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Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c

Integration Guide
March 2018

A Dell EMC Data Domain Integration Guide


Date Description

March 2018 Initial release

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Copyright © 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its
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2 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
Table of contents
Revisions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1 About this document ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Audience ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Related documents ............................................................................................................................................. 4
2 Configuration overview ................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
3 General recommendations .............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Data set profile.................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Scheduling of operations .................................................................................................................................... 6
4 Data Domain configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 7
4.1 MTree setup and configuration ........................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Create a CIFS share in an MTree ...................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Create an NFS export in an MTree .................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Create a NFS mount point on the UNIX client ..................................................................................................10
4.5 Create a VTL library .........................................................................................................................................11
5 RMAN configuration .....................................................................................................................................................14
5.1 RMAN Configuration – CIFS ............................................................................................................................14
5.1.1 Configure a CIFS share as a backup target ............................................................................................................14
5.1.2 Perform a test backup .........................................................................................................................................14
5.1.3 Restore a backed up file ......................................................................................................................................16
5.2 RMAN Configuration – NFS .............................................................................................................................17
5.2.1 Configure an NFS export as a backup target .........................................................................................................17
5.2.2 Perform a test backup .........................................................................................................................................17
5.2.3 Restore a backed up file ......................................................................................................................................18
6 Advanced topics ...........................................................................................................................................................19
6.1 Data Domain cloud tier .....................................................................................................................................19
6.1.1 Data Movement from Active Tier to the Cloud Tier ...............................................................................................19
6.1.2 Recall Data from Cloud Tier to Active Tier ............................................................................................................21

3 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
1 About this document
The Data Domain Online Compatibility Guide provides details about the versions of RMAN and DD OS certified for use
in this integration.

Refer to (

This document explains how to configure Data Domain Systems as a backup target for the RMAN Software for CIFS,
NFS. Obtain the most recent version of the integration guide specific to your environment before proceeding.

1.1 Audience
This paper is intended for customers, technical field consultants, and customer engineers who have familiarity with
either RMAN or Data Domain operations.

1.2 Related documents

The Data Domain and RMAN documents referred to in this guide provide additional information for configuring
and using Data Domain and RMAN

Refer to
for RMAN documentation.

Data Domain documentation is available on

4 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
2 Configuration overview
Configuring a Data Domain system as a backup target for RMAN requires the following steps:

1. Create CIFS shares, NFS exports, VTL libraries on the Data Domain system to be the backup targets.
2. Configure the backup infrastructure.
3. Configure RMAN with a Data Domain system as a backup target.
4. Create backup policies.
5. Perform a test backup and verify that it finishes successfully.

These steps are covered in more detail in this guide and the RMAN and Data Domain user documentation.

2.1 Prerequisites
Integrating RMAN with Data Domain requires:

1. A Data Domain system with DD OS 5.x or 6.x. Please check the Data Domain Online Compatibility Guide
( for the exact version
2. Oracle RMAN

5 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
3 General recommendations
In backup environments, several factors impact the effectiveness of the solution. Understanding the environment and
how the user experience is affected by the factors discussed here can help you architect a successful solution. This
section describes key areas and best practices that can help mitigate negative behavior:

• Data set profile

• Scheduling of operations

3.1 Data set profile

The number of files is important when using Data Domain systems. Data Domain systems can only comfortably
handle 100 million files. Keep this in mind when deploying a single system with both backup and archive workloads.
Exceeding this limit severely impacts system performance.

3.2 Scheduling of operations

When deploying a Data Domain system as a backup target in a mixed use capacity, consider the scheduling of
operations such as backups and replication. These operations consume resources and impact performance.

For optimal performance:

• Ensure that backup and replication operations finish before normal business hours to avoid disrupting end-
user access to the Data Domain system.
• Establish backup policies with an understanding of these background operations and when they occur.
• Cleaning can be scheduled on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. For datasets with millions of files, cleaning
may take several days and consume system resources.

6 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
4 Data Domain configuration
This section assumes that the Data Domain system is named ddhostname. You may need to use the fully-qualified
domain name in your environment.

Join the Data Domain system to the same Microsoft Active Directory domain as the RMAN server. The Data Domain
Operating System Administration Guide provides detailed instructions on how to configure a Data Domain system to
use the CIFS protocol.

Execute all Data Domain CLI commands from an SSH session. Use a freeware tool like PUTTY.exe to establish an SSH
session with the Data Domain system.

4.1 MTree setup and configuration

An MTree is an active file system that provides the ability to perform finer object and data management such as
access policies, snapshots, replication, and data retention. Create at least one separate MTree for the target CIFS
share or NFS export.

