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Determination of Glucose by a Modification of

Somogyi-Nelson Method

Chitoshi Hatanaka & Yoshiaki Kobara

To cite this article: Chitoshi Hatanaka & Yoshiaki Kobara (1980) Determination of Glucose by a
Modification of Somogyi-Nelson Method, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 44:12, 2943-2949,
DOI: 10.1080/00021369.1980.10864408

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Agric. Bioi. Chem., 44 (12), 2943 ~ 2949, 1980 2943

Determination of Glucose by a Modification of Somogyi-Nelson Method

Chitoshi HATANAKA and Yoshiaki KOBARA

Department of Applied Biochemistry, Faculty of Applied Biological Science,
Hiroshima University, Fukuyama 720, Japan
Received July 18, 1980

Nelson's arsenomolybdate, the chromogenic reagent in Somogyi-Nelson method, was

replaced by Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent. The major object was to remove the toxic
arsenic compounds from the color reaction system. The color-producing ability of the
phenol reagent was considerably lower than that of Nelson's reagent. However, the modified
method was favorably comparable to Somogyi-Nelson method in simplicity, reproducibility
and stability of color development. The error in both the modified and Somogyi-Nelson
method could be reduced to about one fourth by adding sodium benzoate (final concentra-
tion, about 0.5 %) to the test solutions.

The arsenomolybdate reagent which was of special or guaranteed grade.

developed by Nelson!) in 1944 has been, and is Chromogenic reagent. Nelson's arsenomolybdate
still being, widely used as the chromogenic and Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagents were purchased
reagent for the quantitative determination of from Katayama Chemical Industries Co.; the latter
reducing sugars by Somogyi-Nelsonmethod.!,2) (about 2 N in acid) was diluted 2-, 4-, 10- or 20-fold
with deionized water or a dilute hydrochloric acid of
The reason for the extensive use of Nelson's
such a concentration that the final acidity of the diluted
arsenomolybdate is probably that this reagent, phenol reagent became approximately 0.1, 0.5 or 1 N.
as compared with the other phosphomolybdate For the combinations of the concentration of the re-
reagents which had been used so far, produces agent and its acidity see Table I; the volume of each
more stable and reproducible colors in combi- diluted reagent was selected so as to contain an equal
nation with Somogyi's alkaline copper re- amount of the chromogenic reagent.
agents.!) However, Nelson's reagent contains Alkaline copper reagent. The 1937 reagent of
arsenic of which high toxicity is a serious Somogyi4) was prepared and used with the modifications
environmental problem. recommended by Nelson. I )
This work was undertaken to eliminate this
Assay of glucoamylase activity. The crude prepa-
disadvantage. The present modification in ration (500 mg) of glucoamylase (EC. was sus-
which Nelson's arsenomolybdate was replaced pended in 100 ml of 0.2 M acetate buffer, pH 4.8. The
by Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent ) is favor- suspension was stirred occasionally for about 1 hr at
ably comparable to Somogyi-Nelson method!) room temperature and then filtered with a Toyo Roshi
in stability of the color developed and repro- No. 5C paper. The glucoamylase activity of the filtrate
was measured at 35°C in an assay system containing
maltose (0.8 mM), acetate buffer (50 mM, pH 4.8) and
a suitable amount of the enzyme (as protein, 104 ,ug/ml).
MATERIALS AND METHODS The total volume of the reaction mixture was 0.5 m!.
Mter incubation for a definite period the reaction was
Chemicals. Glucose and maltose (special grade) stopped by addition of 0.5 ml of Somogyi's alkaline
from Nakarai Chemicals Ltd., Kyoto, were used with- copper reagent and the reducing power was determined.
out further purification. Bovine serum albumin (1 x In order to compare the results obtained by the
crystallized) and chicken egg-white lysozyme (3 x present method with those obtained by another standard
crystallized) were from Sigma Chemical Co. A crude method the glucoamylase activity was assayed by the
preparation of glucoamylase (NK-I13, 1 x 10' GUN/g) iodometric method. 5)
was from Nagase Sangyo Co., Osaka. Other chemicals, The amount of protein was determined by the UV
from Katayama Chemical Industries Co., Osaka, were absorption method. 6)


