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Guidelines for Stair Safety




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Guidelines for Stair S<ifety

John Archea
Belinda L. Collins
Fred I. Stahl

Center for Building Technology

National Engineering Laboratory
National Bureau of Standards
Washington, DC 20234

Prepared for the:

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Washington, DC 20207

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary

Jordan J. Baruch, Assistant Secretary for Science and Technology

NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Ernest Ambler, Acting Director

Issued May 1979

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-600057

National Bureau of Standards Building Science Series 120

Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Bldg. Sci. Ser. 120, 129 pages (May 1979)



For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C. 20402- Price $3.25

Stock Number 003-003-02063-0










1.1 Background and Overview of Research 1

1.1.1 Background to the Problem of Stair Safety 2

1.1.2 Overview of Research 4

1.2 Research Approach at NBS 5

1.2.1 NEISS Reports 5
1.2.2 Literature Review 7
1.2.3 Codes and Standards 7
1.2.4 Model of Stair Safety and Use 10
1.2.5 Data Collection 13
1.2.6 Critical Incident Analysis 17
1.2.7 Survey and Inventory of Residential Stairs 19

1.3 Summary of Stair Use Information and Model 26


2.1 Stair Surfaces: Physical Attributes 30

2.1.1 Riser/Tread Dimensions 31

2.1.2 Internally Stable Walking Surface 32
2.1.3 Tight and Uniform Tread Coverings 35
2.1.4 Uniform Slip-Resistance on Each Tread Throughout
the Run of the Stair 37
2.1.5 Slip-Resistance on Stairs Exposed to Precipita-
tion, and on Surfaces that Dissipate Moisture
on Outdoor Stairs 40
2.1.6 Slip Resistance on Long or Sloping Treads and
Sloping Landings 41
2.1.7 Slightly Rounded Nosings 41


2.2 Stair Surfaces: Appearance 42

2.2.1 Visibility of Tread Edge 43

2.2.2 Visibility of Irregularities in Riser/Tread
Dimensions 46
2.2.3 Visibility of Irregularities in Carpet and
Runner Materials 53
2.2.4 Glare Reflected from the Stair Treads 54
2.2.5 High Contrast Shadows Parallel to Edges 54

2.3 Handrails 55

2.3.1 Continuous Handrails 56

2.3.2 Handrails Comfortable to Grasp 56
2.3.3 Handrail - Guardrail on Open-Sided Stairs 59
2.3.4 Dual Center Handrail for Wide, Heavily Used
Stairs 60
2.3.5 Hand- or Guard-rail Terminations 60
2.3.6 Handrails on Stairs Frequently Used by
Elderly and Handicapped 61
2.3.7 Support at the Ends of Handrails .• • • • 63
2.3.8 Intermediate Handrail for Children up to 6 Years
Old 64
2.3.9 Openings in Handrail Supports (For Children) ... 65

2.4 Surrounding Environment: Physical Characteristics 65

2.4.1 Clear Path of Travel for Flights and Landings .. 66

2.4.2 Clear Headroom Throughout the Flight 67
2.4.3 Physical Conditions Which Cause the User to
Divert Attention From the Stair 69
2.4.4 Projections in User's Clear Path of Travel 70
2.4.5 Splinters, Protrusions, Sharp Edges, and
Abrasive Contact Surfaces 71
2.4.6 Glass Areas In or Near Flights of Stairs and
and Landings 73
2.4.7 Stair Flights Which Are Not Readily Visible .... 74
2.4.8 Illumination of Stairs 75
2.4.9 Control Switches on Top and Bottom of Landings . 76
2.4.10 Stairs Accessible to Children Under Four 77

2.5 Surrounding Environment: Appearance 78

2.5.1 Color and Lighting Contrast to Accentuate

Treads and Handrail 78
2.5.2 Abrupt Changes in View From a Stair 79
2.5.3 Impact of Views Through Open Risers 83
2.5.4 Hotspots of Direct, Reflected, or Diffused
Light Within the Stair User's Normal Field of
of Vision 85

2.5.5 Changes in Light Level Between Stairs and Their

Surroundings 87
2.5.6 Accentuation of Single Steps, 2-Riser Stairs
and Encroachments 88

2.6 Dimensional Integrity and Structural Quality 89

2.6.1 Excessively Steep Stairs that are Frequently

Used 90
2.6.2 Excessively Irregular Stairs 91
2.6.3 Broken Treads, Handrails, Nosings, and Spindles;
Loose Nails, Screws, Bolts, Brackets, or Other
Fasteners 91
2.6.4 Dilapidated Wood or Metal-Framed Stairs 92
2.6.5 Stairs Which Have Treads Severely Canted to the
Right or Left 93

2.7 Signs and Symbols 93

2.7.1 Locating Alternate Means of Vertical Movement .. 94

2.7.2 Orientation of User to Stair Destination 94
2.7.3 Entries to Locked Fire Stairs 95
2.7.4 Essential Facilities at Each Level for the
Elderly or Handicapped 96
2.7.5 Cues on Walls and Ceilings to Mark Beginning
and Ending of Stairs 96
2.7.6 Non-Visual Cues for Handicapped and Elderly
Users at Entrances to and Exits From Stairs . . 98

3.0 SUMMARY 101

3.1 Review 101

3.2 General Recommendations 102

3.3 Directions for Future Research 103









Figure 2.1.2 Carpet bulging over tread-edge 36

Figure 2.1.3a Delaminated tread mats 38

Figure 2.1.3b Close-up of delaminated tread mat 39

Figure 2.2.1a Busy carpet pattern 47

Figure 2,2.1b Exposed aggregate concrete treads 48

Figure 2.2.1c Randomized visual pattern on tread surfaces 49

Figure 2.2. Id Evenly textured carpet 50

Figure 2.2.2 Treads out of alignment 52

Figure 2,3.1 Continuous handrails 57

Figure 2,4,4 Sharp edge encroaching into stairway 72

Figure 2.5,2a Vertical orientation edge 82

Figure 2,5.2b Horizontal orientation edge 84

Figure 2.5,3 Open risers 86

Figure 2.7,5 Reliable cues for direction and slope of stair,

and for location of first riser 99

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Table 1 Estimated rates of incidents on stair flights in 1975 3

Table 2 Kinds of data contained in the NBS tabulation of

In-Depth NEISS Reports 6

Table 3 Literature review 8

Table 4 Flow chart of stair safety model 14

Table 5 Characteristic foot signatures 17

Table 6 Change in stair use variable 18

Table 7 Characteristics of high and low risk stairs 20

Table 8 Residential stair characterstics 22

Table 9 Summary of accident data 23

Table 10 Physical factors which tend to be related to stairway

accidents 25

Table A.l Relationship between stair characteristics and model

of stair use 110



During the course of this project, a number of individuals contributed

to the technical research on stair safety, to the formulation of design
guidelines, and to the preparation of this report. Mr. John Archea*,
formerly with the Architectural Research Program of the Center for
Building Technology, National Bureau of Standards (NBS) served as

project leader, principal investigator, and principal author of the

design guidelines. In collaboration with Dr. C. Anderson Johnson (also
formerly with NBS), Mr. Archea designed and conducted basic research
studies which led to the formulation of a conceptual model of stair
use. This model, in turn, led to the delineation of the design

Within the National Bureau of Standards, the basic research effort was
assisted by Drs. Robert Wehrli and Stephen Margulis, Ms. Candace Roat,
and Mssrs. Kenneth DeCorte, Larry Steel, and Amon Young. Dr. Wehrli,
former chief of the Architectural Research Program, NBS, and Dr. Margulis
provided valuable editorial review and guidance. Ms. Roat, formerly
with NBS, gathered technical and bibliographic materials, and conducted
data analyses. Mssrs. Steel and Young, both formerly of NBS, developed
data scoring techniques and assisted with data gathering and scoring
procedures. Mr. DeCorte provided a detailed review of the model build-
ing codes. Mr. William Beine of NBS provided an insightful and thought-
provoking critique of the entire document. Finally, the authors wish to
thank Miss Tracey Kistler for her untiring efforts and patience during
the typing of numerous drafts of this manuscript.

Several experts from outside the National Bureau of Standards were

called upon to provide technical assistance and guidance. Videotapes
of stair use behavior were provided under contract by Mr. Asher Derman
of the University of Texas, Dr. Leon Pastalan of the University of
Michigan, Ms. Virginia Ayers of the Environmental Analysis Group,
Seattle, Washington, and the members of the Duke University Media Center.
A critical incident analysis of several videotapes was conducted by
Dr. John Templer of Atlanta, Georgia. The firm of Carson Consultants
provided a survey and inventory of residential stairs in the Milwaukee,
Wisconsin area. In addition. Dr. Ifan Payne of Kansas State University
prepared an annotated bibliography of the literature on stair accidents
and pedestrian research, and a glossary of terms. Finally, Drs. Alton
DeLong and Robert Brungraber provided technical assistance on important
aspects of stair use behavior and stair surface characteristics.

Presently Associate Professor of Architecture, College of Architec-

ture, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30032.

This report summarizes information and research in the area of stair

use and provides design guidelines for improving stair safety. These
guidelines are directed toward seven major categories of stairway
design and construction: (1) structural integrity and quality of
stairs, (2) physical attributes of stair surfaces, (3) appearance of
stair surfaces, (4) handrails, (5) physical attributes of the surround-
ing stairway environment, (6) appearance of the surrounding stairway
environment, and (7) signs and symbols.

In general, the recommendations offered in this report derive from the

premise that stairway accidents are caused by human perceptual errors,
which are frequently triggered by some flaw in the design or construc-
tion of stairways themselves. Evidence describing the severity and
frequency of residential stairway hazards, and supporting premises
underlying design guidelines were obtained from epidemiological, experi-
mental, exploratory, and survey research sources. General directions
for future investigation are suggested.

Key words: Accidents; architectural design; architectural psychology;

architectural research; building codes; building design; building
regulatory standards; floor coverings; home safety; safety standards;
stair safety; stairway design.


The units and conversion factors given in this table are in agreement
with the International System of Units or SI system (Systeme Interna-
tional d'Unites). Because the United States is a signatory to the 11th
General Conference on Weights and Measures which defined and gave offi-
cial status to the SI system, the following conversion factors are


1 in = 0.0254* meter

1 ft = 0.3048* meter

1 in^ = 6.4516* x 10 meter 2

1 ft^ = 0.0929 meter


1 ft candle = 10.76 lux

Facing pagerT^e appe^a/iancQ. and

qaZYvtlij makz iX. dl^^ilduU: to

* Exactly


For each year since 1974 the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
has determined that stairs, ramps and landings are among the two most
hazardous consumer products in the United States. In 1974, for example,
stairs were the most hazardous consumer product for adult women. In
1976, some 540,345 stair accidents resulted in injuires serious enough
to require emergency hospital treatment. In addition, approximately
4,000 persons died from their injuries. These estimates represent only


those injuries serious enough to require hospital attention. In fact,

total stairway accidents are estimated to run as high as two million per
year (Asher, 1978). Table 1 provides an estimate of various types of
accidents upon stairs in 1975. These accidents vary in severity from
simple missteps to deaths.

The frequency and severity of stairway accidents led the U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to sponsor research at the National
Bureau of Standards (NBS) into ways to reduce the frequency and severity
of residential stairway accidents. Research at NBS was intended to
support the development of guidelines and recommendations for increasing
stair safety.

This report is intended to accomplish three objectives. The first,

treated in Section 1, is the provision of an historical overview of
the investigation of stair safety performed by NBS. The second is the
provision of design guidelines and recommendations for increasing stair
safety. Thus, Section 2 addresses recommendations related to safety in
residential stairs, where the term "residential" refers to single-family
dwellings, multi-family dwellings, high-rise apartments and condominiums,
and similar residential structures. Finally, Section 3 provides gen-
eral conclusions and recommendations for further research to improve
knowledge about stair use behavior and, hence, stair safety.

1.1.1 Background to the Problem of Stair Safety

As an introduction to the problem of stair safety, Templer (1974, p. 21)

commented that stairs force a pedestrian to cross a regular or irregular
set of barriers to which, "judging from the evidence of physiological
metabolic studies (Fitch, et al., 1974), we are ill-suited. We are well
suited to walking great distances on the level or over gently undulating
ground. But stairs demand from us an unusual energy gait, coupled with
(or producing) a very high rate of energy expenditure". Both of these
demands lead to a higher likelihood of falls or missteps. Templer com-
mented further that stairs are bad places to have falls, particularly in
descent, for the fall may be extended down the stairs. In addition, the
probability of serious injury can be increased by the sharp edges of the
stair tread nosings. Yet, the danger of injury during stair use is
often overlooked because stairs are such a familiar element of a

As NBS assessed the problems of ensuring user safety on stairs, it

became clear that achieving such safety required an understanding of
normal stair use behavior, as well as a knowledge of sound stair design
principles. This concern led to a focus upon the user's perceptual and
motor processes during stair use. These processes were viewed as linked
to accident-producing errors which could be triggered by inadequate or
misleading physical characteristics of the stairs and their surroundings.
As a result, the NBS research centered upon the perceptions and behavior


Incident Incidents/
Type Year

Flight 1 ,953 ,000 ,000 ,000


Noticeable 264 ,000 ,000


Minor 31 ,000,000

Disabling 2,660,000

Hospital 540,000

Related 3,800

Sources: This table Is derived from data complied from the National
Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) by the Consumer
Product Safety Commission; from a Survey of Stair Use and
Quality conducted by Carson Consultants, Inc. of Milwaukee,
Wisconsin; and from videotapes of stair use analyzed by the
National Bureau of Standards.


of the individual as he* negotiated the stairs, rather than upon the
victim's self-report of an accident, or upon the traditional measures
such as stair capacity or flow rate, or physical design principles.

1.1.2 Overview of Research

In this section, the research approach taken by NBS is reviewed to

provide an historical overview of the directions followed. These
include review of the literature and building codes, analysis of video-
taped stair-use data, inventory of stairs and stair use patterns, and
the development of a stair use model.

The effort at NBS was intended to determine the behaviors that charac-
terize successful and unsuccessful stair use, as well as to ascertain
specific design features that could be related to both success and

Research at NBS began with a review of the published literature on stair

safety, existing codes and standards, and in-depth reports of stair
accidents compiled through CPSC's NEISS system. Initially these sources
were reviewed to determine if statistical evidence existed that linked
particular design problems to types of stair accidents or to special
user groups. The next step was an extensive review of the literature on
stair safety research and design, and the preparation of an extensive
annotated bibliography. This included a glossary of terms, a listing
of presumed causes, and a compilation of design recommendations from the
references cited, portions of which are reported in this document. At
the same time, a detailed review was made of the 475 accidents in the
in-depth follow-up survey of stair accidents reported through the NEISS
(National Electronic Injury Surveillance System) program of CPSC.

Although the review of the literature and the in-depth NEISS reports
provided an overall understanding of the frequency and kind of accidents
on stairs, it did not provide a clear differentiation of behaviors asso-
ciated with either accidents or successful stair uses. The review also
provided little if any data that identified stair design conditions
associated with either successful or unsuccessful stair use (accidents).
Similarly, a review of codes and standards failed to provide insight
into the underlying causes of stair accidents or into the physical
prerequisites for successful use of stairs.

Following the reviews of the literature, accident data, and codes, an

accident-behavior model was developed which stressed the importance of
perceptual-kinesthetic cues. This model served as a framework for
testing ideas about stair use behavior, for developing criteria for
safer stair design, and for developing and implementing research.

* The pronoun "he" refers to both the masculine and feminine gender
throughout this report.
In addition, NBS undertook an extensive research effort in which user
behaviors were recorded with videotape in a wide range of stair situa-
tions. These tapes were analyzed to determine "normal" head, eye, and
foot movements during a person's approach to, and descent of, a stair.
The analysis also included a statistical treatment of accidents and
missteps which occurred during the data recording. NBS also conducted a
survey of attitudes toward, and conditions on, stairs in residential
settings in a major urban area. These data were used to support the
perceptual model of stair use which emphasized the importance of the
conspicuousness of stair characteristics and hazards.

Each approach to the analysis of stair behavior is reviewed briefly in

Section 1. Then, guidelines for improving the safety of residential
stairways are presented in Section 2. Finally, a general summary and
recommendations for further research on stair use are discussed in
Section 3.


1.2.1 NEISS Reports

As noted earlier, the first step involved the examination of stair acci-
dent reports in the NEISS index and the general stair literature. Since
1973, CPSC has gathered product-related accident and injury data through
the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS). The NEISS
gathers daily reports on injuries treated in 119 hospital emergency
rooms across the United States. These brief reports include data on the
sex and age of the victim, date and time of the accident, the nature of
the injury, and the type of product involved. Some of these accidents
are then selected for an additional in-depth investigation which includes
interviews with victims and witnesses as well as detailed examinations
of the accident site.

One of the first steps in the NBS research was to examine all of the
NEISS in-depth investigations of stair accidents which CPSC had compiled.
Unfortunately, the accidents which had been included in the initial
in-depth investigations were not selected systematically and, therefore,
they could not be analyzed statistically. Thus, no statistically sound
relationship could be determined between specific design features and
stair accidents.

Even though the NEISS in-depth investigations did not provide a compre-
hensive basis for developing design guidelines, the data reported for
476 stair accidents were tabulated according to the categories listed
in Table 2. Although these tabulations could not be analyzed statisti-
cally, they were thoroughly examined at several points during the
research at NBS to identify the range of hazards, victims, and injuries
associated with stair accidents. Selected accidents from these in-depth
reports are described later as illustrations of specific stair hazards
in the Guidelines section of this report.



Locations of stairs/kind of building
How long lived in own home
Location of stairs within building
Design of stairs
Direction of travel
Direction of fall
Where fall initiated
How far fell
Environmental hazard
Individual extenuating circumstance
Location of injuries
Number of activity days lost
Number of days of restricted activity
Date of injury
Time of day
Day of week
Number of hours between injury and diagnosis
Accident description

1.2.2 Literature Review

A parallel effort with the NEISS report analysis involved an investiga-

tion of the literature on stair safety. In this effort, seven categories
of stairway research and design data were identified. Among the specific
types of literature examined were: (1) research on stair accidents
themselves; (2) research on accident etiology in general; (3) research
on the physiology of human locomotion on stairs and on level surfaces;
(4) research on perception and information processing; (5) research on
pedestrian behavior in general; (6) research on the psycho-motor limita-
tions of special subpopulations such as the elderly; and (7) research on
slip-resistance and other surface characteristics. In addition, refer-
ences on accident research methods and on existing design guidelines or
standards were gathered for continuing reference. Finally, a table was
developed which included the causes of stair accidents as reported in
the research literature. (See Table 3.)

During the literature review, a number of important sources were identi-

fied. Many of these, such as the WHO Chronicle (1966) were epidemiologi-
cal in nature, identifying broad patterns but not developing a sound
statistical correlation between stair accidents and their antecedent
causes. Other similar sources included Backett (1965) who documented a
number of stair accidents in the home, McGuire (1971) and Sheldon (1960)
who discussed design factors related to stair (and other) accidents
among the elderly, and Grand jean (1973) who provided design recommen-
dations for improving stair safety in the home. A report prepared by
Tele dyne-Brown Engineering (1972) for HUD set forth a coverage of
stairway hazards and recommendations for the design and treatment of safe
stairs. In addition, Fruin (1971) provided extensive basic information
on the patterns of behavior and use of stairs, as well as design recom-
mendations based upon pedestrian movement on public stairs.

Several other major sources discussed the nature and causes of stairway
accidents. These included Esmay (1961) who interviewed victims of 101
stairway accidents in the home to determine the nature and causes of
stairway accidents; Gowings (1961) who surveyed 1674 stairways in 440
dwellings in Warren County, Pa. and enumerated numerous design faults
for later correlation with stair accidents, and Velz and Hemphill (1953)
who surveyed the frequency of injuries in a sample of 2456 homes to
determine background data for planning home safety programs. Finally, a
major source proved to be Templer's doctoral dissertation (1974) which
reviewed the existing stair research, assessed human gait and energy
expenditure on a laboratory stair treadmill, and observed different
groups of people on public stairs. These and other sources will be
identified in Section 2 for use as evidence in support of specific guide-
lines for reducing the hazardousness of a particular stair condition.

