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TS20 Control Valve Selection

Incompressible Fluid Flows



The company was formed in 1967 under the name of Introl Ltd. Its object was to provide a specialised control
valve service for the rapidly expanding Energy Industries (Petroleum, Gas, Electricity) and for the ever-changing
Chemical Industry. The company very quickly achieved a reputation throughout these industries for high quality
control valves of the conventional type and particularly for purpose designed high technology control valves.

Introl have founded on a concept of in house design capability. Designs and prototypes have always been
developed within the company and this remains an essential element of the company’s present day policy.
Accordingly a large development and design department is staffed by qualified engineers who are available for
customer consultation on problem applications.

Kent Introl has always recognised the importance of maintaining high standards of quality and was the first
control valve company to be awarded the British Standards approval of quality control systems — BS5750 Part
1 by the British Standards Institution in 1986. This was supplemented by approval of the systems to ISO 9001.
Retention of these certifications requires continual maintenance of all Quality Assurance Systems to the
satisfaction of the British Standards Audit Authority.


Scope of Manual

The automatic control of modern processing plants relies heavily on the control valve as the final control
element. These control valves may be required to operate continuously or intermittently to regulate process
parameters such as flow rate, pressure level, temperature, etc. The introduction of computer technology within
the industry and the demand for designs capable of handling a wider range of process requirements has
necessitated a higher level of accuracy in the sizing and selection of these critical elements.

The methods of control valve sizing and sound pressure level prediction for liquid and compressible fluids have
previously been discussed in Introl Engineering Reports EN12 and EN9b respectively. This technical selection
manual has been produced to provide a document incorporating all relevant aspects of valve sizing and
selection, including revisions and additions e.g. multi-phase fluid sizing.

In addition to sizing and sound pressure level calculation procedures, this manual provides information required
during the specification of a control valve for a particular application including selection guidelines, and material



Contents _______________________________________________________________4
TS20 Control Valve Selection for Incompressible Fluid Flows _____________________4
TS20.1 - Nomenclature _________________________________________________________________ 5
TS20.2 - Liquid Flow Valve Sizing Procedure _______________________________________________ 6
TS20.3 - Process/Application data requirements ______________________________________________ 7
TS21 Liquid Sizing ________________________________________________________8
TS21.1 - Liquid Flows__________________________________________________________________ 8
TS21.1.1 - Introduction _____________________________________________________________ 8
TS21.1.2 - Flow Path Through a Control Valve __________________________________________ 9
TS21.1.3 - Flow Regimes - Normal, Semi-critical, critical _________________________________ 10
TS21.1.4 - Cavitation & Flashing ____________________________________________________ 11
TS21.1.6 - Viscous Flow___________________________________________________________ 13
TS21.1.7 - Pipework Configuration___________________________________________________ 14
TS21.2 - Valve Sizing Equations_________________________________________________________ 15
TS21.2.1 - Cavitation Index_________________________________________________________ 15
TS21.2.1 - Flashing Index __________________________________________________________ 15
TS21.2.3 - Valve Flow Coefficient ___________________________________________________ 17
TS21.2.5 - Viscous Flow Correction __________________________________________________ 19
TS21.2.7 - Pipework Correction Factor________________________________________________ 21
TS21.A - Appendicies _________________________________________________________________ 23
TS21.A.1 - Semi-critical Flow_______________________________________________________ 23
TS21.A.2 - Pressure Drop Considerations______________________________________________ 24
TS21.A2 - Contaminate Flow _______________________________________________________ 24
TS22 Liquid Velocity _____________________________________________________25
TS22.1 - Factors Influencing Velocity Limitations _______________________________________ 25
TS22.2 - Velocity Calculation _______________________________________________________ 26
TS22.4 - Flashing Flow ____________________________________________________________ 28
TS22.5 - Procedure _______________________________________________________________ 29
TS23 Liquid Noise _______________________________________________________30
TS23.1 - Categories of Noise Vibration________________________________________________ 30
TS23.1 - Methods of Abating Liquid Generated Noise ____________________________________ 31
TS23.3 - Liquid Noise Prediction ____________________________________________________ 32
TS23.4 - Procedure for Fixed Area Pressure Drop Stages __________________________________ 33
TS23.5 - Procedure for Tubotrol Valves _______________________________________________ 34
Liquid Sizing Example ____________________________________________________36


TS20 Control Valve Selection for Incompressible Fluid Flows

Selection of a control valve for an incompressible fluid (liquid) flow application involves a number of factors,
which should be considered in a logical sequence. This section of the Technical Manual provides the
information necessary to consider these factors, which include Cv calculation, fluid velocity and noise level
prediction. It is important to note that omission of these aspects could lead to incorrect selection of a control
valve for a particular application.

The process and application information necessary to fully specify the size and type of valve required is
detailed, together with a flow chart indicating the sequence of steps involved.

The calculation includes consideration of the various flow regimes, together with the effects of processes such
as cavitation or flashing. Additionally, where appropriate, techniques are detailed for evaluating the effects of
both highly viscous fluids and pipework configuration on the calculated Cv value.

To ensure correct selection of valve size and to maximise operational life, fluid velocity calculations and
limitations are detailed for the various flow regimes.

Additionally in the selection of a control valve, the problem of environmental noise must be taken into account.
Therefore, a noise prediction technique forms part of the sizing and selection process.


Unit Description Imp Metric

Cv Valve Flow Coefficient U.S. units U.S. units

C V VISC Viscous Flow Coefficient U.S. units U.S. units
Cvr Valve/Reducer Flow Coefficient U.S. units U.S. units
Kv Valve Flow Coefficient S.I. units S.I. units
CI Cavitation Index p.s.i Bar
Cf Valve Pressure Recovery Factor - -
Cfr Valve/Reducer Pressure Recovery Factor - -
d Valve bore size inches mm
D Pipe bore Size inches mm
F Pipe/Reducer Correction Factor - -

Ki Coefficient of Incipient Cavitation - -

Kin Inlet Head Loss - -

K1 Inlet Loss Coefficient - -

K2 Outlet Loss Coefficient -

KS Coefficient of Cavitation (1.1 K1) -

NT Valve/Trim Style Correction Factor -

NR Valve Reynolds number -

n Number of Pressure Drop Stages -

VK Viscous Correction Factor -

P1 Upstream Pressure p.s.i.a BarA

P2 Downstream Pressure p.s.i.a BarA
Thermodynamic Critical Pressure p.s.i.a BarA
Vapour Pressure of Fluid p.s.i.a BarA
(at flowing temperature)
Supercooled Vapour Pressure p.s.i.a BarA
∆P Pressure Drop Across Valve p.s.i. BarA
∆ Ps Sizing Pressure Drop p.s.i. Bar
∆Plimit Limiting Pressure Drop p.s.i. Bar
for Critical Flow
∆Pvr limit Limiting Pressure Drop p.s.i. Bar
across Valve / Reducer
T1 Inlet Temperature °F °C
Q Volume Flow Rate U.S. gall./min m3/hr
W Mass Flow Rate lb/hr kg/hr
G Specific Gravity - -

v Fluid Velocity ft/sec m/sec

SPL Sound pressure level dBA dBA

B Liquid noise efficiency term - -

HL Liquid noise trim style correction dB dB

T Liquid noise valve opening reduction dB dB
Z1 Liquid noise bulk flow factor - -

Ap Pipe attenuation dB dB

Greek Characters
θ Pipe Reducer Angle degrees degrees
µ * Dynamic Viscosity centi-Poise (1x10-3Ns/m2)
p Fluid Density lb/ft3 kg/m3
ν * Kinematic Viscosity centi-Stokes (mm /s)

* usually given in metric units

TS20.1 Page 6

control valve for a particular application. For
Liquid Flow Valve Sizing Procedure individual consideration of liquid sizing, liquid
velocity and liquid noise, reference should be
made to Sections TS21, TS22 and TS23 respec-
The following flowchart details the overall tively.
sequence of steps used during the selection of a


Select Trim Style*

Calculate Cavitation Index N

Is cavitation


Determine the Valve Flow Coefficient

Select Design CV and Valve

Determine Cf Value at Valve Opening

Re-calculate Cavitation Index and Valve Flow Coefficient

Calculate Pipework Correction

Is Design CV OK?


