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Asif Ph : 9391326657,



I. This section contains 9 multiple – choice questions numbered 1 to

9. Each question has 4 choice (A), (B), (C), and (D), out of which
Only One is correct.

1. A particle of mass m is kept at the edge of a smooth cube of mass M and

side L as shown in figure. Cube starts moving at t = 0 with a constant
velocity v. Displacement of the center of mass along the horizontal
direction from t = 0 to when particle hits the ground is
m v
M s m o o t h

mv L 2L  mv v 2L 
A)  +  B)  + 
m+ M v g  m+ M L g 
Mv  L 2L  Mv  v 2L 
C)  +  D)  + 
m + M  v g  m + M  L g 

2. There are two masses M1 and M2 placed at a distance l apart, Let the centre
of mass of this system is at a point named C. If M1 is displaced l 1 towards C
and M2 is displaced by l 2 away from C. The distance from C where the new
centre of mass will be located is
M2 l 1 + M1 l 2 M1 l 1 + M2 l 2
A) B)
M1 + M2 M1 + M2
M1 l 1 − M2 l 2 M2 l 1 − M1 l 2
C) C)
M1 + M2 M1 + M2

3. In a boat of mass 4M and length ‘L’ on a frictionless water surface. Two

men A(mass = M) B( mass = 2M) are standing on the opposite ends. Now A
travels a distance L/4 relative to boat towards its centre and B moves a

Flat No.301, Rukkus & Yellus Arcade, Fever Hospital Road, Barkathpura, Hyd-500065.
Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 1
distance 3L/4 relative to boat and meet A. The displacement of he boat on
water till A and B meet is
5L L 23L
A) B) zero C) D)
28 2 2
4. A paraboloid shaped solid object is formed by Y
rotating on
parabola y = 2x 2 about y – axis as shown in
figure. If the
height of the body is ‘h’ then the position of h
centre of mass
from origin. (Assume density to be uniform x
h h 2h 2h
A) B) C) D)
3 4 3 4

5. A pendulum of mass ‘m’ and length ‘1’ is l

released from
rest in a horizontal position. A nail at a d
distance ‘d’ below
the pivot causes the mass to move to along
the path as
indicated by dotted lines. Find the minimum
distance d
in terms of l such that the mass will swing
round in the circle shown
l 3l 3l 2
A) B) C) D) l
2 4 5 3
6. A particle of mass m and speed v collides elastically m
with the end v ( T o p v i e w )

of a free uniform thin rod of mass M in a horizontal

plane as
shown. After the collision, m is stationary. Calculate
A) m B) 2m C) 3m D) M


7. Two small balls A and B of mass M and 3M respectively hang from the
ceiling by ideal strings of equal lengths. The A ball is drawn aside so that it
is raised to a height H. If the ball A is released and collides with ball B;
Select the correct answer (s).
A) If collision is perfectly elastic, ball B will rise to a
height H/4
B) If the collision is perfectly elastic ball A will rise upto
a height H/4
C) If the collision is perfectly inelastic, the combined A
mass will rise to a height H/16 H
D) If the collision is perfectly inelastic, the combined B

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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 2
mass will rise to a height H/4

8. There are two observers A and B, observer A C

s m o o t h A
is fixed to B m
the smooth plank and observer B is p l a n k
a s m o o t h

standing on
smooth horizontal ground. The plank is
with constant acceleration, and C is placed
on it then
A) Momentum of block C is conserved as seen by observer A
B) Momentum of block C is conserved as seen by observer B
C) Net force on plank is zero as seen by observer A
D) Net force on plank is non-zero as seen by observer B

9. The figure shows two blocks of mass 2 kg 4 m 2 / s 8 m 2 / s

2 k g 1 k gs m o o t h
and 1 kg
accelerating at 4 m/s2 and 8 m/s2
starting from rest as shown in the figure,
then which
of the following are true at any instant
(before the
r r r r
A) a CM = 0 B) vCM ≠ 0
C) position of centre of mass is constant D) position of centre of mass is
not constant

Assertion – Reason Type

I. This section contains 4 questions numbered 10 to 13. Each question

contains STATEMENT – 1
(Assertion) and STATEMENT – 2 (Reason). Each question has 4 choices
(A), (B), (C) and (D),
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
A. Statement – 1 is True, Statement – 2 is True; Statement – 2 is a correct
explanation for
Statement – 1.
B. Statement – 1 is True, Statement – 2 is True; Statement – 2 is NOT a correct
explanation for
Statement – 1.
C. Statement – 1 is True, Statement – 2 is False.
D. Statement – 1 is False, Statement – 2 is True.

