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Horizontal Fragmentation:
A relation (table) is partitioned into multiple subsets horizontally using simple conditions.

Let us take a relation of schema Account(Acno, Balance, Branch_Name, Type). If the permitted values
for Branch_Name attribute are 'New Delhi', 'Chennai', and 'Mumbai', then the following SQL query would
fragment the bunch of tuples (records) satisfying a simple condition.

SELECT * FROM account WHERE branch_name = 'Chennai';

This query would get you all the records pertaining to the 'Chennai' branch, without any changes in the
schema of the table. We could get three such bunch of records if we change the branch_name value in the
WHERE clause of the above query, one for 'Chennai', one for 'New Delhi', and one for 'Mumbai'.

This way of horizontally slicing the whole table into multiple subsets without altering the table structure is
called Horizontal Fragmentation. The concept is usually used to keep tuples (records) at the places where
they are used the most, to minimize data transfer between far locations.

Horizontal Fragmentation has two variants as follows;

1. Primary Horizontal Fragmentation (PHF)
2. Derived Horizontal Fragmentation (DHF)
1.1 Primary Horizontal Fragmentation (PHF)

Primary Horizontal Fragmentation is about fragmenting a single table horizontally (row wise) using a set of
simple predicates (conditions).

What is simple predicate?

Given a table R with set of attributes [A1, A2, …, An], a simple predicate Pi can be expressed as follows;
Pi : Aj θ Value
Where θ can be any of the symbols in the set {=, <, >, ≤, ≥, ≠}, value can be any value stored in the table
for the attributed Ai. For example, consider the following table Account given in Figure 1;
Acno Balance Branch_Name
A101 5000 Mumbai
A103 10000 New Delhi
A104 2000 Chennai
A102 12000 Chennai
A110 6000 Mumbai
A115 6000 Mumbai
A120 2500 New Delhi
Figure 1: Account table

For the above table, we could define any simple predicates like, Branch_name = ‘Chennai’, Branch_name=
‘Mumbai’, Balance < 10000 etc using the above expression “Aj θ Value”.

What is set of simple predicates?

Set of simple predicates is set of all conditions collectively required to fragment a relation into subsets. For
a table R, set of simple predicate can be defined as;
P = { P1, P2, …, Pn}
Example 1
As an example, for the above table Account, if simple conditions are, Balance < 10000, Balance ≥ 10000,
Set of simple predicates P1 = {Balance < 10000, Balance ≥ 10000}

Example 2
As another example, if simple conditions are, Branch_name = ‘Chennai’, Branch_name=
‘Mumbai’, Balance < 10000, Balance ≥ 10000, then,
Set of simple predicates P2 = { Branch_name = ‘Chennai’, Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’, Balance <
10000, Balance ≥ 10000}

What is Min-term Predicate?

When we fragment any relation horizontally, we use single condition, or set of simple predicates to filter the
data.Given a relation R and set of simple predicates, we can fragment a relation horizontally as follows
(relational algebra expression);
Fragment, Ri = σFi(R), 1 ≤ i ≤ n
where Fi is the set of simple predicates represented in conjunctive normal form, otherwise called as Min-
term predicate which can be written as follows;
Min-term predicate, Mi=P1 Λ P2 Λ P3 Λ … Λ Pn
Here, P1 means both P1 or ¬(P1), P2 means both P2 or ¬(P2), and so on. Using the conjunctive form of
various simple predicates in different combination, we can derive many such min-term predicates.

For the example 1 stated previously, we can derive set of min-term predicates using the rules stated above
as follows;
We will get 2n min-term predicates, where n is the number of simple predicates in the given predicate set.
For P1, we have 2 simple predicates. Hence, we will get 4 (22) possible combinations of min-term predicates
as follows;

m1 = {Balance < 10000 Λ Balance ≥ 10000}

m2 = {Balance < 10000 Λ ¬(Balance ≥ 10000)}
m3 = {¬(Balance < 10000) Λ Balance ≥ 10000}
m4 = {¬(Balance < 10000) Λ ¬(Balance ≥ 10000)}

Our next step is to choose the min-term predicates which can satisfy certain conditions to fragment a table,
and eliminate the others which are not useful. For example, the above set of min-term predicates can be
applied each as a formula Fi stated in the above rule for fragment Ri as follows;
Account1 = σBalance< 10000 Λ Balance ≥ 10000(Account)
which can be written in equivalent SQL query as,
Account1 <-- SELECT * FROM account WHERE balance < 10000 AND balance ≥ 10000;

Account2 = σBalance< 10000 Λ ¬(Balance ≥ 10000)(Account)

which can be written in equivalent SQL query as,
Account2  SELECT * FROM account WHERE balance < 10000 AND NOT balance ≥
where NOT balance ≥ 10000 is equivalent to balance < 10000.