Calculate Flow Velocities

Is Velocity Select Design CV & Valve Size


Calculate Sound Pressure Level

Select Different Trim Style


* Pressure drop limit 50 Bar (725 psi) per

TS20.2 Page 7


Process/Application Data Requirements

The information required to fully specify the size and type of valve for liquid service applications can be broken
down into different categories. For valve sizing and selection, this information can be classified as essential,
preferred or additional. The following chart categorises the information required into these three areas. The
information presented here relates to valve selection only and for actuator selection refer to TS8O.

Process Units Flow Units - Temp Units -

Flow Condition Max Normal Minimum
1 Quantity
2 Line Fluid
3 Flow Rate
4 Inlet
5 Pressures Outlet
6 P
7 Temp. at Inlet
8 Specific Gravity
10 Vapour Pressure
11 Critical Pressure
12 DP Actuator Sizing
13 Design Press./Temp.
14 Line Size In/Out/Sch.
16 Predicted SPL (dBA)
17 Calculated Cv
18 Viscosity
19 Valve Size C.M. Trim
20 Body Form Design CV
21 Catalogue No.
22 End Conns. Style Rating
23 Rated Press. Temp.
24 Body Material
25 No of Seats Design
26 Trim Type Rings
27 Char’s Flow Dir
28 Material
29 Type of Bonnet
30 Packing Lub. /Lub No
31 Max. Leakage
32 Stem Dia Valve Duty

Absolute minimum flow information (essential)

Information required for full analysis (preferred)

Additional design information

Full valve specification

TS20.3 Page 8


TS21 Liquid Sizing

TS21.1 Liquid Flows

This section covers the various factors to be considered when sizing and selecting a valve for liquid service
applications. Procedures are detailed for determining the valve flow coefficient (Cv) along with the necessary
corrections required to account for viscous effects and valve pipe reducer combinations. Additionally, calculation
procedures are presented to ensure that cavitation and flow erosion are avoided.

TS21.1.1 Page 9


Flow Path Through a Control Valve

The flow path through a control valve is highly complex,

including regions of high turbulence, flow separation
and impingement. To allow description of the behaviour
of the fluid properties through a control valve, a greatly
simplified sketch of the flow path through a control valve
is presented in Figure 21.1. This figure presents the
flow being directed under the plug and indicates areas
within the valve, which are referenced in the
subsequent discussion.

As the flow passes from the valve inlet to the trim inlet
the static pressure reduces due to frictional and turning
losses. Fluid approaching the trim contracts in a similar
manner to that shown schematically in Figure 21.2.
During this contraction the static pressure decreases
and the fluid velocity increases as illustrated in Figure Fig. 21.1 Idealised Flow Path Through a Control Valve
21.3. Subsequently, as the flow passes through the
minimum geometrical flow area the streamlines
continue to contract, until at a point just downstream
from the trim outlet the streamlines become parallel.
This minimum flow area is referred to as the vena
contracta. At this point the minimum static pressure and
maximum flow velocity occur. The pressure at the vena
contracta in relation to the upstream pressure and the
fluid vapour pressure is important in determining the
flowrate through the valve.

Downstream of the vena-contracta the flow area

expands resulting in a reduction in flow velocity and an
increase in static pressure. The amount of pressure
recovery is a function of the valve trim style, and is Fig. 21.2 Contraction of Streamlines
quantified by the term the valve pressure recovery
coefficient (Cf) where:-

Cf =

This factor is an important term in valve sizing

particularly in reference to critical flow and the
occurrence of cavitation or flashing, both of which are
discussed later.

Fig. 21.3 Variation in Static Pressure and Velocity

TS21.1.3 Page 10

Flow Regimes
A liquid flow can generally be treated as being
incompressible if there is no vapour formation. However,
vapour bubbles are produced if the local static pressure
falls below the fluid vapour pressure. This occurrence is not
uncommon in control valve flows and leads to changes in
the behaviour of the flow. Different flow regimes, dependant
upon the level of vapourisation, are used to describe the
behaviour of the fluid as it passes through a control valve.

Normal Flow Critical Flow

Normal flow describes the case when the fluid is assumed Critical flow occurs when the pressure drop is increased
to be incompressible (no vapour formation). Under this beyond the semi-critical zone, refer to point 4 on Figure
condition the volume flow rate is proportional to the square 21.4. At this stage the pressure at the vena contracta has
root of the pressure drop across the valve, see Figure 21.4. reached its minimum value, referred to as the
“supercooled” vapour pressure, see Figure 21.5. Beyond
Semi-critical Flow
this point, as the downstream pressure is reduced no
When the static pressure at the vena contracta (the further change in flow rate occurs. Also any subsequent
minimum flow area) falls just below the fluid vapour increase in pressure drop results only in greater levels of
pressure, bubbles form and the flow can no longr be cavitation or flashing.
assumed to be incompressible. This represents the start of
semi-critical flow and corresponds to the break down in the
Most valve sizing techniques omit the semi-critical flow
relationship between flow rate and pressure drop shown in
regime and assume that normal flow occurs up to point 3 of
Figure 21.4.
Figure 21.4 and that critical flow occurs thereafter. This
The onset of the semi-critical zone also coincides with the omission greatly simplifies the calculation procedure, and
occurrence of incipient cavitation when the vena contracta generally results in errors less than 2% in the Cv
static pressure is just lower than the fluid vapour pressure. calculation. A calculation procedure for the semi-critical flow
regime is presented in Appendix 21 .A. 1.
In the semi-critical flow regime any subsequent reduction in
downstream pressure leads to increased levels of
cavitation and reduced rate of increase in flow rate as
indicated by the curve between points 2 and 4 in Fig 21.4.

Fig. 21.5 Static Pressure Variation for Different Flow

Fig. 21.4 Different Flow Regimes as a Function of Regimes
Root of Pressure Drop

TS21.1.4 Page 11

used on flashing applications. To aid the engineer in
selecting the correct trim and material combination, a
Cavitation and Flashing flash index presented in Table 21.2.

As previously detailed, vapour bubbles are generated

within the liquid if the local static pressure falls below
the fluid vapour pressure. This subsequently results in
the phenomena known as either cavitation or flashing.
In addition to the effect these have on valve sizing,
structural damage to the valve or adjacent pipework
may occur. In order to accurately size the valve and
minimize the effects of flashing and cavitation,
consideration of these phenomena is essential.


If the downstream static pressure remains below the

fluid vapour pressure, see Figure 21.5, then these
vapour bubbles will remain in the downstream flow, and
the process is referred to as flashing. Incorrect selection
of valve trim style d/or materials for these applications
could result in serious erosion damage to valve trim and
possibly to the valve body. The characteristic of flashing Fig. 21.7 High Pressure Drop Trim Design used on
damage is that of a smooth polished appearance as Flashing Flow
shown in Figure 21.6.
As previously detailed, correct selection of a valve/trim
style is fundamental for valves on flashing duty. High In the event that the pressure recovery is sufficient to
pressure recovery valves are generally considered to raise the static pressure above the vapour pressure,
be more susceptible to flashing erosion damage than see Figures 21.5, then the vapour bubbles will collapse,
low pressure recovery designs. The cage guided this process being known as cavitation. The onset of
design of trim is used extensively on high duty flashing this phenomena is referred to as incipient cavitation,
applications whereby the flow is directed over the plug and occurs when the pressure drop from the valve inlet
to the vena contracta is equal to

C 2f K i ( P1 − Pv )
where Ki. is the coefficient of incipient cavitation.
Collapsing vapour bubbles release extremely high
levels of energy and noise. If these bubbles implode in
close proximity to a solid surface then the energy
released tears away the material leaving a rough pitted
surface as shown in Figure 21.8.

Fig. 21.6 Trim Erosion Due to Flashing

to dissipate the energy within the confines of the trim.

Experience has shown that in the case of flashing flows

it is good practice to use a single stage of pressure
letdown and utilise trim materials with good erosion
resistance. Figure21.7 illustrates a high duty trim design
Fig. 21.8 Typical Cavitation Damage to a Valve Trim

TS21.1.4 Page 12

Solution for Cavitating Flows

With regards to valves on potentially cavitating duties

correct selection of valve/trim style and material
combination is a requisite. High pressure recovery
valves are inherently more susceptible to cavitation
damage than low pressure recovery designs. A
comparison between the variation of the static pressure
through a valve, for both high and low recovery valves,
is shown in Figure 21.9. This figure reveals the greater
potential for the flow to cavitate with a high recovery
trim design.

