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 Highly educated , skilled ,young, capable & dynamic  human resources

 English speaking & analytical students

 World class business-social-spiritual –political leader, Professor, scientist, Manager-

Doctor-Engineer-Civil servants etc

 Very rich in  Natural & Living resources

 Biodiversity & Traditional knowledge base

 Diversity vs. Ideas-Innovation-Integration

 Powerful spiritual strength (yoga-Ayurvada-Healing-therapy services)

 Geographical location (whole markets are shifting toward Asian nations)

 India Strategic position at various platforms

 Big democracy, Big market & free media

 Range of emerging professional champions

 IT & Software superpower


 Lack of trained & skill work force  

 Small supply of specialize professional

 Lack of spirits of entrepreneurship, patriotisms and leadership skill

 Lack of effective & execution framework

 Lack of Indian management models

 Lack of transparency-Trust-Responsibility

 Lack of learning habits & Team work spirit

 Fear of sharing knowledge & taking risk

 Thinking win-lose   lose-win   look-outside

 Slow absorption of Innovation & change

 Lack of Indian management models

 Absence of greater technology impetus

 Unawareness: Quality-Standardization

 Lack of Emotional-Spiritual development

 Rush of getting high marks not Development

 Blindly respect anything taught by elders

THREATS (Internal & external): 

 A feeling of unstable government

 Self centered political leadership

 Slow & Dysfunctional judiciary and corrupt law enforcers

 Regulation, protection and restriction

 Mechanistic -stable-Layered-complex system

 Corruption, Ignorance & Complacency

 High competitive & marketing forces

 To patent Indian intellectual property by outsider (unawareness about own research)

 Fast change Internet-information technology& new Inventions-Technology-


 Diversity vs. Imbalance- clashes

 Regional-Religion-caste-culture conflicts

 Migration of all branch to software job

 Job seeking mind sets, not job creator

 Unnecessary social pressure on students

 Excessive rich & powerful mindsets


 Big potential market in education Sector & emerging new market Segment in

services (create it)   

 General Agreement of trade on Services

 Research & Development capability

 Generate intellectual property

 Resource Building capacity
 Competition- cost – Quality service

 Collaboration : win-win thinking

 Hybrid solution–balancing & blending

 Tourism, health sector, food processing

 Rural economy development & social transformation ( PURA model )

 Need  modernization of infrastructure , Library and laboratory

 Internet institute network & e-Library

 Councilors and student advisors


India has lots of weakness but this is a space of thinking (new Ideas or new perceptions),

understand it as a space of opportunities and transform into strength.  

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