Account3 = σ¬(Balance< 10000) Λ Balance ≥ 10000(Account)

which can be written in equivalent SQL query as,
Account3  SELECT * FROM account WHERE NOT balance < 10000 AND balance ≥
where NOT balance < 10000 is equivalent to balance ≥ 10000.
Account4 = σ¬(Balance< 10000) Λ ¬(Balance ≥ 10000)(Account)
which can be written in equivalent SQL query as,
Account4  SELECT * FROM account WHERE NOT balance < 10000 AND NOT balance ≥
where NOT balance < 10000 is equivalent to balance ≥ 10000 and NOT balance ≥ 10000 is equivalent
to balance < 10000. This is exactly same as the query for fragment Account1.

From these examples, it is very clear that the first query for fragment Account1 (min-term predicate m 1) is
invalid as any record in a table cannot have two values for any attribute in one record. That is, the
condition (Balance < 10000 Λ Balance ≥ 10000) requires that the value for balancemust both be less than
10000 and greater and equal to 10000, which is not possible. Hence the condition violates and can be
eliminated. For fragment Account2 (min-term predicate m2), the condition is (balance<10000
and balance<10000) which ultimately means balance<10000 which is correct. Likewise,
fragment Account3 is valid and Account4 must be eliminated. Finally, we use the min-term predicates m2
and m3 to fragment the Account relation. The fragments can be derived as follows for Account;

SELECT * FROM account WHERE balance < 10000;

Acno Balance Branch_Name
A101 5000 Mumbai
A104 2000 Chennai
A120 2500 New Delhi
A110 6000 Mumbai
A115 6000 Mumbai

SELECT * FROM account WHERE balance ≥ 10000;

Acno Balance Branch_Name
A103 10000 New Delhi
A102 12000 Chennai

Correctness of Fragmentation

We have chosen set of min-term predicates which would be used to horizontally fragment a relation (table)
into pieces. Now, our next step is to validate the chosen fragments for their correctness. We need to verify
did we miss anything? We use the following rules to ensure that we have not changed semantic information
about the table which we fragment.
1. Completeness – If a relation R is fragmented into set of fragments, then a tuple (record) of R must be
found in any one or more of the fragments. This rule ensures that we have not lost any records during
2. Reconstruction – After fragmenting a table, we must be able to reconstruct it back to its
original form without any data loss through some relational operation. This rule ensures that we can
construct a base table back from its fragments without losing any information. That is, we can write any
queries involving the join of fragments to get the original relation back.
3. Disjointness – If a relation R is fragmented into a set of sub-tables R1, R2, …, Rn, a record belongs to
R1 is not found in any other sub-tables. This ensures that R1 ≠ R2.

For example, consider the Account table in Figure 1 and its fragments Account2, and Account3 created
using the min-term predicates we derived.
From the tables Account2, and Account3 it is clear that the fragmentation is Complete. That is, we have not
missed any records. Just all are included into one of the sub-tables.
When we use an operation, say Union between Account2, and Account3 we will be able to get the original
relation Account.

(SELECT * FROM account2) Union (SELECT * FROM account3);

The above query will get us Account back without loss of any information. Hence, the fragments created
can be reconstructed.
Finally, if we write a query as follows, we will get a Null set as output. It ensures that the Disjointness
property is satisfied.