Measurement of reducing power. The standard about 0.1 N in acid) was somewhat difficult.
procedure of the present modification is as follows: This is probably due to the low acidity of the
In a test tube (16.5 x 165 mm), 0.5 ml of the test solu-
phenol reagent because the precipitates were
tions containing less than 1 flmol of glucose was mixed
with 0.5 ml of Somogyi's alkaline copper reagent. The easily dissolved with the reagent having an
test tubes were covered with glass marbles and heated acidity of about 0.5 N (diluted 20-fold with a
for 20 min,,4) in boiling water. After cooling in dilute hydrochloric acid, procedure E). In the
running water, 2 ml of Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent following experiments we used procedure C
(diluted fourfold with water, about 0.5 N in acid) was
as the standard method.
added and stirred. The resultant solutions were diluted
with 5 ml of water and their absorbances were read
at 660 nm in a lO-mm cell with a Hitachi Type 124 Stability of the color developed with Folin-
spectrophotometer. Ciocalteu phenol reagent
In the case of the determination by Somogyi-Nelson Under the present conditions the color reac-
method, the reactions were carried out essentially as
tion with the phenol reagent was very fast
described by Nelson,!) except that the scale of the
procedure was reduced to half. Namely, 0.5 ml of the
test solution was mixed with 0.5 ml of Somogyi's 2.4
( 2.0
alkaline copper reagent and heated for 20 min. After
cooling, 0.5 ml of Nelson's arsenomolybdate was addedj
and the resultant colored solution was diluted with ( I .6 )
11 ml of water. The same tube was used as described
above. '"
" I. 6
c: ( I.2
~ 1.2


Eifect of the concentration of Folin-Ciocalteu (0.4 J
phenol reagent on the calibration curve of 0.4
Alterations in the concentration of the
400 500 600 700 800
reagent was found to have no appreciable ~ Wavelength (nm)
effect on the linearlity of the calibration curves
of glucose (0", 1.8 ,umoljml); all the curves J FIG. 1. Absorption Spectra of the Colors Developed
with Folin-Ciocalteu Phenol Reagent.
were straight and passed through the origin.
The values in parentheses show the glucose concen-
In procedure F, however, dissolving the pre- tration (flmol/ml). The spectra were determined with
cipitates of cuprous oxide by mixing with a Hitachi Type 340 spectrophotometer. (For details
the phenol reagent (diluted 20-fold with water, see text.)
Modified Somogyi-Nelson Method 2945

and, upon mixing, reached its maximum in

a few seconds. The resultant color, giving a
broad spectrum· in the visible region above·
500 nm, was quite stable; the absorption E
spectra for the colors produced from five oc 15
glucose solutions (0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6 and 2.0 w

,umol/ml) were scanned repeatedly from 400 -


to 800 nm at 30-min intervals for 5 hr but no "I.")f-

detectable changes in their absorbances were "c
o 2
observed at any wavelengths (Fig. 1). ~

'" I

Effect of wavelengths on the calibration curve
of glucose
The relation between the absorbance at a
given wavelength and the concentration of 0. I 0.3 0.4 0.5
glucose was determined on the basis of the
° 0.2
Glucose (jJmol/ml)

absorption spectra in Fig. 1. All the straight FIG. 3. Calibration Curves of Glucose Determined
lines, except only one determined at 800 nm, by the Present and Somogyi-Nelson Methods. Curves
passed through the origin (Fig. 2). In the 1, 3 and 4 were obtained by procedures C, G and H
of the present method, respectively. Curve 2 was
following experiments we used a wavelength
obtained by Somogyi-Nelson method. (For details
of 660 nm. see text.)

