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Question Papers
ExamCode: SSC_181117_GRAD_1 Version
No : 5
1. Complete the series. M, N, O, L, R, I, V, (…)
1) A 2) E
3) F 4) H
2. Find the ODD one out.
1) Honorarium 2) Pocket money
3) Salary 4) Wage
3. Which word will best complete the relationship given below? South : North-west :: West : ?

1) South-west 2) North-east
3) East 4) South
4. Pointing to a lady on the platform, Anju said, "She is the sister of the father of my mother's
son". How is that lady related to Anju?
1) Mother 2) Sister
3) Aunt 4) Niece
5. A girl introduced a boy as "He is the son of the daughter of the father of her uncle". What
is the relation of the boy to the girl?
1) Brother 2) Son
3) Uncle 4) Nephew
6. Which number will best complete the relationship given below? 12 : 9 :: 31 : ?
1) 13 2) 21
3) 27 4) 30
7. Complete the series. ND, IY, DT, YO, TJ, (…)
1) MP 2) OF
3) OE 4) ME
8. In this question, a statement is given followed by two conclusions. Choose the conclusion
which best fits logically. Statement: Industrial Revolution which first started in Europe has
brought about the Modern Age. Conclusions: I) Disparity between rich and poor results in
revolution. II) Revolution overhauls society.
1) Only conclusion I follows 2) Only conclusion II follows
3) Neither conclusion I nor II follows 4) Both conclusions I and II follow

9. Arun moved a distance of 75 m towards north. He then turned to the left and walked for
about 25 m, and he turned left and walked 80 m. Finally, he turned to the right at an angle
of 45°. In which direction is he moving now?
1) North-east 2) North-west
3) South-east 4) South-west
10. Find the ODD one out.
1) Coast 2) Harbour
3) Peninsula 4) Oasis

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11. If in a certain code, OLYMPICS is written as PMZNOHBR, and JUMP is written as

KVLO, how is COMPUTER written in that code?

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12. Complete the series. 19, 2, 38, 3, 114, 4, (…)

1) 238 2) 256
3) 352 4) 456
13. In this question, three statements are given followed by four conclusions. Choose the
conclusions which best fit logically. Statements: 1) Some boys are girls. 2) No pens are
cycles. 3) All girls are pens. Conclusions: I) Some boys are pens. II) Some boys are cycles.
III) Some boys are not cycles. IV) No cycle is girl.
1) Only conclusions I and III follow 2) Only conclusions III and IV follow
3) Only conclusions II and IV follow 4) Only conclusions I, III and IV follow
14. If FRIEND is written as HUMJTK in a certain code, how will CANDLE be written in that
15. Arrange the following words in a logical order. 1) Birth 2) Death 3) Funeral 4) Marriage 5)
1) 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 2) 1, 5, 4, 2, 3
3) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 4) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2
16. Anil's house faces east. From the back side of the house, he walks 50 m straight, then turns
to the right and walks 50 m again. Finally, he turns towards left and stops after walking 25
m. Now, in which direction is Anil from the starting point?
1) South-east 2) North-east
3) South-west 4) North-west
17. Find the wrong number in the series. 5, 25, 100, 250, 600
1) 25 2) 100
3) 250 4) 600

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26. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase given below. "A
storm in a teacup"
1) A lot of anger or worry about something that is 2) Something that happened without warning
not important
3) A small hurricane 4) To make tea with spoilt milk
27. Choose the correct antonym of the given word from the options given below.
1) Material 2) Cerebral
3) Substantial 4) Tangible