Thus, the low pressure recovery cage guided design of

trim is used to remove cavitation potential, whereby the
flow is normally routed over the plug so that any
cavitation, jet impingement and/or highly turbulent
zones occur within the confines of the trim. In the event Fig. 21.9 Comparison between Low and High Recovery
of high potentials of cavitation, usually associated with Valve Designs
high pressure drops, further consideration to the trim
design is required. The principle is to utilise a low
pressure recovery design and to apportion the pressure
drop over a number of stages, so that the static
pressure within the valve does not fall below the liquid
vapour pressure. This principle can be achieved in a
variety of ways including the use of variable area stages
of pressure letdown within the trim (HFD, HFT designs),
fixed area stages of pressure letdown either within the
valve or downstream elements and/or a combination of
both. The variable area solution provides a higher
performance than fixed area units and inherently have a
much wider rangeability.

The cavitation index (CI) see TS21.2.1, is used to

indicate the potential of the flow to cavitate. When
selecting a valve for a set of operating conditions the
cavitation index should be brought to within acceptable
limits by using the principles discussed previously.
Thus, the first resort is to utilise single stage cage
guided trims such as the ported or HF design. If these
fail to eliminate cavitation, then the two stage HFD or
three stage HFT should be considered. If these should
fail to meet the criteria, then additional stages of
pressure letdown can be incorporated either in the form
of the Turbotrol valve presented in Figure 21.10 or fixed
area stages.

Fig. 21.10 Seven Stage Turbotrol Valve

TS21.1.5 Page 13

Viscous Flow
The flow rate of a fluid through a valve is proportional to
the square root of the pressure drop within the normal
flow regime, assuming the flow to be turbulent. The
factor that determines the turbulence level within the
fluid is related to its viscosity and its effect requires
consideration during the sizing of a control valve for
liquid service. In considering the flow of a fluid through a
valve there are two distinct groups of forces affecting
the motion of the fluid particles. These are viscous
forces, which are proportional to the fluid velocity (∝V),
and inertia forces, which are proportional to the square
of the velocity (∝ V2), see Figure 21.11. The
predominance of one of these forces over the other
leads to two different types of flow. If the viscous forces
dominate, the flow is termed laminar (or viscous), if the
inertia forces dominate the flow is termed turbulent. The
influence of these two flow types on control valve sizing
should not be overlooked. If the viscous effects are
ignored then gross undersizing of a control valve can
Fig 21.12 Diagramatic Representation of Laminar & Turbulent

Turbulent Flow

Turbulent flow occurs at relatively high velocities and

with fluids having low viscosities. It is characterised by
the mixing of fluid particles between adjacent layers or
streamlines, the particles gaining or losing momentum
in the process. The particles thus have velocity
components transverse to the streamlines as well as
along the streamlines. The inertia forces are too large
for the viscous forces to restrain the particles motion.
Fig. 21.11 Deviation from Normal Flow Relationship
Due to Viscous Flow Reynolds Number
The occurrence of laminar or turbulent flow is indicated
Laminar Flow (Viscous)
by the value of the ratio of inertia to viscous forces;
Laminar flow generally occurs with fluids having high
Inertia ρνd
viscosities and/or low flow velocities. Under such Re = =
conditions the movement of individual particles are Viscousforces µ
along clearly defined lines (streamlines) , see Figure
21.12. There is no movement transverse to the
streamlines, although particles in different streamlines This ratio is referred to as the Reynolds number, after
may have different velocities. In the case of laminar flow Osbourne Reynolds who first demonstrated this
in a pipe, the fluid layer in contact with the wall is at rest effect.This relationship has been applied to the valve
and the velocity of the various streamlines increase flow problem, and a modified form of the Reynolds
progressively as the pipe centre in reached. The number, applicable to control valve terminology, is used
resistance to the flow is due to viscous shear forces as the basis of determining whether the flow through a
between adjacent layers of fluid. valve is laminar or turbulent. Thus, the basic valve flow
sizing equations apply to turbulent flow and a correction
factor is then introduced if viscous forces are dominant.
The procedure used for this calculation is presented in
TS 21.2.4.

TS21.2.1 Page 14

Pipework Configuration
A control valve presents a single component within a
piping system. In determining the function of the valve,
the overall piping arrangement should be considered.
The pressure loss across the different piping
components such as adjacent isolating valves, elbows
and tees can usually be determined for different flow
conditions by utilising head loss coefficients. However,
certain components not only introduce pressure loss
but will also effect the capacity of any adjacent valve
due to changes in the velocity pressure head (dynamic
pressure). This will tend to have a greater affect on the
performance of the valve under choked flow conditions.
The piping components most likely to cause this are
reducers and expanders, see Figures 21.13 and 21.14. Fig. 21.13 Line Size Valve

Although it would be possible to test valves and

adjacent fittings, to determine the correction factors, it is
more practical to estimate them. A calculation of the
correction can be made by assuming that the reducer
and expander result in a sudden contraction and
sudden enlargement in series. The pressure drop
across these can then be determined by using the
following expression.

∆p=kρv2 (where k is the head loss coefficient.)

The head loss can be incorporated into the valve sizing

formula by means of a pipework correction factor.
Under critical flow conditions the effect of the
contraction on the pressure recovery coefficient also
becomes important.The pressure recovery will be
modified by the reducer and expander, and
consequently, a combined pressure recovery coefficient
is required. This is used in the calculation of the limiting
pressure drop which is used to determine whether
Fig. 21.14 Valve fitted with Pipe Line Reducers
choked flow occurs due to vapourisation of the fluid. A
procedure for determining the effect of the pipework is
detailed in TS 21.2.7.

TS21.2.1 Page 15

If the cavitation index is still positive when specifying an
TS21.2 Valve Sizing Equations HFT trim then either fixed area restrictions or a turbotrol
valve should be considered. When determining the
cavitation performance of either a turbotrol or fixed area
The sizing procedures detailed in the following sections
devices then each pressure letdown stage should be
are dependant on the valve trim style. In these
evaluated separately using equation 21-01.
procedures an engineer would generally start with the
standard trim design (contoured) and depending upon
Table 21-1 Allowable Levels of Cavitation
pressure drop, cavitation, flashing, or sound pressure Material Cavitation Index (CI)
level a higher duty trim design may be selected. The Single stage Multi-stage
starting point for the trim selection is the determination psi bar psi bar
of the cavitation index or flashing index, both of which 316L 5 0.3 3 0.2
are detailed here. In the case of high pressure drop 17.4 PH 8 0.5 5 0.3
Full stellite grade 6 20 1.4 10 0.7
applications refer to Appendix 21 .A.2 for a guide to the
Full stellite grade 12 26 1.8 12 0.8
trim design and material selection.
Monel 8 0.5 5 0.3
Ferralium 10 0.7 8 0.5
Cavitation Index
Flash Index
The cavitation index (CI) indicates the potential of the In the selection of a valve for a flashing application the
flow to cavitate under a certain set of operating trim style and material should be chosen to eliminate!
conditions. CI should be used to select a trim style that reduce erosion potential. In determining the correct
will eliminate any potential of the flow to cavitate. A full solution the influence of both the valve pressure drop
explanation of cavitation, the cavitation index and and percentage flash should be accounted for. A guide
methods to remove/ reduce cavitation has been given to this selection can be obtained by using the Flash
above. Index presented in Figure 21.15a/b. The Flash Index
combines the effects of pressure drop and % flash and
Procedure indicates the appropriate trim design, trim material and
For a single stage of pressure letdown (i.e. microspline,
contoured, ported, or HF trim) use the equation below
to calculate the cavitation index. Read the values of Cf
and K1 for the trim style selected from Table 21.2.

C I = ∆p − C 2f K i ( P1 − Pv ) 21.01
Note: - when the valve opening has been determined
the corrected value of Cf (see Figure 21.16) should be
used in the above formula.