Nelson's arsenomolybdate. The slope of the

curve 1 obtained by the standard procedure in
the present method was about 2/3 of that of
2. curve 2 obtained by Somogyi-Nelson method;
at the same level of the final volume of the
colored solution, the slope of curve 1 would
""c 1.5
become only about one half of that of curve 2
(Fig. 3). However, the curves obtained by
procedure G and H, respectively, increased
<t 1.6 and 2.4 times in slope compared to that
obtained by Somogyi-Nelson method. In the
0.5 case of procedure G, 1 ml of glucose solution
was mixed with 1 m! of Somogyi's alkaline
copper reagent and heated for 20 min. After
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
cooling, the mixture was treated with 4 ml of
° Glucose (j.lmol/ml) the phenol reagent (diluted fourfold with water,
about 0.5 N in acid) and the resultant color
FIG. 2. Calibration Curves of Glucose Determined
at Different Wavelengths.
was measured at 660 nm without dilution with
All the curves were reconstructed from the absorption
water. Procedure H was the same as procedure
spectra in Fig. 1. The values in parentheses show G, except that 2 mI of the phenol reagent
the wavelength (nm) used. (diluted twofold with water, about 1 N in acid)
was used as the chromogenic reagent.
Calibration curves obtained by the present and
Somogyi-Nelson methods Effect of interfering substances on the present
The color-producing ability of the phenol and Somogyi-Nelson methods
reagent was considerably lower than that of Table II shows the effects of several inter-



Present method Somogyi-Nelson method

Substance" Absorbance Glucose Absorbance Glucose
at 660 nm found b at 660 nm found b
(.umol/ml) (ltmol/ml)
Nothing 0.020 0.030
Citrate (50 mM, pH 7.8) 0.010 0.019
Phosphate (50 mM, pH 7.0) 0.012 0.023
Tris (50 mM, pH 9.0) 0.134 0.180
Albumin (200 ,ug/ml) 0.052 0.060
Lysozyme (200 Itg/m!) 0.068 0.088
Glucose (0.50 "mol/ml) 0.540 0.50 0.802 0.50
Glucose + Citrate 0.469 0.44 0.708 0.45
Glucose + Phosphate 0.498 0.47 0.746 0.47
Glucose + Tris 0.668 0.51 0.940 0.49
Glucose + Albumin 0.628 0.55 0.900 0.54
Glucose + Lysozyme 0.658 0.57 0.996 0.59
" All the concentrations of the substances were expressed as those in the test solutions.
b Glucose amount was determined from the absorbance obtained by subtracting the corresponding
blank absorbance from that of the mixed solution of glucose and interfering substance.

fering substances on both methods. In the and the proteins tested (Table II). The addi-
presence of the interfering substances, the tion of citrate or phosphate resulted in a
amount of glucose was determined from the decrease not only in the blank absorbance but
absorbance obtained by subtracting the cor- also in the glucose amount determined. On the
responding blank absorbance from that of the other hand, in the presence of bovine serum al-
mixed solution of glucose and interfering sub- bumin or chicken egg-white lysozyme, the appar-
stance. Both methods were found to suffer ent glucose amount was somewhat higher than
from similar interferences by each of the buffers that of actually present. The addition of Tris


Test solutions were prepared as follows: To a glucose solution (1.0 Itmol/ml, 5 ml) was added 0.5, 1.0,
2.0, 3.0 or 4.0 ml of 5 % sodium benzoate solution and the mixture was diluted to a volume of 10 ml with
water; the final concentration of the benzoate being 0.25,0.50,1.00,1.50 or 2.00%, respectively. All values,
except those of the errors, are expressed as the absorbance at 660 nm.

Present method Somogyi-Nelson method

Benzoate (%) Benzoate (%)

0 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 0 0.50 1.00

1 0.561 0.555 0.559 0.554 0.564 0.569 0.732 0.726 0.722
2 0.544 0.553 0.558 0.559 0.559 0.560 0.713 0.719 0.728
3 0.560 0.554 0.556 0.553 0.564 0.563 0.704 0.724 0.722
4 0.559 0.560 0.554 0.557 0.563 0.564 0.728 0.723 0.726
5 0.548 0.557 0.558 0.555 0.561 0.561 0.712 0.729 0.727
Average 0.554 0.556 0.557 0.556 0.562 0.563 0.718 0.724 0.725
Standard deviation 0.0068 0.0022 0.0016 0.0020 0.0018 0.0024 0.0098 0.0026 0.0024
Error (%) 1.23 0.40 0.29 0.36 0.32 0.43 1.36 0.36 0.33
Blank" 0.020 0.021 0.023 0.021 0.024 0.026 0.032 0.034 0.035

" The average values of triplicates.