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28. Rewrite the sentence in active voice. This project will be completed by me by the end of this
1) I will have completed this project by the end of 2) I will be completing this project by the end
this month of this month
3) I will complete this project by the end of this 4) I had completed this project by the end of
month this month
29. In the following question, there are six sentences marked S1, S6, P, Q, R and S. The position
of S1 and S6 are fixed. Some parts of the sentence have been jumbled up. Rearrange these
parts and choose the proper sequence from the given options. (S1) A few cranes were eating
grain in a farmer's field. (P) Among them was a stork. (Q) "You may well be what you
claim to be," said the farmer. (R) So, the farmer set a trap and caught several of them. (S)
"You can see I do not belong here," said the stork and "I am a law-abiding bird; please let
me go". (S6) "But I caught you along with these robbers, so you will have to hang with
them", said the farmer.
30. Choose the correct alternative which will improve the part of the sentence given in quotes.
Sunder's dedication constantly "astonish" me.
1) Astonishingly 2) Astonishing
3) Astonishes 4) No improvement
31. Choose the correct synonym of the given word from the options given below. ENDORSE
1) Disapprove 2) Renounce
3) Advocate 4) Dissuade
32. Rewrite the sentence in indirect speech. Vasanth said to Prithivi, "Prabu has been playing
since morning"
1) Vasanth told Prithivi that Prabu played since 2) Vasanth told Prithivi that Prabu had been
morning playing since morning
3) Vasanth told Prithivi that Prabu plays since 4) Vasanth told Prithivi that Prabu had playing
morning since morning
33. Rewrite the sentence in direct speech. Archana told Ram that she would have completed
her work.
1) Archana said to Ram, "I will have completed 2) Archana said to Ram, "I will have complete
my work" my work"
3) Archana said to Ram, "I will completed my 4) Archana said to Ram, "I will complete my
work" work"
34. Pick the word that is spelt CORRECTLY.
1) Maintainance 2) Noticeable
3) Millenium 4) Minisscule
35. Choose the correct antonym of the given word from the options given below. FAMISHED
1) Satiated 2) Starved
3) Ferocious 4) Empty
36. Rewrite the sentence in passive voice. The Governor had opened the exhibition.
1) The exhibition have been opened by the 2) The exhibition is opened by the Governor
3) The exhibition was opened by the Governor

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4) The exhibition had been opened by the


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37. Choose the correct synonym of the given word from the options given below. ACCOLADE
1) Sarcasm 2) Denunciation
3) Belittlement 4) Honour
38. Choose the correct alternative which will improve the part of the sentence given in quotes.
The rain "has stop" before we reached the village.
1) Had stopped 2) Would stopped
3) Would have stop 4) Will stop
39. Fill in the blank with most appropriate word which will suit the context of the sentence. If
you do not do your work of your own ______, we have no choice but to punish you if it is
not done on time.
1) Weakness 2) Coercion
3) Excursion 4) Volition
40. Choose from the four options, the word that best substitutes the given phrase. "A building
or statue built to remind people of a famous person"
1) Building 2) Artefact
3) Reminder 4) Monument
41. Choose from the four options, the word that best substitutes the given phrase. "A scientific
study of people, society, and culture"
1) Bibliology 2) Audiology
3) Anthropology 4) Climatology
42. In the following question, the given sentence has four parts marked P, Q, R and S. Choose
the part of sentence with the error and mark as your answer. If there is no error, mark 'No
error (S)' as your answer. The root of the crisis is (P)/ the steep fall in the prices (Q)/ of
agricultural goods. (R)/ No error (S)
1) P 2) Q
3) R 4) S

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51. A bike rider increases his speed by 1 km/hr after every 30 minutes. If the distance travelled
in the first half an hour is 30 km, what is the distance covered in 5 hours?
1) 275 km 2) 300 km
3) 345 km 4) 400 km
52. Arun and Balu can do a piece of work in 9 and 12 days respectively. Starting with Arun,
they both work alternately. How long will it take for the work to be completed?
1) 10 days 2) 10.25 days
3) 11 days 4) 11.25 days

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53. In a family, a couple has a son and a daughter. The age of the father is three times that of
his daughter, and the age of son is half of his mother. The wife is 9 years younger to her
husband, and the brother is seven years elder than his sister. What is the age of the
1) 40 years 2) 45 years
3) 50 years 4) 60 years
54. Find the greatest four digit number that is exactly divisible by 12, 18, 40 and 45.
1) 9550 2) 9720
3) 9970 4) 9980
55. The average scores of 'p' students in a test is 70 and that of 'n' students is 92. The combined
average is 86. Find the ratio of n : p.
1) 3 : 8 2) 4 : 9
3) 8 : 3 4) 5 : 8
56. The difference between the Simple Interest received from two different sources on Rs.1500
for 3 years is Rs.13.50. Find the difference between their rate of interest.
1) 0.1% 2) 0.3%
3) 0.5% 4) 0.6%
57. Today is 1st April 2016. The day of the week is Wednesday. Find the day of the week on this
day after 4 years.
1) Monday 2) Tuesday
3) Friday 4) Saturday
58. The difference between 58% of a number and 39% of the same number is 247. What is
62% of that number?
1) 754 2) 806
3) 1170 4) 1300
59. An automobile financier claims to be lending money at Simple Interest, but he includes the
interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest of 10%,
find the effective rate of interest.
1) 10% 2) 10.25%
3) 11% 4) 11.5%
60. A person invested his savings in equal amounts in two bonds that earned him Rs.550 at
Simple Interest in 2 years from the first bond, and Rs.605 at Compound Interest in 2 years
from the second bond. If the rate of interest was the same in both cases, what was his
1) Rs.1375 2) Rs.2275
3) Rs.2750 4) Rs.5500

