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Rome's Rambles

August of,452

Aquileia Falls After Lengthy Battle.

Attila says they will head west.

Since June Attila and his barbarian horde have been relentlessly attacking the defenses
surrounding the city of Aquileia. They have used battering rams, siege towers, and catapults to try to
break down the barriers surrounding the city and have failed until now. The city of Aquileia tried its
best to hold the Barbaric tribe off until the winter months in hopes they would grow cold and run out
of supplies. The Huns aware of the vast riches inside the city were reluctant to flee. It is said that Attila
himself saw an omen when storks appeared to flee the city. Attila viewed this as a sign that even the
birds knew the city was destined to fall. He used this superstition to breath new life into his troops
giving them the confidence to devastate the city of Aquileia.

It is rumored that the barbarian plan to make their way across West Rome to Milan. Cities on
the path from Aquileia to Milan are at serious risk. These barbarian are a slow moving tribe, and those

on the path of destruction will have adequate time to evacuate. Small cities such as Padua, Vicenza,
Verona,Brescia, and Bergamo should begin preparations as soon as today.

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