1.2.3 Codes and Standards

Another NBS effort included the review in 1974 of the recommendations

for stair design contained in the five model codes, as well as the FHA
Minimum Property Standards. The codes referred to were the Life Safety


Reported Cause of Accident Level of Reporting Reference

Addition of Nose
Pieces Causing a
Lip Where They
Meet the Tread Field study Harper, Warlow and
Clarke: 1967b

Arms full Field study Miller and Esmay: 1961

Survey "Stairs, Ramps and
Landing": 1974

Articles left on
stairs Survey McGuire 1971

Badly maintained
floor Survey Agate: 1966

Broken steps Survey "Stair, Ramps and

Landings" 1974
Survey McGuire: 1971

Carpet loose Survey McGuire: 1971

Caught heel on step Field study Esmay: 1961

Caught toe on nose of

step Field study Esmay: 1961

Changes of levels Survey Joliet and Lehr: 1961

Descending the stairs Survey Templer: 1974b

Door swinging over

stairway Survey McGuire: 1971

Falls Survey Iskrant and Sullivan:

Survey Templer: 1974
Field study Dickson: 1964
Field study

Handrail design includes

sharp surfaces Survey McGuire: 1971

Handrail missing Survey McGuire: 1971

Survey Templer: 1974

Handrai Is Field study Gowings, D.D.: 1961

Horizontal force of
foot directed forward Field study Harper: 1962

TABLE 3 - (continued

Reported Cause of Accident Level of Reporting Reference

Poor lighting Survey Agate: 1966

Survey Neutra and McFarland:
Survey Stairs, Ramps and
Landings: 1974
Field study Sheldon: 1960
Survey McGuire: 1971
Survey Wheatley: 1966
Survey Templer: 1974
Poor railings "Stairs, Ramps and
Landings: 1974
Survey Wheatley: 1966

Poor tread surfaces "Stairs, Ramps and

Landings: 1974
Poor workmanship and
maintenance Survey Templer: 1974

Riser Height Gowings, D.D.: 1961

Riser number Gowings, D.D.: 1961

Rubber on wet floors Field study Harper: 1962

Running "Stairs, Ramps and

Landings: 1974
Sharp edge on step Survey McGuire: 1971

Shaky stairs Survey Wheatley: 1966

Slipped Field study Miller and Esmay: 1961

Neutra and McFarland:
Survey Templer: 1974
Esmay: 1961

Slippery tread Survey McGuire: 1971

Survey Templer: 1974

Slippery floors Survey Joliet and Lehr: 1961

Slipping and tripping Field study Texas State Dept. of

Health: 1961
Field study Texas State Dept. of
Health: 1961
Field study Texas State Dept of
Health: 1961

Spilled liquid Survey Wheatley: 1966

Stair flight too long Survey Templer: 1974

Stairway width Gowings, D.D.: 1961


Code (LSC), the Uniform Building Code (UBC), the Southern Standard
Building Code (SSBC), the National Building Code (NBC), and the Basic
Building Code of the Building Officials Conference of America (BOCA),
as well as the Federal Minimum Property Standards (MPS) for one and
two-family housing, multi-family housing, and care-type housing.

In general the codes specify minimum stair and landing width as well as
minimum headroom. They also specify tread depth and riser height,
although there is considerable variation in the exact measurements.
Minimum and maximum numbers of risers between landings are frequently
stipulated. The codes in general require handrails to be used where
needed to keep occupants from falling. Yet there is wide variation in
recommended handrail height, as well as in the number of handrails.
Finally, there is considerable variation among the model codes with
respect to the requirements for riser/tread uniformity. Some codes
specify the extent of variation in inches while others only state that
there should be uniformity throughout the run of the stair. Thus, a
review of the codes indicates the nature of the physical characteristics
of stairs believed to be important for ensuring stair safety. Details
of code requirements are given in Appendix D.

1.2.4 Model of Stair Safety and Use Introduction to Model

Given the fragmented understanding of stair use and stair accidents

that emerged from the reviews of the literature, prevailing codes and
standards, and the NEISS in-depth accident reports, it became necessary
to develop a conceptual framework for organizing the NBS research. This
framework, which eventually became known as the stair use and behavior
model, was developed at the outset of the stair safety research at NBS.
Like all hypotheses, the model grew from a combination of common sense,
informal observations, reviews of specialized literatures, logical
deductions, and a close re-examination of the literature, standards, and

Analysis of human behavior recorded in seemingly non-hazardous environ-

ments led to the identification of a number of environmental factors
that might interfere with a user's visual and kinesthetic assessment of
prevailing stair conditions. Successful and unsuccessful stair use was
also analyzed in terms of the user's test of his assumptions as he
encounters a stair and responds to unanticipated discontinuities in its
structure or that of its surrounding environment. Thus the presence of
unambiguous visual cues and the absence of distractions can be directly
related to the design of safe stairs. As a result, the approach to the
development of performance criteria for stair design stressed the speci-
fication and corroboration of an information processing and performance
model of successful stair use.

1,2.4.2 Detailed Discussion of the Model

The model of stair use will be discussed according to the sequence of

events that occurs in normal stair use. The model begins with the
user's expectations of his ability to use stairs. These are based upon
experience gained through his previous stair use. Thus, the user has an
internalized image of stairs in general, and of his own ability to nego-
tiate stairs in particular. Once he has identified a stair as being in
his path of movement, the family of stored images concerning stairs and
previous stair use is activated.

After the user has realized that he is approaching a stair, a perceptual

test is made. The user's internalized image of the stair is checked
against his sensory perception of the stair. Once the image and the
actual perception of the stair correspond, the user enters the stairway
with some assurance that he will be able to negotiate it successfully.
There may be several revisions in the user's image of the stair as addi-
tional information about existing stair conditions is perceived. The
reliability of the perceptual test will be a function of the accuracy of
the user's perceptual mechanisms, as well as of the clarity of the
actual images presented by the stairs themselves.

After the user has accomplished the perceptual test, and has a suffi-
cient understanding of the stair, he is in a position to execute the
appropriate motor responses necessary to enter the stairway. Negotiation
of the stair is then begun. As the user enters the stair, direct sensory
feedback of the prevailing stair conditions is required to test the
adequacy of his perceptions. At this point, the user can be seen to
exhibit marked precaution in his behavior. As the negotiation of the
stairs continues, the user receives confirmation of the viability of
his perceptions.

As the stair is negotiated, the user may be forced to adjust his

responses to deviations by the actual stair conditions from his initial
perceptual image. He may receive feedback that his motor response to
the stair is inappropriate, given the condition of the stair. If the
physical deviation falls within the range of the user's perceptual
image, a simple biomechanical adjustment may be all that is required.
If the deviations fall outside the range of the perceptual image, a
perceptual retest of the situation and reselection of a more appropriate
response may be needed. The user's ability to adjust to a deviation in
the physical conditions appears to be related to the extent that his
perceptual image is confirmed. If he is still testing his image, then
he is prepared for error and can easily adjust to changed conditions.
If he has received confirmation (in the first several steps) that his
image is correct, then he is less likely to expect error in the stair
system and be ready to respond to it. As a result, the user is less
able to make the necessary behavioral adjustments in the time available.

If the user's response to, or perception of, the deviant physical condi-
tions is extremely inappropriate, there will not be sufficient time for
him to alter his behavior, and an accident will result. The accident

can be a function of 1) inappropriate response selection, 2) inappro-

priate adjustment to the physical condition (over or undercorrection)
or 3) an inadequately tested model upon which selections and adjustments
are made.

The stair use model then is a perceptual-cognitive one which assumes

that the user has successfully negotiated stairs in the past and conse-
quently has a internalized image of stair use to draw upon. A critical
element of the model is the determination of the accuracy of the inter-
nalized image through perceptual testing of the physical conditions of
the stair. When the correspondence between the internalized image and
the actual stair conditions breaks down, the user is liable to have an
accident. At this point, he must alter his behavior and his image
rapidly to correspond to the changed conditions.

A critical portion of the model includes the recognition of the role of

expectations. Because people have successfully negotiated stairs in the
past, they may fail to realize that the present reality has changed in
some way from their remembered experience. Expectations then, are the
result of prior experience, and, along with sensory experience, are a
prime component of the perceptual phenomenon of entering a stair system.
If the expectation is tested, it is during the first moments of the
encounter with the stair.

The model also implies that visual, tactile, and kinesthetic testing of
the environment all occur during the first phases of stair use. Visual
scanning narrows the user's range of assumptions. Next, kinesthetic
and tactile testing of specific assumptions suggested by the visual
perception occurs. The testing phase is interrupted when sufficiently
novel stimuli are encountered. Then the testing phase must begin all
over again. Finally "threshold" occurs when testing is not interrupted
and the user can proceed to use the stairs with confidence in the
information gained during the test phase.

One additional concept that emerged during the course of developing the
stair use model was that of "orientation edge". An "orientation edge"
can be defined as an abrupt change from the enclosed surroundings of a
stairway to an open view of a larger space. Such changes occur, for
example, as a user descends below the supporting structure of an upper
floor to the first floor. Suddenly, the whole vista of the first floor
opens up just at the lower edge of the upper floor. Such an edge may
distract the user, causing him to orient toward events, activity, people
or light within the space and away from the stair. At that time his
visual attention is diverted from the stair — and the potential for an
accident is great.

Corroboration of the model involved examination of several data bases.

The first was the NEISS data mentioned earlier; the second was a survey
of stair users and an inventory of residential stair quality; and the
third was the approximately 40 hours of videotape of stairs and stair
users. These sources were analyzed for: environmental hazards (NEISS
and stair inventory data); exposure to risk (survey of stair users and
videotape analysis) determination of personal, social, and environmental
factors associated with critical incidents (NEISS data and videotapes);
and human performance (matched sample of accident and nonaccident
sequences selected from the videotapes).

In conclusion, the model of stair use and behavior suggests that there
are four phases to the successful use of stairs and five for the unsuc-
cessful use. These include: Expectation, Perceptual test. Negotiation,
Adjustment, and Accident. Table 4 displays a flow chart of some of the
different processes occurring during the entry to and use of a stair.
Further consideration of the model suggests a number of processes
involved in the course of stair use. These include:

• accommodation of the user's Intentions

• focus of the user's Attention upon the stair
• Detection of stair conditions
• Proportion of stairs to accommodate user needs
• assurance of adequate Serviceability
• provision of adequate Traction
• elimination of critical points of Impact

These processes are listed in the order that the user will perform or
encounter them, as well as according to their relative contribution to
stair safety. By considering each of these points, a designer can
ensure that the user will be able to use the stair system more safely.
The intersection of these processes with the relevant Guidelines is
given in a matrix in Appendix A.

1.2.5 Data Collection Videotapes

While the model provides a framework for assessing stair use and behav-
ior, its predictions should be assessed experimentally, before design
recommendations are made. As noted earlier, the review of the codes,
literature, and the NEISS in-depth investigations also failed to assess
the components of normal stair use behavior or the design-related causes
of stair accidents. Because an exploratory analysis of stairway-use data
at Washington National Airport and at NBS had demonstrated that film and
video recordings were successful methods for collecting stair use data,
a research program of extensive videotaping and film recording was
initiated at NBS. This program was intended to examine the processes
involved in stair use and to refine and support the model of stair use

Data were collected on videotape to test specific implications of the

stair use and behavior model through the systematic analysis of behavior
in specified stairway settings. A particular objective was the deter-
mination of the importance of various perceptual cues as well as an
understanding of the features of the stairway environment addressed by
stair users. In addition, the behavior of special user groups, such as
children and the aged, was of interest. Finally, behavior was observed

(otter stair^



perceptual perceptual
hypothesis not hypothesis REFORMULATE
confirmed PERC. HYPOTH.

REDIRECTED appropriate




to identify unanticipated behavior patterns occurring during stair use.
Videotape and film were selected as the media for recording stair use
data for two reasons. First, they offer the capability for repetitious
observation of a particular sequence of behavior and for slow-motion
playback. Second, they allow the researcher to return to a given set
of data to verify new findings which might emerge elsewhere.

Data were collected in public settings, rather than residential, to

minimize the distraction to the stair users during the recording
sessions. In addition, the camera was less obtrusive, the traffic
volume was greater, and the population variety was larger in public
spaces. Nevertheless, the basic principles of stair use are believed to
be similar for both public and private settings. The residential stair
situation does differ in that the user should be more familiar with the
stairs and the attendant hazards. Thus the public setting could repre-
sent a "worst case" analysis wherein distraction might play a larger
role than the very familiar residential situation. The need to collect
data on a variety of population types led to the selection of four sites
for data recording. These included a shopping center and library with a
general population sample, a kindergarten/first-grade complex with young
children, a classroom situation with adolescent children, and hot lunch
programs for elderly residents.

During the investigation of stair accidents, over 40 hours of videotapes

were collected. The users included preschool children, the elderly,
adolescents, and adults. About a dozen accidents (without serious
injury) were recorded, along with approximately 120 noticeable missteps.
In general, the analysis of the tapes indicated that distractions and
deceptions related to the architectural environment were a major cause
of accidents and missteps. These distractions included the appearance
of stair materials, shadows and glare on tread surfaces, relative
differences in lighting between the stair and surrounding areas,
patterned surfaces, optical illusions, and the abrupt presentation of
interesting vistas (orientation edges) at critical points near the top
or bottom of a flight of stairs.

1,2,5.2 Detailed Analysis of the Videotapes

A detailed analysis was made of subjects on the uppermost flight of a

rather complex sta^ r in a shopping center to determine the orientation
and placement of the subjects' heads and limbs as they descended the
stair. This analysis revealed that just before descending, subjects
appeared to perform a "perceptual" test in which a detailed visual and
tactile inspection was made of the stair. Close observation of head
orientation and foot position suggested that as subjects approached the
stair they displayed behavior that could be interpreted as either
cautious or assured. It appeared that a distinct pattern of visual and
tactile testing occurred for some subjects which could be interpreted
as "cautious". This pattern was typically associated with successful
stair use. Thus, the "cautious" subjects looked at the stair, and then
exhibited a characteristic foot pattern or "signature", as they stepped
onto the stair. "Assured" subjects who failed to look at the stair
or demonstrate the foot signature of the "cautious" subjects often had
missteps or accidents later. When a limited examination was made of
head orientation and foot signature for a small group of users, it
appeared that looking down on the step immediately prior to actual
descent seemed to be more predictive of stair negotiation success than
looking down on the actual step down. These findings cannot be
confirmed statistically because of the small number of occurrences.
Nevertheless, they suggest some aspects of user behavior that may be
important for avoiding stair accidents.

The tactile phase of perceptual testing was found to be characterized by

distinctive foot patterns. Detailed data analysis indicated that three
foot movement patterns, occur typically during the approach to and use
of the stair (See Table 5). The patterns vary in the level of confidence
and certainty exhibited by the users. Further analysis of the head and
eye patterns revealed that the majority of users looked down on the first
two steps of a stair. Furthermore, about most of the users exhibited the
w-foot signature on the initial step down as well. The presence of the
w-foot signature was used as an indicator of tactile testing which occur-
red extensively on the initial step down. Visual testing, as measured
by a downward position of the head, appeared to occur just before the
tactile (foot) testing. Yet, although visual testing precedes tactile
testing, both appear to peak during the transition from level walking
to descent and then decline afterward during a successful stair use.
Failure to use visual or tactile testing appeared to contribute to the
likelihood of having an accident.


Foot P1a J-iC Vt- -L

Signature Movement of of
Pattern Occurrence Conf idence

/ Toe - Down Level Walking Assurance


w Toe-down to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Uncertainty

partially steps of descent -
horizontal will reappear after
to toe— down misstep in any
to horizontal portion of stair

V Toe-down Later phases Assurance

and return of stair descent
to horizontal

1.2.6 Critical Incident Analysis

Templer, Mullet, Archea, and Margulis (1978) analyzed selected segments

of the NBS videotapes to determine if there were behavioral characteris-
tics and design elements which separated stairs on which missteps occur-
red from those on which no missteps occurred. Missteps were studied
rather than accidents because very few actual falls were recorded on
videotape. Yet, it was believed that a misstep was a precursor to a
fall that was prevented. As such, an assessment of missteps was
expected to provide valuable information about both stair design and
user behavior characteristics that can accompany stair accidents.

In the analysis of stair user characteristics conducted by Templer, et

al., (1978) the authors focused upon videotapes which had already been
edited for stair incidents. A stair incident was defined as a case
where a user fell, tripped, slipped, or experienced an event that might
have resulted in a fall. The analysis of stair design characteristics
focused on a representative sample of videotapes, in an attempt to
determine the frequency of stair incidents for each flight. The details
of the sampling procedures are given in Templer, et al. (1978). ,

In the critical incident analysis, nearly 60 variables were studied in
three categories: stair user characteristics, user behavior character-
istics, and stair environment conditions.

The stair incident analysis focused on a relatively small number of

incidents (105) on a total of 43 flights. Because of the small number
of incidents per flight, only limited inferences can be drawn from the
analysis. Nevertheless, a number of user behavior characteristics were
found to be associated with stair incidents with some degree of fre-
quency. These characteristics included such variables as: age, length
of clothing, speed of movement, gait, whether objects were carried, user
group size, type of handrail use, reactions to other stair users, and
need for assistance in stair use. In addition, the tapes were analyzed
to determine what dynamic effects, if any, occurred. This analysis
demonstrated that for a number of the incidents, there was a noticeable
change in behavior just before the incident occurred. Table 6 summa-
rizes several behavioral variables and the number of times a change in
each of these occurred. For the 105 incidents, a change in user behavioi
im.mediately preceded 43 incidents. These data suggest that a change in
behavior may well precede a stair incident, and that many of these
changes appear to involve alterations in a user's attention.



Behavioral Variable Number of changes

Stair channel 7

Attention: facing 2
direction 12
elevation 21

Apparent object of attention 20

Handrail use 9

Type of handrail use 9

Reaction to other stair users 12

The second portion of the analysis conducted by Templer, et al. ,(1978)

examined the relationship between stair incidents and environmental
factors. Templer, et al. (1978) were able to isolate characteristics

of stair design that seemed to be related to an increased likelihood of

an incident. These design characteristics included the following: steps
per flight, stair width, riser height, tread width, nosing type, step
surface, view from the stair and the presence of orientation edges.
Table 7 summarizes the characteristics of high and low risk stairs. An
analysis of the number of environmental changes from step to step
indicates that the high risk stairs (as defined in Table 7) have more
such changes. This association suggests strongly that uniformity in
stair characteristics is desirable - and should decrease the likelihood
of an incident. Additionally, a greater number of orientation edges
were associated with the higher risk stairs.

In conclusion, Templer, et al., (1978) defined a number of behavioral

variables and design characteristics that appeared to be associated
with an increased number of stair incidents. The behavioral variables
include such elements as age, clothing length, heel types, gait, and
group dynamics. In addition, sudden alterations in dynamic user behavior
often were found to precede a stair incident as might be expected from
the stair use model. Similarly, design features which appeared to be
related to higher risk stairs were also identified. These included -
fewer steps, wider flights, lower treads, narrower treads, absence of
nosing projections, polished tread surfaces, views and orientation edges.
Templer, et al., (1978, p. 15) concluded that: "All of the findings
point to the need for homogeneity of design of the stair environment
from step to step. Not only should each step match its neighbors in
terms of dimensions, shape, etc., but the surrounding environment that
can be perceived from each step should also match its neighbors."...
"Safety is also related to unchanging behavior as the users walk from
step to step on a stair, but obviously, it is not possible to mandate
safe responses to the environment."

1.2.7 Survey and Inventory of Residential Stairs

Carson, Archea, Margulis, and Carson (1978) conducted a survey of stair-

way use and behavior as well as an inventory of existing residential
stairvays for a sample of 253 residences in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.
Direct field observations and physical measurements of stairways were
made in a subsample of 54 residences.

The study Involved an inventory of the number, type, and quality of

stairways in a sample of residential dwellings. Using a questionnaire,
Carson, et al., also surveyed the residents of these dwellings about
their stairway use and behavior. In addition, a statistical analysis
was made of the physical and behavioral variables associated with all
the stairway accidents reported in the sample.

Data were collected by means of phone samples and mail questionnaires,

personal interviews, direct observations, and field measurements. The
first two methods were used for the whole sample of 253 residences; the
latter three for the subsample of 54 residences. Four general types of
data were collected:

(a) Demographic and background data, including such variables as

age, income, building type, number, and sex of family members,


Variable High-Risk Low-Risk

Steps 2,3,9 steps 18, 24 steps

Width 60 in., 61 in., 66 in. 49 in. , 59 in. wide

Riser Height less than 6-1/4 in. more than 6-1/4 in.

Tread Depth 12 in. or less 12 in. or more

Nosing Projection No Yes

Stair Surface Polished terazzo Other

Lateral View Rich view* on one side Open 1 side

Ascent and descent or rich view
both sides

Overhead View Open above Closed above

Ascent and descent (open plus rich view* -

Orientation 2 or more changes 1 or less

edge - descent changes

Position of step in first 3 or last 3 steps Middle

stair 70% of accidents

* "rich view:" — connotesa view with many people or great variety in

environmental conditions which can attract the stair
user's attention

(b) Physical Inventory including the general configuration and
condition of all Inside and outside stairways, number of
users, structural and covering materials, etc.
(c) Behavioral survey Including reported stairway habits of the
respondents (and their families), reported stair accidents In
the respondent's home, and record of the respondent's own
stairway use at home.
(d) Site measurements and photographs. Including the number of
risers, height, width, headroom, tread and landing finish,
light levels, coefficients of friction, etc.

