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ISSUE: 20180420- Re: Where is Malcolm Turnbulls evidence, etc & the constitution

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.
WATCH Syrian Boy in White Helmets FAKE Chemical Attack Video
Reveals Truth

Posted By: tonzal [Send E-Mail]

Date: Wednesday, 18-Apr-2018 21:27:03

SPUTNIKNEWS - April 18, 2018: Earlier the White Helmets, a Western-backed NGO
known for its ties with terrorist groups, released a video showing alleged victims of the
false-flag chemical attack in Douma. The US and its allies used the video as a pre-text to
conduct a missile strike on Syria.

The Russia 24 TV channel released an exclusive interview on April 18 with a boy, who
participated in filming a fake video, as evidence of the false-flag chemical attack in Douma
by the White Helmets. In the interview, Hassan Diab says that he and his mother heard
loud voices on the street, urging everyone to rush to the hospitals. When Hassan entered
the hospital, unknown people grabbed him, poured water on him and then put him with
other patients.

We were in the basement. Mom told me that today we don't have anything to eat and that
we will eat tomorrow. We heard a cry outside, calling "go to the hospital." We ran to the
hospital and as soon as I entered, they grabbed me and started pouring water on me,"
Hassan Diab said.

"There were no chemical weapons. I smoked outside and felt nothing. I entered the hospital
and saw my family. Militants gave them dates, cookies and rice for participating in this
film and released everyone to their homes," Hassan's father said.


Let Malcolm Turnbull PM prove to We, the People, that he has indisputable evidence that
the Syrian Government used any sort of gas upon its citizens in the Douma attack! No use
to be merely like a parrot for UK PM Theresa May!
The World Must Know #PureEvil
As much as it is a criminal offence to use children for sexual abuse such as paedophilia
where it is claimed that anyone using the images is as much guilty as the person doing the
actual harm then why should Malcolm Turnbull and other politicians parroting for military
p1 20-4-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
attack upon Syria by fabricated versions of events where children are used for this kind of
propaganda and likely will continue to be used where persons like Malcolm Turnbull are
willing to glee to use this kind as being evidence, rather than to bother to check the validity
of what is claimed in the videos as I did. Those unscrupulous murderers who act like
savages in torturing and murdering numerous persons in their thousands now are well
aware that people like Malcolm Turnbull are weakling who fall for their kind of
propaganda and so may be encouraged to harm people in particular children more and
perhaps even in the process kill them. As like with paedophilia when you can use videos
for customers then why stop? Malcolm Turnbull, Theresa May and others being so gullible
to accept those videos to use them for their mantra to be warmongering to assist the evil
devils making them is what makes it worth for the evil doers to continue to misuse and
abuse those children. Hence, I view that this kind of association of Malcolm Turnbull and
the evil doers must be seen as being against the common decency or ordinary persons and
certainly for a person to be a Member of Parliament and/or a Minister of the Crown.

s and which I refuse to watch. It starts at 9:30 and I suggest you stop playing the video at that point, too.

Running Time: 11 mins
Pentagon Paid PR Firm Over $500 Million to Create Fake Terrorist Videos
J OE M ARTI NO OCTOB ER 3 , 20 1 6

“We need to make this style of video and we’ve got to use Al-Qaeda’s footage . . . We
need it to be 10 minutes long, and it needs to be in this file format, and we need to
encode it in this manner.”

These were the specific instructions given to employees of a PR firm responsible for
creating fake terrorist videos as part of a top secret propaganda mission paid for by the
Pentagon — a mission that cost over half a billion dollars.

This story has come to light thanks to a former employee of the firm, Martin Wells, who
came forward to talk about his time working on the project