A negative value of CI indicates no cavitation, whereas,

a positive value indicates possible cavitation damage;
the higher the value the greater the potential of
cavitation damage. The allowable level of the cavitation Fig. 21.15a Flash Index. Contoured Trim
index is a function of the trim design and material. For
single stage trims CI values up to the levels shown in
Table 21.1 the valve should operate satisfactorily
without any significant wear. If the value of CI is higher
than these limits then a higher class of anti-cavitation
trim such as the HFD or HFT should be used. When
selecting multi-stage trims it is good practice to
eliminate all cavitation. The equation below is used for
these trim styles (where n is the number of pressure
letdown stages in the trim).

∆P ∆p
CI = − C 2f K i ( P2 + − Pv ) 21.02
n n
Fig. 21.15b Flash Index. HF Trim
TS21.2.1 Page 16

Table 21.2 Valve Pressure Recovery and Incipient Cavitation Coefficients
Valve Type Trim Style Trim Size Flow Direction Cf K1

Microspline All sizes Over 0.95 0.95

Under 0.9 0.8
Over 0.85 0.81
Series 10 Contoured
Under 0.9 0.8
Over 0.8 0.82
Ported All sizes Over or under 0.93 0.9

HF, HFD, HFT All sizes Over or under 1 0.95

Under 0.9 0.8
Over 0.85 0.81
Under 0.9 0.8
Series 14 Over 0.8 0.82
Ported All sizes Over or under 0.93 0.9

HF All sizes Over or under 1 0.95

Ported Full Over or under 0.92 0.9

HF All sizes Over or under 0.97 0.95

Series 12 XHF All sizes Over or under 0.98 0.95

HFD All sizes Over or under 0.99 0.95

XHFD,HFT,XHFT All sizes Over or under 0.97 0.95

Full 0.9 0.87
Contoured Over and under
Series 20 Reduced 0.8 0.84
HF, HFD, HFT All sizes Over and under 1 0.95

Series 30/31 ‘V’ Port All sizes Mixing and diverting 0.91 0.9

4 Stage All sizes Over 1* 0.95*

Series 51/57
7 Stage All sizes Over 1* 0.95*
<30% 0.98 0.9
Vane Open Through
0.9 0.75
Series 61/62
<30% 1** 0.9
Vane and baffle Open Through
0.98** 0.9
Under 0.9 0.8
Contoured Full
Over 0.45 0.84
Under 0.95 0.8
Over 0.5 0.82

Series 70/71 Ported All sizes Over or under 0.92 0.9

HF All sizes Over or under 0.96 0.92

HFD All sizes Over or under 0.98 0.95

HFT All sizes Over or under 0.99 0.95

Ported All sizes Over or under 0.92 0.9

HF All sizes Over or under 0.96 0.92

XHF All sizes Over or under 0.97 0.92
HFD All sizes Over or under 0.98 0.95

XHFD ,HFT, XHFT All sizes Over or under 0.99 0.95

Cylindrical All sizes Through 0.95 0.90

Fixed area
Flat All sizes Through 0.92 0.90
* stage values
** varies with baffle size

TS21.2.3 Page 17

Valve Flow Coefficient
The valve flow coefficient (see TS 50) is used to determine IMPERIAL
the valve and trim size required to provide the capacity for a
particular flow rate at a specified pressure drop. Having G
CV = Q (by volume) 21-07
determined the calculated Cv the available design Cv ∆p S
values should be referenced (TS 90) and a design Cv
should be selected to give a suitable valve opening (TS60)
The selected design Cv will fix the minimum valve size 1
CV = 0.002W
requirement. However, other factors such as line size and G∆PS (by weight) 21-08
flow velocity must also be considered in the selection of the
valve size and design Cv.
Ideally, a Cv calculation should be performed at maximum,
normal and minimum operating flow rates. This will ensure CV = 1.16Q (by volume) 21-09
that both the rangeability and maximum flow rates can be ∆PS

Procedure 1
C v = 1.16 × 10 −3W (by weight) 21-14
G∆p s
(a) Calculate the ‘supercooled vapour pressure, Pvc

 (e) Select the design Cv and valve size. For design Cv

P 
PVC ' = PV  0.96 − 0.28 V  21-03 values either refer to TS 90 or the appropriate
 PC  Technical Bulletin. Generally, a design Cv should be
selected so that under normal operating conditions
(b) Determine the limiting pressure drop, corresponding the valve operates between 50 and 70% open. For
more information on the selection of design Cv and
to the occurrence of critical flow, from equation 21-04.
flow characteristic refer to TS 60.
Refer to Table 21.2 for values of Cf or if the valve
opening is known Figure 21.16.
(f) Find the ratio of the calculated Cv to the design Cv

∆PLimit = C (P1 − PVC ' )

2 and read the correct value of Cf from Figure 21.16 for
f 21-04 the valve and trim style selected.

(c) Set the valve sizing pressure drop, ∆ps. If the (g) Re-calculate the limiting pressure drop using (b) and
pressure drop across the valve is less than or equal to repeat steps (c) to (e).
the limiting pressure drop then the flow is termed
normal and the sizing pressure drop should be set to (h) Should any corrections, such as pipework or
viscosity, be required then see sections 21.2.5 or
∆PS = ∆P 21-05 21.2.7. The calculation procedure presented here is
the first step in determining either the viscous or
If the pressure drop is greater than the limiting
pipework correction factors.
pressure drop then the flow is critical and the sizing
pressure drop should be set to
Note The alternative metric sizing coefficient Kv can be
determined from Cv by using the following
∆PS = ∆PLimit 21-06 conversions.

Calculate the valve flow coefficient using the Kgf/cm2 Bar

appropriate equation below. Cv
Cv Kv =
Kv = 1.156

TS21.2.3 Page 18

Figure 21.16 Valve Pressure Recovery Values for different Valve Series as a function of Valve Openin

TS21.2.3 Page 19


Viscous Flow Correction (d) Having calculated the valve Reynolds number NR
read the viscous flow correction factor (VK) from
Under certain flow conditions, low flow velocities and high Figure 21.17.
viscosity fluids, a viscosity correction (see TS 21.1.6) is

IMPERIAL (e) The viscous valve flow coefficient (Cv visc) should
then be calculated from equation 21-15.
N R = 15450 (by volume) 21-11
υ CV C v (VISC ) = C v .Vk 21-15

N R = 30.9 (by weight) 21-12 (f) Select an appropriate valve design Cv and valve size
υ Cv (refer to TS 60 and TS 90).

N R = 67980 (by volume) 21-13
υ CV Table 21.3 Trim Style Correction Factors

Valve Correction
Trim Style
Series Factor, NT
WN T Microspline 0.25
N R = 67.98 (by weight) 21-14
Gυ C v Series 10 Contoured 1
Ported 0.75
required to ensure that undersizing of the valve does not Ported 0.7
occur. The following procedure details the steps that should Series 12/14 HF 0.5
be carried out to determine the viscous correction. It should
be noted that unless the flow is highly viscous and/or the Series 20 Contoured 0.66
flow velocities are low that the viscosity correction factor will Contoured 0.66
be approximately 1. Series 30 V Port 0.5
Series 61/62 Vane 0.7
(a) The first step in the calculation procedure is to Contoured 1.1
determine the Cv value assuming turbulent flow Series 71/72 Ported 0.8
conditions. This should be determined by performing
the Cv calculation detailed in TS 21 .2.3.

(b) Due to the varying geometries of the different trim

styles available it is necessary to introduce a Trim
Style correction factor (NT) This takes into account
the variation in the characteristic dimension and the
valve discharge coefficient, both of which influence
the value of the Reynolds number. This factor can be
read from Table 21.3. It should be noted that
contoured or ported trim styles would normally be
recommended for a viscous flow application. If it is
necessary to perform a viscous flow calculation for
the HF family of trims then use NT = 0.5

(c) The modified form of the Reynolds number suitable

for control valve terminology can be calculated from
the appropriate equation below.