The Inventory of stairs revealed that there were a total of 1755 flights
with one or more risers among the 691 stairways. For the most part
interior staircases were made of wood covered with linoleum or tile,
paint or varnish, or carpeting. Exterior stairs were predominantly
exposed concrete. See Table 8.

When the respondents were questioned about the need for stairway repairs,
21% of those responding indicated the need for repair. These ranged from
small repairs (22%) to full replacement (78%). Full replacement items
Included tread materials, handrails, and lighting. Users were concerned
about stair safety but displayed conflicting opinions about improving
specific hazards or conditions on the stairs. For example, despite the
concern they expressed about handrails, respondents tended to overlook
the fact that 1/3 of the stairs in the site sample had potentially
hazardous, loose handrails.

The next portion of the survey dealt with the occupant's stair habits.
Over half the respondents reported problems with footwear including
wearing slippers and clogs, going barefoot, or wearing only stockings.
Other problems Included wearing long clothes (20%) and failing to use
the handrail (39%). For the most part, respondents failed to report
objects on the stairs even when photographs revealed their presence.

The survey also attempted to determine the extent of stair use.

Although the total amount of stair use was proportional to the amount
of time spent at home, the rate of use was related to the time of day.
The greatest rate of stair use, for example occurred in the morning
before 10:00 AM. The number of stairways appeared to be related more to
use than any other variable.

The study by Carson, et al. also Included an accident event analysis.

There were 170 accident events reported in three categories. See
Table 9. These Included "serious" accidents, in which a true fall
requiring first aid and medical attention was recorded; "moderate", in
which lacerations, bumps, or contusions which did not require medical
attention occurred; and finally "Incidents" in which a slip or fall
occurred v7lthout serious injury. Accident events were reported as
occuring "recently", "within the past year", or "less recently but
within the past 5 years".


Interior Exterior

Composition 98% wood 76% exposed concrete

Covering 30% full or partial carpet

Material moderate friction

26% painted/varnished wood

low friction

30% tile/linoleum
low friction

Riser/tread 46% - 1 in. or more between shortest and

dimension longest riser/tread dimension

Mean riser = 7,7 in.


Mean tread = 11 in.


Handrails 30% loose, splintered, broken

No handrails 23%
Mean height 31" (SD = 5.0 in.)
Width between 35" (SD = 3.1 in.)

Number of risers 75% - 11-15 risers

Lighting - field 26% have glare (defined as a difference of 20 foot-

candles between tread and wall illumination)
83% of stairs - light levels below 10 footcandles

Low headroom 59% of stairs

Orientation 52% of stairs

Low headroom plus 40% of stairs














Source, Carson, et al. , 1978.

Data for the "moderate" and "serious" accidents were found to compare
well with the NEISS distributions for different age groups. The NEISS
distributions, of course, did not cover the "incident" data, but these
were included in the Carson, et al. report because they pointed to
important stairway safety factors.

When the demographic variables of renter-owner status, value of home,

monthly rent, and sex of respondent were compared with stairway acci-
dents, no significant relationships emerged. A more detailed level of
analysis revealed that significantly more accident events did occur in
single-family homes, and among people in the 25-34 age group (who used
the stairs more frequently). Nevertheless, the broad demographic cate-
gories did not serve well as predictors of stair safety.

An examination of physical factors related to stair problems revealed

some interesting trends (see Table 10). Rate of accidents, which was
found to be related to exposure to (or use of) stairways, was not found
to be related to the number of risers. Within the range of riser-tread
dimensions compiled from the site measurements, the number of accidents
was not found to be systematically related to any of the recommended
dimensions. There was a tendency, however, for the least preferred set
of dimensions to have a greater number of reported incidents. There was
also a tendency for more accidents to occur for low light levels with
steep lighting gradients. This interaction does not reach significance
because of the small number of events recorded. A study of the effect
of variation in light gradient would require a larger number of stair
incidents and a more precise analysis of the effects of visual adapta-
tion. No correlation was found between the different stair tread
materials and accident rates. Furthermore, "slipperiness" or "friction"
was not found to be related to accident rates. Carson, et al. comment
that accident rates do not appear to be determined primarily by the
friction characteristics of ordinary materials. Stair surface slipperi-
ness, however, may be a factor when it is very low, such that shoes can
catch in the stair material, or when it is very high. In addition, the
soles of the user's feet may be slippery particularly if he is wearing
only stockings or socks.

Although the respondents repeatedly stated the need for more handrails,
the absence of handrails was not found to be related to an increased
accident rate. In fact, the data show a trend toward an increased
number of accidents when handrails are present. A more detailed analysis
revealed that critical incidents occur five times as frequently on stairs
with handrails. Yet, the frequency of moderate-to-serlous accidents was
about the same for stairs with handrails as for stairs without handrails.
Carson, et al. suggested that the presence of handrails can reduce the
severity of a stair accident and that the lower frequency of accidents
on stairs without handrails may be due to greater precaution exercised
by the user. They also found a non-significant trend toward a reduced
accident rate for stairs with more regular handrail heights.

Other physical variables which were compared against accident rates,

included configuration, location, riser-tread irregularity, and the use

Factors associated with High Accident Rates

° Riser/tread dimensions such that stair is steep

° Location of stairway between first and second floor

Larger dimensional irregularities

° More turns on stairways

° Low headroom

° Orientation edge

° Presence of handrails associated with more frequent but less

severe accidents

Interactions Between Factors

° Presence of both low headroom and orientation edge

° Location of stairway and stairway configuration

° Location of stairway and dimensional irregularity

° Location of stairway and presence of winders

Behavioral Variables

° Higher hourly rate and age of user (those under 45 who average more
than 2 uses per hour)

° Total daily use - directly related to accident event

° Large number of careless or casual habits


of winders. In general, stairs located between the first and second

floors demonstrated higher accident rates than stairs in other loca-
tions. (Of course, such stairs are used more frequently). Stairways
with 180° turns had more accidents than other stairways, particularly
when these stairs were located between the first and second level of
the house. Irregularity in riser-tread dimensions was found to be
related to increased accident rates for the total sample, though not
for the site sample. Again, stairs with irregularities between the
first and second floors showed a higher number of accidents. The pre-
sence of winders between the first and second floor appeared to contri-
bute to increased number of accidents. Because winders contribute to
both increased turns and stair irregularities and because they appear
more frequently on stairs between the first and second floors, Carson,
et al. suggested that winders create various hazards which lead to
increased stair accidents. When both low headroom and orientation edge
occur together, there is an increase in the number of accidents for the
stair - although there does not appear to be an increase when these
occur separately.

Thus, the reports by Carson, et al., and Templer, et al., indicate that
there are certain design features which tend to be related to greater
numbers of accidents on stairs. Chief among these are irregularies
within a flight, in terms of variations in dimensions, number of turns,
number of steps, presence of headroom, and the like. In addition, the
occurrence of distractions on or near the flight of stairs appears to
contribute to the likelihood of missteps, and potentially, to accidents
on stairs. In addition, observation of stair use and behavior on the
NBS videotapes indicates that visual and tactile testing is used upon
a person's entrance to a stairway. Thus, these reports provide some
insight into both normal stair behavior and into the factors which can
contribute to a stair accident. They indicate further that there is a
certain validity to the stair use and behavior model - which still
requires additional experimental validation, but which is useful for
predictive purposes.


In conclusion, consideration of the data analysis and the model suggests

that stairway systems be designed to accomplish the following four

° facilitate accurate hypothesis testing

° expedite accurate behavior selection

° ensure adequate performance

° protect users from injury due to failure in testing, selection

and performance

Elements of the stair system should be designed to enhance the percep-

tual testing process. Features of the environment should force the user
to pay attention to relevant stimuli and to facilitate discrimination
among necessary, but competing cues. Thus, false, misleading, or
distracting cues should be avoided, as should sensory or information

In the preceding sections, behavior on stairs was observed under

normal, non-emergency conditions to determine some of the perceptual
and biomechanical processes involved in successful stair use. There
was a concern with judgmental errors which might be triggered by the
attributes of the stair components themselves or by the spatial and
luminous characteristics of the entire stairway. Thus, the focus was
upon environmentally triggered human errors which could result in stair

Although many stair accidents can be triggered by errors or inattention

on the part of the user, it is rare to find a stair accident in which
the user makes an error that cannot be linked to a distraction, irregu-
larity, or deception built into the surrounding environment of the
stairway. While some of the hazards are obvious, many of those which
contribute to serious accidents can be quite subtle and may, conse-
quently, escape notice even after the accident has occurred. An accident
occurs only under a particular combination of physical and personal
circumstances. Although such a combination may occur infrequently, the
fact that no accident has occurred on a particular stair should not be
taken as evidence that it is hazard-free.

In addition, because stairs are so familiar to the user, subtle hazards

may often be overlooked. Since stairs involve a special form of locomo-
tion different from level walking, people must make a definite change
in their walking behavior upon entering a stair, and again when resuming
level walking. Yet, stair use is a common behavior, with which most
person are familiar. This understanding of stair use as a special, yet
extremely familiar (in some ways dangerously so) behavior is an essential
backdrop to the investigations performed at NBS,

Facing page: S>tcujLi> -in pooK
^dpcuA can ]DK^(int i>QA^oiLi>
hazoAdU to thd ii^2A.
Guidelines for improving stair safety are given in this Section. These
recommendations are drawn from the overall research program carried out
at NBS — the videotapes, the critical incident analysis, the stair
inventory, the literature and code review, and the review of the NEISS
data. They are intended to improve the safety of new stairs and provide
suggestions for the retrofit of older, potentially unsafe stairs.
Throughout they recognize the importance of the user's perceptual pro-
cesses and subsequent behavior, as well as the consequent need to empha-
size the cues provided by the stair system.


The guidelines given in Section 2 are based upon the theoretical model
developed by NBS, videotape studies of stair use, and a review of current
research and epidemiological evidence related to stair use and accidents.
Many of the recommendations can be supported at a "common sense" level
but not at a rigorous or statistically significant level. The guidelines
are intended to accommodate specific priorities generated by the model.
These priorities focus on the user's relationship to the stairs, rather
than on the physical details of stair construction. They include the
need to accommodate the user's intentions to use the stair, and focus the
user's attention upon the stair and its surroundings, thereby, enabling
more precise detection of stair conditions. In addition, stairs must
be proportioned to fit the user's needs. They must be serviceable and
provide adequate traction. Finally, the stair and its surroundings
should be designed to protect the user from further injury upon impact,
should a fall occur.

Because ensuring stair safety requires attention to the physical details

of stair design, the guidelines are presented according to physical
design categories, rather than priorities of stair use. Thus, all the
guidelines that treat stair surface characteristics, whether via
improved traction or through minimizing injury during a fall, are placed
together so that a designer can deal with all aspects of stair surface
at the same time. Furthermore, both the physical attributes and the
appearance of stair surfaces are treated. Appearance is included
because the model predicts that this is an essential prerequisite for
the successful perception of visual cues. The guidelines treat specific
elements of the stair first and then the more general characteristics
of the stairway. Thus, stair surfaces and handrails, are treated first,
followed by stair surroundings. Then, guidelines for ensuring the over-
all structural integrity and quality of the stairs are given. Finally,
guidelines for facilitating the user's approach to and exit from the
stairway are provided. Thus, the guidelines are intended to provide
information for ensuring a user's safety, both in terms of physical
attributes and appearance characteristics, throughout the entire

The presentation of each guideline consists of: (a) a series of IF

statements which indicate the safety problem at issue; (b) a THEN
statement which indicates the general nature of the solution(s);
(c) a suggested list of specific SUGGESTIONS for solving the problem;
(d) a COMMENTARY section which provides documentation and data which
support the existence of the specific stair-safety problem introduced
by the IF-THEN statement; and (e) EXAMPLES and/or FIGURES of actual
accidents or unsafe stair conditions which demonstrate the stair-safety
problem. In addition to general safety requirements there are supple-
mentary requirements which deal with the special needs of vulnerable
user groups such as the elderly, children, and the handicapped.


Among the chief concerns in the design, construction, or renovation of

stairs are the provision of a proper foot-to-stair interface. This
requires a stable walking plane and adequate traction. Among the criti-
cal elements of a stable walking plane are adequacy of the dimensions of
both risers and treads, as well as the uniformity of all steps. Traction
is defined as the resistance provided between a walking surface and the
human foot or shoe; it is a relationship established by two materials
interfacing at a slip-plane. All contact surfaces must afford the user
appropriate resistance to slipping for the existing conf igurational,
climatic, and traffic conditions of the stair.

To provide a proper foot-to-stair interface, stability and slip-resis-

tance should be adequate for the slope, climatic exposure, and traffic
conditions but not so excessive as to prevent the user from pivoting or
sliding his foot where necessary. There should be adequate provisions
to dissipate surface moisture to prevent hydroplaning, and provisions to
prevent the accumulation of ice or snow. Moisture, ice, and snow not
only reduce traction but also interfere with seeing the stair.

2.1.1 Riser/Tread Dimensions

IF: the riser and tread dimensions are outside the limits of 4 to
7 in. and 11 to 14 in. respectively or...

IF: the tread depth causes the user to miss a step or take a partial
step or. .

IF: a stair is too narrow to accomodate simultaneous ascent and

descent. .

THEN: either redesign (and/or rebuild) the stairs or provide signing

and lighting to make the user aware of the potential hazard and
point out alternate routes where possible.

COMMENTARY - Based on data obtained from a 1969 HUD residential survey,

McGuire (1971) suggested that steep, non-uniform stairs should be avoided
completely, whenever possible. They "are often poorly lighted or light
switches are only at one end, steps cluttered, risers too high, and
treads too narrow; worn carpets and rails stopping before the last step
is taken,. , It is obvious that uniform dimensions in risers and treads
for any flight of stairs are necessary."

McGuire 's data are based on a survey containing some 4,000 inquires.
She found that of all stair-related accidents identified, some 22% were
attributed to steep stairway and/or narrow tread design.

Harper, Florio and Stafford (1958) suggested that stairways should not
be steep, that risers should be of uniform height and treads should be
of uniform width. Furthermore, the sum of the height of a riser and the
length of a run should not be less than 17, or more than 18 in.

The overhang should be 1 to 1-1/2 in. For interior steps, the desirable
height for risers is 7 in. (six, for stairs to be used mainly by older

older or slightly handicapped persons). For exterior steps, the height
of risers should be limited to five or six inches.

Templer (1974) utilized a laboratory mechanical stair treadmill to record

and analyze gait rhythms generated by a range of stair conditions. When
ascending stairs with risers between 6.3 and 8.9 in., and with treads
from 7.7 to 14.2 in., people were found to have the fewest missteps.
Stairs with larger treads were not studied. On steeper stairs, people
were found to make more missteps in descent. Finally, Templer found
that a minimum width of 56 in. between walls was required (with 69 in.
recommended for comfort) for side-by-side passing movements.

Grand jean (1973) recommended that because the lowest consumption of

energy occurred with a stair slope of between 25° and 30°, they should
be constructed with 17 cm (6.7 in.) risers and 29 cm (11.4 in.) tread.
This would provide a slope of 30°. Grand jean suggested that a good for-
mula for stair dimensions is the following: 2r + t = 63 cm (24.8 in.)
where r=riser and t=tread. Obviously where space is limited, sometimes
steeper slopes of 45° can be used (if the stairs will receive only
limited use).

2.1.2 Internally Stable Walking Surface

IF: the carpet, mat, tile, or any other material covering any tread
or landing on a given flight of stairs will slide when foot
contact is made in either ascent or descent, or...

IF: any tread or landing in a given flight of stairs is covered with

a loose throw-rug or mat, or...

IF: the carpet or other materials covering the treads or landing have
come loose from the tread or landing itself, or...

IF: the treads or landing are covered with shag or deep-pile

carpeting.. .

THEN: either remove, replace, or restore the floor covering material to

achieve an internally stable walking surface (one that does not
slip or deform within itself when force is applied).

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) remove the existing loose carpeting or floor covering and

use the tread or landing surface underneath as the walking
surface, or. . .

(b) restore the bond between the existing loose floor covering
and the subfloor of the tread or landing, or...

(c) replace the existing loose or excessively pliable floor cov-

ering with one that is less likely to deform under loading.

COMMENTARY - Traction on surfaces has generally been considered to be a
function of slip-resistance which is measured by the static coefficient
of friction. In turn, the static coefficient of friction is defined as
the tangent of the angle at which force must be applied to the interface
of 2 surfaces in order for a slip to occur. In other words, the degree
of slip-resistance required for walking is determined by dividing the
horizontal component of the load by the vertical component of that load.
Since the vertical component greatly exceeds the horizontal component
of the forces applied by a user while ascending or descending a flight
of stairs, the coefficient of friction required to avoid 'true' slipping
on a stair is relatively low — at least when compared to the requirement
for level floors where the horizontal components of the forces applied
can be much greater. In spite of this, many, if not most, victims of
stair accidents report that they have "slipped" at some point on the
stair. Yet, when the actual slip-resistance for a stair is measured, it
may be such that it is almost impossible to slip on a clean and dry
stair in either ascent or descent. The resolution of this apparent
conflict requires some elaboration.

Most stair accidents appear to occur when the metatarsal arch of the
foot (the set of bony knuckles between the greater and lesser balls of
the foot) extends beyond the edge of the tread, leaving the foot unsup-
ported, and causing the foot to roll over the nosing in descent or to
"slip" off of the nosing in ascent. While such common slips seem to
be the result of a slippery stair, they may actually result from improper
placement of the foot upon a very much reduced surface area.

Most accidents that involve understepping or overstepping the nosing may

be prevented by increasing the user's ability to detect the tread edge
rather than altering the slip-resistance of the stair surface. This
should increase the likelihood that the metatarsal arch will be
adequately supported.

In some cases, true slips do occur. Slip-resistance is normally consid-

ered to be a relationship between the angle at which force is applied
and the physical properties of various tread and shoe sole materials.
Different coefficients of friction will be obtained for different combi-
nations of materials at a slip-plane. Yet the interface between the
surface of the tread and the sole of the user's shoe is not the only
slip-plane involved. In fact, in a typical situation there are poten-
tials for slip to occur: (a) between the user's bare foot and the inside
of his socks, (b) between the outside of the socks and the insole of the
shoe, (c) between the insole of the shoe and other layers of material
within the shoe, (d) between the outer sole of the shoe and the exposed
surface of the stair tread or covering, (e) between the various layers
of fibers within the tread covering material, (f) between the backing
of the carpet (or other material) and the carpet pad, and (g) between
the carpet pad and the subfloor of the stair tread or landing. The stan-
dard measure of slip-resistance only covers one of the seven points
(d) at which a true slip could occur. Furthermore, this measure
presumes stability (rigidity) between the sole of the user's shoe and


his foot and between the exposed surface of the stair tread and the
subfloor which is connected to the structure of the building.

Instability within the walking surface is introduced when a deformation

occurs between the top or exposed surface of the tread or floor covering
and the subfloor or other member that is connected to the structure of
the stairway or building. For example, a thick carpet contains a bundle
of fibers which can slip across each other as the weight of the user's
body is placed on the uppermost surface. While the contact between the
sole of the shoe and the top of the carpet might be quite stable, the
slippage within the carpet (deformation), or between the back of the
carpet or pad and the subfloor, can create an instability that resembles
slipperinesss but technically is not measurable as such. This internal

slippage can interfere with the user's ability to monitor the relation-
ship between his own foot movements and the condition of the walking
surface. This "play" within the floor covering or between the floor
covering and the subfloor gives the appearance that the treads are slip-
pery. It can create many of the same problems for the unsuspecting user
that are normally associated with slipping.

In order to minimize the likelihood that such conditions will contribute

to stair accidents, it is essential that the internal stability of the
walking surface be maintained. By removing the excessive layers of
carpet and other materials that have been placed on top of the stable
subfloor and by using that subfloor as the walking surface, the problem
may be greatly controlled. By refastening these layers to the subfloor
most, but not all, of the internal "play" can be eliminated or minimized
Finally, by using a tread covering that has less internal instability
within itself (such as an indoor-outdoor carpet instead of a shag carpet
the problem of slippage or excessive resiliency within the material can
be greatly reduced.

Based on experiments in which subjects walked up and down over a force

plate on three different slopes, Harper, Warlow and Clark (1967) found
that with a slope of 1 in 13, a coefficient of friction of about 0.6 is
needed for safety. Slopes less than this required values of between
0.4 and 0.6.