I have spent countless hours to search for details, this because I for one do not desire out service
men and women to be deployed and perhaps killed or otherwise placed in harm’s way because of
darn liars like I view is Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Prime Minister Theresa May to
mention just a few. Also I view that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull owns an explanation to
We, the People to prove beyond reasonable doubt that there is indisputable evidence proving that
it was the Syrian Government and no other who used the alleged gas.
As I understand it former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2012 with consent of the then
President Barack Obama provided Sarin to the Rebel Opposition (including the terrorist ISIS) of
Syrians Government. It is well known that the Syrian Opposition (including the terrorist ISIS)
admitted they had been using gas against civilians in Syria.
Over the decades I use to write to opposing parties and well aware they generally would be
ignoring any response and more likely never bothered to even read my material. Then in
p2 20-4-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
subsequent hearings they suddenly sub mitted to have adjournments as they had not read the
material which time and time again I successfully opposed as they had ample of time prior to a
hearing to read and respond. As such, while Malcolm Turnbull PM may lack a grain of decency
to respond to my writings which are also forwarded to his email address, nevertheless they are
still a matter of record that I did write to him (and other politicians) and so eventually he could
face a considerable problem that his ignorance is no excuse.
Those who he placed in harm’s way and/or their families may be able to sue him and others
where they have evidence from my writings and from others that he and/or other Members of
Parliament did have certain information critical to the relevant issues but for whatever reason
failed to act appropriately.
In a recent case I proved to have been accumulating evidence about 2 years before there was any
alleged case against me. This is how I generally prepared cases, not waiting until a case may
exist but work years in advance just in case a case was made out as to then comprehensively
defeat it.
It means that anyone aggrieved and desiring to sue Malcolm Turnbull and others could then use
my published material if they desire to do so. Let it be clear that there is absolutely no protection
of claiming to be a Minister of the Crown if one acts outside the legal powers of the relevant
Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
I think we might, on the attempt to found this great Commonwealth, just advance one step, not beyond
the substance of the legislation, but beyond the form of the legislation, of the different colonies, and say
that there shall be embedded in the Constitution the righteous principle that the Ministers of the
Crown and their officials shall be liable for any arbitrary act or wrong they may do, in the same way as
any private person would be.

As such, the moment it can be established that a Minister acted outside his/her legal powers then
well they are personally responsible.
It means that Malcolm Turnbull with all his riches could end up a beggar if enough people
succeed against suing him for harm inflicted upon them and/or their family member(s).

ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!

An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of
WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of more 9/11. The
incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon
Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head. How did the BBC know
that it was going to collapse? And why did they report the collapse when it is clearly standing in the
Physicists & Engineers Publish Another 9/11 Study: All THREE Buildings Were
“Destroyed By Controlled Demolition”
Let us not forget the considerable harm inflicted against our service men and woman many of
them killed, others suffering for the rest of their lives of harm done to them, etc.
And then we seem to me to have a parrot Prime Minister who can do no more but to repeat what
he is told to say rather than to but his brain (if he has any that is) and intelligence (if he has any
that is) in process to come to a sensible conclusion, seeking to avoid any warmongering.

p3 20-4-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Saddam Hussein’s CIA Interrogator FINALLY Reveals
Truth About Bush’s Invasion of Iraq