TS21.2.5 Page 20

Figure 21.17 Viscosity Correction Factors

TS21.2.7 Page 21


Pipework Correction Factor

In the event of a valve being fitted into a larger diameter Where the inlet head loss Kin can be calculated from
pipework by using expansions and reducers an additional
pressure loss will be introduced. This in some cases can If θ < 40°
lead to the requirement for a larger design Cv, and/or valve d
size. The following procedure details the steps required to K in = 1 −   21-22
calculate the pipework correction. Generally, if the ratio of D
the valve to pipework diameter is greater than 0.75 the If θ ≥ 40°
2 4
losses will have a negligible affect on the valve flow d 1d 
coefficient. K in = 1.5 −   −   21-23
D 2D
(d) Establish the limiting pressure drop.
∆Pvr lim it = (F .C 2fr )(P1 − Pvc ' )
(a) Calculate the combined Cv of the valve and reducer
using the procedure detailed in TS21 .2.3. The value 21-24
of the valve flow coefficient thus calculated should be If the pressure drop across the valve is greater than the limiting
equated to Cvr. pressure drop then the flow is critical and
(b) Determine the pipework correction factor, F, either by
using the equations detailed below or by reference to ∆ΡS = ∆Ρvr lim it 21-25
Figure 21.18. For pressure drops lower than the limiting pressure the flow is
normal and
IMPERIAL (21-16) ∆ΡS = ∆Ρ 21-26
F= (e) Calculate the corrected valve flow coefficient using the
 C  appropriate equation below.
1 − K tot  vr 2 
 30d 
F= G
2 CV = FQ
 21.5Cvr  ∆ΡS
1 − K tot  2  (by volume) 21-27
 d 
CV = 0.002 FW
Where the sum of the inlet/outlet losses K tot can be G∆ΡS
(by volume) 21-28
determined from:
If θ < 40°
2 G
  d 2  CV = 1.16 FQ
K tot = K 2 = 1 −    21-18 ∆ΡS
(by volume) 21-29
  D  
If θ ≥ 40° 1
2 CV = 1.16 × 10 −3 FW
 d  2
K tot = K1 + K 2 = 1.51 −    21-19 (by volume) 21-30
  D  
(c) Evaluate the Valve/Reducer Pressure Recovery
Factor, Cfr by using the equations presented below or
by referring to Figures 21.19.

TS21.2.7 Page 22

Figure 21.18 Valve/Reducer Pipe Correction Factors

Figure 21.19 Valve/ Reducer Pressure Recovery Coefficients

TS21.A.1 Page 23


TS21.A Appendicies

Semi-critical flow
The three states of liquid flow shown in Figure 21.A.1
have been discussed in section 21.1.3. However, the
semi-critical flow regime has been ignored in the sizing
equations for determining the valve flow coefficient.
Although this practice introduces small errors into the
Cv value a procedure for calculating the valve flow
coefficient in the semi-critical flow regime is presented

Note: As this rarely has a significant effect on valve

sizing, it is ignored by the International Standards.

Semi-critical flow occurs when the pressure drop is

between the two limiting values shown below.

∆p ≥ C 2f K S (Ρ1 − Ρv )
∆p < 1.17C 2f (Ρ1 − Ρvc )
If the pressure drop falls between these values then
equation 21.A.1 should be used to evaluate the valve
sizing coefficient, Cv

IMPERIAL (21-20)

 
 
Q  1 − 0.93 K S G  Key to Figure 21.A.1
CV =

C f 1 − KS 
 ∆p + 0.07 K S (Ρ1 − Ρvc ' )  1. Incipient Cavitation
 1.08C f  ∆p = C 2f K i (Ρ1 − Ρv )
2. Start of semi critical flow
METRIC (21-21) ∆p = C 2f K S (Ρ1 − Ρv )
 
  3. Start of critical flow-ISA
CV =
1.16Q  1 − 0.93 K S G  ∆p = C 2f (Ρ1 − Ρvc ' )
C f 1 − KS 
 ∆p + 0.07 K S (Ρ1 − Ρvc ' )  4. Actual Start of critical flow
 1.08C f 
∆p = 1.17C 2f (Ρ1 − Ρvc ' )

Pressure Drop Considerations

Factors which influence the selection of the valve trim
style and trim material selection in liquid flows are

TS21.A.1 Page 24

related to the pressure drop across the valve. The Contaminated Flow
cavitation and flashing processes have been discussed
in TS 21.1.4 and TS 21.2.1, however, erosion damage An increasing number of applications, particularly in the
can also be attributed to high pressure drop oil industry, require the control of contaminated fluids.
applications and also fluid flows with solid inclusions. These fluids are usually hydrocarbons and/or water
The control of these high pressure drop applications with traces of sand. On throttling these fluids the local
can be achieved by either using hard materials/hard velocity increases with subsequent acceleration of the
facings and/or the use of multi-stage trims. Whether fluid borne sand. This can lead to rapid erosion of the
hard facing of the trim or a multi-stage trim is the most valve trim and body.
appropriate is largely dependant upon pressure drop.
The area most susceptible to erosion damage,
The erosion resistance of the trim material is related to assuming the correct trim selection has been made, is
the hardness of the trim material. Trims manufactured the valve trim. For such an application this would be
from 316L stainless steel have a Rockwell hardness of manufactured from a hardened material, such as stellite
Rc 18 - 22 and are suitable for pressure drops up to or tungsten carbide. The valve trim design selected
approximately 20 bar (290 psi) - on a clean service. A (usually HF) should ensure that the energy can be
stellite face option (seating surfaces) should be used for dissipated within the trim and that at exit from the trim
such a pressure drop if an ANSI class IV or higher the fluid does not impinge directly onto the valve body.
leakage class is required. For pressure drops greater In some applications wear sleeves may be used to
than 30 bar, the full stellite HF trim option should be reduce erosion rates.
considered. The maximum limit for full stellite grade 6
For a full consideration of the problem, the % weight
on a single stage trim is approximately 50 bar (720 psi),
and size of particles (max, min, normal) are required.
above this pressure drop either a different grade of
However in general, fluids with less than 2% solid
stellite, hardened, tungsten carbide or ceramic
inclusion by weight the mean fluid velocities should be
trim material should be used. Alternatively, multistage
limited to levels detailed in TS 22 and the material
trims can be utilised to apportion the pressure drop. In
selection for the trim should be determined by referring
which case the material selection should be based on
to Figure 21.A.2.
the stage pressure drop.

The maximum limits for different hard facings for single

stage and multi-stage trims are given in Table 21.A.1.
Table 21-A.1
Typical Max ∆P per
Hardness stage
Trim material
316L stst 183 (BHN) 20 290
17.4PH 29-33 30 435
Monel 205 (BHN) 30 435
Duplex stst 250 (BHN) 30 435
Stellite 6 face 39-43 35 500
Full stellite Gr.6 39-43 50 725
Full stellite Gr.12 47-51 60 870
Hardened 440 stst 45 50 725
Tungsten carbide 80 >60 >870
Ceramic >60 >870

TS22.1 Page 25


TS22 Liquid Velocity

Introduction Factors Influencing Velocity Limitations

In selecting a valve for a liquid flow application one of Selection of pipework systems includes the
the major considerations is the effect of fluid velocity. consideration of fluid velocity that is limited for the
High fluid velocities can lead to erosion and vibration following reasons:
problems. This section covers the limitations imposed
because of the possible effects of high flow velocities 1) reduction in pressure loss,
and includes the velocity calculation procedures for
2) to reduce/eliminate vibration potential,
non-vapourising and vapourising flows, along with the
recommended velocity limits. 3) to minimise erosion damage.

A control valve is considered as a major part of the

pipework system and the flow velocity is limited for
similar reasons.

Although valve and piping velocity limits apply to mean

inlet/outlet flow velocities, it should be noted that the
flow through a control valve being highly turbulent will
exhibit areas of flow velocity much higher than the
mean flow velocity. Additionally, dependant on the trim
configuration the flow may impinge directly onto the
valve body wall. These factors, together with levels of
energy dissipation, mechanical vibration response, and
the material of construction influence the recommended
maximum levels presented in Table 22.1.

Effect of Valve/Trim Style

Reference to Table 22.1 will reveal varying velocity

limits for different valve sizes, trim styles and body
material. The reason for these changes is related to the
varying flow paths through the different configurations.
For example the recommended velocity levels are
higher for cage guided trims because the highest flow
velocities, occurring just downstream of the minimum
flow area, are contained within the more erosion
resistant valve trim. Additionally, in cage guided valves
the high levels of energy dissipation are controlled by
splitting the flow into small jets with the impingement
contained within the guide.