Flat No.301, Rukkus & Yellus Arcade, Fever Hospital Road, Barkathpura, Hyd-500065.
Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 3
10. A rod is in contact with a wedge which is kept on the
ground and can move only along its length between
rigid supports as shown. If all the surfaces are
smooth and the system is released from rest, then

STATEMENT – 1: - The mechanical energy of the system during the

motion will be
STATEMENT – 2: - The momentum of the system along horizontal
direction is not

11. STATEMENT – 1: - The centre of mass of a system of particles is

independent of coordinate
STATEMENT – 2: - The centre of mass of system of two particles always
divides the line
joining them in the inverse ratio of their masses.

12. STATEMENT – 1: - On the application of impulse, the body will always

move along the
direction of the impulse.
STATEMENT – 2: - Change in momentum is always along the direction of

13. STATEMENT – 1: - Kinetic energy of a system can be increased without

applying any
external force on the system.
STATEMENT – 2: - Single external force acting on a particle necessarily
changes its
kinetic energy.

Linked Comprehension Type
I. This section contains 2 paragraphs P14-16 , and P17-19 . Based upon
each paragraph, 3 Multiple – choice questions have to be
answered. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C), and (D), out of
which Only One is correct.

P14 - 16 : Paragraph for Questions Nos. 14 to 16

A light inextensible thread passes over a small

frictionless ideal
pulley. Two blocks of masses m = 1 kg and M = 3 kg
respectively m A
are attached with the thread as shown in the figure.
The heavier M
3 00
block rests on a horizontal surface. A shell of mass 1

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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 4
kg moving
upward, parallel to incline, with a velocity 10 ms -1
collides at t = 0
and sticks to m. The combined mass travels up the
incline to a
distance s, stops for a moment and then moves down
the incline.
When the moving mass reaches its initial position, the string becomes taut
and the mass M starts to climb up with an initial speed v 0. The mass M
moves up to a height h before stopping momentarily. The inclined plane is
smooth and along. The acceleration due to gravity is g = 10 m/s2 Answer
the following questions:

14. The value of s is:

A) 1. 5 m B) 2. 0 m C) 2. 5 m D) 1. 0 m

15. The value of v0 is:

A) 1. 0 m/s B) 2. 0 m/s C) 2. 5 m/s D) 5. 0 m/s

16. The value of h is:

A) 0. 5 m B) 1. 0 m C) 2. 0 m D) 2. 5 m

P17 - 19 : Paragraph for Questions Nos. 17 to 19

A circular platform of mass 100 kg is placed symmetrically on a square

frame of side 4m having four legs. The radius of the platform is 5m.

17. The maximum permissible mass of a dancer so that the platform does not
topple is
A) 33. 3 kg B) 66. 7 kg C) 50 kg D) 75 kg

18. The area on the platform on which any mass of the dancer is permissible is
A) 16 m2 B) 78. 5 m2 C) 8 m2 D) 62. 5 m2

19. If five dancers are there on the stage each of mass 40 kg then the
maximum number of dancer that can go together at same position along
the circumference of the stage with the remaining staying at the centre so
that the platform does not topple is
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

Matrix Match Type

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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 5
This section contains 3 questions. Each question contains p q r s
statement given in two columns which have to be matched.
Statement (A, B, C, D) in Column I have to be matched with
statements (p, q, r, s) in Column II. The answers to these B
questions have to be appropriately bubbled as illustrated in C
the following example. If the correct matches are A-p, A-s, B-
q, B-r, C-p, C-q and D-s, then the correctly bubbled 4 X4
matrix should be follows:

20. When a body is moving vertically up with constant velocity under the action
of a lifting force and air resistance is absent.