Last month, former CIA analyst John Nixon made headlines when he asserted that while he was interrogating
Saddam Hussein after the 2003 invasion, the dictator warned him that the U.S. would fail in Iraq.
Now, Nixon has revealed yet another unsettling detail: the Bush administration knew they were going to take
on Iraq on “day one” — before the 9/11 terror attacks even occurred. In fact, they viewed Iraq as “unfinished
business,” according to the former analyst.
“We never really understood at that point what unfinished business meant, but we knew that they wanted to
do something,” Nixon said in an interview with BBC Radio 4′s “Today Programme” this week.
“You know, they had their minds made up from day one. And then after 9/11, that’s when the death warrant
for Saddam Hussein was signed,” he explained.
He added that Hussein’s execution was “the final straw in terms of pulling out the justifications for the war in
The Bush family had history in Iraq prior to the 2003 invasion. When George Bush Sr. was president, he
launched the Gulf War, which, like his son’s war, was also rooted in fabricated justifications. Claiming
thousands of Iraqi troops were threatening Saudi Arabia, and thus U.S. oil interests, Bush Sr. made the case
for U.S. military action. His administration also argued Hussein was threatening Kuwait without provocation,
conveniently leaving out details of the two nations’ previous partnership and internal conflicts that stemmed
from it.
Bush ultimately opted not to invade Iraq, instead deploying troops to Kuwait to expel Iraqi soldiers, a move
that drew praise from then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. Still, in 1993, Bush Sr. visited Iraq and was hit
with an assassination attempt — one U.S. intelligence agencies pinned on Hussein (it’s possible this is the
“unfinished business” Nixon recalls, especially considering that when criticizing Hussein after 9/11, Bush Jr.
said, “After all, this is a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time”).
The history of the United States’ involvement in Iraq prior to Bush Sr. is even more muddled. Though Bush
Sr.’s administration sounded the alarm on Hussein, the U.S. government — under the Reagan administration
before Bush — had been backing the dictator’s regime in its fight against Iran during a bloody, years-long
war. In fact, the CIA provided tactical aid to Hussein knowing he was using chemical weapons. More
recently, it was revealed that this relationship was much deeper than previously known.
As Foreign Policy noted in 2013, “senior U.S. officials were being regularly informed about the scale of the
nerve gas attacks,” which was “tantamount to an official American admission of complicity in some of the
most gruesome chemical weapons attacks ever launched.”
Indeed, the U.S. government empowered Hussein before they moved to oust him under the false pretenses of
weapons of mass destruction.
I for one would like to see that soldiers placed in harm’s way and/or their aggrieved family
members may sue those Members of Parliament and others who directly and/or indirectly were
complicit to them being harmed so neve r again we have Members of Parliament blatantly
disregarding precautions to act in a responsible manner.
Malcolm Turnbull can be as much a parrot as he likes to repeat the same mantra of UK PM
Theresa May but he would in my view shows he is mindless as he obviously cannot even
properly consider what reality is. I understood Malcolm Turnbull on Thursday 19 April 2018 on
the news to claim that Russia was behind the problems. In my view he places not only Russian
Federation unduly in disrepute but also endangers the security of Australians by this.
It is a very sad moment in Australia political history that we at best seems to have a so called
leader who is merely a parrot, and cannot even bother to consider factual issues. We seem to lack
p4 20-4-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
any member of parliament who has the common decency to hold Malcolm Turnbull accountable
and demand he PROVES his allegations against the Syrian Government and Russian federation
or be ousted from Parliament for bringing the Parliament in disrepute.
Condemned to death in minutes: Iraq churns out justice to Isis suspects
Number of executions on judicial assembly line raises fears of miscarriages of justice
Margaret Coker, Falih Hassan
The 42-year-old housewife had two minutes to defend herself against charges of supporting Islamic State.
Amina Hassan, a Turkish woman in a flowing black abaya, told the Iraqi judge that she and her family had
entered Syria and Iraq illegally and lived in Islamic State’s so-called caliphate for more than two years. But,
she added: “I never took money from Islamic State. I brought my own money from Turkey. ”
The whole trial lasted 10 minutes before the judge sentenced her to death by hanging.
Another accused Turkish woman entered the courtroom. Then another, and another. Within two hours, 14
women had been tried, convicted and sentenced to die.
Iraq’s judicial assembly line has relentlessly churned out terrorism convictions since the battlefield victories
over Islamic State (also known as Isis) last year led to the capture of thousands of fighters, functionaries and
family members. Authorities accuse them of helping to prop up the group’s vicious three-year rule over
nearly a third of the country.
As millions of Iraqis struggle to recover from the bloodshed and destruction of the period, prime minister
Haider al-Abadi has found widespread public support for his push to step up the pace of prosecutions – and
for punishments to the full extent of the law, which in Iraq means execution.
“These Islamic State criminals committed crimes against humanity and against our people in Iraq, in Mosul
and Salahuddin and Anbar, everywhere,” said Gen Yahya Rasool, the spokesman for the Iraqi joint
operations command. “To be loyal to the blood of the victims and to be loyal to the Iraqi people, criminals
must receive the death penalty, a punishment that would deter them and those who sympathise with them.”
But critics say the perfunctory trials in special counterterrorism courts are sweeping up bystanders and
relatives as well as fighters, and executing most of them in a process more concerned with retribution than
‘Irreversible miscarriages’ of justice
The office for the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights warned that flaws in the judicial
process would most likely lead to “irreversible miscarriages” of justice. Human Rights Watch has criticised
Iraq for relying on an overly broad law to quickly achieve the maximum punishment of the most people.
The nation’s counterterrorism law allows the death penalty for anyone “who commits, incites, plans, finances
or assists in acts of terrorism”. So Iraqi courts are meting out one-size-fits-all punishment for the perpetrator
of crimes against humanity as well for as the wife of an Islamic State fighter who may have had little say in
her husband’s career.
“Individual circumstances don’t matter,” said Belkis Wille, the senior researcher for Iraq for Human Rights
Watch. “Cooks, medical workers, everyone is given the death penalty.” The low bar for conviction under the
law, she said, also means that the courts are not bothering to investigate some of the worst crimes believed to
have been committed by Islamic State members, such as slavery, rape or extrajudicial killings.
People fleeing clashes between Iraqi security forces and Islamic State fighters walk through the southern
outskirts of Mosul, Iraq, on March 3rd, 2017. Photograph: Ivor Prickett/The New York Times
Iraq’s justice ministry rejects such criticism and touts the integrity of its judges and its standards of due
process. “If there is evidence then suspects are prosecuted, and if there is no evidence then they are released,”
said Abdul-Sattar al-Birqdar, a judge and justice ministry spokesman.
The government has not released statistics about its terrorism detainees, but two people familiar with the
court who were not authorised to speak to journalists said that approximately 13,000 people had been
detained on suspicion of ties to Islamic State since 2017, when the vast majority of arrests were made.
Human Rights Watch estimated in December that at least 20,000 people accused of ties to Isis were being
held by the Iraqi authorities. Last month, the Associated Press reported that Iraq had detained or imprisoned
at least 19,000 people since 2014 on accusations of connections to Isis or other terrorism-related offences.
Many of these detainees were arrested on the battlefield. Some were detained far from combat, based
on information gleaned from informers and prison interrogations. Iraqi intelligence officials say that
high-value detainees, people accused of involvement in specific terrorist attacks, are held separately from the
majority of prisoners, who are suspected of having been low-level cogs in the Islamic State bureaucracy.
98% conviction rate
p5 20-4-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Since the summer of 2017, more than 10,000 cases have been referred to the courts, the people familiar with
the court said. To date, they said, approximately 2,900 trials have been completed, with a conviction rate
of about 98 per cent. They did not say how many had received the death penalty, nor how many executions
had been carried out.
The government said 11 people were executed on Monday for “terrorism crimes”, fulfilling “the
government’s promise to kill those responsible for shedding Iraqi blood”, the justice ministry said in a
Among those held apart from the general prison population are approximately 1,350 foreign women and 580
children, the majority of whom surrendered to Iraqi security forces in August during military operations to
liberate the town of Tal Afar. The vast majority of these detainees are Turkish, Russian and Central Asian.

