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Preventing Emulsions by Mitigating Solids

Bob Long, SPE, U.S. Water

There are many oilfield applications to environment and may result in operator they contain mostly treatable compo-
treat oil emulsions and water (reverse) fines. Any oil that is not captured and is nents, outside of formation sands and
emulsions. Root cause determination lost to disposal is a loss of profit. clays. These treatable components
with full solutions to emulsion issues include paraffin and asphaltene, min-
can be more efficient and cost-effective Current Industry Practices eral scales (i.e., calcite and barite), and
than bandage-type downstream appli- A typical industry practice is to use a corrosion byproducts (i.e., iron sulfide,
cations such as acid treatments, demul- demulsifier to treat standard emulsions. iron carbonate, and iron oxides). Hav-
sifiers, and water clarifiers. Improving Choosing an effective demulsifier is ing a detailed process for identifying,
flow assurance or preventing under- often viewed as a “black art,” frequently collecting, and analyzing the generat-
deposit corrosion issues are addition- done by conducting a “bottle test” with ing source can allow for more effective
al benefits of finding and eliminating a kit of demulsifiers or blends. There are treatment programs.
problems at their source. three main processes by which demulsi- If solids are prevented from forming
fiers “unlock” emulsions: flocculation, upstream, oil and water easily separate
The Impact of Emulsions coalescence, and solids wetting. out on their own. With the exception of
The development of an oilfield emul- Another industry method for treating formation fines, most of the oilfield sol-
sion requires four key components: oil, solids is to batch treat with acid. Acid ids precipitate out of the gas and liquids
water, an emulsifying agent (solids, sur- can effectively treat calcium carbon- as pressure and temperature changes
factants, or chemicals), and agitation ate, the most common carbonate scale, occur in a well. These phase changes
(or shear). Solids, such as scale parti- and iron sulfide, a corrosion byprod- continue through the separation and
cles, corrosion byproducts, or waxes, uct. When acid is added to iron sulfide, compression equipment, to midstream
tie the oil and water together. Agitation it creates a byproduct of hydrogen sul- and downstream for final processing.
mixes the two, resulting in an emul- fide, a poisonous gas. Acid treatments Using phase monitoring, sampling,
sion. Removing or preventing any one are temporary, lasting no more than a and a variety of investigative testing can
of these four components will break or couple of days. Although they success- help determine when solids precipitate,
prevent emulsions. fully put the solids into the solution, as causing an emulsion to form. Sampling
Stable emulsions can have damaging soon as the water pH rises back during from the wellhead through the entire
effects on lines and result in increased dilution, the solids typically precipitate process to water disposal allows the
costs for handling solids (through back out from solution. determination of which solids will stay
mechanical removal), heat energy, and in solution, precipitate out, stay sus-
chemical programs. They can also result Identifying the Root Cause pended in the flow, or deposit out on the
in capital expenses, such as purchas- These common industry practices for piping and vessels.
ing the filtration equipment needed to treating emulsions act as bandages that Further deposit analysis and char-
remove solids. In addition to the oper- often require additional spending. A dif- acterization will determine the break-
ating costs associated with emulsions, ferent approach has been introduced to down of the solids to help identify the
operators may experience unexpected the market that goes deeper than the root cause of the deposits. To determine
downtime and lost production. customary treatment practices to iden- total dissolved solids (TDS), water and
Water that is separated out in pro- tify the root cause of the emulsion and oil should be collected from one point in
duction facilities contains residual oil solids. By starting upstream, producers the system and analyzed. A filter analy-
that is trapped in reverse emulsions— can proactively focus on preventing sol- sis at the same time and location can be
oil droplets dispersed in the water phase ids and emulsions formation. used to identify and measure total sus-
vs. a standard emulsion where water When analyzing the emulsifying pended solids (TSS).
is trapped in the oil phase. The con- agents that prevent these emulsions A deposition coupon can be used to
centration of this residual oil is usually from separating with standard sepa- measure the precipitated solids that
too high for permitted discharge to the ration equipment, we typically find are depositing in the production equip-

JPT • JANUARY 2017 19

is the proper identification. Any solids
1000 that are collected can be sent to a lab for
Oil and Grease (ppm) testing to further identify the emulsify-
ing agent.
Oil in Water (parts per million)

Control Range (ppm)

800 During the analytical testing of non-
crystalline (also called amorphous)
deposits, energy dispersion X-ray meth-
600 ods can be used to identify the elemental
breakdown. The ideal deposit analysis
method for crystalline deposits is X-ray
400 diffraction, as it has the advantage of
producing a molecular determination.
When X-rays interact with a crystalline
200 substance, a diffraction pattern is cre-
ated, along with the percentage of each
phase of the sample.
0 The use of a scanning electron micro-
scope and the determination of parti-
























cle size distribution, clay content, and
























general and pitting corrosion rates are
Fig. 1—Average oil and grease in water (in parts per million [ppm]). An
other helpful tools for determining the
integrated approach was implemented in 2013, which resulted in an average system’s problems and the best method
of 400 ppm less oil in the disposal water. Source: U.S. Water. for prevention.