Column - I Column - II
A Work done by lifting force (p) Negative
B Total work done by all the (q) Positive
C Work done by gravity (r) Zero
D If air resistance starts (s) Non zero
acting then work done by
air resistance if it acts
21. opposite to motion.
A ball strikes the ground at an angle α and rebound at
an angle β with the vertical as shown in figure. Then
match the column I with column II from the α β
combinations shown:

Column - I Column - II
A Elastic collision (p) tan α
tan β
α≠β )
B Perfectly inelastic collision (q) α <β, β < 900
C In – elastic collision (except (r) α=β
perfectly inelastic collision)
D Coefficient of restitution (s) β = 900

22. Match the Column I with Column II

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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 6
Column - I Column - II
A Graph of kinetic energy (on y – (p)
axis) with momentum (on x – axis)

B Graph of square root of kinetic (q)

energy (on y – axis) with
momentum (on x – axis)

C Graph of square root of kinetic (r)

energy with(1 / momentum) (on x
– axis)

D Graph of kinetic energy with (s)

velocity by (on x – axis)


I. This section contains 9 multiple – choice questions numbered 1 to

9. Each question has 4 choice (A), (B), (C), and (D), out of which
Only One is correct.

1. A ball is thrown up with a certain given velocity at angle θ to the horizontal.

The kinetic energy, KE of the ball varies with horizontal displacement x as:

a) b)


x x

c) d)


x x

2. A particle of mass m is released from height ‘h’ on smooth quarter fixed

circular wedge. The horizontal surface AB, following the circular path of
wedge is rough with coefficient of friction µ between surface and particle.
Find the horizontal distance from A where the mass stops.

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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 7

(Assuming AB to be infinitely large and particle does not falls from it)

A) µh B) C) h D) none of these

3. An object of mass m is tied to a string of

length l and a θ
variable horizontal force is applied on it which F

is initially
is zero and gradually increases until the string
makes an
angle θ with the vertical. Work done by the
force F is
( )
A) mgl 1 − sin θ B) mgl (
C) mgl 1 − cos θ ) (
D) mgl 1 + cosθ )
4. A particle moves in a circular path with the decreasing speed. Choose the
correct statement
A) Angular momentum remains constant
B) Acceleration ( a) is towards the centre
C) particle moves in a spiral path which decreasing radius
D) the direction of angular momentum remains constant

5. A particle moves in the X – Y plane under the influence of a force such that
i cos ( kt ) − $j sin ( kt )  , where A and k are
its linear momentum is P ( t ) = A $
constant. The angle between the force and the momentum is:
A) 00 B) 300 C) 450 D) 900

6. Block A in the figure is released from the rest when

extension in the spring is x 0. The maximum
displacement of the block.
Mg Mg 2Mg
A) − x0 B) + x0 C) − x0 D) A M
2k 2k k
+ x0
7. Consider the three cases shown in the figure, particle strikes in the vertical
plane the perfectly elastic surfaces such that velocity of particle just
striking is perpendicular to surface in three cases. In first case time taken
by particle to strike to the surface is 2s, in second case time is 4s. Then the
time taken by particle to strike the surface in 3rd case is:

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θ α θ θ α

C a s e I C a s e I I C a s e I I I

A) 5 s B) 6 s C) 7 s D) 8 s

8. From the circular disc of radius 4R, two small discs y

of same radius R, are cut off as shown in the figure.
The centre of mass of the new structure will be: R

R $ $
i +j ) B)
−i$ + $j ( ) R

C) −
R $ $
i +j ) D) −
3R $ $
i +j ( ) 4 R

9. A block of mass 1 kg slides down a curved track that is one quadrant of a

circle of radius 1m. Its speed at the bottom is 2 m/s. The work done by
frictional force is:
A) 8 J B) - 8 J C) 4 J D) – 4 J

Assertion – Reason Type

I. This section contains 4 questions numbered 10 to 13. Each question

contains STATEMENT – 1
(Assertion) and STATEMENT – 2 (Reason). Each question has 4 choices
(A), (B), (C) and (D),
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
A. Statement – 1 is True, Statement – 2 is True; Statement – 2 is a correct
explanation for
Statement – 1.
B. Statement – 1 is True, Statement – 2 is True; Statement – 2 is NOT a correct
explanation for
Statement – 1.
C. Statement – 1 is True, Statement – 2 is False.
D. Statement – 1 is False, Statement – 2 is True.