Several investigators have noted varying numbers of stairway accidents

in those cases where unstable walking surfaces were attributed to loose
carpeting or other causes (Esmay, 1961; McGuire, 1971; Carson, et al.
1978). However, the existence of a causal relationship between loose
carpeting, surface instability, and stairway accidents remains an
empirical question.


Accident A . The victim reported that the high degree of friction which
the rubber sole of her shoe exerted against the rubber doormat caused
the doormat to slip thereby causing her to lose her balance. She fell
down three cement steps and fractured her ankle. (NEISS)

Accident B .The victim stated that she was wearing new bedroom slippers
at the time of her accident. As she was descending steps carpeted with
a nylon shag carpet laid over a foam pad, she slipped on the edge of the
top step, fell down 5 steps, and fractured her left wrist. (NEISS)

Accident C . The respondent's son, age 12, fell twice in the 9 months he
had lived in the house. The respondent herself had also slipped twice on
the same steps. In the middle of this flight, the carpet was completely
detached from the wood tread underneath it and moved when walked on.
While the injuries were minor, the son did hit his head in the first
fall and skin his leg in the second (Carson, et al.). (The coefficient
of friction measured on the top surface of this stair was higher than
that needed to create a non-slip surface.)


Figure 2.1.2 . The carpet shown here bulges over the structurally sup-
ported portion of the tread, thus creating a potentially misleading
visual cue to those who view the stair from the top.

2,1.3 Tight and Uniform Tread Coverings

IF: carpets, mats, nosing strips, or other floor coverings are loose
or not uniformly affixed to the treads...

THEN: secure the coverings uniformly or install new coverings.

COMMENTARY - Whenever tread coverings or nosing strips separate from the

tread itself, a tripping hazard is introduced. Tile, linoleum, rubber
mats, carpeting, or metal strips can produce a 'lip' where they begin to
peel or role back from the tread. That lip can easily catch a user's
heel or toe. Given the very small tolerances with which stair users
clear the treads and nosings, even the most minor lip or edge created by
loose coverings or strips can cause a major accident. This is particu-
larly a problem at the beginning of a flight, because the user is pri-
marily concerned with edge detection and can easily miss critical surface
irregularities on the tread or nosing. It is also critical in the middle
of a flight where the success of the user's initial performance on the
stair generates a false sense of confidence leading to (1) even smaller
tolerances for clearing nosings and (2) complete inattention to the
stair treads themselves. In short, minor surface irregularities which
can lead the user to trip and have a serious accident are among the most
difficult characteristics of a stair to notice or anticipate. They
should be eliminated wherever possible.

As evidence, Velz and Hemphill (1953) found that over 10% of the tread
coverings in homes in which accidents had been reported were insecurely
fastened. Esmay (1961) found that insecurely fastened tread coverings
were contributing factors in 6% of the stairway accidents studied. In
a study of accidents incurred by elderly persons. Chapman (1961) found
that falls were the biggest cause of injury, and that some accidents
were in fact caused by worn carpets and loose rugs.

Accident A Although the 10 wooden steps were not carpeted, they had

rubber mats tacked to them. The mats were well worn and 2 or 3 of them
were missing. About halfway down the stair, the victim fell, twisted
her left ankle, and fractured her left leg. (NEISS)

Accident B .When the victim was about halfway down the stairs, her heel
got caught on the strip of rug she had nailed onto the steps to improve
the traction. This caused her to lose her balance and she fell halfway
down. She received a contusion of the left elbow. (NEISS)


Figure 2.1.3a On this stair, the mats which had been fastened to the

concrete treads to improve slip-resistance have delaminated due to use

and exposure to the weather. The raised lips of most of the mats create
very serious tripping hazards.

Figure 2.1.3b . This close-up of the same stair shows a condition where
the heel could get caught during descent or where the toe of the shoe
could get caught during ascent.

2.1.4 Uniform Slip-Resistance on each Tread Throughout the Run of the


IF: the tread surfaces of an interior stair are substantially more

slippery than the surfaces of adjoining landings and walkways
made of similar materials, or...

IF: some of the tread surfaces on a stair appear to be substantially

more slippery than other treads on the same flight...

THEN: either (a) refinish the tread surfaces with a fresh coat of wax
or paint (using non-slip coatings only if the riser/tread ratio
exceeds the maximum given in the section on configuration) or
(b) restore the intrinsic slip-resistance of the tread materials
by sanding, filing, or planing and filling the surface to rebuild
the original surface configurations.

DO NOT: attempt to improve the slip-resistance of stair treads by

adding rubber mats, pieces of carpet, adhesive abrasive strips,
or abrasive edge strips.

COMMENTARY - The distribution of body forces in walking up or down stairs

creates less likelihood of slipping on stairs than on level floors. Yet
sudden changes in slip-resistance from tread to tread or the insufficient
surface resistance of worn, smooth treads can cause problems.

Carson, et al. (1978) found no statistical relationship between the


type of surface material used and accident rates. They found that lower
accident rates correlated with lower coefficients of friction. These
Figure 2.1.3a


investigators caution, however, that the coefficient of friction of

ordinary materials does not appear to be a primary causal factor deter-
mining accident rate (except in extreme cases, e.g., ice, or the opposite
condition in which the foot is constantly locking against the surface
material )

McGuire (1971), who reviewed some 4,000 inquires in a 1969 HUD survey,
found that some 30% of all stairway accidents reported were attributed
to slippery treads. When Miller and Esmay (1961) investigated the slip-
resistance of various stair tread coverings, they determined that rubber
mats and varnish coatings were each twice as hazardous as paint coatings
or bare wood surfaces.

Harper, Warlow and Clark (1967) found that the coefficient of friction
was related to stairway slope. For slopes approximating 1 in 13, a
coefficient of 0.6 is needed for safety. For smaller slopes, 0.4 through
0.6 may be adequate. These investigators found that in ascent, there is
extremely little risk of falling from a "slip". In descent, however,
the risk might be quite high. Finally, Harper, et al., suggested that
high-friction nosings might be useful in reducing slips in the case of
stairways with steep slopes, but hazardous where the slopes are small.

Finally, Esmay and Segerlind (1964) suggested that the forces exerted
on stairs are rarely large enough to cause a person to slip (assuming
conventional surfaces and materials).

2.1.5 Slip-Resistance on Stairs Exposed to Precipitation, and on

Surfaces that Dissipate Moisture on Outdoor Stairs

IF: stairs are exposed to precipitation...

THEN: use nonslip finish or refinish with an abrasive paint or similar

application, and/or...

provide an absorbent or well-drained tread surface to prevent the

beadlike formation of rain water (to prevent hydroplaning of the
shoe sole on the tread).

COMMENTARY - Although problems associated with the occurrence of slip-

pery surfaces were treated in considerable detail in Guidelines 2.1.3
and 2.1.4, Sigler (1973) found substantial differences in slipperiness
between wet and dry surfaces, with the dry ones providing the most trac-
tion. However, no statistical analysis of data appears to demonstrate
a correlation between surface wetness and stairway accidents,


Accident A The approach to the porch consisted of a 2-step, wide


stairway with no handrail. The 3-ft.-wide cement walk had a crack with
one side 1-1/2 in. higher than the other side. The steps which were

made of smooth cement with a coat of gray paint, were very slick when
wet. The victim suffered contusions of the left side and lower mid-back.

2.1.6 Slip-Resistance on Long or Sloping Treads and Sloping Landings

IF: the depth of the tread exceeds 14 in. and/or...

IF: the stair treads slope downward in the direction of the nosings
or . . .

IF: the landing adjoining a stair slopes...

THEN: finish the treads or landing with an abrasive finish (such as an

abrasive paint) to increase the coefficient of friction.

COMMENTARY - Problems associated with the occurrence of slippery

surfaces were treated in considerable detail in Guidelines 2.1.4 and
2.1.5. As length of the user's stride increases, the horizontal compo-
nent of the force applied increases, and the potential for a slip
increases. Although no data or analysis is available which establishes
a causal relationship between slipperiness of long or sloping treads or
landings, and stairway accidents, the potential for a hazardous situa-
tion should be assumed to exist.

2.1.7 Slightly Rounded Nosings

IF: the exposed edges of the nosings on a given flight of stairs are
sharply squared-off, with no bevel or curvature, or...

IF: the exposed edges of the nosings are coarsely textured, forming
rough or jagged edges...

THEN: refinish or replace the nosing-tread member so that the edge of

each is even-textured and slightly curved in cross-section, with
a radius between 1/4 in. and 1/2 in.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) replace each nosing with one having the required edge character-
istics or
, . .

(b) (for wood treads) round the nosing section by planing, filing,
and sanding, making certain that the degree of curvature on all
nosing edges is uniform.

DO NOT: apply a metal, plastic, or rubber nosing strip, or a new stair

runner or mat to achieve the effect of a rounded nosing.

COMMENTARY - A common type of accident on stairs involves tripping on

the top of the riser or nosing during ascent, and then falling forward.
The typical reflexive response to such a fall is to thrust the hands

forward to brace oneself by grabbing the nearest tread or nosing. Ordi-
narily this maneuver is successful, and such accidents usually do not
result in serious injury. However, in many cases parts of the body do
contact the nosing edge with considerable force. To minimize injuries
in such cases, it is essential that the edges of each nosing distribute
those forces as widely as possible and minimize the possibility of
breaking the skin upon Impact. Therefore, the slightly rounded nosing
can minimize the likelihood that a minor misstep will result in a
serious injury.

It is important, however, that the nosing be an integral part of the

tread. It should not be applied to an existing surface, because it
could separate after prolonged use. The curvature of the edge should
not be too great, so that the likelihood that the user's foot will bear
on a sloping surface, rather than a level one is reduced.

Empirical attention has been focused on the provision of tread nosings

by Gowings (1961) and Fruin (1971). The latter investigator, on the
basis of his extensive observations of pedestrian behavior, suggested
the use of rounded nosings. While there appears to be no empirical
basis for the recommended nosing dimensions or radius specifications,
common usage has shown these to be most appropriate.


The proper and safe use of stairs requires that users be able to adjust
their behavior to meet changing demands. The ability to make rapid and
adaptive adjustments depends, in turn, upon the quality of the users'
perceptions of key stair components. A critical issue concerns the cor-
respondence between the apparent and actual characteristics of the stair
components, and their relationships to one another. An objective should
be to provide the user with all the cues necessary to correctly detect
the prevailing condition of the stair at the time of its use. The human
error associated with detection is the "failure to identify" a hazardous
characteristic of the stair. The environmental defect associated with
detection is a "deception" that is built into a stair in a manner that
increases the user's susceptability to misreading the characteristics of
the stair. Since people will generally be able to compensate for unusual
or hazardous conditions of which they are aware, ensuring the detection
of the hazard is important.

The tread surfaces themselves provide many important cues. Accordingly,

care should be taken when designing their appearance. It is essential
that: (1) a complete, correct, and consistent pattern of cues that
emphasizes and corresponds to the conditions actually prevailing on the
stair be available to the user; (2) all colors, edges, lines, alignments,
planes, patterns, and textures interact to produce a "true" representa-
tion of stair surface conditions; and (3) stair surfaces be free from
permanent design features and transitory qualities that could serve to
confuse the user.

2.2.1 Visibility of Tread Edges

IF: any users are unable to clearly distinguish the edges of each
tread when the flight is viewed from the top landing under normal
use conditions, and particularly...

IF: users who are elderly or who have poor eyesight experience a
blurring of the edges which distinguish the separate treads as
they descend the stairs, or...

IF: the stair treads are finished with a surface material or covering
that has a distinct geometric, pictorial, floral, or randomized
pattern which is visually more pronounced than the edges of the
treads themselves...

THEN: replace or refinish the tread surfaces and nosings, and place an
illumination source so that a clear visual distinction is pro-
vided between planes representing each stair tread including the
top tread or landing when seen from above, and so that "visual
noise" created by surface patterns is eliminated.

Among the preferred ways to accomplish this are:

(a) provide a uniformly textured, plain-colored surface on each tread

throughout the run of the flight and...

(b) provide a relatively directional light source which provides

illumination for each of the stair treads from a point of origin
above the lower landing, and/or...

(c) mark the edge of each tread with a single built-in or painted
stripe which (1) contrasts noticeably with the remainder of the
tread in color and texture, (2) extends not more than 1-1/2 in.
into the tread from the nosing edge, and (3) is flush with the
remainder of the tread surface. Do not add a nosing piece or
glue-down abrasive strip which protrudes above the tread surface
to any degree.

COMMENTARY - A critical requirement for successful stair negotiation is

that the user's metatarsal arch must be thoroughly supported by the
tread. In order to assure that the foot will be adequately supported,
the user must be able to detect the precise location of the tread edge
prior to stepping upon the tread. This requires reliable cues which
facilitate the visual detection of the edge of each tread. The accuracy
of this visual analysis will depend, in part, upon how much visual infor-
mation the user can process or sort in a very brief increment of time.
For descent, the combination of surface and edge cues must produce a
figure-ground relationship in which the tread edge appears as the
figure, and the lower tread as the background. For ascent, the edge
must be clearly set-off from the abutting tread and riser.

An important impediment to correctly perceiving a separation between
tread surfaces when the stairs are seen from above is the optical
illusions created by prominent two-dimensional patterns and coarse
three-dimensional textures on the tread surfaces. It is also possible
to perceive the tread edge as part of the surface pattern when the
pattern has stripes running parallel with the nosing, a common feature
of many non-slip tread designs. In such cases, it is difficult to
quickly determine which strips represent the tread edges.

With other patterns less likely to produce a false edge, the visual
prominence of the pattern may create a high degree of visual noise
against which the detection of the tread edge becomes difficult. This
optical masking appears when the elements in the pattern are distributed
randomly, producing a very busy visual surface in which elements from
two adjacent treads can be seen momentarily as components of the same
tread. Separate treads may appear to merge into common patterns, so
that they take on the appearance of a continuous ramp-like surface in
which the edges are lost to the eye.

Coarse three-dimensional textures on stair treads can also create optical

confusions. For instance, a random array of small stones in an exposed-
aggregate concrete stairway, or the tangle of fibers in a shag carpet,
can trigger the same visual fusion across tread edges that has been
described for random two-dimensional patterns. Successive tread edges
of such coarsely textured materials can appear to merge and create the
illusion of a continuous surface. As a result, plain-colored, fine-
grained, uniformly-textured tread coverings should be used to maximize
the reliability of visual cues needed to detect the edge.

Unfortunately, the absence of visual chaos on the tread surfaces will

not, by itself, assure accurate edge detection. Even a uniformly
patterned and textured tread surface can appear to blend into the next
tread under certain lighting conditions. Consequently, it is also
necessary to accentuate the visibility of the edge itself. If the
primary source of illumination provided for each flight is relatively
directional (originating from a single source, but not a spotlight),
and originates above the lower landing; and if the top of the nosing of
each tread is slightly rounded, a highlight will appear at the edge of
each tread as it is viewed from above. This "modeling effect" is further
accentuated on a carpeted stair by the spread of the fibers as they bend
around the nosing, creating a detectable change in surface texture.
Together, the combination of uniform surfaces, directional lighting, and
rounded nosings provides the most reliable cues for detecting the edges
of stair treads.

There are several measures that can be taken to improve the visibility
of each tread edge. Two of the most common are (a) the use of a single
contrasting strip at or near the edge of each tread and (b) the use of
different colors on alternate tread surfaces. Both have their drawbacks.
The single painted strip may tend to wear off after prolonged use.
Although metal edges or adhesive strips applied to the nosing or tread
surface may aid visual detection, they can loosen after a period of use.
The most effective solutions to the visual detection problem may not be
these "applied" remedies, but rather may be minor adjustments in surface,
lighting, and nosing characteristics which interact to give the user all
the cues needed to determine where to place his foot.

The stair safety literature contains numerous anecdotes describing acci-

dents which have been attributed to deceptive patterns on stair treads.
In 1942 Howell reported that "stairways covered with razzle-dazzle,
camouflaged carpets are particularly bad." He cites a California court
case of that era (Twohy vs. Owl Drug Company) in which it was decided
that where such camouflage effects exist on stairs, negligence exists.
Although Howell heralded this as a landmark liability decision, accep-
tance of the notion that visual deceptions are a leading factor in stair
accidents has been slow to develop.

Mowery (1968) reported that, in a New York City railroad station, users
experienced difficulties with a stair which had non-slip metal treads
consisting of "a series of grooves or even lines parallel to the edge"
of each tread. According to Mowery, persons descending this stair who
had bad eyesight or wore bifocals were often confused as to which line
was the step edge. Some 1414 falls, many resulting in serious injuries,
were reported within a six week period. After replacing the original
tread surface with a material of non-slip design and without parallel
grooves, no accidents were reported over a three month period.

In an experimental study Pastalan, et al., (1973) found that subjects

wearing glasses which simulated the visual impairments common in old age
reported considerable difficulty in discriminating "risers and treads
while going down a flight of stairs, particularly when the stairs were
carpeted with a floral print carpet...." The investigators also
reported that similar colors, particularly in the blue-green range, were
almost impossible to distinguish, and that "when two Intense colors such
as red and green bounded each other. the boundary became visually
. .

unstable because the intensity of the colors seemed to overlap and as

one focused on the boundary it appeared to shift." In sum, there is
some evidence in the literature to suggest that stair users, especially
the elderly and persons with poor eyesight, have considerable difficulty
in detecting tread edges under certain conditions, and that this diffi-
culty can lead to accidents.

During the analysis of the NBS videotape data, it was noted that users
who were descending one particular stair seemed to be moving in slow
motion. Closer examination revealed that the combination of randomly
distributed pockmarks in the travertine marble treads, uniformly distri-
buted lighting, and sharply squared-off nosings made it difficult to
detect the edges of the treads when looking from above. It is possible
that the slow rate of descent may have resulted from the increased time
needed to locate each edge.

In an informal pilot study conducted by Pastalan, et al. ,

subjects took
almost twice as long to negotiate the first step in a flight of terrazzo
stairs when they wore the experimental glasses than when they did not.

Thus, the inability to detect the edge may be a function of both the
visual capabilities of the user and the appearance of the tread.


Accident A . All the floors and stairs inside the respondent's apartment
were covered with a light colored sculptured rug, which made it diffi-
cult to distinguish the tread edges. The lighting hit the stairway so
that the edges of the steps did not stand out (Carson, et al., 1978).
The respondent lost her balance, fell down, and pulled a muscle. Her
husband also fell down the same stairway.


Figure 2.2.1a The very busy pattern on this carpeted stair makes it

difficult to detect the edges of the tread. Note that the center line
of the elements in the carpet pattern is not parallel with the edge of
the nosing at the top of the stair - a deception in the midst of

Figure 2.2.1b . On this stair, the exposed aggregate of the concrete

treads creates both a randomized figure-ground pattern which distorts
depth perception, and a rough edge which confounds edge detection. Such
a stair is particularly hazardous for the elderly or others with poor

Figure 2.2.1c On this stair the combination of (1) randomized patterns


created by the travertine marble treads, (2) squared-off nosings which

minimize highlights, and (3) uniform lighting which cancels out the
modeling effects of contours and textures, make it almost impossible to
detect the edges of the treads.

Figure 2. 2. Id On this stair, an evenly textured carpet permits the


rounded nosings and the directional lighting to work together to high-

light the edge contours.

2.2.2 Visibility of Irregularities in Riser/Tread Dimensions

IF: any riser or tread in a flight of stairs differs in height or

effective depth from any other riser or tread in the same flight
by more than 1/2 in. or...

IF: any riser or tread differs in height or effective depth from an

adjacent riser or tread by more than 1/4 in. or...

IF: the height or effective depth of any single riser or tread

(except winders) varies by more than 1/4 in. across the width of
the stair. .

THEN: refinish the edge of every tread in the flight with a clearly
visible strip of color, or illuminate the flight so that the

Figure 2.2.1c

highlighted nosings will produce a visual pattern of edges which
accentuates the location of each irregularity.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) mark the full edge of each tread with a single painted strip
which extends not more than 1-1/2 in. into the tread from the
nosing and which stands out against the remainder of the tread
and surroundings in brightness value, and hue, or...

(b) provide surfaces, illumination, and nosings which interact to

clearly accentuate the precise location of each tread edge.

COMMENTARY - It has been inferred from the NBS videotapes that when
approaching a flight of stairs, the user first tends to look at the
flight as a whole, then to look at the first several treads, and then to
adjust his gait to the riser and tread dimensions. Since the user has
only the appearance of the stairs to guide his behavior at this point,
he tends to step higher to clear the first riser in ascent, or to
cautiously lower his foot onto the first tread in descent.

