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FASCICLE I - 2006, Economics and Applied Informatics, Year XII, ISSN 1584-0409




“Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati

The Excellence study has shown that public relations is an unique management
function that helps an organisation interact with social and political
components of its environment. These components make up the institutional
environment of an organisation, which consist of publics that affect the ability of
the organisation to accomplish its goals and that expect organisations to help
them accomplish their own goals. Organisations solve problems for society, but
they also create problems for society. The value of public relations, therefore,
can be determined by measuring the quality of relationships it establishes with
the strategic components of its institutional environment.

Keywords: public relations, social responsibility, communication

1. Introduction Therefore, the organizations are provoked to

“Social responsibility doesn’t signify either reply through performances that reflect
charity acts, either PR exercises. But an society’s values, interests and expectations.
intelligent investment which brings benefits Social responsibility becomes a vital part of
both to the company and to the entire viable development strategy on long term of
community.” New social and economical any organization.
transformations which mark the global
framework obey the organizations to adopt a Thus, the implication in the community
new attitude concerning the manner of becomes imperative for any organization that
implying in a business, the approach of wants to assure not only the commercial
markets, customers and community in success, but also the society respect. This
general. aspect is practically sustained by the results
of an opinion survey realized in 2004 by the
Actually, the image of an organization, its company Burson-Marsteller in three of the
corporate identity, has a fundamental most important European markets: Great
importance. An organization must manifest Britain, Germany and France. The questions
transparency and correctitude in comparison from this questionnaire were addressed to
with its public; to manufacture a quality opinion leaders, investors, law-makers and
product is not enough. Much more, the mass-media representatives1.
organization must prove a real sense of social • 66% from the investigated opinion
responsibility. To support this idea, a leaders strongly agreed that the
president of a great consumer goods implication of the organizations in the
manufacturer from Germany said: ”We have community will matter enormously for
more and more sensitive customers, which the future;
become more critical when social or ethical • 64% from the investigated opinion
problems appears. We are witnesses to the leaders strongly agreed that a company’s
appearance of a new type of consumer, with
very high expectations.”
Source: survey realized by Burson-Marsteller
concerning CSR, 2004

This paper was recommended for publication by Assoc. Prof. Maria NICOLAI, PhD
FASCICLE I - 2006, Economics and Applied Informatics, Year XII, ISSN 1584-0409

reputation will influence the decisions • Significant contribution to building

like law-makers, decision factors, process of business excellence.
journalists and investors;
• 42% from the investigated opinion Another definition was exposed within the
leaders strongly agreed that the corporate Global Congress for Durable Development
social responsibility (CSR) will influence and it reveals the fact that the social
company share prices in the future. responsibility of an organization is
As well, another research studies realized “company’s engagement to contribute to
at international level by companies like durable economical development,
Future Foundation or Environics participating with employees, their families,
International examined the evolution of local community and overall society to the
customers’ expectations and the strong improvement of life quality.”
relationship between trust and customers’ At the global level, the aspect of social
loyalty. The survey Burson-Marsteller responsibility has already become part of
completed these studies investigating business, it is permanently present on
people’s attitude which influence directly companies’ agenda and the keyword is:
the social attitude of an organization and investment in image. Thus, great companies
punishes or rewards its performances. invest in this type of programs an important
The conclusion of the study revealed that part of their turnover. The budgets allocated
the social responsibility of organizations by the organizations to the development of
doesn’t represent just something partnerships with the community achieve
temporary, in vogue, but it must be seen frequently high levels. These amounts
as a regular element of the business represents, in managers’ visions, a long term
environment. investment, with significant results for the
business they manage.
2. The public relations and social
responsibility concept We must mention the fact that the model
The social responsibility of an organization developed by European Foundation for
can be classically translated like being “a Quality Management for the measurement of
partnership on long term with the quality performances also includes the
community, having the goal to support the corporate social responsibility, element
resolution of its social problems.” What can which has a rate of 6% from all the factors
it be found under this “partnership”? The that generate business excellence, while
answer to this question is known in the financial results represent 15%, and
speciality literature as the concept “3 R”: company’s strategies and policies a rate of
• Recognition, 8%.
• Reputation,
• Gratitude As well, a study undertaken by International
Survey of Corporate Responsibility Report in
We can affirm that the effects of the 2005 on a sample of 1.600 representative
implication of a company in community companies at global level emphasizes that the
would be: reasons for which the organizations
• Improvement of relationships with the implement activities like social responsibility
community (customers, providers, are various, both economical (74%) and
authorities); ethical (53%). In the top we can find
• Influence of target public, opinion employees motivation desire, preoccupations
leaders, press, etc. for management and risk reduction or
• Organization positioning on a superior innovation stimulation. After the authors’
level in society; conclusions, “companies are still searching
their way of building the social implication
• More favourable image / more visibility
for the organization; strategy, which is different from an
organization to another.”
• Consumers loyalty concerning all that
organization signifies and offers;
According to the organization “Business in
• Employees motivation;
the Community”, more than half of first 250