10. STATEMENT – 1: - In a perfectly elastic collision between two bodies, the

relative speed of the bodies after collision is equal to the relative speed
before the collision.
STATEMENT – 2: - In an elastic collision, the linear momentum of the
system is conserved.

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11. STATEMENT – 1: - A particle of mass m strikes a wedge of mass M
horizontally. If collision is perfectly inelastic then particle sticks to the

STATEMENT – 2: - In perfectly inelastic collision velocity of both bodies is
same along common normal just after collision.

12. STATEMENT – 1: - Power development in a uniform circular motion is

always zero.
STATEMENT – 2: - Work done in case of a uniform circular motion is zero.

13. STATEMENT – 1: - A shell lying on ground at rest explodes in small

fragments. The centre of mass of fragments may move along a straight
STATEMENT – 2: - In explosion the linear momentum of the system
always remains conserved.

Linked Comprehension Type
I. This section contains 2 paragraphs P14-16 , and P17-19 . Based upon
each paragraph, 3 Multiple – choice questions have to be
answered. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C), and (D), out of
which Only One is correct.

P14 - 16 : Paragraph for Questions Nos. 14 to 16

Two identical beads are attached to free ends of

two identical

springs of spring constant k =

( 2 + 3 ) mg Initially
6 0
both m m
springs make an angle of 600 at the fixed point,
length of each spring is 2R. Where R is the radius
of smooth
ring over which bead is sliding Ring is placed on
vertical plane
and beads are at symmetry with respect to
vertical line as

14. Normal reaction on one of the bead at initial moment due to ring is

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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 10
mg 3mg
A) B) C) mg D) Insufficient
2 2

15. Relative acceleration between two beads at the initial moment

A) g 2 vertically away from each other B) g 2 horizontally towards
each other
2g 2g
C) 3 vertically away from each other B) 3 horizontally
towards each other

16. The speed of the bead when spring is at normal length

( 2 + 3 ) gR B)
( 2 − 3 ) gR C)
D) 3gR
3 3 3

P17 - 19 : Paragraph for Questions Nos. 17 to 19

In the figure shown ADB and BEF are two fixed smooth circular paths of
radius R and R’ respectively. A ball of mass m enters in the tube ADB
through point A with minimum velocity to reach point B. From there it
moves on other circular path BEF and it is just able to complete the circle.


17. The minimum velocity at A is given to the ball is

A) 4Rg B) 2Rg C) 3Rg D) 5Rg

18. The ratio of radius of two circular paths ADB and BEF is
R 2 R 3 R 2 R 5
A) ,= B) ,= C) ,= D) ,=
R 3 R 2 R 5 R 2

19. The normal reaction at point E is

A) 4 mg B) 5 mg C) 6 mg D) 7 mg

Matrix Match Type

This section contains 3 questions. Each question contains p q r s

statement given in two columns which have to be matched.
Statement (A, B, C, D) in Column I have to be matched with
statements (p, q, r, s) in Column II. The answers to these B
questions have to be appropriately bubbled as illustrated in C
the following example. If the correct matches are A-p, A-s, B-
q, B-r, C-p, C-q and D-s, then the correctly bubbled 4 X4
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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 11
matrix should be follows:

Column - I Column - II
A Potential energy (p) When no external or internal
non conservative forces are
B Kinetic energy (q) Only for conservative forces.
C Mechanical energy (r) Work done by all the forces in
the absence of internal non-
conservative forces.
D Power developed zero. (s) Force is always perpendicular
to velocity of object.