To create an MTree:

1. Click Data Management > MTree.

2. In the MTree overview area, click Create. The Create MTree dialog box appears.
3. Type a name for the MTree in the MTree Name field. For example, specify Backup1 as the MTree name.
4. Click OK. The new MTree appears in the MTree table

Create an MTree

5. Repeat steps 2-4 to create one or more additional MTrees

7 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
4.2 Create a CIFS share in an MTree
Create a CIFS share in the Backup1 MTree on the Data Domain system, and use the Data Domain Enterprise
Manager to give the backup (or authorized administrative) server access to the share.

1. Click Protocols > CIFS > Shares to navigate to the Shares view.
2. Click Create, and the Create Share dialog box appears
3. In the Create Shares dialog box, specify the following information:
a. Type a name for the share. For example, backupdata.
b. Type the path of the MTree(s) previously created. This would be “/data/col1/< mtree name>”. In our
example, this would be “/data/col1/Backup1”
c. Click the add sign ( + ) in the Clients area to add a client. The Client dialog box appears.
d. Type the name of the client in the Client field and click OK.
e. Repeat steps c-d to configure additional clients.

Note: Using * as a client name grants all servers access to the share

Create Share dialog box

4. Repeat steps 2-3 to create a share for another MTree.

8 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
4.3 Create an NFS export in an MTree
Create an NFS export in the Backup1 MTree on the Data Domain system

1. Click Protocols > NFS > Exports to navigate to the Exports view.
2. Click Create, and the Create NFS Exports dialog box appears
3. In the Create NFS Exports dialog box, specify the following information:
a. Type a name for the export. For example, Backup1.
b. Type the path of the MTree(s) previously created. This would be “/data/col1/< mtree name>”. In our
example, this would be “/data/col1/Backup1”
c. Click the add sign ( + ) in the Clients area to add a client. The Client dialog box appears.
d. Type the name of the client in the Client field and click OK.
e. Repeat steps c-d to configure additional clients.

Note: Using * as a client name grants all servers access to the export

Create NFS Export – client access

9 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
4.4 Create a NFS mount point on the UNIX client

Create an NFS mount point on the Linux client to access the MTree volume.

1. As root, create a local directory on the NFS client:

# mkdir /mnt/dd

2. Mount the Data Domain MTree volume to the local directory on the NFS client following the mount options for
your operating system.

For Linux:
# mount –t nfs –o nolock,hard,intr,vers=3,tcp, rsize=32768,wsize=32768,bg <ddhostname>:/data/col1/<Mtree>

3. Verify the mount.

# ls –ltr /mnt/dd

10 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
4.5 Create a VTL library
Review the Data Domain Operating System Administration Guide for detailed VTL configuration information. The
steps below assume all Fibre Channel cabling is complete, and all Fibre Channel switch settings are correct.

1. Select Protocols > DD VTL > Virtual Tape Libraries > DD VTL Service > Libraries > More Tasks > Library > Create.
2. In the Create Library dialog box, complete the required fields and click OK.

Creating a library

3. Select Protocols > DD VTL > Virtual Tape Libraries > DD VTL Service > Libraries > (Your Library Name) > More
Tasks > Tapes > Create Tapes to populate the library with tapes and media.
4. In the Create Tapes dialog box, complete required fields and click OK.

Creating tapes

11 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
5. Select Protocols > DD VTL > Access Groups > More Tasks > Group > Create to create an access group to allow
the server to see the new tape library.
6. Specify a unique Group Name.
7. Select one or more initiators. Optionally, replace the initiator name by specifying a new one. An initiator is a
backup client that connects to a system to read and write data using the Fibre Channel protocol. A specific
initiator can support EMC DD Boost over FC or VTL, but not both.
8. Click Next.

Create an access group

9. In the Devices dialog box, Click the add sign (+) to select the changer and associated tape drives for the new
tape library to add it to the access group. The changer and tape drives are available on all endpoints. An
endpoint is the logical target on the Data Domain system to which the initiator connects. The Data Domain
Compatibility Guide provides a list of the medium changer emulations supported for each Data Domain
Operating System version.
10. Click Next.

12 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
Add Devices

11. In the Secondary Endpoints dialog box, select All

12. Click Finish

Secondary Endpoints

13. In the Devices dialog box, click Next

14. In the Summary dialog box, review the configuration and click Finish

13 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
5 RMAN configuration
This section provides steps to configure RMAN to use the Data Domain System as a backup target.

5.1 RMAN Configuration – CIFS

Configure RMAN to use the Data Domain system as a backup target, perform a test backup, and restore a backed
up file in a Windows environment.

5.1.1 Configure a CIFS share as a backup target

• Connect to the Oracle Database using RMAN
$ rman target /
• Configure the channel to the backup destination.
$ RMAN > configure channel c1 device type disk backup format ‘/<drivename>’

5.1.2 Perform a test backup

Backup Policy Configuration :

A backup policy must be configured before backups can be performed.

Note : Each organization has different backup and restore policies.

