage WSA, this ensures a perfect integration with the core Oracle
Web Services stack.

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 14
In addition to the creation of the services and clients, JDeveloper provides a
unique declarative approach to configure security, reliability and
auditing/logging and this for the client and the server.
JDeveloper has other features that help developer to create, maintain and debug
Web Services, such as:
WSDL Editor: The WSDL Editor allows developer to edit and view
WSDL files in a graphical way.
UDDI Support: Developers can connect to any UDDI repository,
such as Oracle Application Services Registry, and easily creation of
Service Oriented Application using registered services.
HTTP Analyzer: JDeveloper can interact as a proxy between Web
Services clients and servers and capture the SOAP messages.
Capturing SOAP messages is one of the first steps of debugging
SOAP based applications.
WS-I Tools integration: WS-I tools are integrated in Oracle
JDeveloper allowing developers to check if a service is compliant
with the WS-I profiles.
XML Editing: JDeveloper provides various tools to manipulate
XML related document such as a XML and XSL editor, graphical
XML Schema editor that help developer to use Web Services.
Figure 8: Oracle JDeveloper WSDL Editor and HTTP Analyzer


Oracle Application Server 10g ( Web Services framework is the based
infrastructure for Web services in Oracle Fusion Middleware. Developers and
administrators are able based on Oracle Fusion Middleware build, deploy and
administrate services that are easily reusable in the different part of their

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 15
Oracle Web Services Manager, BPEL Process Manager, Enterprise Service Bus,
and the Services Registry are some of the components of the Oracle Fusion
Middleware that leverage directly the Web service infrastructure.

Oracle Application Server 10g R3 Web Services framework is a major release
regarding core Web Services features. It provides an industry standard based
solution running on the top of the Oracle Application Server proven J2EE
architecture. In addition to standard such as JAX-RPC, Oracle extended its Web
services platform to support enterprise deployment such as WS-Security and WS-
Reliability. Oracle also in this release, leverage the simplicity of Java 5 and EJB
3.0 annotation development to ensure rapid development of services oriented
Oracle Application Server 10g R3 is the baseline SOA platform upon which the
Oracle Fusion Middleware capabilities such as Oracle Business Rules, Oracle
BPEL Process Manager, Oracle Web Services Manager, Oracle Enterprise
Service Bus, Oracle Identity Management and Oracle Application Server Service
Registry will be delivered, enabling organizations to develop, deploy and
manage large scale integrated and interoperable service oriented architectures.

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services Page 16
Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( - Enterprise Web Services
October 2006
Author: Tugdual Grall
Contributing Authors: Mike Lehmann

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