21. Consider the situation in which a block is kept on smooth hemisphere. The
block is a top of

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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 12
Column - I Column - II
A m (p) Normal reaction on
block is mg/4 at angle
R = 1 m
cos-1 (3/4) with vertical.
Block of mass ‘m’ given a slight
push rightwards and smooth
hemisphere fixed to ground.
B 2 m (q) Normal reaction of
block is zero at angle
cos-1 (2/3) with vertical.
Block of mass ‘2m’ given a slight
push at top of smooth and fixed
C m (r) Normal reaction on
a = 2 0 / 9 2
m / s
block is zero at angle
R = 1 m
cos-1 (4/5) with vertical.
Block of mass ‘m’ at top of
smooth hemisphere moving with
acceleration 20/9 m/s2.
D (s) Normal reaction is 2mg
at height ‘R’ from the
R = 1 m ground.

m v = 4 g r

A block placed at bottom of

smooth and fixed sphere pushed
with velocity 4gr

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Column - I Column - II
A From natural length to extension (p) − 1/ 2 kl 2
‘l’. (The work done by spring)
B From natural length to (q)
Compression ‘l’. (The work done + 1/ 2 kl 2
by spring)
C From compressed length ‘l’ to (r)
extended length l. (The work kl 2
done by spring)
D From compressed length ‘l’ to (s)
natural length. (The work done Zero.
by spring)

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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 14

1. (C) 1. (C)
2. (B) 2. (B)
3. (A) 3. (C)
4. (C) 4. (D)
5. (C) 5. (D)
6. (D) 6. (A)
7. (A, B, C) 7. (B)
8. (B, C, D) 8. (D)
9. (A, C) 9. (B)
10. (B) 10. (B)
11. (B) 11. (D)
12. (D) 12. (A)
13. (C) 13. (C)
14. (C) 14. (C)
15. (B) 15. (D)
16. (A) 16. (C)
17. (B) 17. (B)
18. (A) 18. (B)
19. (C) 19. (C)
20. (A – q. s), (B – r), (C – p, s), (D – p, s) 20. (A – q), (B – r), (C – p),
(D – s)
21. (A – r), (B – s), (C – q), (D – p) 21. (A – p, q),(B – q),(C –
r),(D – q, s)
22. (A – s), (B – q), (C – r), (D – s) 22. (A – p), (B – p), (C – s),
(D – q)

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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 15

1. (C)
1. Initially particle will remain stationary till time t1 ,
Here t1 =
Centre of mass velocity VCM =
m+ M
After this time particle will fall down vertically and reaches ground in
time t2
t2 =
xCM = VCM ( t1 + t2 )

2. (B) 5g( l − d)
M1 ∆x1 + M2 ∆x2
2. ∆xcm =
M1 + M2

3. (A)
 3L  L 
3. 2M  − x = M  + x + 4Mx
 4  4 

4. (C)

4. hcm =
∫ y dm = ∫ y dV
∫ dm dV

dV = π x2 dy )
5. (C)
5. Velocity at lowest position is (
5g l − d)
6. (D)
7. (A, B, C)
7. Velocity of A just before collision ν = 2gH
Let ν 1 and ν 2 are the velocities of M and 3M after the collision.
ν − ν1
Mν = Mν 1 + 3Mν 2 alsoe = − 2 ⇒ ν 2 − ν 1 = ev
0− ν
8. (B, C, D)
8. With respect to ground C will be stationary, and w. r. t. plank it is

9. (A, C)

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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 16
2 × 4 − 8× 1
9. aCM = = 0 ⇒ νCM = 0 (both the masses starts from rest)
2+ 1

10. (B)
10. FBD of the system

N 2

W 2
W 1

N 1

11. (B)
12. (D)
13. (C)

14. (C)
14. Momentum of the two remains conserved during the collision
1× 10 = 2 × ν ⇒ ν = 5m/ s
1 S
× 2ν 2 = 2gh, hereh =
2 2

15. (B)
15. When string becomes taut impulse will act.
For combined mass − J = 2ν 0 − 10
For 3 Kg mass J = 3ν 0

16. (A)
16. On writing energy conservation (mechanical) after jerk, we get h.
1 2 1 2 h
× 2ν + × 3ν = − 2 × g× + 3× g× h
2 0 2 0 2

17. (B)
M× 5
17. =2
100 + M

18. (A)
18. Area = Area of square frame.