The Integrated Approach

The basic process of developing root
cause solutions begins by mapping the
450 process flow and measuring tempera-
TSS (mg/L)
Total Suspended Solids (mg/L)

tures and pressures at each stage to cre-

400 Hydrocarbons
ate a monitoring and survey plan. Expe-
Acid Soluble
350 rienced operators should walk the pipe
Acid Insoluble
and process flow to compile historical
300 data, such as prior testing, corrosion,
and flow assurance failures.
It is important to follow this by
200 methodically collecting a baseline of
statistically valid data. After reviewing
150 the survey and lab data, the integrity
team should be engaged to help devel-
op root cause solutions for trial. These
50 trials should be implemented, one solu-
tion at a time, keeping production and
0 process changes to a minimum during
2012 2013 2014 2015
evaluation. The baseline data that were
Fig. 2—Annual average total suspended solids (TSS) composition (in mg/L). collected should be referenced during
The new integrated approach implemented in 2013 resulted in a more than solution evaluation for clear compari-
90% reduction in TSS. Source: U.S. Water. son and to evaluate if improvements are
being made.
ment, which would not be present in rate on its own throughout the system Finally, if a trial solution is proven to
the TDS or in the TSS. Solids on the or if additional treatment, such as heat be more effective, that solution should
filter or coupon can then be sent to or chemicals, will be needed to resolve be implemented permanently, opti-
a laboratory to identify a component the emulsion. Centrifuging the emul- mized with continued data collection,
breakdown and determine if they are sion also indicates how tight the emul- and key performance indicators should
chemically treatable. sion is and if the solid will separate be set.
Centrifuging fluids is a way to deter- on its own. The next step after collect- Using this integrated approach,
mine visually if the emulsion will sepa- ing, cleaning, and preserving the solids alternative root cause solutions can be

20 JPT • JANUARY 2017

applied upstream to prevent scale and inhibitors were applied downstream chemical expenses, compared with the
corrosion. For example, if there is car- of precipitation. bandage-type programs used previous-
bon dioxide present in a system, high A multifunctional product contain- ly. The measures taken also resulted in
pitting corrosion rates and a depos- ing inhibitors for iron, scale, and cor- additional revenue from 2,920  bbl of
it analysis would show iron carbonate rosion was developed for this field and oil that were previously held in a re-
solids. Applying a nonemulsifying cor- was applied upstream of separation. verse emulsion.
rosion or iron inhibitor upstream of The operator was able to discontinue While traditional solids mitigation
the reaction or precipitation could be a a surfactant program on the injection methods may provide immediate ben-
more cost-effective solution. wells, the summer emulsion-breaker efits, they typically result in addition-
program, and winter emulsion-breaker al expenditures and treatment mea-
Proven Results injection into some producing wells. sures further down the line. Using
In 2013, an offshore field operator used This resulted in the oil meeting pipeline investigative testing enables oper-
this integrated approach. The opera- specifications for sales, and an average ators to determine the root cause of
tor was experiencing scale buildup in 400 ppm oil reduction in the disposal their issues and develop customized,
flowlines and separators, which result- water (Fig. 1). proactive solutions.
ed in corrosion issues on a handful of Ongoing monitoring in 2015 showed Once implemented, these solutions
wells. The issues were compounded by very low corrosion rates and a more can prevent emulsion stabilization and
an ineffective biocide program applied than 90% reduction in TSS from result in more efficient operations and
at the water plant, and dissolved oxy- 2013 (Fig.  2). The return on invest- long-term asset integrity. Although
gen intrusion that further precipitated ment included cost savings from fewer individual systems suffer from partic-
iron oxides, which were oil coated and coiled tubing cleanouts, reduced ular issues, entire fields can be opti-
plugged the disposal wells. No corro- injection well pump maintenance, mized through the use of a holistic,
sion program was in place, and scale and a USD-100,000 reduction in integrated approach. JPT

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