Politicians who are falling over each other about what President Saddam Hussein according to
their mantra was doing to justify a murderous invasion now seems to cause a deafening silence.
Obviously now Iraq is a sovereign country and so we cannot interfere with its legal system
regardless if justice doesn’t prevail, this eve n so we technically are and remain to be at war with
Iraq as unless and until the Governor-General signed a declaration of peace there is technically
no end to the war. It would be in my view utterly ridiculous and a conflict of interest for the now
purported Governor–General Peter Cosgrove to sign any DECLATION OF PEACE where he
himself despite my 16 July 2002 warning as General unconstitutionally invaded Iraq and as such
in my view considering the Nuremberg trails should be charged with war crimes, crimes against
humanity, etc.
While there is an obvious disregard to the gross injustice committed against the prisoners in Iraq
and seemingly of no concern to our politicians, when it comes to Syria then somehow it is
another matter. Punish President Assad regardless of any evidence of committing any crimes,
and by this killing perhaps civilians hardly can show humanitarian concern!
What we are doing it to make clear to other nations that they too can use PRE-EMPTIVE strikes
if the desire to do so upon Australia and interfere with any perceived injustice if they desire to do
so. In my view this is an irresponsible conduct and contrary to the obligations of Member of
parliament and so any member in the government and they should be ousted from their positions
forthwith so that we can have the benefits of real government by really concerned politicians to
do what they were elected for to do. Whatever is to eventuate we must always pursue to do
matters in a lawful and peaceful manner to avoid to be one of the very creeps/terrorist/traitors or
whatever you may desire to call them or to conduct ourselves as them.
What kind of leadership was John Howard when he joined into invading Iraq unconstitutionally
so G. W. Bush somehow could revenge his father or something like that and well, it appears to
me killing about 3,000 Americans in the process of 9/11 suited the purpose also besides the loss
of about 5,000 US soldiers. John Howard then unconstitutionally plunged our defence forces in
an unconstitutional war causing many to end up being killed and numerous others harmed but at
least G. W. Bush was able to get his kind of revenge upon President Saddam Hussein. And if you
call that leadership then you need to learn a good lessen what leadership really stands for.
And check out where you can see on 7 April
2018 (3) Senator McCain with (1) Abu Mosa –ISIS Press Officer, (2) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
– Head of ISIS, (4) Muahmmad Noor - Syrian Terrorist, (5) Mouaz Moustafa – SETF (Syrian
Emergency Task Force). Isn’t that colluding with the enemy?
It didn’t appear to me that Senator McCain was held captive as a prisoner. So what was he
doing there co-incidental when there was after that a purported gas attack in Douma? One
has to be an absolute moron to hold this is some innocent tea party get together visit. And
for this Malcolm Turnbull is willing to sacrifice other people’s sons and daughters, fathers
and mothers, wives and husbands to attack Syria?
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)
MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)
p6 20-4-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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