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63. The Simple Interest on a sum at 4% per annum for 2 years is Rs.80. Find the Compound
Interest on the same sum for the same period.
1) Rs.81 2) Rs.81.40
3) Rs.81.60 4) Rs.82
64. A dealer gained 10% after allowing a discount of 12% on the marked price of a washing
machine. At what percent above cost price of Rs.7660 did he mark the machine?
1) 15% 2) 18%

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3) 20% 4) 25%
65. Between 5 o' clock and 6 o' clock, when do the hour hand and minute hand of a clock
overlap each other?
1) 05:22:15 2) 05:24:20
3) 05:25:16 4) 05:27:16
66. A tank can be filled by one tap in 20 minutes and by another in 25 minutes. Both the taps
are kept open for 5 minutes and then the second is turned off. After how many minutes will
the tank be completely filled?
1) 8 minutes 2) 11 minutes
3) 16 minutes 4) 18 minutes
67. Find the curved surface of a right circular cone of slant height 10 cm and height 8 cm.

1) 30π cm² 2) 40π cm²

3) 60π cm² 4) 80π cm²

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68. In a sale, a man earned a profit equal to 30% of the selling price. What is his actual profit
1) 25% 2) 35%
3) 37% 4) 43%
69. A boat covers a certain distance in 2 hours and returns in 3 hours. If the speed of the
stream is 4 km/hr, what is the speed of the boat?
1) 20 km/hr 2) 25 km/hr
3) 30 km/hr 4) 35 km/hr
70. If the sum and product of two integers are 8 and 'k' respectively, and the sum of their cubes
is 152. What is the value of 'k'?
1) 15 2) 19
3) 24 4) 27
71. What number must be subtracted from x³+ 4x² - 7x + 12 to make it perfectly divisible by x +
1) 13 2) 19
3) 35 4) 42
72. When the marks of a student were wrongly entered as 53 instead of 23, the average of the
class increased by 0.5. Find the number of students in the class.
1) 20 2) 30
3) 40 4) 60


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76. What kind of an animal is "Dhole"?

1) Wild Dog 2) Wild Cat
3) Wild Buffalo 4) Wild Pig
77. Which Article of the Indian Constitution is known as “The very soul of the Constitution
and the very heart of it”?
1) Article 32 2) Article 21
3) Article 14 4) Article 44
78. Razmnama is the Persian translation of which epic?
1) Mahabharata 2) Ramayana
3) Meghadootam 4) Shakuntala
79. _________ is/are a medium to long-term debt instrument used by large companies to
borrow money at a fixed rate of interest.
1) Equity shares 2) Certificate of deposit
3) Bond 4) Debenture
80. The official currency of Indonesia is -
1) Euro 2) Dollar
3) Dinar 4) Rupiah
81. "Ring of Fire" is a seismically active belt of earthquake epicentres which is located in the-

1) Pacific Ocean 2) Indian Ocean

3) Atlantic Ocean 4) Arctic Ocean
82. The "Pommel Horse" is a term associated with -
1) Gymnastics 2) Tennis
3) Badminton 4) Chess

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83. Which of the following is the largest mosque in India?

1) Taj-ul Masjid, Bhopal 2) Haji Ali Dargah, Mumbai
3) Mecca Masjid, Hyderabad 4) Jama Masjid, Delhi
84. Giant Squirrel is the state animal of-
1) Madhya Pradesh 2) Maharashtra
3) Nagaland 4) Odisha

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85. Find the wrongly matched country and its capital.