TS21.A.3 Page 26


Velocity Calculation

(a) Calculate the flow velocity using the appropriate

equation below.


v = 0.408
(by volume) 22.01

v = 8.2 × 10 −4
Gd 2
(by weight) 22-02


v = 354
(by volume) 22.03

v = 0.354
Gd 2
(by weight) 22-04

(b) Compare the calculated flow velocity with the

recommended limits, see Table 22.1

(c) If the fluid velocity is within the limiting value then the
valve size selected is satisfactory. If the velocity level is
outside the recommended limits then a higher velocity
limit may be applied by referring to Figure 22.1

TS22.3 Page 27

Table 22.1 Recommended Maximum Velocities for Liquid Service

Maximum Velocity
Valve Size
Valve Type Valve Rating Trim Style
Carbon Steel Alloy Steel Bronze, Cu/Ni Alloys
in mm ft/s m/s ft/s m/s ft/s m/s
0.5-2 15-50 41 12.5 46 14 25 7.6
3-6 80-150 34 10.4 34 10.4 20 6.2
Series 8-14 200-350 29 8.9 29 8.9 17 5.2
All Contoured
10/14/20 16-18 400-450 22 6.7 22 6.7 13 4
20 500 18 5.5 18 5.5 11 3.4
24 600 12 3.7 12 3.7 7 2.1
1-12 25-300 43 13.1 52 15.8 26 7.9
Ported + HF
All 14-20 350-500 35 10.7 43 13.1 21 6.4
24 600 25 7.6 35 10.7 15 4.6
1-12 25-300 43 (60) 13.1 (18.3) 52 (70) 15.8 (21.3) 26 (35) 7.9 (10.7)
Series Ported + HF
All 14-20 350-500 35 (50) 10.7(15.2) 43 (60) 13.1 (18.3) 21(30) 6.4 (9.1)
12/51 family
24 600 25 (35) 7.6 (10.7) 35 (50) 10.7 (15.2) 15 (21) 4.6 (6.4)
Up to and 1-2 25-50 31 9.5 35 10.7 19 5.8
including "V" Port 3-6 80-150 26 8 26 8 16 4.9
ANSI 600 8-12 200-300 19 5.8 19 5.8 11 3.4
Up to and 4-12 100-300 25 7.6 25 7.6 15 4.6
including Vane 14-24 350-600 15 4.6 15 4.6 9 2.7
ANSI 300 >24 >600 10 3 10 3 6 1.8
All Contoured All sizes All sizes Refer to Series 10 velocity limits
Series 1-12 25-300 48 (65) 14.6 (19.8) 57(75) 17.4 (22.9) 29(39) 8.8 (11.9)
Ported + HF
70/71/72 All 14-20 350-500 40 (55) 12.2 (16.8) 48 (65) 14.6 (19.8) 24 (29) 7.3 (8.8)
73/74/57 24 600 30 (42) 9.1 12.8) 40 (55) 12.2 (16.8) 18 (25) 5.5 (7.6)

Note: Values in brackets refer to centre module limits

Figure 22.1 Acceptance Limits Outside Normally Recommended Velocity Levels

TS22.3 Page 28


Flashing Flow hf1 = Enthalpy of saturated fluid at inlet

temperature, T1
In a liquid flow if the downstream pressure is below the fluid
hf2 = Enthalpy of saturated fluid at outlet pressure,
vapour pressure, vapour bubbles will exist and the
downstream flow will be two phase. This mixture can be
highly erosive, with the vapour phase carrying liquid hfg2 = Enthalpy of Evaporation at outlet pressure.
droplets at high velocities, leading to increased erosion
rates. The relative velocity of each phase is largely Unfortunately, the information required to determine the %
dependant upon the vapour content in the downstream flash is not always available, in which case only the inlet
flow, which can only be determined if the pressure drop and flow velocity can be calculated, and the valve size is
fluid thermodynamic properties are known. The amount of determined by reference to the downstream pipe size and
vapour formation is usually quantified by the % flash, that is the calculated valve flow coefficient.
the % vapour by weight to the total mass flow rate i.e.

If the % flash is given or can be calculated then the relative

W velocities of the two phases, liquid and vapour, can be
X = V approximated. A measure of the different phase velocities
Wtot 22.05 is given by the slip ratio, ‘s’. This is the ratio of the vapour
phase to the liquid phase velocity. An expression used to
determine this value is shown below.
By considering the changes in enthalpy across the valve
the % flash can be determined from 1
 ρ 2
s = x 1 +1− X 
 hf1 − hf 2   ρ 
X =   g 
 h 
 fg 2  22.06 It is evident by examining this expression that as the %
flash increases so does the slip ratio, and hence the vapour
where: flow velocity. Furthermore, when the vapour density
approaches the liquid density, s tends to 1, and the vapour
velocity is almost equal to the liquid velocity.

TS22.4 Page 29


1. Determine the liquid density and downstream vapour 6. Determine the void fraction and phase flow areas
Imperial ( X v + (1 − X v )s ) 22.16
ρ l = S g × 62.43
22.09 Liquid phase flow area
Ρ2 × M w
ρv2 = A1 = (1 − a )Atot
10.72 × (T2 + 460) 22.17
Vapour phase flow area
ρ l = S g × 1000
22.07 Av = Atot − A1 22.18
Ρ × 10 × M w
ρv2 = 2
8314 × (T2 + 273) 7. Determine the liquid phase flow velocity
2. Determine the slip v1 =
1 A1 × 3600 22.19
 ρ1 2
ratio s =  X +1− X 
 ρv2  22.11 8. Determine the vapour phase flow velocity

3. Calculate the liquid and vapour phase mass flow rate. Qv 2

vv =
Wv = X × Wtot 22.12 Av × 3600 22.20

Wl = (1 − X ) × Wtot 22.13
9. Check that the phase velocities do not exceed their
recommended maximum levels, see Table 22.1.
4. Calculate the downstream vapour and liquid phase
The vapour phase flow velocity should not exceed
volume flow rates.
253 rn/s (830 ft/sec) or 0.3 Mach. For the complete
set of velocity limits for gas/vapour flows refer to
Wv Wl TS32.
Qv 2 = Q1 =
ρv2 ρl 22.14
5. Calculate the downstream vapour volume ratio In the case that the % flash cannot be determined then
Q the valve size is selected based upon the design C, and
X v = v2 Qtot = Qv 2 + Ql 22.15 making reference to the line size.
Qtot Where

TS22.5 Page 30


TS23 Liquid Noise

Noise control legislation has led to specifications, which Cavitation Noise

require the maximum noise level generated by control
valves to be lower than 85 dBA. Generally, the sound When the static pressure drops below the fluid vapour
pressure levels produced by control valves on liquid pressure, bubbles will be formed. Subsequently, as the
flow applications will be lower than this level. There are pressure recovers above the vapour pressure downstream
however liquid flow mechanisms which can lead to the of the vena contracta, these bubbles will collapse or
generation of objectionable noise levels; these are implode; this phenomena is referred to as cavitation (see
cavitation, flashing and mechanical vibration. TS 21.1.4). The implosion of the vapour bubbles leads to
large levels of energy dissipation resulting in mechanical
damage and noise. The noise can be described as metallic
With regards to cavitation and mechanical vibration
rattling under low cavitating conditions to a high pitched
induced noise it is also important to point out that the
scream under severe cavitation conditions. The sound
existence of high noise levels provides a warning that
pressure level increases as the cavitation condition
possible damage to the valve will result if the problem is
develops (see Figure 23.1) and reaches a maximum when
not addressed.
the cavitation is fully developed.

In order to predict and eliminate the effect of cavitation Kent

This section details the various sources of noise
Introl use a cavitation index in the sizing procedure to
associated with liquid flows, discusses methods of
ensure correct trim selection, and also include a prediction
reducing the noise and details the procedures for
technique for noise level evaluation.
predicting the sound pressure level for the Kent Introl
range of products.