(SELECT * FROM account2) Intersect (SELECT * FROM account3);

We get a null set as result for this query because, there is no record common in both relations Account 2 and

For the example 2, recall the set of simple predicates which was as follows;

Set of simple predicates P2 = { Branch_name = ‘Chennai’, Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’, Balance <

10000, Balance ≥ 10000}

We can derive the following min-term predicates;

m1 = { Branch_name = ‘Chennai’ Λ Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’ Λ Balance < 10000 Λ Balance ≥ 10000}

m2 = { Branch_name = ‘Chennai’ Λ Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’ Λ Balance < 10000 Λ ¬(Balance ≥
m3 = { Branch_name = ‘Chennai’ Λ Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’ Λ ¬(Balance < 10000) Λ Balance ≥
m4 = { Branch_name = ‘Chennai’ Λ ¬(Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’) Λ Balance < 10000 Λ Balance ≥

mn = { ¬(Branch_name = ‘Chennai’) Λ ¬(Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’) Λ ¬(Balance < 10000) Λ ¬(Balance
≥ 10000)}

As in the previous example, out of 16 (24) min-term predicates, the set of min-term predicates which are
not valid should be eliminated. At last, we would have the following set of valid min-term predicates.
m1 = { Branch_name = ‘Chennai’ Λ ¬(Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’) Λ ¬(Balance < 10000) Λ Balance ≥
m2 = { Branch_name = ‘Chennai’ Λ ¬(Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’) Λ Balance < 10000 Λ ¬(Balance ≥
m3 = { ¬(Branch_name = ‘Chennai’) Λ Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’ Λ ¬(Balance < 10000) Λ Balance ≥
m4 = { ¬(Branch_name = ‘Chennai’) Λ Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’ Λ Balance < 10000 Λ ¬(Balance ≥
m5 = { ¬(Branch_name = ‘Chennai’) Λ ¬(Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’) Λ ¬(Balance < 10000) Λ Balance ≥

m6 = { ¬(Branch_name = ‘Chennai’) Λ ¬(Branch_name= ‘Mumbai’) Λ Balance < 10000 Λ ¬(Balance ≥


The horizontal fragments using the above set of min-term predicates can be generated as follows;

Fragment 1: SELECT * FROM account WHERE branch_name = ‘Chennai’ AND balance ≥ 10000;
Fragment 2: SELECT * FROM account WHERE branch_name = ‘Chennai’ AND balance < 10000;
Fragment 3: SELECT * FROM account WHERE branch_name = ‘Mumbai’ AND balance ≥ 10000;
Fragment 4: SELECT * FROM account WHERE branch_name = ‘Mumbai’ AND balance < 10000;

The horizontal fragments using the above set of min-term predicates can be generated as follows;

Fragment 1: SELECT * FROM account WHERE branch_name = ‘Chennai’ AND balance ≥ 10000;
Acno Balance Branch_Name
A102 12000 Chennai

Fragment 2: SELECT * FROM account WHERE branch_name = ‘Chennai’ AND balance < 10000;
Acno Balance Branch_Name
A102 2000 Chennai

Fragment 3: SELECT * FROM account WHERE branch_name = ‘Mumbai’ AND balance ≥ 10000;

Acno Balance Branch_Name

Fragment 4: SELECT * FROM account WHERE branch_name = ‘Mumbai’ AND balance < 10000;
Acno Balance Branch_Name
A101 5000 Mumbai
A110 6000 Mumbai
A115 6000 Mumbai

In the ACCOUNT table we have the third branch ‘New Delhi’, which was not specified in the set of simple
predicates. Hence, in the fragmentation process we must not leave the tuple with the value ‘New Delhi’.
That is the reason we have included the min-term predicates m5 and m6 which can be derived as follows;

Fragment 5: SELECT * FROM account WHERE branch_name <> ‘Mumbai’ AND branch_name <>
‘Chennai’ AND balance ≥ 10000;
Acno Balance Branch_Name
A103 10000 New Delhi
Fragment 6: SELECT * FROM account WHERE branch_name <> ‘Mumbai’ AND branch_name <>
‘Chennai’ AND balance < 10000;
Acno Balance Branch_Name
A120 2500 New Delhi

Correctness of fragmentation:

Completeness: The tuple of the table Account is distributed into different fragments. No records were
omitted. Otherwise, by performing the union operation between all the Account table
fragments Account1, Account2, Account3, and Account4, we will be able to get Account back without any
information loss. Hence, the above fragmentation is Complete.

Reconstruction: As said before, by performing Union operation between all the fragments, we will be able
to get the original table back. Hence, the fragmentation is correct and the reconstruction property is

Disjointness: When we perform Intersect operation between all the above fragments, we will get null set
as result, as we do not have any records in common for all the fragments. Hence, disjointness property is

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