Procedure :

1. Connect to the database using RMAN.

$rman connect username/password@databasename;
Ex: $rman connect sys/oracle@prod;
2. Run show all command from the rman prompt. It lists the default settings.
Rman >show all;
Using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
RMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_name ORCL are:

14 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
D TRUE; # default

Rman has two types of retention policies:

• Recovery window
• Redundancy
By default it has 7 days. It means that backups must be kept for 7 days after that it will be obsoleted.
It means rman can retain maximum two backup copies irrespective of time period.
3. Make sure that compression must be disabled.
4. Configure channel to take the backup.
Rman> configure channel c1 device type disk format ‘/<backup path>’;
5. To perform manual backup connect to the target database and issue the backup command.

Backup Database

15 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
5.1.3 Restore a backed up file
To restore a database from the backup files, the database must be in the mount state.

Steps to restore the database:

1. Check the database is in the mount state.

Database state

2. Connect to the database using RMAN.

RMAN> connect target /

3. Issue the restore command :

Restore Database

4. Recover the Database :

Recover Database

16 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
5. Validate the database to check whether the restore was successful.
RMAN> validate database;

5.2 RMAN Configuration – NFS

Configure RMAN to use the Data Domain system as a backup target, perform a test backup, and restore a backed
up file in a UNIX/Linux environment

5.2.1 Configure an NFS export as a backup target

• Connect to the Oracle Database using RMAN
$ rman target /
• Configure the channel to the backup destination.
$ RMAN > configure channel c1 device type disk backup format ‘/<nfs_mount_point>’

5.2.2 Perform a test backup

Before we perform any backup, we need to configure certain parameters such as Backup Policy,backup type etc.

Steps for taking regular backup :

1. Login as oracle user

# su – oracle

2. Set the environment(bash profile)

3. Connect to the target database using RMAN

$ rman target /

4. Execute the backup command

Backup Database

17 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
5.2.3 Restore a backed up file
To restore a database from the backup files, the database must be in the mount state.

Steps to restore the database:

1. Check the database is in the mount state.

Database state

2. Connect to the database using RMAN.

RMAN> connect target /

3. Issue the restore command :

Restore Database

4. Recover the database:

Recover Database

5. Verify whether the database to check if restore was successful

RMAN > validate database;

18 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
6 Advanced topics

6.1 Data Domain cloud tier

DD Cloud Tier is a Data Domain System feature for moving data from the active tier to low-cost, high-capacity
object storage in the public, private, or hybrid cloud for long-term retention. DD Cloud Tier is best suited for long-
term storage of infrequently accessed data that is being held for compliance, regulatory, and governance reasons.
The ideal data for DD Cloud Tier is data that is past its normal recovery window.

Configure cloud tier as described in the Data Domain Operating System Administration Guide

6.1.1 Data Movement from Active Tier to the Cloud Tier

In this example, we have used the ECS Cloud.

1. On the DDR, create the ECS cloud profile. In this example, the profile name is “ECS”

Cloud Profile Show

2. Create a cloud unit. In this example, the cloud unit name is “ecs-unit1”

List Cloud Unit

3. Create the mtree and create a CIFS share(for windows) using DDSM or DDCLI

19 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
Mtree List

4. Run a file report for this mtree path

Filesys Report before backup

5. Take the backup of the Oracle database using RMAN on this mtree as described in the above sections.
6. Once the backup is taken, then again run the file report on the mtree path.

Filesys Report after backup

7. Ensure the data-movement policy is set by running the below commands :

# data-movement policy show

Data-movement policy not set

# data-movement policy set age-threshold 14 to-tier cloud cloud-tier <cloud_unit_name> mtrees


8. Run the data-movement command to start the data movement from Active tier to the Cloud tier
# data-movement start mtrees <mtree_path>

Start the data movement

9. Run the data-movement watch command to check the status of the data movement
# data-movement watch

20 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
Data movement watch

10. Once the data-movement is completed, run the filesys report command to ensure that the files are moved
to the cloud.
# filesys-report generate file-location path <mtree_path>

Filesys report after data-movement is successful

Note that the location of the files is now “ecs-unit-1” instead of “active”

6.1.2 Recall Data from Cloud Tier to Active Tier

1. To Recall the files from the Cloud Tier to the Active Tier [DDR], execute the below command :

# data-movement recall path <file_location>

Recall first file from the Cloud

Recall second file from the Cloud

2. Check the status of the data movement using the below command :

# data-movement status

21 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide
Data movement status

3. Run the filesys report command to check whether the files are stored back on the Active Tier:

# filesys report generate file-location path <mtree_path>

Filesys report after recall

As seen in this screenshot, the files are recalled from the cloud tier back to the active tier .Once the files have
been recalled from the cloud tier back to the active tier, then we have to use the RMAN utility to recover and
restore the database from the mtree as mentioned in the previous sections.

22 Dell EMC Data Domain and Oracle RMAN 12c Integration Guide

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