Categories of Noise Vibration

Noise can be generated by turbulent liquid flow if the

fluid pressure pulsations induce mechanical vibration of
the valve plug and stem. If this occurs the resultant
noise could be objectionable and there is a danger of
fatigue failure of the valve trim components should
resonance occur. Care in the selection of the valve trim,
so that high energy levels are dissipated gradually
through the valve, will usually remove any potential for
mechanical vibrations. However, when they do occur
special consideration of the valve design features is
required. Fig. 23.1 Characteristic of Liquid Flow Noise

Poor pipework configurations (bends and supports) are Flashing

the usual cause of mechanical vibration within valves. If the pressure drop is increased beyond the cavitation
condition, flashing occurs, that is vapour bubbles continue
Because the mechanisms responsible for this type of to exist downstream of the valve. The noise produced by
noise are system dependant, a procedure for the imploding bubbles diminishes and the overall noise
determining the resultant sound pressure level level reduces as shown in Figure 23.1. Flashing
prediction is not considered practical. The noise applications generally produce low ambient noise levels,
generated by mechanical vibration will be of a discrete unless the percentage flash is high. This can lead to high
frequency and can produce noise levels in excess of flow velocities downstream of the valve and secondary
100 dBA. It should be noted that any resultant noise noise generation. This noise source can only be removed
should act as a warning to the engineer that there is a by increasing the downstream pipe size thus reducing the
mechanical problem within the valve or system. flow velocity.

TS22.5 Page 31

Methods of Abating Liquid Generated Noise

The occurrence of high noise levels, for valves operating in

liquid service, is usually associated with either cavitation or
high fluid velocities.

(i) In the case of cavitation the HF family of trims can be

used to eliminate cavitation and the associated noise. In
such trims the total pressure drop is apportioned across
a number of stages in such a way as to prevent the
onset of cavitation, see Figure 23.2. For the more
severe liquid noise problems, the high performance
Turbotrol valve (Figure 23.3), or seat exit diffusers and
baffles (Figure 23.6) should be utilised to reduce the
potential of cavitation and the accompanying noise.

In utilising baffles the correct allocation of pressure drop

to the trim and each stage is important. At least 30% of
the total pressure drop should be allocated to the trim,
the remainder divided through the various pressure
drop stages. Allocation of the correct pressure drop to
the various stages cannot be expressed as a rule -
experience leads to a systematic method of solving the
problem. As a general rule if a number of baffles are
required then it is advisable to allocate pressure drop in
diminishing magnitudes as they are located further
away from the valve inlet so that the last baffle takes the
lowest pressure drop. Care should also be taken in
considering the full range of flow rates that the baffle
/diffuser may see.

The calculation of the noise levels from a valve on liquid

service with a combination of baffles or diffusers cannot
be accomplished by considering the unit as a whole
combination. Calculation must be carried out for the trim
and for each baffle separately.

(ii) High fluid velocities can lead to either ‘velocity

generated noise’ or flow induced vibrations (and
consequently noise). At the selection stage specification
of the correct valve size (depending onset velocity
limits) should ensure that neither of the aforementioned
phenomena occur.

Fig. 23.3 Turbotol Valve

TS23.3 Page 32


Liquid Noise Prediction

The sound pressure level generated by a liquid flow
through a control valve can be calculated from the a) Calculate the Pressure Drop Ratio
following expression:
Pressure drop ratio = 23-01
SPL = B log Dp + HL + Z log Cv - T – Ap Ρ1 − Ρv
This gives the sound pressure level (dBA) at a listening b) If the flow is flashing, that is the pressure drop
(measurement) point 1 m along the downstream pipe ratio is greater than unity, the liquid noise
from the valve exit and 1m from the pipe surface. coefficient and trim correction factors
corresponding to the pressure drop ratio of
Spherical free field radiation is assumed with a unity should be used in the following
tolerance band of +0 dBA I- 5dBA. calculations. Read values of the liquid noise
coefficient (B) and the trim correction factor
B Efficiency of conversion of Dp into "turbulent" (HL) for the corresponding value of the
noise. As the pressure drop is increased the pressure drop ratio from Tables 23.2 and 23.3
velocity through the trim also increases respectively.
leading to higher velocity fluctuations. c) Determine the bulk flow noise factor from
HL The trim style correction accounts for the Figure 23.5.
cavitation performance of the trim. For d) Read values of the pipework attenuation
contoured trim styles the H1 factor will factor from Table 23.4 and reduced lift
contribute to the overall SPL when cavitation correction factor from Figure 23.4.
is predicted to occur.
e) Substitute values determined into the
Z Bulk flow noise factor accounts for the appropriate equation to determine the
contribution of the valve flow coefficient to the predicted SPL in dBA.
overall noise. As Cv increases so does the METRIC
energy dissipated through the valve. SPL=B ( log ∆p + 1.16 ) + HL + Z log Cv – Ap – T
T Valve opening % reduction. IMPERIAL
Ap Pipe attenuation (transmission loss through SPL = B log ∆p + HL + Z log Cv - Ap - T 23-02
the pipe wall)
f) If the noise level is above the allowable limit
then a higher class of anti-cavitation trim style
or fixed area pressure drop stages are

Fig. 23.4 Reduced Lift Correction Factor Turbotrol

Valve Fig. 23.5 Bulk Flow Coefficient

TS23.3 Page 33


Procedures for Fixed Area Pressure Drop Stages. e) Substitute the above values into the liquid
In order to determine the predicted noise level noise prediction formula to determine the
produced by a system including a control valve and predicted SPL in dBA for the particular baffle.
baffles, it is necessary to consider each element of the METRIC
system individually. The procedure detailed on TS23.3
should be adopted for each element using the correct SPL=B (log ∆p + 1.16 ) + HL + Z log Cv –Ap - T
inlet / outlet pressures and Cv. IMPERIAL
a) Calculate the Pressure Drop Ratio across the SPL = B log ∆p + HL + Z log Cv - Ap – T
baffle (Note that if the pressure drop ratio is
greater than unity then the fluid is flashing, 23-03
and a baffle solution would not normally be f) Repeat steps a) to e) for each of the baffles in
recommended). the system, utilising the correct baffle
∆p upstream and downstream pressures.
Pressure drop ratio =
Ρ1 − Ρv g) Calculate the total SPL in dBA from the
combined valve trim and baffles from equation
b) Read values of the liquid noise coefficient and 23.4.
the trim correction factor (for a HF trim) for the
corresponding value of the pressure drop ratio  SPLvalve SPLbaffle1 
(Tables 23.2/23.3).  A log 10 + A log 10 
SPL = 10 log  
c) Determine the bulk flow noise factor from  SPLbaffle 2 
Figure 23.5 using the Baffle rated Cv.  + A log + etc 
10 
d) Read the value of the pipework attenuation 23-04
factor from Tables 23.4.

Figure 23.6 Valve fitted with HFT trim, Seat Exit Diffuser and Outlet Fixed Area Pressure Drop Stages

TS23.4 Page 34

Procedure for Turbotrol Valves
Table 23.1 Stage Pressure Drops (Fully Open)
The procedure for determining the noise level produced Stage
3 Stage 4 Stage 7 Stage
by a turbotrol valve requires each pressure drop stage Number
to be considered separately. The overall SPL can then 1 40 35 25
2 40 42 25
be determined by combining the individual stage SPL’s
3 20 8 25
logarithmically. The necessary steps for this calculation 4 - 15 6
are presented below. 5 - - 9
a) Calculate the Pressure Drop across each 6 - - 4
7 - - 6
stage of pressure letdown using the pressure
drop breakdown given in Table 23.1.

b) Determine the Pressure drop ratio for each

stage using the pressure drop across each
stage and the pressure immediately upstream
of the stage in the following equation.

Pressure drop ratio =
Ρ1 − Ρv
c) Read the values of the liquid noise coefficient
(B) and trim correction factor (H1) from Table
23.2 and Table 23.3 respectively (each stage
is equivalent to an HF trim).

d) Calculate the stage SPL using the equation

SPL = B ( log ∆p + 1.16 ) + HL

log ∆p + HL 23-05

e) Determine the bulk flow noise factor from

Figure 23.5.

f) Read the value of the pipework correction

factor from Table 23.4 and the reduced lift
factor from Figure 23.4.

g) Combine the stage SPL’s to determine the

overall SPL.