19. (C)
n × 40× 5
19. =2
100 + 200

20. A – (Q, S) ; B – (R) ; C – (PS) ; D – (PS)

21. A – r, B – s, C –q, D – p
22. A → ( s) ; B → ( q ) ; C → ( r ) ; D→ ( s)

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Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 17
1. (C)
2. (B)
3. (C)
4. (D)
5. (D)
6. (A)

1 1
( )
Sol. mgx = k 2x+ x0 − kx02
2 2
On solving x = − x0
7. (B)
Sol. See figure
6 s e c

s e I 4 s
Ca ec
2 se

4 s

α α
C a s e I

8. (D)

Sol. Xcm =
x1A 1 − x2 A 2 − x3 A 3
( )
0 π 16R 2 − 3R ( πR 2 ) − 0
A1 − A2 − A3 16 πR − πR − πR
2 2 2
ycm = −
i + ycm $j = −
S cm = Xcm $
3R $ $
i+ j ( )
9. (B)
Sol. Wnon − conservative = ∆ME = ( ME ) f − ( ME ) i
= mv2 − mgh
= × 1× 4 − 1× 10× 1 = − 8 J

10. (B)

11. (D)
11. When e = 0 velocity of separation along common normal zero, but there
may be relative
velocity along common tangent.

12. (A)
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13. (C)
13. There may be an impulsive force due to ground therefore c. m may have
an upward
velocity, there fore linear momentum in vertical direction will not be

14. (C)
14. N = mg sin 300 + K.∆x.cos 300
mg ( 2 + 3 ) 3
= + . R ( 2 − 3) mg
2 3R 2
mg mg
= + = mg
2 2

15. (D)
15. Acceleration of both beeds in horizontal direction towards each other
= .
16. (C)
16. Mechanical energy conservation
1 mgR 1 2
K .∆x2 + 0 + 0= − + mv
2 2 2
∆x = R ( 2 − 3 )

17. (B)
17. K.E. at point A = P.E. at point D
1 2
mvA = mgR
vA = 2gR

18. (B)
18. ( KE) B + ( PE) B = ( KE) E
1 1
m( 2gR ) + mgR ' = m ( 5gR ') ; velocity at E to just at F = 5gR '
2 2
R 3
On solving =
R' 2

19. (C)
19. N − mg =
On solving N = 6 mg

20. A → ( q ) ; B → ( r ) ; C → ( p) ; D→ ( s)

Flat No.301, Rukkus & Yellus Arcade, Fever Hospital Road, Barkathpura, Hyd-500065.
Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 19
21. A → ( p,q ) ; B → ( q ) ; C → ( r ) ; D→ ( q,s)
21. ( A ) mg cosθ − N = .........( 1)
1 2
( )
mv = mgR 1 − cos θ ........( 2)
N = 0........( 3) ⇒ cos θ =
3 3  3
When cosθ = ∴ N = mg× − 2g  1 −  m
4 4  4
3mg 2g mg
= − m=
4 4 4
( B) ( q)
( C) mg cosθ − N − ma sin θ = ........( 1)
1 mv2
2 R
( )
= mg 1− cos θ R + masin θR

mv2 = 2mgR ( 1− cos θ ) + 2maR sin θ ........( 2)

mg cosθ − masin θ = N + 2mg ( 1 − cos θ ) + 2ma sin θR
N = 0 ⇒ θ = cos−1

22. A → ( p) ; B → ( p) ;C → ( s) ; D → ( q )

Flat No.301, Rukkus & Yellus Arcade, Fever Hospital Road, Barkathpura, Hyd-500065.
Ph: 040 – 64606657, 9391326657. 20

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