All Staff Briefing 190418

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All Staff Briefing

Thursday 19th April 2018

Saboohi Famili
CEO and Principal
Focus of this briefing

• Financial control measures

• Focus on this year's outcomes
Staffing restructure proposal

• Reasons for restructure:

– College is under severe scrutiny from ESFA
and FE Commission (2 NTIs)
– Request for ESF
– Reduction of costs by 30% of budget
– Merger partner keen for College to enter
partnership in best financial position
Rational for change
• Reasons why we got to this place:
– Inability to meet income targets set in budget:
• Commercial income
• Apprenticeship
• Adults
• 14-16
• High needs
• Minimum learner numbers
– Non Pay expenditure higher than expected
– Moving forward impact of learner numbers on
next year's budget
In simple terms

• Our cost is not in line with our income

• Quality of provision is not consistent
• The College efforts to improve learner
numbers has not been adequate
What does this mean

• We remain focused on delivering high quality

• No vacancy created as a result of resignation is
filled unless part of the recovery plan and
• Non pay expenditure tightly controlled
• Next year's curriculum plan considers:
– Quality of provision
– Viability of provision
– Demand
– Local/regional priorities
Key Critical Success Factors

1. Continue to improve the quality of learning, teaching

and assessment resulting in enhanced outcome for
2. Achieve a balanced budget
3. Ensure the right people are in the right job doing the
right things
4. Ensure the college is in the best shape in its efficiency
and effectiveness prior to proposed merger
Key proposed changes:
Number of
Employees Proposed New
Department affected FTE Reduction Posts
Director of Learning 3 1.00
Lecturing Staff 22 5.20 1.80
Learner Support 29 8.60
Business Support 11 5.16 1.00
65 19.96 2.80
Saving of £3m on a budget of £9.7m
£000s % of total saving

Staffing 1470 49%

Restructuring 664 22%
Restructuring (deferred) 137 5%
New posts (86)

Full year effect of staff savings already made in 474

Agency and hourly paid staff 281
Restructuring provision 400 14%
Bank interest 158 5%
Non-staff 944 32%
Consultancy/legal 322

Estates 234

Franchise 250

Other 138
2972 100%
Impact on staffing

FTE reduction FTE affected No. Affected

TOTAL REDUCTIONS 19.96 49.55 65
• Start of consultation
• 30 days to reflect and feedback
• Opportunities to share your views, offer
alternatives and critically review the viability
of the proposed changes
• We have to make the savings so if what is
proposed is not suitable alternative
suggestions should achieve the same
savings at least.
Consultation arrange

Start of consultation period

Collective and Individual Consultation : Meetings with 18 April 2018
individuals affected
Collective Consultation: Meeting with unions 18 April 2018
Collective Consultation: Open meeting with staff 19 April 2018

NB. Further meetings with individuals and unions may be arranged upon
request during the consultation period
Consultation Timeline
Activities Timeline
End of consultation period 25 May 2018
Minimum of 30
days from start

Written response reporting the outcome of consultation 4 June 2018

sent to unions and staff.
Meeting with union upon request.
Q&A Sessions

Available other
book via

Please book a session with Summer.

Feedback, Discussion, Q/A

• Book via Summer

• Email
• Let's talk
• Let's get it right

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