 SPL stage 1 SPL stage 2 SPL stage 3 

SPL = 10 log  A log + A log + A log + etc  + Z log C v − T − A p
 10 10 10 


TS23.5 Page 35


Table 23.2 Liquid Noise Coefficient

Pressure Drop Ratio 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.925 0.95 0.975 1.0
B 11.2 12 13.3 15 17.1 19.3 20.5 21.4 22.4 23.3 24.2 24.9 25.2 25.5 25.7 25.9

Table 23.3 Trim Correction Factor (HL)

Pressure Drop Ratio 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.925 0.95 0.975 1.0
Valve Series Trim Style

Contour Under 43.0 42.0 40.5 38.5 36.0 34.5 35.0 44.0 45.0 44.0 42.0 39.0 36.0 32.5 29.0 26.0
Series 10
Contour Over 45.0 44.0 42.5 40.5 420.0 49.5 50.0 50.0 49.0 47.0 44.0 41.0 38.0 34.5 31.0 28.0

Series 20 44.0 43.0 41.5 39.6 38.0 38.5 45.0 47.0 47.0 46.0 43.0 40.0 37.0 33.5 30.0 27.0

Series 70/71 Contour Over 46.0 48.0 54.5 56.0 55.0 53.5 52.0 51.0 49.5 48.0 45.0 42.0 39.0 35.5 32.0 29.0

Series 10/12/30/31
Ported & V Port 41.0 40.0 38.5 36.5 34.0 31.5 30.0 30.0 31.0 38.0 38.0 36.0 34.0 29.5 27.0 24.0

HF 38.0 37.0 35.5 33.5 31.0 28.5 27.0 26.0 25.0 25.0 26.0 31.0 30.5 28.5 25.0 22.0
10/12/20/70/71/72/7 HFD 35.0 34.0 32.5 30.5 28.0 25.5 24.0 23.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 21.0 25.0 27.5 24.0 18.0
HFT 33.0 32.0 30.5 28.5 26.0 24.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 17.5 18.5 23.0 16.0

Series 62 <30 Degrees 41.0 40.0 38.5 36.5 34.0 32.5 32.0 32.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 32.0 30.5 28.0 24.0

Series 62 >30 Degrees 47.0 46.0 44.5 44.5 51.0 55.0 53.0 52.0 50.0 48.0 46.0 43.0 39.0 36.5 33.0 30.0

Table 23.4 Outlet Pipe Attenuation Factor AP dB

Nominal Pipe Size Pipe Schedule
(Inches) 5 10 20 30 40 80 120 160 std XS XXS
1 39 - - - 49 53.5 56 58.5 49 53.5 62.5
1.5 36 - - - 46.5 51 53.5 57.5 46.5 51 61
2 34 - - - 45 48 53 56.5 45 48 60
3 32 - - - 44.5 46.5 52 55.5 44.5 46.5 59.5
4 30 - - - 43 46 51.5 54.5 43 46 59
6 29 - - - 41 45.5 50 54 41 45.5 57
8 28 - 34.5 34.5 39 44 48.5 53 39 44 55
10 28 - 34 34 38.5 44 48 52.5 38.5 41 52
12 28 - 33.5 33.5 38 43.5 47.5 52 35.5 38.5 50
14 27.5 28.5 33.5 33.5 37 43 47 51.5 33.5 37 -
16 27 28 33 33 36 42.5 46.5 51 33 36 -
18 25 26 32 32 35 42 46 50.5 31 33.5 -
20 25 26 32 32 35 41.5 45.5 50 30 32 -
24 24 25 31 31 34 40.5 44.5 49 28.5 31 -
30 24 25 30 30 - - - - 27 30 -

TS23.6 Page 36


Liquid Sizing Example

Flow Information
Flowrate 1000m /hr
Upstream pressure 20 bar A
Downstream Pressure 2 bar A
Vapour pressure 0.1 bar A
Critical pressure 221 bar A
Specific gravity 1.03
Viscosity 10 c S.
Outlet pipe size 8
Pipe Schedule 40
Select a contoured trim (Series 10).
Calculate the valve flow coefficient, Cv
From Table 21.2 Cf=0.9, Ki = 0.8 for a contoured trim.
C v = 1.16 × 1000 × C v = 277.5
Calculate cavitation index. 18
Equation 21-01 gives: Select valve size and design Cv.
C1 = 18 − 0.9 × 0.8(20 − 0.1)
2 From the Cv tables presented in TS 90 select a 6" Series
12 valve with a design Cv of 400.
C1 = 5.11bar
Since for the HF trim style selected Cf varies with valve
opening re-calculate the limiting pressure drop.

Cv /Cv(design) = 0.69
This indicates a high potential for cavitation damage for a
contoured trim. Therefore select an HF trim (Series 12) and
From Figure 21.16 Cf = 0.978
check the cavitation index.
Re-calculate Cavitation Index
From Table 21.2 Cf =O.97 and Ki = 0.95 for an HF trim.

C I = 18 − 0.97 2 × 0.95(20 − 0.1) C Ι = 18 − 0.9782 × 0.95(20 − 0.1)

C I = 0.213bar
C Ι = −0.08bar
For a single stage HF trim CI is acceptable and therefore
cavitation damage would not occur.
Cavitation index is negative therefore there is no cavitation
and the flow is normal . Therefore there is no need to re-
Calculate the supercooled vapour pressure and
calculate the limiting pressure drop.
determine the sizing pressure drop.

 Determine the viscous flow correction factor.

0.1 
Pvc ' = 0.1 0.96 − 0.28 
 221  From TS 21.2.5 use a value of NT = 0.5 for an HF trim.
Equation 21.13 gives
Pvc ' = 0.095
67890 × 1000 × 0.5
∆plim it = 0.97 2 (20 − 0.095) ∆plim it = 18.72 NR = N R = 7519
10 × 203.76 × 10 3
Since ∆p< ∆p limit the flow is normal and ∆ps = ∆p =18 bar From figure 21.17 Vk = l therefore there is no viscous flow

The design Cv selected is still satisfactory.

TS23.6 Page 37

Pipework correction Noise level Prediction

C vr 277.5
= = 7.69 The final stage in the calculation process is to determine
d2 62 the noise level it will produce under specified operating
conditions. Typically a level of less than 85 dBA is
d/D = 0.75 - referring to Figure 21.18 the pipework
correction factor, F = 1.01.

From Figure 21.18 Cfr = 0.978 and the limiting pressure Calculate the valve pressure drop ratio
drop from equation 21-25
∆p 18
∆p limit vr = 0.9782(20 - 0.095)
= = 0.91
Ρ1 − Ρv 20 − 0.1
∆p limit vr = 19.03

Therefore the sizing pressure drop ∆ps = l8 bar A and the Read values of B and HLfrom Tables 23.2 and 23.3.
valve flow coefficient is B = 24.9
HL= 31
C v = 1.16 × 1.01 × 1000
18 Read the bulk flow factor from Figure 23.5.
Z = l6.7
C v = 280
Find the pipe work attenuation factor from Table 23.4 and
The valve size and design Cv selected are satisfactory. the reduced lift correction factor from Figure 23.4.
Ap = 39
Check that the flow velocity is within recommended T = 2.5
Substituting into Equation 22.03, d=152.4 mm Substitute into noise prediction formula

1000 SPL = 24.9(log18 + 1.16 ) + 31 + 16.7 log 277.5 − 39 − 2.5

v = 354 × v = 15.2m / sec SPL = 90.5dBA
152.4 2
The predicted noise level is 90.5dBA. Most requirements
For a centre module size of 6” (152.4 mm) the mean flow
call for noise levels less than 85 dBA therefore, we would
velocity would be 15.2 m/s. Table 22.1 shows a velocity
look at the next stage of reduction, which in this case would
limit for this size and style of valve of 13.1 m/s. Calculate
be the 2 stage HFD trim.

FlowVelocity 15.2
= = 1.16
Max − allowable − vel 13.1
Referring to Figure 22.1 gives an allowable ratio of 1.05.
Therefore, the valve size should be increased to 8” Centre
module is

v = 354 ×
203.2 2
v = 8.57m / sec
Velocity is within acceptable limits, therefore the valve size
selected is satisfactory.

TS24.2 Page 38

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