As the user begins to ascend or descend the stair, he employs a new set
of cues. If the tactile response to the first tread confirms the user's
view of the tread, the user has some confirmation that the tread dimen-
sions are as they appeared. If this confirmation occurs again on the
second tread, the user is likely to believe that this stair has uniform
dimensions. As the user's assurance about the uniformity of stair dimen-
sions increases, he shortens his stride and reduces the allowance needed
to clear each subsequent riser. The tactile information diminishes the
need for the user to obtain information visually, leaving him free to
look around at the environment surrounding the stair. Thus, the stair
user may become susceptible to tripping on tread or nosing irregulari-

Evidence documenting the problem of riser/tread irregularity will be

presented under Guidelines 2.6.1, 2.6.2, and 2.6.5. Additional evidence
explicating the problem of tread-edge visibility was explored in the
discussion of Guideline 2.2.1. While the empirical evidence suggests a
strong relationship between the attention paid to the stairway and acci-
dent rates, there does not appear to be a strong relationship between
the visibility of riser/tread irregularity and accident rates.


Figure 2.2.2 . The second tread on this stair is more than one inch out
of alignment with the other treads (note that the sunlight misses the
second tread altogether). The third tread from the bottom is also
slightly out of alignment (note a narrower band of sunlight than on
adjacent treads).

2,2.3 Visibility of Irregularities in Carpet and Runner Materials

IF: the carpet on a carpeted stair has stretched or pulled loose and
bulges out over the tread nosing...

THEN: tighten the carpet to its original position and secure it well.

COMMENTARY - As the user approaches and scrutinizes a flight of stairs

from above, the edges formed where the uppermost surface on each tread
folds over the nosing provides the primary visual cue to the dimensional
characteristics of the flight. Since the user's success in adjusting
his gait to meet the dimensional demands of the flight depends largely
upon the accuracy of the visual information conveyed, it is imperative
that the "apparent" edge seen by the user be the same as the "true" edge
of each tread. If, for example, a carpet bulges out beyond the nosing of
the stair tread beneath it, there is a distinct possibility that a user
who adjusts his gait in accordance with the edge formed by the carpet
will overstep the portion of the tread which has structural support and
slip over the nosing. Insofar as the accurate and precise detection of
the edge of each tread is the most critical factor in successfully
descending a flight of stairs, every effort must be made to assure that
the edge seen from above is a direct indication of the structural
support available on each tread. If it is not, the unsuspecting user
may be lured into placing the weight of his body beyond the point where
it can be supported by the structure of the tread. The likelihood that
this will lead to an accident is related to the confidence or assurance
with which the user unknowingly oversteps the tread.

No data are available to demonstrate the notion that tread coverings

which bulge over the structurally supported part of the tread can lead
the user to misjudge the extent of each tread and incur an accident.
However, some correlation between insecurely fastened tread coverings
and stairway accidents has been reported. Velz and Hemphill (1953), for
example, found that over 10% of the tread coverings in homes in which
stair accidents had been reported were insecurely fastened. In 1961,
Esmay found that insecure tread coverings were contributing factors in
6% of the stairway accdents studied. Several additional incidents of
this type were reported in the NEISS in-depth survey analysis. In at
least one of these cases, the cause of the accident was attributed to
the visual effect of the carpet bulging over the nosing.


Accident A The narrow, circular stair had no railing. When the


victim's husband added the carpet to the stairs, he did not secure the
carpet properly at the top of each riser and under the edge of each
step. This made the actual edge of the tread above each riser difficult
to locate. The victim slipped on the second step from the top, and slid
down the next 3 steps. The victim sprained her right ankle. (NEISS)


2.2.4 Glare Reflected From the Stair Treads

IF: bright patches of glare reflected from the stair treads fall
within the user's field of vision while looking at the stair from
any point during ascent or descent...

THEN: reduce the reflectance of the stair tread surfaces from which
light is reflected.

COMMENTARY - Hopkinson and Kay (1972) noted that the human eye cannot
tolerate an excess of light. "While inadequate light leads to 'eye
strain', discomfort, and distress, too much light leads to glare and
dazzle, and consequently discomfort of a different kind. The designer
has therefore to steer a middle course between lighting which is
inadequate for its purpose, and lighting which taxes the adaptation
mechanism beyond its comfortable limits. Under daylighting conditions,
glare results from a very bright sky seen through a large window. Under
artificial lighting conditions, glare arises through a direct view of
excessively bright light sources inadequately screened." These investi-
gators further noted that glare can be a function of contrast. If a
bright light is seen in dark surroundings, it will cause more glare
than if seen in light surroundings.

Discomfort due to glare, according to Hopkinson and Kay, may not be the
only complaint. General efficiency and task performance were also found
to be affected. Annoyance, frustration, and irritation were noted to be
common among persons continuously explosed to glare-producing situations

Silvers (1972) found that a glare source of 5 ft. -candles close to the
central axis of vision provided a reduction in visibility equivalent to
lowering the surrounding illumination level to 1/100 its original value.

Over (1966) studied visual factors in falls by elderly persons. He

hypothesized that many falls may occur because unstable body position is
induced by the false interpretation of visual information, which is not
corrected by postural feedback. Although Over's hypothesis suggests
inferences concerning a link between glare and stairway accidents, this
relationship has not been empirically tested.

2.2.5 High-Contrast Shadows Parallel to Tread Edges

IF: a straight-edged, high-contrast shadow caused by a light source

is cast upon a stair tread or landing such that it is parallel
and adjacent to the top or the bottom of any risers in the
flight, and. .

IF: there are any color or brightness differences in the surfaces of

the treads or landings in the vicinity of such shadows...

THEN: eliminate, or reduce the intensity of all such shadows in the

vicinity of the flight of stairs.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) block or reposition the offending light source while preserving

the Illumination on the stairs...

(b) reduce the intensity of the offending light source (unless this
will reduce visibility on the stair), or...

(c) Increase the amount of light available in the shadowed area by

increasing the intensity of another light source, or...

(d) refinish the surfaces so that they have the same color and
brightness values, or...

(e) extend or alter the edge which produces the shadow so that it is
either no longer parallel to the tread edges or is no longer near
the tread edges.

COMMENTARY - The detection of the edge of each tread is essential to

the successful use of a stair. To the user, these edges will generally
appear as linear discontinuities of color, brightness, or texture which
run perpendicular to the path of travel. When a crisp shadow creates
such a linear break on a stair tread or landing, there is an unacceptable
likelihood that an unsuspecting user could misread the edge created by
the shadow as the edge of a tread and, as a consequence, place his foot
In a manner that could cause an accident. This is particularly critical
on stairs where tread and landing materials already present light-dark
contrasts to the user, or on stairs where the shadow edge might be
mistaken for an additional step.

The data collected on the NBS videotapes indicated clearly that atten-
tion to visual cues is a critical factor in successful stairway use.
Consequently, visual cues should be as accurate as possible to facili-
tate stair use. Miller and Esmay (1961) indicated that non-uniformities
of steps and risers were found in about 75% of the stairs that they
surveyed, and that about 60% of the stair accidents were attributable
to missing a step. Clearly, extraneous or inaccurate visual Information
should be minimized so that the user can obtain an accurate perception
of the actual stair characteristics.


Stairway handrails serve several Important functions. First, they pro-

vide a surface along which the user can slide a hand, and thereby monitor
his progress and stability during negotiation of the stair. Second, they
provide a surface on which to pivot at corners or doglegs. Third, they
provide extra support for an elderly or infirm user. Finally, handrails
provide a grab bar necessary for support in the event of an accident on
the stairway. Accordingly, the design and provision of adequate hand-
rails are key tasks in any program of reducing stairway accidents.


2.3.1 Continuous Handrails

IF: an existing handrail is discontinuous at some point in the run of

the stair, particularly at points where the stair makes a sharp
90° or 180° turn

THEN: either replace the existing railing with a continuous railing, or

fill in the gaps.

COMMENTARY - There are at least four critical uses of a handrail on a

stair: (1) to slide a hand while monitoring one's progress and stabil-
ity, (2) to use as a pivot at corners or doglegs, (3) to provide support
for an elderly or infirm user, and (4) to grab onto for support in the
event of an accident. The need to perform these functions prevails
throughout the length of each flight and for all landings. Therefore,
secure handrails should be available to the user at every point through-
out his use of a stair. Moreover, the handrails should be continuous on
the inside of 90° or 180° landings, and should be graspable at any point
on the stair or landing. Interruptions in the continuity of handrails
by newel posts, spindles, or brackets should be avoided.

McGuire (1971), during her analysis of data from the 1969 HUD survey
containing some 4,000 inquires, found that 16% of all stair accidents
could be attributed to missing handrails. This finding was underscored
by Templer (1974), who noted that a substantial proportion of the
stairway accident locations he investigated had no handrails.

Carson, et al. (1978), however, found no significant relationship


between presence of handrails and accidents. They did find a relation-

ship for the case of less serious incidents such as missteps, but this
was in the opposite direction from that expected. Namely, on stairs
with handrails, these incidents occurred 5 times as often as they did
on stairs without handrails. As noted earlier in the Introduction,
users may exercise greater caution when a handrail is absent. Further-
more, when handrails are absent the likelihood of a severe accident


Figure 2.3.1 The need for continuous handrails (preferably 2) at all


points along a flight of stairs is well illustrated by this accident

victim (simulated) who has no other means to break her fall but to grab
the handrail(s).

2.3.2 Handrails Comfortable to Grasp

IF: a handrail cannot be grasped by a typical user such that his

thumb and index finger form a shape similar to the letter 'C,
or. .

IF: a handrail is positioned such that the user's fingers rub against
a wall, mounting bracket, or other element when grasping the
railing in the manner described above, or...

IF: a handrail is too slippery to permit a secure grip, or...

IF: a handrail becomes unbearably hot...

THEN: install or replace the railing in a manner that will permit a

comfortable and secure grasp under all conditions.

COMMENTARY - During an accident, the primary purpose of the rail is to

provide a point of anchorage. Consequently, the handrail should be
available at all points throughout the flight, placed at a height within
the user's reach, and structurally capable of supporting the user's
weight under impact. The rail should have the following characteristics
of dimension and texture:

a. grasp diameter - related to the size of the typical user's hand and
to the degree of closure required to maintain a tight grip.

b. clearance from the wall - sufficient space between the rail and the
wall to permit the user's fingers to wrap completely around the rail
without touching a nearby surface.

c. abrasiveness of the wall - no surfaces in the immediate vicinity of

the rail section should be so abrasive that if the user should touch
the wall while grabbing the rail, he will not be able to withdraw
his hand or be injured.

d. clearance at brackets - the points at which the supporting brackets

attach to the rail should be positioned so that they will not inter-
fere with the user's fingers, and cause him to lose his grip,

e. tactile quality of the rail - once the user has grasped the rail, he
should be able to maintain a stable handhold. This depends upon:
(i) the smoothness of the rail (absence of splinters or chipping
paint); (il) the slip-resistance of the rail (particularly if the
user's hand is wet); and (iii) the thermal quality of the rail
(particularly excessively hot rails).

From the videotape data, is is quite clear that the normal reaction to a
misstep or a fall in descent is to grab the handrail. It is also clear
from the videotapes that older stair users often hold onto the handrail
for additional stability in both ascent and descent.

McGuire (1971) reported that 2% of all stair accidents were caused by

handrails having sharp surfaces. Wheatley (1966) simply reported that
"poor railings" caused a substantial proportion of all stair accidents.

In a study of 51 female stair users. Hall and Bennett (1956) found that
a handrail diameter between 1-3/4 in. and 2 in. was preferred, and that
a diameter of 2 in. felt "most safe". Brill, et al., (1974) recommended
that a handrail which could be grasped by 95% of the adult population
would require a 3/4 in. diameter. Given the Hall and Bennett results on
perceived safety it would appear that a 3/4 in. handrail might be too
small. Therefore, a 1-3/4 in. to 2 in. dimension appears more appropri-
ate. This is generally consistent with the recommendations by Teledyne-
Brown (1972) for a maximum grip diameter of 2-5/8 in., by Grand jean
(1973) for a maximum diameter of 6 cm to 10 cm (2.4 to 3.9 in.) and by
Goldsmith (1967) for a circular section between 1-3/4 in. and 2 in.
Goldsmith further recommends that handrails greater than 2 in. in
diameter should have a special cross-section that permits easy gripping.

With regard to clearance between the handrail and adjacent walls, Sheldon
(1960) suggested that the handrail should be of sufficiently small cross
section and sufficiently far from the wall to permit the "grasp reflex"
in an emergency. Teledyne-Brown (1972) recommended that this distance
be a minimum of 2-1/2 in. Teledyne-Brown also recommended that all
railings to be free of burrs, sharp edges, and sharp points.

2.3.3 Handrail - Guardrail on Open-Sided Stairs

IF: there are no handrails on one or both sides of an interior or

exterior flight of stairs, or...

IF: the spacing of intermediate spindles or handrail supports is

large enough to permit a person to easily climb under the rail
itself and. .

IF: there is a vertical drop in excess of 1 ft. 0 in. beyond the edge
of the stairway...

THEN: install a properly positioned guardrail, with an attached

handrail, for the entire length of the flight.

COMMENTARY - If there is a sharp drop to one or both sides of a given

flight, the user may become concerned that he will fall over the edge,
and, consequently, become over-cautious. If the user should momentarily
lose his balance on such a flight of stairs, it is possible that he
might fall over the edge (or under the handrail) and suffer major
injuries. Even an unanticipated drop of 1 ft. 0 in. or less can lead to
severe injury and the possibility of long-term disability. For this
reason, it is important that the possibility of falling over the edge of
a flight of stairs be reduced through the use of an adequate guardrail.
In this instance, a guardrail is intended to retard the passage of the
whole body. This contrasts to a handrail which is intended to establish
a firm and stable handhold. Where the drop is greater than 1 in. 0 in.
both a guardrail and a handrail should be provided.

Incidents of this type were not recorded in either the NBS videotape
data or the survey and inventory of stair use and quality (Carson,
et al., 1978). Although several incidents were reported in the NEISS

in-depth follow up surveys, inadequate sampling made it difficult to
assess the significance of these findings.

In a survey of guardrail design for the Occupational Safety and Health

Administration (OSHA), Fattal, et al., (1976) suggested a guardrail with
a top rail that is 42 in. above the walking surface. The width of inter-
mediate rails and supports should reject the passage of objects 19 in.
in diameter or greater. Since the OSHA study was done for industrial
installations, it seems reasonable to reduce the height requirement for
the top rail to the height of the handrail, and to reduce the rejection
diameter to 5 in. for residential installations.

Tele dyne-Brown (1972) recommended that stair rails should not permit
passage of objects having a diameter greater than 5 in. Even this
diameter may be too large where children are frequent users.

2.3.4 Dual Center Handrail for Wide, Heavily Used Stairs

IF: a given flight of stairs is wide enough for 3 or more users to

ascend side-by-side....

THEN: provide intermediate sets of railings with dual handrails on each

set so that every user is within an arm's length of a usable

COMMENTARY - On wide high-volume or monumental stairs the user moving on

the middle portion often has no handrail within his reach. Since it is
the accident victim's first line of defense against a fall, he should
have access to a graspable handrail. Therefore, sets of handrails which
divide the width of the stair into segments wide enough to accommodate
3 or more than 3 channels of users simultaneously are called for.
Furthermore, it is important that at least 2 handrails be provided on
each segment of the stairs so that users on either side of the railing
have access to a stabilizing element.

To date, no causal link between the provision of dual center handrails

and accidents on heavily used stairs has been empirically established.
For design purposes, however, the provision of such an amenity would
appear to contribute to overall stair safety and ease of stair use.

2.3.5 Hand- or Guard-rail Terminations

IF: to exposed ends of any handrail or guardrail protrude directly

into any portion of the user's clear path of travel during the
approach to or use of a given flight of stairs....

THEN: extend or replace the end portion of the railing so that it

terminates in a position that lies outside of any user's path
of travel on or near the flight.

Among the preferred ways to accomplish this are:

(a) return the ends of wall-mounted railings to the wall, or...

(b) return the ends of free-standing railings toward the floor

(possibly as a continuation of a supporting spindle or newel),
or .

(c) connect the ends of discontinuous railings on the same flight or

on adjacent flights.

COMMENTARY - Handrails which project up to 4 in. into either side of the

user's path of travel are important components of a safe stair. Yet
handrails which simply end abruptly near the end of the flight may be a
hazard to a person approaching the flight. Under most circumstances the
user is aware of the handrail and will select a path of movement that
allows his body to clear the end of the railing. However, under crowded
conditions, or momentary distractions, part of the body may pass close
enough to the end of the railing to strike it. For most adults, the
free-swinging hand and wrist, and the pelvic area are most vulnerable,
whereas for young children the shoulders and face are at the handrail
height. Given the extreme vulnerability of these areas, the exposed
ends of railings should be designed to minimize the likelihood of

Although there does not appear to be any statistical relationship between

handrail projection or protrusion and accident rate, the provisions
suggested in this guideline will probably reduce the seriousness and
frequency of stairway accidents.

2.3.6 Handrails on Stairs Frequently Used by the Elderly and Handicapped

IF: a given flight of stairs is frequently used by elderly persons...

IF: a given flight of stairs is frequently used by persons who have

any permanent sensory or physical disability, or ...

IF: a given flight of stairs is frequently used by persons who are

under the Influence of drugs or medication...

THEN: provide handrails on both sides of the flight.

COMMENTARY - Persons who have either (a) diminished capabilities for

performing the sensory and motor functions necessary to negotiate a stair
successfully, or (b) some uncertainty about their ability to perform such
functions, may require additional means of support as they use a flight
of stairs. The following problems are typical:

(1) secondary support in descent - when descending a flight of

stairs, a fully sighted person can usually see where to place
his feet. However, because a person with diminished visual
capability may not be able to judge the extent of the tread
below, he may not be sure that his foot will have a firm
footing until he has actually made contact. Unfortunately,
when descending a stair, people generally have to release the
support provided by their trailing leg (the one on the higher
step) before their leading leg makes contact with the tread
below. Therefore older people and other persons with visual
impairments encounter an interval of time during each step
when they can neither support their weight on the tread above
nor be assured that their weight will be supported on the
tread below. Furthermore, the duration of this interval
increases as the speed of movement decreases (which occurs
as a person becomes less sure of his next foothold). As a
result of this precarious situation, persons with difficulties
judging the extent of the treads below may have to hold onto
the handrail, almost as if it were a "third leg". By holding
onto the handrail in this manner, the person can acquire the
support necessary. Accordingly, such supplementary support
should be available whenever a visually impaired user might
require it.

(2) grab-bar in ascent - persons with diminished strength may

require a handrail to pull themselves up from one tread to the
next. Whereas most people can elevate themselves from one
tread to the next with their leg muscles, those who do not,
may have to use their arms to pull themselves up from step to
step. However, this requires a handrail or some other object
to pull against at every point where a physically impaired user
might require it.

(3) fulcrum in ascent or descent - in addition to the perception

and stamina problems covered in (1) and (2) above, some stair
users who have problems in flexing certain joints may not be
able to perform movements typically required for stair use. As
a consequence, they may have to improvise unique patterns of
stair movement. Since such persons lack the capability to
perform the required movements on their own, they may use
portions of the stair as prosthetic devices to supplement their
own capabilities. In such cases, the user may actually use the
handrail as an extention of his own skeletal system. Since the
specific disabilities associated with this kind of stair move-
ment are so varied, handrails are needed on both sides of each

When these 3 problems are considered along with the occasional need to
break a fall, it is clear that secure, graspable handrails on both sides
of each flight should be provided for elderly or handicapped stair users.

Although a number of injuries involving older persons were reported in

the NEISS in-depth surveys, the most dramatic evidence was found on the
NBS videotapes. Numerous incidents involving older persons were
recorded, including: people reaching for non-existent handrails in
ascent; people pulling themselves up from step to step; and people
relying heavily on the handrail for support. While the sampling proce-
dures used did not permit statistical treatment of these classes of
behavior, preliminary analysis at NBS showed that older persons tended
to move more slowly on stairs than younger adults. In addition, Templer,
et al. (1978) noted that there were more incidents than expected for
persons who used the handrail to balance or pull themselves up than for
persons who either did not use the handrail or who only used it for
guidance. This finding is strongly suggestive of the vulnerability of
the user groups who require supplementary support.

Sheldon (1960) reported that 28 of 63 stair accidents among the elderly

might have been prevented if adequate handrails and illumination had
been provided. He recommended handrails detached from the wall on both
sides of stairs used by the elderly. This agrees with Templer (1974)
who found that, despite a tendency to use the right hand side of the
flight, Americans will frequently violate the norm if it shortens their
overall path of travel. Data from the residential stair use survey and
stair quality inventory in Milwaukee (Carson, et al. ,1978) shows that
while accidents on stairs are not related to the absence or presence of
handrails, accidents tend to be more serious on flights that do not have
them. While this cannot be directly related to the special problems of
the elderly and handicapped, data from the same study show that the
elderly tended to use stairs less frequently than younger adults, but
when they did, they were more likely to use the handrail. Taken as a
whole these various sources of data tend to support the notion that
elderly stair users have needs for handrails that are quite different
and somewhat more urgent than the remainder of the adult population.