FASCICLE I - 2006, Economics and Applied Informatics, Year XII, ISSN 1584-0409

world companies constitute reports from 2002 a Ministry of Social

concerning the ethical and social Responsibility and France adopted a law that
performance. European Commission adopted obliges the companies listed to Stock
a directive in this way, which require that the Exchange to draw up an activity report
companies from E.U. must draw up concerning the social responsibility.
declarations concerning the activities of Companies are asked to evaluate the impact
social responsibility, like part of the annual that their activities have on the environment
activity report. and society and, developing a dialog with all
parts implied, they can find solutions to
Inside European Union, the interest for the participate to the development of society2.
creation of a legislative framework that urges The concept of Social Responsibility is new
the companies to integrate in their strategy and more and more obvious, necessary for
the social responsibility development is still Romanian business society. The promoters of
from 2000. In 2001, European Commission this concept were the multinational
published Green Book – “Promotion of a companies, which practically realized a
European framework for the companies’ transfer of their organizational cultures on
social responsibility” – that has the goal to local level, and the followed strategies are
launch the debate on the concept of social those developed by the multinational
responsibility and to define the means for the companies at global level, sometimes adapted
elaboration of the framework which promotes to local distinctive trait. Nevertheless they
this concept. Other actions were launched reveal an essential fact, the lack of creativity,
between 2005 and 2006 in view to sign the because just some types of standard corporate
idea that European organizations have a programs are developed in Romania,
major contribution to the accomplishment of respectively: donations, social assistance
durable development strategy at the European programs for disadvantageous categories of
level. population, sponsorships, aids accorded to
charity foundations, funds for scientific
Thus, social responsibility became an ethical projects or research, educational programs,
way of behaviour that touches different programs for environment security.
aspects: the business itself, the relationship
with the employees, customers, shareholders, Likewise, a weakness for the Romanian
providers, environment and local market may be considered the fact that social
communities. responsibility programs don’t find an answer,
their popularization among public opinion
European Commission also specifies that in isn’t very important yet. In conditions in
2006 its role is to bring more visibility to which the publication of social responsibility
social responsibility policy, for recognition of reports would become compulsory in
the efforts made by several organizations in Romania, this aspect should have as effect
this direction and to encourage them to the implication of enterprises in view to
continue this approach. focalize their efforts in this direction. The
elaboration of this kind of reports mustn’t be
Although the social actions of an regarded as like a modality of promotion for
organization are voluntary, the European organizations that develop social
legislation imposes certain rules and responsibility programs, but like a way of
standards, which are measured by extra- communication with shareholders,
financial rating agencies. In view to be well employees, customers, business partners and
quoted, organizations are heard both by local communities, as a proof that global
managerial performances perspective and thinking is found in local practice.
business behaviour and by social programs
for employees and community. Thus, it will be a challenge for all parts
implied: organizations will have to outline
A favourable attitude was introduced to the their own strategies, in accordance with the
level of several European countries that try to activity domain and community’s needs;
regulate the problem of social responsibility.
Thus, in Great Britain and France there is 2
Report European Commission, vol.6,an.2006

FASCICLE I - 2006, Economics and Applied Informatics, Year XII, ISSN 1584-0409

public sector and civil society will have to environmental performances of the
build and promote their projects on long term community.
and mass-media will have an informational
and educational role. The integration of the organization in the
environment it operates, the improvements of
As almost every important concept, it is relationships with its target public provide
submitted to a need of accelerated value, competition power and create
assimilation, and in the beginning, it was differentiation elements towards concurrence.
positioned more like something fashionable,
as a result of needs’ awareness. In this Any organization must be conscious that
context, respectively an economical and such approach can bring benefits, both by the
social framework that is enough instable and creation of a competitive advantage and by
immature, social responsibility was more the promotion of a favourable image and
valued in Romania more for its commercial strong relationship with all partners, aspects
valences, than for the ethical one. In a market that argue the introduction of social
more and more competitive, companies responsibility in the development strategy of
discovered quickly the potential of this any company.
dimension in the process of image building
and reputation reinforcement, as a premise 3. Conclusions
for the commercial success on medium and When public relations helps the organisations
long term. develop relationships with publics deemed
strategic for it, the organisation saves big
Practically, in Romanian society we need money by reducing the costs of litigation,
ethics in businesses, social implication, regulation, legislation, or pressure campagns
quality services, and an increased the result from bad relationships with public
preoccupation for environment and – especially activist group. Determining the
employees. In the same time, coherence must return on communication s investment in this
be created between social programs, attitude joint process turned out to be nearly
towards business, customers, partners and impossible. However, partnering can be
employees. But if all these aspects are treated spectacularly successful; both in concrete and
discontinuously, we couldn’t talk about immediate financial terms and in the more
favourable attitude towards social nebulous and long-term sense of what our
responsibility. participants called reputation. Thus public
relations adds value because it helps the
Sophocles said that “every benefactor thinks organisation deal with pressing social issues
less at himself.” In the case of Romanian – but only if the top communicator is
organizations, this concept reveals the empowered to play a role in strategic
development background of community decision making.
relationships, the main development goal of
corporate social programs being the Bibliography:
advertising in mass media. Unfortunately, the ƒ Nicoleta Cristache, Irina Susanu –
engagement towards community is, many “Comunicarea de marketing în
times, on short term and doesn’t have a real activitatea organizaţiei”, Editura
basis. Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti,
Generally, we can’t establish a real ƒ Remus Pricopie – “Relaţiile Publice –
dimension of social responsibility as a evoluţie şi perspective”, ed. Tritonic,
warrant for business success, but we must be Bucureşti, 2005.
aware at the same time that it isn’t only a ƒ Doug Newsom, J. VanSlyke Turk –
maximization instrument of value by image “Totul despre relaţii publice”, ed
building, but it is directly linked to social and Polirom, Iaşi, 2003


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