Modified Somogyi-Nelson Method 2947

led to a marked increase in the blank absorb- In this case the calibration curve of glucose was
ance but the glucose amount obtained was prepared in the presence of the acetate buffer
almost equal to that of the control without (50 mM) and the enzyme protein (104 ,ug/ml).

Effect of sodium benzoate on the reproducibility
of the present and Somogyi-Nelson methods The rate of copper reduction with different
The accuracy of the present method can be sugars is closely associated with their chemical
judged from the results shown in Table III. In structures, and the alkalinity of the copper
the absence of sodium benzoate, a typical reagent greatly affects the rate and the extent
determination of five replicates, each having of the reaction. ) Under the present experi-
0.25,umol of glucose per 0.5 ml, had a mean mental conditions, maximum reduction of cop-
absorbance of 0.554±0.0068. This gives an per with glucose was obtained at a heating
error of about 1.2 %. On the other hand, the period of about 17 min. A 20-min heating
addition of sodium benzoate (final concen- period, which was adopted by Nelson1 ) and
tration, 0.25", 2.0 %) to the glucose solution Somogyi,') was also used in this experiment.
gave excellent results with errors of 0.3 ",0.4 %. The color reaction with Folin-Ciocalteu
Similar results were obtained in Somogyi- phenol reagent was very fast similarly to that
Nelson method (Table III). Increasing the with Nelson's arsenomolybdate. Nelson 1 )
concentration of the benzoate showed a slight stated that the colors developed with the
tendency to increase the blank absorbance. various phosphomolybdate reagents he tried
lacked the desired stability. However, the
Assay of glucoamylase activity color developed with Folin-Ciocalteu phenol
Figure 4 shows the time course of the hy- reagent was quite stable. The phenol reagent,
drolysis of maltose by the glucoamylase prepa- containing a large amount of phosphotungstate
ration. The two curves obtained by the pres- besides phosphomolybdate, might not be in-
ent and the iodometric methods were closely cluded in the phosphomolybdate reagents he
superposed throughout the time course tested. tried. According to Somogyi,2) Benedict's
phosphotungstate S ) also may be used as the
chromogenic reagent for tl;te reducing sugar
assays. This reagent, however, requires more
--E 0.8 than 10 min for the maximum color develop-
ment and, moreover, the resultant color is
E 0.6 •
likely to be much less stable than the color
- developed with Nelson's arsenomolybdate or
., with Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent.
'" 0.4
The color developed with the phenol reagent

<:;; 0.2 gav,e a broad spectrum in the visible region

above 500 nm and use of the different wave-
lengths above 500 nm does not affect on the
o 60 120 180
linearlity of the calibration curve of glucose;
Reaction time Imin)
except only one curve determined at 800 nm,
FIG. 4. Time Course of the Hydrolysis of Maltose all the straight lines passed through the origin,
by Glucoamylase.
although the slope of each line increases with
Assay conditions: substrate, 0.8 mM maltose; buffer, increasing the wavelength (Fig. 3). Accord-
50 mM acetate, pH 4.8; enzyme (as protein), 104 flg
per ml of reaction mixture; incubation, at 35°C;
ingly, we may use any wavelengths from 500
total volume, 0.5 ml. 0, Procedure C of the present to 720 nm.
method; ., the iodometric method. The sensitivity of the present method was

considerably lower than that of Somogyi- Although the proteins at a concentration of