Accident A. The 78-year old victim turned, waved to a friend, lost his
footing, fell over backwards down the stairs onto a concrete walk, and
fractured his ribs. There was no handrail.

Accident B. The 77-year old victim fell down the steps leading to the
rear door of her house and fractured her left hip. There was no hand-

Accident C. The 78-year old victim fell over backwards down the stairs
onto the concrete walk. He received a cut on his head and three broken
ribs. The concrete steps had sides made of flat stone. There was no

Accident D. As the 70-year old victim reached the fourth step from the
bottom, he became dizzy, fell backwards, and hit his head against what
he thought was the floor. He dislocated his right shoulder. There was
no handrail.

2.3.7 Support at the Ends of Handrails

IF: there are older persons who use the stair, and...


IF: a handrail is already installed...

THEN: check to make certain that supports are secure at all end points
along the rail - particularly, avoid long runs of the rail beyond
the last support at the top and bottom of the stair.

COMMENTARY - Older people tend to use handrails for support and will
often tend to exert fairly heavy loads on the rail near the top or
bottom of a stair. In order to avoid railing failures, additional
brackets should be installed.

Sheldon (1960) studied 171 accidental falls by elderly persons. Some

63 of these falls occurred in connection with stair use. Sheldon noted
that about 1/3 of the stair-related falls might have been prevented by
the adequate provision of handrails. He also suggested that extra
support be provided at the top and bottom ends of stairway handrails.

Templer (1974) noted that age was not a significant contributor to

stairway accidents. This was corroborated by his later finding (Templer,
et al. 1978)
, that 68% of all persons observed in the 5-44 age group had
incidents, while 65% of all persons observed in the over-45 age group had
incidents. In fact, fewer persons over 65 (44%) had stairway incidents.
This in contrast with the NEISS data which suggest that although older
people have fewer accidents, these accidents are generally more severe.

Templer, et al. (1978), also noted that relatively few of the people he
observed utilized handrails for physical support (1%), or for pulling
themselves up (3.5%). People generally used handrails for balance
(9.4%), guidance (23.3%), or not at all (62.9%).

2.3.8 Intermediate Handrail for Children up to 6 Years Old

IF: a given flight of stairs is frequently used by children up to the

age of 6 years . .

THEN: provide an intermediate handrail on at least one side of the

flight which is mounted 24" above the surface of the nosing
edge of each tread.

COMMENTARY - Young children are simply too small to utilize a handrail

which is 34 in. to 36 in. above each tread. In order to use a handrail
that is positioned for adults, a small child may have to adopt an abnor-
mal and hazardous posture. Thus, a handrail that is positioned so that
it can be grasped just above a child's waist level is desirable for
children. In addition, younger children (1-3), who have less experience
on stairs, tend to take two steps on each tread, and may require the
handrail for added support. Because the child's hand is smaller, it
may require a handrail of smaller diameter. Finally, such handrails
should be continuous throughout the flight, and have sufficient
clearance to permit uninterrupted use.

The NEISS data suggest that children under the age of 4 years have twice
as many stair accidents as expected based on their distribution in the
U.S. population (data are for 1972). From the NEISS in-depth surveys
and the NBS videotape data, it is clear that young children have a
disproportionate number of missteps, falls, and accidents. It is also
clear (from viewing the videotapes) that handrails mounted for adults
provide no support or recourse for accident or misstep victims in this
age group. Since very few of the stairs recorded or observed had inter-
mediate handrails, it was not possible to determine the effectiveness
of handrails placed at a lower height.

2.3.9 Openings in Handrail Supports (For Children)

IF: a given flight of stairs is accessible to children less than

3 years old, and...

IF: the vertical or horizontal openings permit a sphere greater than

4 in. to pass through...

THEN: reduce the size of the openings so that a sphere greater than
3-1/2 in. in diameter cannot pass.

COMMENTARY Young children, even if they cannot walk, can be attracted


to stairs as exciting places to play and test their own capabilities.

Among the more attractive parts of the stair are the handrail and sup-
porting balusters and spindles. Whether the child is playing with the
spindles themselves, or is merely playing on the stair, there is a pos-
sibility that he might lose his balance and fall between the handrail
supports, onto a surface below. For young children, the waist and chest
may slip through an opening, leaving the head lodged between the spin-
dles. Serious head and neck injuries are possible in these cases.

Although no incidents of this type were reported in the NEISS in-depth

survey data or on the NBS videotapes, the tapes did reveal several young
children playing near or with handrail supports. As a result of research
on stair accidents, Teledyne-Brown (1972) recommended a handrail opening
that would reject the passage of a sphere 5 in. or more in diameter.
However, from anthropometric data on children, it appears that the 50th
percentile 2 year old has a hip depth of 4 in. and a head width of
5-1/4 in. These numbers indicate that the depth at the hip is a critical
dimension, since it is smaller. For a 1 year old child, this figure is
3-1/2 in. Since the 1 year old (while too young to actually walk on
stairs) is likely to be the most vulnerable to these kinds of incidents
while crawling on stairs and pulling himself up on the handrail, the
latter figure is proposed as the appropriate design criteria.


Improving the physical characteristics of the environment surrounding

the stairs is as critical to stair safety as maintaining the structural
integrity and quality of the stairs themselves. The surrounding envi-
ronment can best be defined as including the walls and ceiling of the
stairway, windows, light fixtures, skylights, doors, and entrances in
the stair area. In general, the surrounding environment should be
designed to facilitate normal use of the stair, and to minimize poten-
tial distractions. In addition, it should be free from elements which
might injure a user further once he has fallen.

The surrounding environment should provide adequate headroom without

projections into the stair area. The stair should not force the user to
duck his head, twist awkwardly, or make evasive movements, while negoti-
ating the stair. There should also be a clear path of travel through
the stairway, and no doors should swing into the stair area. In addi-
tion, the quality and quantity of illumination should be adequate and
reasonably uniform over the stair. Furthermore, the user should be able
to see obstructions or other users in the stairway at all times, so that
he is not suddenly surprised or distracted.

Further injury during a fall can be minimized by removing all projec-

tions and rough surfaces in the stair area. Finally, access to the stair
should be restricted for very young children.

2.4.1 Clear Path of Travel for Flights and Landings

IF: there are doors which swing within one tread depth of the top or
bottom riser in a flight of stairs, and/or...

IF: the flight is obstructed by a door at the top or bottom landing...

THEN: reposition or modify the doorway such that someone approaching

the flight can becom.e aware of other persons on the flight, prior
to encountering the stair itself or hitting the persons with the

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) reverse the swing of each offending door (if possible under the
prevailing fire exit requirements), or...

(b) remove the doors (contingent upon exit, heating, and security
requirements), or...

(c) install a fire-rated glass panel in the door, (where required by

fire codes), so that a person approaching the door can see some-
one else using the flight. Where fire-rated glazing is not
required by code, use safety glazing.

COMMENTARY - In some cases, stair accidents result when a person nearing

the top of a flight is struck by a door or another person, and is conse-
quently pushed backwards down the stairs. Frequently, the person who
strikes the victim is unaware that the other person is on the stairs
until after the accident has begun. To eliminate such an incident,
remove any visual obstructions. Where possible, either reverse the

swing of the door away from the stair, remove the door, or provide a
glass panel in the door so that obstructions or persons in the stairwell
are visible.

The key problem here is to assure that a stair user will not be struck
by a door or another person at the top or bottom of a flight. In new
construction, this problem can be solved if adequate landings are pro-
vided at the top and bottom. So long as there is adequate landing
space, the user within the stairwell will at least have a level place to
stand to avoid being struck. In existing situations, because it is
seldom feasible to add landings to stairwells, reversing the door to
swing away from the flight, or removing the door altogether, reduces the
likelihood that someone will push another person off the landing or
risers. In addition, removing the door or placing a glass panel in it
will enable a person approaching the flight to see other people on the
stairway, and to react accordingly.

Several incidents of this type were reported in the NEISS in-depth

studies. None were recorded on the NBS videotapes or on the Milwaukee
survey and inventory (Carson, et al., 1978). But since a disproportion-
ate number of stairway accidents are typically expected in cases where
doors swing toward stairs, it has become common to recommend that the
top landing be at least 30 in. deep (Teledyne-Brown 1972).
, Grand jean
(1973) recommends that landings behind doors should be at least 50 cm
(19.7 in.) deep, and that there should be a sign warning of stairs
located behind doors. Teledyne-Brown (1972) also suggested that such
doors should swing away from the stair.


Accident A. The mother opened a swinging door to let the victim into
the house. The victim, standing just outside, was bumped by the door,
fell down the five cement steps, and incurred a concussion. The door
opened to the side of the safety railing.

Accident B The victim, a 4-year old male, was standing at the top of

a set of 3 steps just outside the screened porch. Suddenly, the porch
door blew open and knocked the child down the steps. He broke both
front teeth.

2.4.2 Clear Headroom Throughout the Flight

IF: any user of a given flight of stairs frequently strikes the

ceiling, lighting fixture, or another overhead member during
normal ascent or descent, or...

IF: any household member or frequent guest can touch any portion of
the ceiling, lighting fixture, or another overhead member with
his head while standing on his toes at any point in the flight...

THEN: either remove the offending hazard or provide an unambiguous cue

to its presence and location.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) remove or raise the hazardous surface or projection over the

flight (making certain not to interfere with essential structural
members ) or.
, .

(b) provide a clearly visible contrasting cue (which should not be so

compelling that it distracts the user's attention from the treads
and handrail) to the hazard's precise location, or...

(c) cushion the offending edge(s) of projections to minimize the

consequences of unavoidable contact, or...

(d) place signs warning of the hazard which are clearly visible from
the approaches to the landings.

COMMENTARY - It is evident that sufficient headroom is needed at all

points along a flight of stairs to permit users to pass without contact.
In fact, unless the low headroom is obvious, most users will traverse
the stairs assuming that all overhanging fixtures or projections are
high enough to permit clear passage. This last point is critical to
those situations where there appears to be sufficient headroom, but in
fact there is not. In such cases, the user will have no reason to take
evasive action and may actually be more vulnerable to hitting his head.

No incidents involving low headroom were recorded on the NBS videotapes.

This is because all the flights studied were free of obvious hazards.
Several incidents were reported in the NEISS in-depth studies, but these
could not be treated statistically due to biased sampling procedures.
Carson, et al., (1978) determined that 16% of all residential (interior)
stair flights had low headroom. Furthermore, there was a tendency for
more accidents to occur on flights with low headroom than on flights
with adequate headroom. McGuire (1971) noted that 2% of the stair
accidents reported in a HUD survey could be attributed to insufficient
vertical clearance.

There is some disagreement on the required vertical clearance for safe

passage on a flight of stairs. Teledyne-Brown (1972) suggested a mini-
mum of 7 ft. 4 in. Grand jean (1973) recommended 200 cm. (approximately
6 ft. 6-1/2 in.) measured either vertically from the nosing or perpendi-
cular to the slope of the flight.


Accident A . The 16-year old youth received a concussion when, because of

low ceiling clearance, he hit his head on the ceiling above the stair and
knocked himself unconscious.

Accident B . The 28-year old respondent was able to enumerate 10 separate

accidents on her home stairways within the past year. She reported that
the basic problem was low head clearance (of 60 to 62 in.) on both
stairs. Most accidents followed the same pattern: she or her husband
hurried down the stairs, forgot about the low ceiling, and hit their
heads on the overhang. None of these accidents required medical atten-
tion. (Carson, et al., 1978)

2.4.3 Physical Conditions Which Cause the User to Divert Attention From
the Stair

IF: there are points of low headroom or restricted width caused by a

projecting door frame, light fixture, bracket, ceiling, etc.
within a stairway, or...

IF: there are high velocity or foul air currents blowing across a
stair at the level of a user's face — such as those created by
exhaust fans, air conditioners, or...

IF: there is dripping moisture caused by a refrigeration unit, a

clogged downspout, or a missing gutter over a stairway, or...

IF: gutters or natural drainage channel water onto tread or landing

surfaces or .
, .

IF: depressions in walking surfaces allow water to puddle or back-up,

or . .

IF: it is possible to see a mirror, or a highly polished surface that

acts as a mirror, or...

IF: it is possible to see a television screen while ascending or

descending a stair...

THEN: eliminate or relocate the offending physical conditions.

COMMENTARY - Being distracted by water or foul air while using a stair

may be as dangerous as being struck by an actual physical projection
within the stairway. It is obvious that physical projections ought to
be eliminated. What is less obvious, however, is that other distract-
ing conditions also ought to be avoided, because they can draw the
user's attention away from the stair.

Water running across stairs and landings can decrease the slip-resistance
of the surface. In addition, water can decrease the detectability of the
surface characteristics of a stair, and, in some cases, even obscure the
edges of the treads.

The potential for being distracted by images in a mirror or a television

Is, in part, a variation of the "orientation edge" problem. (See Section
1.2.4). The primary issue is whether the stair or something else in the
surroundings is a more compelling focus for the user's visual attention.
In addition, mirrors located on stairs or landings may present distorted
information in which stairways and landings appear much wider than they
actually are. Furthermore, the image of a single handrail in a mirror
may occasionally be mistaken for a real handrail.
. .

Esmay (1961) found that 8% of the stair accidents he studied could be

attributed to distractions which caused users to look away from the stair
itself. Johnson, et al., (1975) attributed 58% of the accidents they
studied to the users' failure to look down at the approach to the stair.
Although no evidence was found to link the rate of stair accidents with
the presence of run-off water on stairs or landings, it is evident that
any materials which impair either the slip-resistance, stability, or
detectability of a surface ought to be avoided. There is no statistical
evidence that links mirrors or televisions with stair accidents, but
there is some documentation (the NBS videotape analysis) which indicates
that extraneous visual information can contribute to a misstep or a fall.

2 .A. 4 Projections in User's Clear Path of Travel

IF: there are coat hooks, picture hangers, nails, light fixtures, or
shelves protruding into the stairway at any point up to 75 in.
above the tread surface, or...

IF: brackets or hinges remain where railings or doors have been

removed. .

THEN: remove them.

COMMENTARY - Sharp projections into a stairway can cause both accidents

and injuries. Hooks or light fixtures are usually conspicuous enough
to be avoided. There is also a likelihood that clothing or some item
being carried will catch on the protruding element and throw the user
off balance. No amount of precaution or familiarity can assure that
such incidents will not take place. Furthermore, the user must be in
complete control of his own movements. The most critical threats occur
when an accident sequence has already begun, since the user is not in
control of his fall. Accordingly, it is essential to remove from stair-
ways all protrusions that could increase the severity of injury upon

The residential survey conducted by Carson et al. (1978) indicated that


a number of stairways had projections into the user's path of travel.

Velz and Hemphill (1953) and Esmay (1961) also indicated that projections
could result in an accident or increase the severity of an accident in


Accident A . The respondent's 2-year old child fell off a winder near the
bottom of a flight of stairs and cut his head on a hinge that had pre-
viously supported a gate. (Carson, et al.)


Figure 2.4.4 In this 2-story townhouse, the master bedroom projects


out over the open stairway, creating a sharp edge and corner just a few
inches above the handrail. The owner's niece dislocated her shoulder
while sliding her hand along the railing.

2.4.5 Splinters, Protrusions, Sharp Edges, and Abrasive Contact Surfaces

IF: the surfaces of any railing, spindle, tread, nosing, or other

component of a stairway exposes any user to splinters, protru-
sions, or sharp edges under normal usage, or...

IF: any nails or screws protrude above the surface or component in

which they are embedded, or...

IF: any treads, walls, or other surfaces within the stairway expose
rough or abrasive textures to user...

THEN: refinish, refasten, or replace the offending material(s) in a

manner that reduces the possibility of puncturing, cutting,
tearing, or scraping upon sudden or sustained bodily contact.

COMMENTARY - Extremely coarse textures on stairway surfaces can increase

the severity of a fall by causing flesh wounds upon contact. Fragments
of materials that break off from these surfaces can also become embedded
in the skin. Similarly, a nail or screw that extends from the wall or
from a metal nosing strip, can pose a serious hazard to the user who
suddenly tries to regain his balance, or who shuffles his bare feet
across the treads. Aside from catching on clothing, these surface
irregularities offer little likelihood of causing an accident by them-
selves. Yet, by the very manner in which they break the surface of the
skin upon impact, they can turn an otherwise minor incident into a pain-
ful injury.

The survey of residential stairs (Carson, et al., 1978) indicated that a

number of the stairs were in rather poor condition, with rough surfaces
and projections. Although there does not appear to be any statistical
evidence which links increased accident rates with surface protrusions,
it is evident that these could distract the user's visual or tactile


Accident A. The 36-year old housewife was returning up the tilted and
uneven wooden stair when she lost her balance midway up the flight.
When she extended her right hand to steady herself, it landed on a pro-
truding nail which severely lacerated the tip of the fourth finger.

2.4.6 Glass Areas In or Near Flights of Stairs and Landings

IF: any portion of an exterior window within a given stairway is less

than 75 in. above an adjacent tread surface, or...

IF: any portion of an exterior window or glass door on a landing at

the bottom of a flight of stairs is within 36 in. above the bottom
riser of that flight and less than 75 in. above the landing

THEN: protect such glass areas from contact or breakage by a person who
might fall or impact upon them in an uncontrolled manner.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) use safety glazing materials in all windows, doors, or partitions

exposed to persons falling on stairs, or...

(b) place at least one (more if the exterior glass area is high above
ground level) guardrail across the entire glass area, mounted
approximately 36 in. (98 cm.) above the floor or adjacent tread

COMMENTARY - Once an accident victim has lost control of his movement on

a flight of stairs, it is difficult to anticipate how he will regain con-
trol or how he will impact on surrounding surfaces. However, if one of
the surrounding surfaces is glass, and if the glass breaks, the possi-
bility of serious injuries from shattered glass is greatly increased.
Consequently, it is important to reduce the likelihood of (1) impacting
the glass surface in the first place and (2) shattering the glass if it
is struck by the victim's body.

Ideally, both a guardrail and safety glazing should be used to diminish

the likelihood and the severity of glass-related injuries resulting from
stair accidents.

Determining which glass areas are most likely to be struck may be diffi-
cult. However, assuming that the victim can reach in any direction to
try to break a fall, then all glass areas that lie below the standing
height of a 99th percentile male (75 in.) should be protected. To
accommodate most uncontrolled falls on the lower landing, all glazing
within 75 in. should be protected.


Accident A. As the 13-year old boy descended the stair, he turned to

say something to his friend and tripped when he was about 2 steps from
the bottom. Because he could not regain his balance, he plunged head-
long into the lower glass portion of the storm door. He lacerated
himself behind the ear, lodged a piece of glass in one of the main
arteries in his arm, and cut his thumb. The ornamental grating on the
outside of the door prevented him from going completely through. (NEISS)

Accident B The 18-year old male was leaving his girlfriend's apartment

when he missed a step and fell into the outside door, putting his arm
through the glass in the upper half of the door. Glass shards caused
deep puncture wounds on his left arm. (NEISS)

Accident C . As the 19-year old male was returning in the house, he

either slipped or tripped on the steps and fell through the lower glass
section of the aluminum storm door at the top of the steps. A sharp
shard of curved glass fatally punctured the right side of the victim's
throat near the clavicle. (NEISS)

Stair Flights Which Are Not Readily Visible

there are stairs within the dwelling unit in which the upper
landing (or top tread) is obscured by a door which is normally
in a closed position, or...

there are flights of stairs within the dwelling unit which

descend from areas that are normally used for sleeping...

provide a luminous cue within the stairwell which is clearly

visible from a point on the user's approach to the stair, prior
to his having reached the top nosing, and which clearly indicates
the drop in floor level.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

provide a night light on the side wall of the stairway which is

in line with the user's approach to the stair, and which is at
least one riser-depth below the level of the upper landing,
or. .

arrange to have a discernable amount of illumination reach the

upper landing and treads of the obscured flight(s) at all times
of the day or night.

COMMENTARY - Two common types of residential stair accidents occur:

(a) when people proceed through a door, only to find themselves falling
down an unexpected flight of stairs; or (b) when someone awakens in the
middle of the night, inadvertently turns the wrong way, and falls down
the flight of stairs. Both types of accidents are common among people
who are unaccustomed to the layout of an unfamiliar home. However,
each can also occur among people who are quite accustomed to their own
homes but who, due to drowsiness, stress, drugs or fatigue, misjudge
their own immediate surroundings.

To counteract this problem some type of warning signal must be provided

that can penetrate the user's inattentiveness and elicit the most effec-
tive reaction.