1) Germany - Berlin 2) Italy - Rome
3) Oman - Abu Dhabi 4) Spain - Madrid
86. The number of ribs in the human body is-
1) 6 2) 12
3) 18 4) 24
87. Srinagar lies in the Kashmir Valley on the banks of the river-
1) Indus 2) Jhelum
3) Chenab 4) Ravi
88. Which of the following states in India is also known as "Pearl of the Orient"?
1) Kerala 2) Goa
3) Gujarat 4) Tamil Nadu
89. The Home Rule League in India was established by Bal Gangadhar Tilak and ________.
1) Lal Bahadur Shastri 2) Sarojini Naidu
3) Annie Besant 4) Lala Lajpat Rai
90. Which five year plan was a failure due to the Chinese aggression, Indo-Pakistan war, and
severe drought?
1) Third 2) Fourth
3) Sixth 4) Seventh
91. A museum dedicated to former President Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam has been opened in
_______ city of Kerala, in July 2017.
1) Kozhikode 2) Thiruvananthapuram
3) Kochi 4) Kannur
92. Who among the following was the first woman Prime Minister in the world?
1) Golda Meir 2) Indira Gandhi
3) Sirimavo Bandaranaike 4) Mary Eugenia Charles
93. Who is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces?
1) Prime Minister 2) President
3) Defence Minister 4) Army General
94. Keshari Nath Tripathi is the present Governor of the Indian State of-
1) Rajasthan 2) Punjab
3) West Bengal 4) None of these
95. __________ is the largest explosion of a star which takes place in space.
1) Black Hole 2) Eclipse
3) Supernova 4) Aurora
96. Who is the author of the autobiography "The Indian Struggle"?
1) Annie Besant 2) Subhas Chandra Bose
3) Chittaranjan Das 4) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
97. "International Translation Day" is observed on-
1) 3rd September 2) 13th September
3) 23rd September 4) 30th September

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98. The Opera House, which is a great architectural work of the 20th century, is located in-

1) Sydney 2) Melbourne
3) Brisbane 4) Canberra
99. Who among the following was the first musician to be felicitated with the Bharat Ratna?

1) Pandit Ravi Shankar 2) M. S. Subbulakshmi

3) Lata Mangeshkar 4) Ustad Bismillah Khan
100. What is the expansion of CCTV?
1) Closed Call Television 2) Common Circuit Television
3) Closed Circuit Television 4) Common Closed Television

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EXAM CODE : SSC_181117_GRAD_1 SSC - GRAD EXAM DATE : 18/11/2017
5 1 B
5 2 B
5 3 B
5 4 C
5 5 A
5 6 C
5 7 C
5 8 B
5 9 D
5 10 D
5 11 C
5 12 D
5 13 D
5 14 A
5 15 B
5 16 D
5 17 C
5 18 D
5 19 D
5 20 C
5 21 A
5 22 D
5 23 C
5 24 A
5 25 C
5 26 A
5 27 B
5 28 C
5 29 A
5 30 C
5 31 C
5 32 B
5 33 A
5 34 B
5 35 A
5 36 D
5 37 D
5 38 A
5 39 D
5 40 D
5 41 C
5 42 D
5 43 D
5 44 A
5 45 A
5 46 D

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EXAM CODE : SSC_181117_GRAD_1 SSC - GRAD EXAM DATE : 18/11/2017
5 47 B
5 48 C
5 49 D
5 50 A
5 51 C
5 52 B
5 53 D
5 54 B
5 55 C
5 56 B
5 57 A
5 58 B
5 59 B
5 60 C
5 61 A
5 62 B
5 63 C
5 64 D
5 65 D
5 66 B
5 67 C
5 68 D
5 69 A
5 70 A
5 71 D
5 72 D
5 73 C
5 74 D
5 75 C
5 76 A
5 77 A
5 78 A
5 79 D
5 80 D
5 81 A
5 82 A
5 83 D
5 84 B
5 85 C
5 86 D
5 87 B
5 88 B
5 89 C
5 90 A
5 91 B
5 92 C

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EXAM CODE : SSC_181117_GRAD_1 SSC - GRAD EXAM DATE : 18/11/2017
5 93 B
5 94 C
5 95 C
5 96 B
5 97 D
5 98 A
5 99 B
5 100 C

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