Nelson method. The slope of the calibration 200 ,ug/ml (2.2 times the glucose amount, by
curve of glucose (curve 1) obtained by pro- weight) gave considerable influences on each
cedure C, the standard one in the present of the present and Somogyi-Nelson methods
method, was about 2/3 of that of curve 2 (Table II), such a large amount of protein may
obtained by Somogyi-Nelson method. How- be scarcely used in practice unless extremely
ever, procedure C will probably be adequate crude enzyme solutions are used. In most
for most analyses as it is. If necessary, we cases, interferences from the components in a
may use procedure G or H as a more practical test solution will probably be avoided by pre-
one; the slopes of curves 3 and 4 were, respec- paring a calibration curve in the presence of
tively, 1.6 and 2.4 times higher than that of the expected interfering substances. For ex-
curve 2. ample, in the time course of the hydrolysis of
Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent is widely maltose by the glucoamylase, the two curves
used as the chromogenic reagent for the deter- obtained by the present and the iodometric
mination of proteins so that somewhat high methods were closely superposed (Fig. 4); in
interferences by proteins were expected in the the case of the present method the glucose
present method. However, the interferences amount was determined by reference to the
by bovine serum albumin and chicken egg- calibration curve prepared in the precence of
white lysozyme were comparable to those in the acetate buffer (50 mM) and the enzyme
Somogyi-Nelson method .

protein (104 ,ug/ml).
The fact that both the present and Somogyi- As can be seen from Table III, the reproduc-
Nelson methods suffer from similar inter- ibility of both the present and Somogyi-Nelson
ferences by commonly used buffering agents methods was significantly improved by the
and proteins should be kept in mind when addition of sodium benzoate to the glucose
enzyme activities are measured by the reducing solution. Benzoic acid is usually added to the
sugar assays. Depressing effects of citrate on stock solutions of glucose standards as an
Somogyi-Nelson method has already been de- antiseptic. Therefore, we examined the effect
scribed by Paleg,9) who suggested that the more of sodium benzoate on the calibration curve of
effective property of citrate than that of tartrate glucose and found incidentally the above-
of forming a chelate complex with copper mentioned excellent property of this com-
might be responsible for its depressing activity. pound. Although the reason for this property
In the case of Tris, which increased markedly is not understood, this property appears to be
the blank absorbance (Table II), also its chelate- comparable in some respects to that of sodium
forming ability might be responsible for the sulfate which is added to Somogyi's alkaline
increasing blank absorbance, because, on addi- copper reagent to prevent the reoxidation of
tion of Tris, the blue color of Somogyi's cuprous oxide. 4 ) In another experiment/Oj we
alkaline copper reagent was immediately confirmed that a similar satisfactory result was
changed to a violet color characteristic of the obtained by the addition of the benzoate to
formation of a Tris-copper complex. The Somogyi's alkaline copper reagent but not to
reason why the absorbance increases or de- Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent. These results
creases in the presence of Tris or citrate, suggest some participation of the benzoate in
respectively, is obscure. In the case of Tris, the prevention of the reoxidation of cuprous
in spite of the high blank absorbance, the oxide. On the basis of these results we propose
glucose amount obtained was almost equal to a modification of Somogyi's alkaline copper
that of actually present. However, high blank reagent as follows: Add sodium benzoate to
absorbances would tend to cause poor repro- the copper reagent AI) to give a final concen-
ducibility of the assay. Such was the case tration of about 0.5 %.
with Tris in the present experiment. The method presented in this paper is
Modified Somogyi-Nelson Method 2949

favorably comparable to Somogyi-Nelson REFERENCES

method in simplicity of operational procedure 1) N. Nelson, 1. Bioi. Chern., 153, 375 (1944).
and in stability of the color developed. In 2) M. Somogyi, ibid., 195, 19 (1952).
addition, the present method has an advantage 3) O. Folin and V. Ciocalteu, ibid., 73, 627 (1927).
over Somogyi-Nelson method; namely, the 4) M. Somogyi, ibid., 117, 771 (1937).
toxic problem of the arsenic in Somogyi- 5) C. Hatanaka, Nippon N6geikagaku Kaishi, 41, 448
Nelson method can easily be solved by use of
6) V. F. Kalb, Jr. and R. W. Bernlohr, Anal. Bio-
Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent instead of chem., 82, 362 (1977).
Nelson's arsenomolybdate. 7) P. H. Shaffer and M. Somogyi, J. Bioi. Chem.,
100, 695 (1933).
Acknowledgments. We wish to express our thanks 8) S. R. Benedict, ibid., 51, 187 (1922).
to Professor T. Imamura of this department for his 9) L. G. Paleg, Anal. Chern., 31, 1902 (1959).
encouragement during this work. 10) C. Hatanaka and Y. Kobara, unpublished data.

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