Under these circumstances, a luminous signal would be more likely to

evoke the most effective response than a less conspicuous cue such as
high color contrast between the treads or handrails and the walls of the
stairwell. The cue should fall within the approaching user's most likely
line of sight. Finally, by placing the cue below the level of the upper
landing, a sense of depth can be conveyed which will alert the oncoming
user to the possibility of falling. Since the issue here is to alert
the unsuspecting user to impending danger, an important characteristic
of this luminous cue is its conspicuousness as opposed to the amount of

illumination cast upon the stair treads. This cue is intended solely to
stop the user's forward progress, not to improve his ability to negotiate
the stair.

Although annecdotal accounts abound, there are few data which link stair
accidents to the obscuring effects of doors or darkness. Velz and
Hemphill (1953) indicate that doors which swing toward the top step of
a stair flight are dangerous, but they have no accident data to support
their assertion. However, they do report that 39% of the interior resi-
dential stairways which they surveyed had doors near the top of the
flight. These doors averaged 18 in. from the top nosing. In addition,
20% of these doors opened toward the stairs. In 1961, Miller and Esmay
reported that 8% of the accident victims in their survey had not intended
to use the stairs at all. These investigators suggested, though they did
not document it, that most unintentional uses resulted when a stair
flight was mistaken for an entry to another room, and where a door swung
out over the flight without a top landing. McGuire (1971) reported that
3% of the stair accidents reported in a HUD survey were attributed to
doors swinging over the stairway.

Neither the NBS videotapes, nor the residential survey included any inci-
dents of this type. While the in-depth analysis of the NEISS data showed
a number of accidents occurring in the homes of friends or relatives,
these data are insufficient to establish the effects of darkness or doors
on the possible confusion or disorientation of accident victims.

In all of these reports, only Miller and Esmay (1961) make any recommen-
dations to alleviate this condition. Their recommendation is to install
night lights on stairs that might be confused with entries to other


Accident A . The victim was spending the night at her sister's house.
In the early morning she got up to go to the bathroom. The bathroom
door was directly opposite the door to the basement. The victim opened
the door to the basement, thinking it was the door to the bathroom, and
stepped out into the open space, thinking she was stepping onto the
bathroom floor. Loosing her balance, she fell down the basement stairs,
breaking her upper arm.

2.4.8 Illumination of Stairs

IF: a light bulb which contributes to the illumination of any portion

of a stair or stairway burns out...
. .

THEN: replace or add an electric light of similar wattage and color

rendition immediately... If a change in the quality or quantity
of the light is desired, warn stair users that stair conditions
have been altered (however slightly).

COMMENTARY - The quality of illumination in the stairway provides most

of the cues about current stair conditions for the user. Any change in
the amount, color or direction of the illumination may lead the frequent
stair user to pay attention only to the change and, hence, to respond as
though the physical conditions have changed. In addition, the user who
is unfamiliar with the stair urgently needs adequate illumination to
detect prevailing stair conditions. Consequently, not only should stair-
ways be lit by natural or artificial illumination, but care should be
taken to make sure that there are no abrupt changes in this illumination
from day-to-day.

The NBS videotape analysis indicated that the user's initial awareness
of the presence of a stair is primarily visual, as shown by the downward
direction of the head and eyes. Although a user may rely more upon tac-
tile-kinesthetic cues for subsequent steps, the initial sensory impres-
sion of the stair is a visual one. Consequently any change in the amount
or quality of light within the stairway could seriously impair visual
detection of stair characteristics and surrounding cues. Templer (1974)
in fact found that poor illumination was a contributing factor in a num-
ber of stair accidents.


Accident A .The victim was descending the stairs when she tripped on
the second flight and fell the last 3 or 4 steps. Although the normal
lighting in the stairway was inadequate, provided only by a single yellow
bulb over the landing, this bulb had burned out. When the respondent
found the victim, she was lying unconscious on the floor with her head
on the first step. She received a slight concussion.

Accident B .Although there was a light socket in the ceiling of the

hallway of the victim's apartment, it did not contain a light bulb.
Some light was provided by a bulb on the next lower floor which shone
on the lower treads of the stair. The victim, who was holding the trash
with her right hand and the bannister with her left hand, stepped down
from the (upper) landing. She missed the first step, fell 15 steps to
the bottom of the flight, and fractured a rib.

2.4.9 Control Switches on the Top and Bottom Landings

IF: the lighting on a stairway is controlled by the user, and 3-way

switches at the top and bottom landings of the stairway are not

THEN: 3-way switches and wiring should be installed at all landings and
should be accessible at least 1 stride before the first riser is
COMMENTARY - Except for those public or semi-public stairs where the
illumination is not under the user's direct control or those short ( 1 to
3 riser) flights of private stairs where all necessary lighting is pro-
vided by spillage from adjacent rooms or spaces, the availability of
artificial light on a stair should be subject only to the user's discre-
tion. The user must be in a position to alter the amount of artificial
light available during his use of the stair. This means that on and off
switches should be provided at every point of entry to or exit from the
stairway. No stair user should have to traverse a stair in the dark,
because the only switch is at the other end, and no user should feel
obligated to leave the lights off because there is no switch at the
other end.

The importance of visual cues for successful stair negotiation, suggested

by the data collected on the NBS videotapes, indicates that provision
must be made to ensure adequate light levels for all stair uses. Three-
way switches and wiring are one way of providing the user with immediate
control over lighting in the stairway.

2.4.10 Stairs Accessible to Children Under Four

IF: children 4-years old or younger can gain access to a stair which
is located within or adjacent to their dwelling unit...

THEN: provide and use a reliable, stable means for controlling such
access. .

COMMENTARY - Data taken from the NEISS in-depth studies indicate that
stair accidents occur with greater frequency among children who are 4
years old or younger than any other age group. Many of these injuries
occur when children wander onto stairs and are unable to negotiate them
successfully. Simply limiting access to stairs, by means of a secure
door or gate, can prevent falls which occur when a child unknowingly
enters a stairway. Care should be taken, however, to minimize potential
danger to children who climb on an unstable gate.

The NEISS data, as well as the residential survey data, contained numer-
ous examples of injuries to children who wandered into a stairway, and
fell. Because very young children are unable to negotiate stairs suc-
cessfully, limiting their access to stairways would appear to be an
effective means of controlling accidents.


Accident A. The victim, a 17-month old boy, wandered off and his
mother's attention was gained by hearing his crying on the second floor
landing. The child fell down the flight of 14 steps, and received a
concussion. (NEISS)

. .

Accident B The victim, a 9-month old baby, was allowed to crawl around

the floor unattended. The door to the basement had been left open. The
mother heard the victim crying and found him at the bottom of the stairs
between the main floor and the basement. He had a bruise above his right
eye. (NEISS)

Accident C The victim's sister left the door to the basement stairs

slightly ajar. The 18-month old victim was able to walk his baby walker
to the door and pull open the door. He pulled the front edge of the
walker over the top step and tumbled down the stairs. He suffered con-
tusions and abrasions on his head. (NEISS)


In addition to physical conditions in the stair surroundings which can

injure the user, the appearance of the surrounding environment can dis-
tract the user's attention causing him to misstep or fall. The data
recorded on the NBS videotapes underscored the importance of visual
attention in successful stair negotiation. Any characteristic of the
stair or stair surrounding which distracts a user from paying full atten-
tion to the essential details of the stair is potentially dangerous.

Thus, the conspicuousness of the tread against the surroundings should be

enhanced. Orientation edges and changes should be minimized. Further-
more, views through the stairs should be screened or minimized. Contrast
between the stair and the surroundings should be maximized so that the
stair, not the surroundings, is conspicuous. Glare from bright light
sources should be minimized, particularly for elderly or visually handi-
capped users.

2.5.1 Color and Lighting Contrast to Accentuate Treads and Handrails

IF: the stair treads and handrails are not the most conspicuous
features in the user's visual field while approaching or using
a stair, or. .

IF: there are compelling points of visual interest that compete for
the stair user's attention while approaching or using a given
flight. .

THEN: refinish the treads, handrails, or surrounding walls, and relight

the stairway in a manner that will emphasize the treads and hand-
rails and deemphasize everything else the stair user can see.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) refinish the treads and handrails in lighter, warmer colors and
refinish the walls and ceilings of the stairway in somewhat
darker, cooler colors and/or...

(b) increase the lighting intensity on the stairway slightly while

decreasing the lighting intensity in surrounding areas or...
(c) provide lighting which falls more directly onto the stair treads
and less directly on surrounding walls or other competing sources
of visual attention.

COMMENTARY - The stair treads and handrails should be the most conspicu-
ous objects in the user's visual field. As the stairs are approached,
the visible slope of the handrail and the series of tread nosings are the
most reliable cues which indicate to the user that there are stairs in
his pathway. In addition, the zigzag pattern of risers, treads, and
nosings against a sidewall or baseboard may be a good cue.

Once the user is aware of the stair, he must know the position and con-
dition of the tread surfaces and the handrail, in order to use the stair
successfully. In addition, the user should know about any related sur-
rounding features which might precipitate an accident.

Anything that makes the treads and handrails stand out against their
background, will consequently, contribute to the successful use of a
flight of stairs. Other information about components of the stairway
and the surrounding environment is unnecessary for the proper use of the
stair, and may even distract the user's attention away from the stair

Whether or not a person actually looks at the stair during the critical
first steps appears to be the most powerful discriminator between
successful and unsuccessful uses. The analyses of the NBS videotape
data showed that more than half of the stair users who had missteps
did not look at the stairs as they approached them (Johnson, et al.
1975). On the other hand, all successful users did look. If looking at
the stair is indeed a crucial behavioral requirement for successful stair
use, then it is necessary to ensure that the critical parts of the stair
will attract the user's attention, and that the less critical surround-
ings do not.

2.5.2 Abrupt Changes in View From a Stair

IF: there are particular points on a flight of stairs from which a

user can suddenly see into a room, hallway, or other space located
off to the side of the stair which had previously been blocked
from view, and particularly...

IF: such an abrupt expansion of the visual surround occurs at the top
or bottom of the flight...

THEN: diminish the impact of the localized distraction in a manner that

will either block or reduce the conspicuousness of features or
events that become visible off to the side of the stair, and
increase the attention-getting qualities of the stair itself.


Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) modify the relative lighting patterns so that the level of illu-
mination on the stair treads and handrails exceeds the levels
found in surrounding areas and...

(b) extend or reduce the opening so that its edge is farther from the
extreme ends of the flight.

COMMENTARY - As people move from an already familiar area to one which

has just come into view, they tend to glance around the corner (or edge)
to survey the newly revealed surroundings, particularly if these are more
open than the enclosed stair area. The researchers at NBS labeled such
corners as "orientation edges" and the tendency to look, around them as
the "orientation activity". This often subconscious process of attending
to suddenly changed surroundings may be quite compelling — particularly
in unfamiliar places where a person is uncertain about potential hazards.

As suggested by the model of stair use (see Section 1.2.4), the following
inferences may be drawn about the role of orientation edges in stair use.
Orienting to places and situations can create a dangerous conflict if it
occurs in conjunction with the beginning of a flight of stairs. An
important factor in successful stair use involves looking down at the
stair treads from at least one stride away from the first riser until
the completion of the first step on the stair. If an "orientation edge"
is located at the beginning of a stair flight, the user may find himself
attending to the view beyond that edge at precisely the time when he
should be looking down at the walking surface. This can lead to a mis-
step or an accident for the user who has not obtained enough information
about the stair. Although orienting distractions are more critical near
the top or bottom of a flight, they can also disrupt the subconscious
monitoring of gait in the middle of the flight, and this can trigger an
accident. Orienting distractions can occur not only for vertical edges
but for horizontal edges as well. The ceiling line of a first-floor
living area or hallway on a residential stair can distract a descending
person, for example.

The abruptness with which new scenes are introduced and the conspicuous-
ness of these scenes are important factors which contribute to the like-
lihood of distraction by an orientation edge. Abruptness is, in turn,
dependent upon the user's rate of movement and distance from the edge
itself. Conspicuousness depends on the apparent contrast between the
color range and illumination on the stair and in the visible portions of
the surroundings. Since many of these factors (except the rate of move-
ment) are controllable through design modification, it appears that ori-
entation distractions introduced by "orientation edges" on stairways are
correctable. The need to correct this problem seems to be greatest at
the top of a stair flight where the most serious accidents frequently

Esmay (1961) found that distractions were contributing factors in 8 of

the 101 stairway falls he investigated. Several accidents reported in
the NEISS in-depth studies were reported to have happened "for no appar-
ent reason" on the fourth through seventh step from the bottom of the
flight. In at least 6 of these incidents, combined data on the victim's
height, the height of the risers, and photographs of the stairs suggest
that the victim's eye level would have just passed below the horizontal
orientation edge created by the first floor ceiling as he moved onto
the step indicated as the beginning of the accident. A number of inci-
dents reported on videotape also occurred just as the victim's head
passed an orientation edge at relatively close range.

The NBS incident analysis of these videotapes showed that the second
most powerful discriminator between high- and low-risk stairs, for the
samples studied, was the number of orientation changes from one step to
the next. Templer, et al. (1978), found that the greater the number of
changes, the greater the number of missteps or accidents. According to
Templer, et al., components of the orientation edge which increase the
likelihood of incidents are: stimulating views available on one side
of the stair only, stimulating views directly ahead of the user, and a
greater number of changes in the user's visual surroundings from step to
step in descent.

The data do not demonstrate that "orientation edges" actually cause

accidents. For the stair studied, it was never clear where the accidents
began and it was impossible to determine to just which stimuli the users
were actually attending. However, the data suggest the notion of the
orientation edge as an area in which future research may prove fruitful.


Accident A . The victim, a 3-year old girl, was coming down the stairs
into the living room of her house. She became extremely excited when
she saw a friend, a little boy of the same age, enter the living room
through the front door. For no apparent reason she lost her balance
and fell down the last 7 steps, fracturing her left elbow. (The point
at which she first noticed her friend, and from which she fell, is the
point at which her eye level would have passed below the ceiling of the
living room, or an "orientation edge".) (NEISS)

Accident B. A young woman carrying a purse on her arm descended a

4-riser flight to a landing and then fell onto the top step of a 22-riser
flight in a sitting position, apparently incurring no injury. As she
approached the landing, her view of the lower level (of the shopping
center) was obstructed by a low wall. The wall ended at the top of the
lower flight, precisely where she had fallen (NBS videotape).


Figure 2.5.2a. As users approach this stair from above, they must first
descend into an enclosure which completely obscures their view of the
scene below. At the top of the flight, the enclosure ends, creating a

view of the floor below. This scene is exposed to descending users at
precisely the point where their attention should be directed toward the
stair itself.

Figure 2.5.2b . In this case, a horizontal orientation edge is created

by the intersection of the ceiling of the floor below and a low wall
around a balcony above. As the user's eye level passes this edge, a
large activity area is revealed to the extreme right.

2.5.3 Impact of Views Through Open Risers

IF: a flight of stairs has open risers and...

IF: it is possible to see human activity, interesting scenes, or

objects of curiosity through the openings between the treads
while ascending the stair. .

THEN: provide modifications in material, color, or illumination patterns

which diminish the likelihood of a user's attention being directed
toward events visible through the stairs, and thus neglecting
conditions on the stair themselves.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) alter the patterns of illumination on the stair and in the area
exposed through the risers so that the levels of light falling
on the stair treads are noticeably greater than the levels in the
area seen through the stairs and...

(b) refinish or repaint the stair treads and/or the visible features
of the space seen through the risers so as to accentuate the
visibility of the stair treads and diminish the visibility of
the area seen through the stairs, or...

(c) fill in the open riser with an opaque or translucent material

that is rigid and firmly affixed to the treads above and below,
and which completely blocks the user's view of scenes through
the stair.

COMMENTARY - The potential for being distracted by a view through an

open riser is a variation of the "orientation edge" problem. Here
again, the primary issue is whether the stair itself or something in the
surrounding is a more compelling focus for the user's visual attention.
The only additional hazard associated with views through open risers is
related to the interference or flicker introduced by the stair treads
which appear to move across the foreground while the user ascends the
stairs. The resulting discontinuous view through the open risers may
induce the user to neglect the stair itself, because he must concentrate
on overcoming the repeated disruption created by each passing tread.

If the user stops to scrutinize the scene before resuming his ascent, he
could block traffic and be a potential hazard on heavily traveled stairs.
Furthermore, once stopped, the stair climber will have to repeat the
process of getting onto the stair in a manner much like his original
transition from level walking to stair walking. Since the user's vulner-
ability to accidents seems greatest while making such a transition, all
such conditions should be avoided.

According to conventional wisdom, open risers are hazardous because

people could slip and catch their legs in the openings, and because
young children might get caught in - or might even fall through - an
opening. The literature review, the NEISS in-depth studies, the video-
tapes of 1-riser stairs, and the residential survey, indicated that no
accidents of these types were reported.

However, if one accepts the idea that orientation distractions can trig-
ger stair accidents, then the possibility of being distracted by what
one sees through open risers is at least plausible. Although there
appears to be only anecdotal data which relate accident rates to open
risers, extrapolation from the data on the rate of visual distractions
in stair use suggests that open risers could contribute to stair acci-
dent s


Figure 2.5,3 .The scene revealed through the open risers of this public
stairway can be a much more compelling focus of attention than any part
of the stair itself.

2.5.4 Hotspots of Direct, Reflected, or Diffused Light Within the Stair

User's Normal Field of Vision

IF: light bulbs, lighting fixtures, direct sun, or bright patches of

reflected light fall within the user's field of vision from any
point during ascent or descent...

THEN: either (a) block the source of glare with translucent or opaque
shades or screens, (b) reduce the reflectance of any surfaces
which reflect bright lights or (c) move the offending bulb or
fixture beyond the range of the user's functional visual field.

COMMENTARY - The total amount of light on the treads and handrails is

one of the critical factors in the user's ability to detect prevailing
stairway conditions. However, an adequate quantity of light does not
ensure that the quality of illumination is particularly good on a given
flight of stairs. If the angles of incidence and of reflectance combine
with highly reflective surfaces to produce glare when the user looks at
the treads, increases in light level could actually diminish his ability
to acquire useful information. Finally, when the source of illumination
falls within the user's visual field while looking at the stair, there
is a distinct possibility that the intense brightness in one portion of
the visual field may actually reduce the user's ability to acquire useful
information from the remainder of the visual surroundings.

Figure 2.5.3

On many residential flights of stairs, the fixture which illuminates the
stairway is clearly visible when the user is looking toward the stairs in
descent. This condition may not only reduce a person's ability to dis-
cern details, but could also produce an afterimage which makes it diffi-
cult to process any visual information for several seconds afterward.
Glare from overhead light sources, and the resulting afterimage, becomes
even more critical for the elderly and visually handicapped (Pastalan,
et al., 1973; Weale, 1963). During ascent, similar glare problems can
arise from lights over an upper landing or from decorative lighting
beneath stair treads.

Windows in stairways can also cause glare. A sunny or an overcast sky

can produce glare directly, or a dirty window or sheer curtain can scat-
ter direct sunlight into the stairway. These reduce the effective visi-
bility of a stair. Regardless of the amount of light available under
such circumstances, the user's ability to process the visual information
required for successful stair negotiation can be significantly reduced
by direct or reflected glare from this light.

When Velz and Hemphill (1953) surveyed a number of homes, they found that
over 60% of all intermediate landings on stairways had windows. Glare
can be a particular problem with windows because of the high levels of
illumination during daylight hours (Hopkinson, 1972). In addition, for
the elderly recovery from changes in lighting levels within the visual
field occurs much more slowly (Wolf, 1960; Weale, 1963). As a result,
maintaining an adequate ratio of illumination between the surround and
target is critical. Wolf (1960) suggested that the illumination in the
surround must be increased proportionately to any increase in the target
illumination. Consequently, windows and bare light bulbs should be
placed so that they are not directly within the user's view.

2.5.5 Changes in Light Level Between Stairs and Their Surroundings

IF: a stair is located within 2 or 3 normal strides of an exterior

doorway or . .

IF: the rooms or spaces that one must pass thorugh immediately before
entering or immediately after exiting a stair are substantially
more (or less) brightly lit than the stair itself...

THEN: the contrast between the levels of illumination on the stair and
its surrounding should be lessened: by (1) changing the level of
illumination on the stairs or surrounding; or by (2) providing
supplementary illumination between the stairs and adjacent areas
that is of intermediate intensity.

COMMENTARY - The human eye is very sensitive to the total amount of

light. As a person moves from one place to another, his eyes continu-
ally adapt to the changing light levels. If the change in light levels
is too sudden or too great (as when coming indoors from bright sunlight),
his eyes are unable to adapt fast enough to permit clear vision. In such
cases, a person would be unable to discriminate details on stairways.
and may even be unable to detect the presence of the stair itself. Con
sequently, it becomes necessary to either locate stairs as far away as
possible from zones of abrupt changes in lighting levels or to provide
transitional lighting to compensate for the momentary incapacities of
the eye.

Because the human eye does not adapt immediately to large changes in
lighting levels, extreme variations in light levels within the approach
to, exit from, and passage through a stair should be avoided. The prob
lem is accentuated for the older person who experiences much greater
light scatter within the eye as well as decreased ability to adapt to
rapid changes in illumination (Weale, 1963).

Hence, gradual changes in illumination between the stairs and their

immediate surroundings should be provided. Otherwise, the surroundings
should be designed to allow the user time to adapt to the general illu-
mination level before he is required to negotiate stairs.

2.5.6 Accentuation of Single Steps, 2-Riser Stairs, and Encroachments

IF: there is a single step or a 2-riser stair within a landing, or

in a hallway, sidewalk, plaza, patio, foyer, or room or...

IF: there are 1 or 2 steps leading to or from an entryway, sunken

living room, raised platform, or porch, or...

IF: the treads of any stair encroach onto an adjacent room, hallway,
or sidewalk ...

THEN: provide patterns of illumination, color, or other cues which

emphasize the location of the step, stair, or encroachment to
draw the user's attention to it.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) provide handrails on both sides of the stair or encroachment

which clearly stand out against their backgrounds, and...

(b) increase the intensity of the lighting on the step, stair, or

encroachment slightly while decreasing the lighting intensity
slightly in surrounding areas, and/or...

(c) refinish the stair treads and surrounding surfaces in a manner

that will accentuate the visibility of the treads and the top
landing for 2-riser stairs, encroachments or single steps, or...

(d) provide a change in ceiling level which corresponds to the chang(

in elevation of the step, stair, or encroachment, or...

(e) place warning signs which clearly indicate the presence and
location of the unexpected stair.

COMMENTARY - Single steps, 2-riser stairs, and encroachraents may not
be noticed by the person approaching them, especially from above.
Sloping handrails, a major cue used to identify a stair, may not be
used on a short flight of stairs, or may be spaced too far apart on
monumental stairs, or may not be visible in an encroachment. The zig-
zag edge of treads, risers, and nosings may also be too remote to be a
clear signal for the "stair".

Moreover, the small overall change in floor level may be particularly

difficult to see in a 1 or 2-riser stair situation, or in the visible
portion of an encroachment. When approaching from below, people may
trip and fall forward over unexpected risers. When approaching from
above, they may step out into mid-air. Any changes in the stair mate-
rials or lighting which draws the user's attention to these situations
should reduce the frequency of stair accidents.

The use of handrails to signal the presence and location of 1 and 2-riser
stairs or encroachments is suggested for several reasons. For example,
it is likely that an obvious stair component such as a handrail which is
placed high above the floor, will attract more attention than a cue built
only into the walking surface. In addition, since the apparent distance
of a fall from a 1 or 2-riser stair is limited, appropriate precautions
are less likely to be exercised. In these situations, therefore, hand-
rails may be needed to break the fall as well as to indicate the presence
of a stair.

The NEISS in-depth studies suggested that one of the most prevalent stair
accident scenarios involves tripping over or stepping past 1 and 2-riser
stairs and encroachments. Many of the incidents reported occurred in a
location other than the victim's home.

The critical incident analysis of videotape data gathered in public set-

tings (Templer, et al. , 1978) also suggested a significant tendency for
more missteps and accidents per tread on shorter flights than on longer
ones. This trend was not found in the residential survey (Carson, et
al., 1978), although 1-riser stairs did show, as logic might suggest,
the highest rate of accidents per tread. The data seem to suggest that
the likelihood of accidents on 1 and 2-riser stairs and encroachments may
be related to unf amiliarity a factor which may account for the higher

rate in public settings and the lower rate in one's own home.

Tha analyses of NBS videotape data also suggest a high susceptibility to

missteps and accidents while making the transition from level walking to
stair walking. These analyses also suggested that a number of persons
failed to notice a short stair, and that they jumped directly to the
landing without using the intermediate step(s).


The dimensional integrity and structural quality of a stairway is asses-

sed in terms of the ability of a stair to maintain its strength and
stability under loading, and in addition, to provide a continuous and
regular walking surface. Stair components must combine to support the
loads applied at any time by the maximum number of expected users. More-
over, a stairway must be constructed and maintained in such a manner as
to provide a uniform and continuous rise in elevation throughout its
length. Maintenance procedures and the quality of repair, as well as
initial installation practices, will affect structural integrity and

Whether constructing new stairs or retrofitting existing ones, the assem-

blies and components should withstand the combined effects of loads
applied by the users, including impact loads imparted by falling persons.
Such forces should be withstood without permanent structural deformation,
and without deflections or displacements which are excessive.

The dimensional relationships among the critical components of a stair

should enable the user to easily execute all exploratory, ascending,
descending, or corrective movements necessary for successful passage.
Finally, the configuration of a stairway must permit a continuously
moving user to maintain equilibrium while using any part of the assembly,
without contortions or disruptions to accommodate other persons moving
in either direction.

2.6.1 Excessively Steep Stairs That Are Frequently Used

IF: the riser height exceeds the effective tread depth on a given
flight of stairs, or...

IF: the riser height exceeds 9 in., or...

IF: the effective tread depth is less than 9 in....

THEN: consider replacing or rebuilding the entire flight.

COMMENTARY - Carson, et al. , (1978) found no statistically significant

data suggesting a relationship between the steepness of stairways and
accident rates. This finding was corroborated by Templer (1974). The
steepness of the stair may trigger increased vigilance, and thus reduce
the likelihood of an accident.

Carson, et al. ,(1978) however, did note that stairway steepness depends
on the particular combination of riser height and tread depth, of which
there are many. For inside stairways in their site sample, 48% of the
stairways were of 1 of the 4 combinations of 7-1/2 or 8 in. risers, and
10 or 10-1/4 in. treads. Outside stairways in the site sample had riser
heights averaging 6.9 in., with a mean tread depth of 12.3 in. Some 33%
of all stairways in their site sample had either 7 or 7-1/2 in. risers
and either 11-1/2 or 12 in. treads. Note that these riser/tread dimen-
sions exceed those recommended in Section 2,1.1, and are believed to
constitute a serious stair hazard.

2.6.2 Excessively Irregular Stairs

IF: any riser or tread in a flight of stairs differs in height or

effective depth from any other riser or tread in the same flight
by more than 1 in. or...

IF: the height or effective depth of any single riser or tread

(except winders) varies by more than 1 in. across the width of
the stair. .

THEN: consider redesigning or replacing the entire flight.

THEN: for variations which are less than 1 in., see 2.2.1.

COMMENTARY - According to Velz and Hemphill (1953), "non-uniformity of

step dimensions may affect the balance and timing of persons using stair-
ways to cause them to misstep, overbalance, stumble, or fall with the
subsequent possibility of serious injury. Minute variations in step
dimensions may be caused by faulty step construction methods, materials,
maintenance, and also to settling or shifting of the entire structure due
to similar defects. Uniformity of step dimensions is not only important
in a single stair flight but should be observed on all stairways in a
dwelling structure." In the residential stair survey, Carson, et al. ,

(1978) found that about *1 5% of all indoor and outdoor stairs were
reported by residents to have had noticeable irregularities (1 in. or
greater). Actual measurements taken at stair sites by the investiga-
tors defined 46% of the sample stairways as having such irregularities.

Velz and Hemphill (1953) reported that 4 out of 13 stairways on which

accidents had been reported were characterized by, among other factors,
non-uniformity of step dimensions. Esmay (1961), in his study of 101
home stairway accidents, found that non-uniformity of steps accounted for
a large percentage of the accidents. Note that although 2.2.1 recommends
increasing the visiblity of all irregularities, the irregularities given
in 2.6.2 appears to be excessive enough to warrant stronger measure.

2.6.3 Broken Treads, Handrails, Nosings, and Spindles; Loose Nails,

Screws, Bolts, Brackets, or Other Fasteners

IF: stair treads or nosings are chipped, splintered, broken, exces-

sively worn, etc., or...

IF: handrails or spindles are broken, or...

IF: impact or user loads cause noticeable movement in treads, risers,

handrails, or connections, or...

IF: handrails are loose...

THEN: replace or repair them with materials which are similar in
strength, slip-resistance, and/or appearance to the original,
and/or... tighten, brace and otherwise correct the structural
deficiency or prohibit use of the stair.

COMMENTARY - Velz and Hemphill (1953) noted that about 30% of all tread
surfaces on stairways surveyed were not considered to be in good condi-
tion. Carson, et al. ,(1978) solicited comments concerning repair
requirements from their occupant sample. Many of these comments pointed
to obvious needs such as the repair of broken concrete, the replacement
or repair of broken treads, or even the construction of entire replace-
ment stairways.

Nevertheless, no statistical evidence was found to demonstrate a rela-

tionship between stairway condition or repair requirements, and accident
rates, perhaps because people may use greater care if the stair is in
poor condition. It seems reasonable to assume, however, that a serious
accident potential may exist on such stairs.


Accident A . The victim was at the top of a flight of concrete steps

serving a wooden porch which was in poor condition. The boards were
heavily worn and partially rotted where the porch adjoined the steps.
There was no railing on the stairs and the rail along the porch was
weak. She caught the heel of her shoe on one plank and fell sideways
and landed on her back. (NEISS)

Accident B . At the top of the stairs, the victim lost his balance and
fell down the 12 stairs. He had been holding onto the hanarail; but
since it was loose and not firmly attached to the wall, it provided no
support when he lost his balance. The injury was contusions. (NEISS)

Accident C . The victim, a 60-year old woman, was using the handrail
while descending a stairway in a department store. The free-play in the
handrail caused her to lose her balance and fall down 6 steps. She
received an abrasion on her hand. (NEISS)

2.6.4 Dilapidated Wood or Metal-Framed Stairways

IF: the typical walking surfaces or supporting members of a wood or

metal framed stair are rotted, broken, racked, or otherwise
incapable of providing needed support...

THEN: replace the entire flight and support structure, or...

ban the stair from use.

COMMENTARY - It is essential that stair treads be capable of supporting

the weight of stairway users throughout the travel distance, and obvi-
ously, stairways which cannot meet this basic criterion require immediate
replacement. Dilapidated stairways still capable of supporting loads
should be banned from use. Where this is not possible, signs warning of
the hazard should be posted in a conspicuous manner. Although no evi-
dence was found showing a statistical relationship between stairway con-
dition and accident rate, a serious accident potential should, however,
be assumed to exist whenever stairs are in dilapidated condition.

2.6.5 Stairs Which Have Treads Severely Canted to the Right or Left

IF: the settlement of 1 side of a given flight of stairs, or of the

structure to which it is attached, produces a constant slope to
the right or left in excess of 1/2 in. per linear ft. (a 4.2%
slope) .

THEN: replace the entire flight and supporting structure.

COMMENTARY - The severe canting of steps to one side or the other may
result from faulty construction methods, materials, and maintenance, or
from the settling or shifting of the entire structure. Step non-unifor-
mity caused by canting may affect the balance and timing of persons using
the stairway, and may therefore cause them to misstep. Although no
evidence was found demonstrating a statistical relationship between
canting and accident rates, a potentially hazardous situation should be
assumed to exist.


Accident A . The respondent's husband slipped on the outside wood steps

as he was leaving for work. The 5 steps on the accident flight had
settled, producing many irregularities. Between the first and second
steps, there was a 2-1/2 in. difference in riser height. Furthermore,
there was as much as a 1 in. difference in riser height from the left
to the right side for a single step (Carson, et al.).


Signs and symbols should be used to facilitate the use of stairs.

Because stairs allow people to move from one elevation to another, people
should be warned in advance of the location and destination of a stair,
particularly in a public building with several stairs.

Movement within a building is not aided when a stair leads to a detour,

a dead-end, a wrong destination, or an unessential change in elevation.
In most cases this may be independent of the stair itself, but related
instead to a series of pathways connected to the stair. Since stairs
can be hazardous, consume human energy, and contribute to fatigue, the
introduction of a stair where none is required or desired is a serious
design error.

Finally, stairways should be clearly differentiated from other portions

of a building; the destinations of stairs and alternative pathways
(elevators, escalators, hallways, etc.) should be clearly marked; and
stairs should not be installed where they are not needed for vertical

2.7.1 Locating Alternate Means of Vertical Movement

IF: in residential buildings, which use stairs to effect vertical

movement .

IF: there are means of vertical movement other than stairs...

THEN: install signs which clearly indicate the locations and destina-
tions of the alternate means.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) provide clearly visible and legible signs or unambiguous symbols

indicating the location of both stairs and alternate means of

(b) enhance the conspicuity of the alternate means of vertical move-

ment through lighting and color contrast

(c) be sure that the signage and markings are clearly visible from
the approach to the stairs.

COMMENTARY - In 1976, the Consumer Product Safety Commission rated stairs

as one of the two most hazardous consumer products in the home. The
Commission attributes at least 4,000 deaths per year to accidents on
stairs (see Table 1 in the Introduction). In addition, stairs demand a
level of expenditure of human energy at three times the rate required by
level walking (Templer, 1974). Particularly for older person, the hand-
icapped, those carrying objects, or virtually anyone on a long flight of
stairs, the energy expenditure on stairs could lead to fatigue or even
an attack or seizure. As a result, any unnecessary use of stairs,
especially when there is no change in elevation, should be avoided.
Thus, when alternate means of vertical movement, such as escalators,
ramps, or elevators, are available, they should be clearly and unambig-
uously indicated prior to the last choice point.

The data collected by CPSC on the dangers inherent in stair use indicate
that either stairs should be made considerably safer or that stairs
should be avoided whenever possible. Unless the user can be made aware
of alternative means of vertical movement, through signs and symbols, he
cannot elect to avoid stairs. Fruin (197 1) notes that signs should con-
firm the basic building configuration and that both should provide
direction, orientation, and purpose to the user.

2.7.2 Orientation of the User to Specific Stair Destinations

IF: stairs in residential buildings are accessible to the general

public, visitors, or building personnel...

THEN: provide a clear indication of the specific stair destination at

points prior to entry to, or exit from, the stair.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) use clearly visible and legible signs or symbols to indicate

specific destinations (such as the garage, laundry, rental
office, etc.). Such signs should be visible before the user
begins his ascent or descent of the stairs, and at each level
of egress from the stair.

(b) place a sign or symbol indicating floor level and any specific
destination at each entry/exit point in a multi-level stair. Do
not place the sign/symbol in such a manner that it will divert
the user's attention from the stair.

COMMENTARY - Because stairs are hazardous, people should not be forced

to use them in a search for particular destinations, such as rental
offices, telephones, laundries, etc., in a residential building, unless
the stairs actually lead to those destinations. In public or semi-public
places, the locations of all commonly sought facilities and destinations
of all stairways should be made apparent to the user before entry to the
stair. In multi-level buildings, the floor number should be indicated
at all points of entry/exit to avoid unnecessary stair use. Unnecessary
stair use is time- and energy-consuming for the user. Furthermore,
sudden stops or changes in direction on a stairway can be disruptive or
hazardous to others on a stair.

2.7.3 Entries to Locked Fire Stairs

IF: doors to residential stairs are locked on the stairway side (for
reasons of security, or for other reasons)...

THEN: place a warning sign outside of each point of entry to the stair-
well which indicates the points at which there are exits from the

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) place a visible and legible sign or symbol which indicates the
exit location on both sides of the entry door at all points of
entry above the exit location.

(b) place a sign inside the stairwell which indicates that exit is
available only on a particular level.

COMMENTARY - People attempting to use fire stairs to travel within a

multi-storied residential building often find themselves locked inside
the stairwell and forced to descend to the lowest level to exit. While
such stairways must be unlocked from connecting building floors to meet
fire exit requirements, these stairways are commonly locked from the
stairway side so that unwanted intruders will be unable to gain access to
the upper floors. In hotels, hospitals, or high-rise apartment build-
ings, persons who may only be trying to get ice or to bypass a slow or
crowded elevator can find themselves trapped into making an unintentional
. .

trip to the sub-basement just to get out of the stairwell. Since

stairs are a very hazardous consumer product (see 2.7.1), every effort
should be made to ensure that people are not victimized by locked fire

2.7.4 Essential Facilities at Each Level for the Elderl y or Handicapped

IF: the elderly and/or handicapped are required to use stairs to gain
access to an essential facility such as a telephone or a bath-
room. . .

THEN: install needed facilities on each level where these users will
spend substantial time.

COMMENTARY - The energy expenditure for stair climbing noted by Templer

(1974) is a particular problem for the elderly and handicapped. Further-
more, data collected from the NEISS survey and by Carson, et al. (1978)

indicate that the severity of stair accidents is higher for the elderly
than for other segments of the population. As a result, because of the
particular vulnerability of the aged, their use of stairs should be
minimized whenever possible.

The increased danger inherent in stair use for the elderly (Sheldon,
1960) suggests strongly that they should avoid stairs whenever possible.
As noted by Pastalan, Mautz, and Merill (1973), Agate (1966) and Weale
(1963) the elderly suffer from deficits in most sensory capabilities.
Because these deficits include a wide range of visual handicaps such as
cataracts, glaucoma, yellowing of the lens, increased adaptation time,
and general decreased sensitivity, stairs, which depend upon visual cues
for successful negotiation, can be a particular problem for the aged or
visually handicapped. In addition, surveys of actual conditions on
stairs by Carson, et al., (1978) and Miller and Esmay (1961) indicated
that light levels were inadequate and poor on as many as half the stair-
ways surveyed. As a result. Agate (1966) recommended that the elderly
live on one floor as much as possible. Duplication of essential facili-
ties in a multi-level dwelling would appear to accomplish the same

2.7.5 Cues on Walls and Ceilings to Mark the Beginning and Ending of

IF: a given flight of stairs is ever used while carrying bulky objects
such as small children, luggage, or...

IF: a given flight is frequently used by large numbers of people

simultaneously. .

THEN: provide clearly identifiable cues on adjacent walls, ceilings, or

elsewhere in the upper portion of the users' visual field which
unambiguously indicate the location, alignment, and direction of
the beginning and end of each flight.

Among the suggested ways to accomplish this are:

(a) provide easily noticed handrails which extend at least 1 ft.

beyond the nosing at the top landing, and at least 1 tread-depth
plus 1 ft. beyond the nosing of the bottom tread (except in
encroachment situations). These should reveal a distinct break
from the slope of the stair to the horizontal, and/or...

(b) align the break-points of the ceiling with the nosing at the top
landing, and with a point beyond the nosing of the bottom tread.

COMMENTARY - One way to think about a stair is as a break in the flat

plane of a walking surface, which is interrupted by a set of treads which
either protrudes above a lower plane or receeds below an upper plane.
When the user looks down at the floor or landing, he should see this
change in plane and be prepared to negotiate the stairs. However, if
the view of the walking surface is obstructed by other people or by
carried objects, the user is much less likely to notice this change
in the floor plane. Alternative cues such as the slope of the handrail,
the slant of a moulding strip or paint edge that conforms to the slope
of the stair, the slant of the ceiling, or a combination of the above
can signal the presence and direction of the stair.

When all of the cues available to the user give the same message, there
is a much greater likelihood of that message getting through. When the
cues convey different messages, however, there is a great chance that
the most critical cue... such as the one signalling the presence and
direction of the stair... will be missed by the unsuspecting user who
is being guided by the others. If a ceiling line, painted edge, or wall
stripe continues horizontally beyond the point where a stair descends, a
conflict between cues will exist. While most people will probably notice
the stair, the wall and ceiling treatments clearly deny the fact that the
floor level changes, and may lead some users to have an accident.

Esmay (1961) and Miller and Esmay (1961) reported that "arms full" was
cited by victims as a common cause of residential stairway accidents.
Using the stair while carrying large objects was given as the primary
or secondary cause in 25 of the 101 stair accidents investigated.

Likewise, the incident analysis of the NBS videotape data (Templer, et

al., 1978) indicated that persons carrying objects tended to have more
missteps regardless of how the object was carried. This finding, how-
ever, was not statistically significant. There also appeared to be some
tendency for women carrying children to exhibit much more precautionary
foot movements throughout the stair. Furthermore, this tendency was
more pronounced for the side on which the child was carried (the side
on which the visual obstruction was the greatest).

No direct evidence is currently available to identify the precise role

that special markings on walls or ceilings might play in preventing such
accidents. Yet, a key factor involved in stair incidents appears to be
the visual obstruction of the walking surface by carried objects or by

nearby persons. The potential magnitude of this problem is underscored

by the finding from the NBS residential survey (Carson, et al. 1978)

that stairs were used when doing the family laundry and taking out the
trash in 96% and 94% of the residences surveyed, respectively.


Accident A .The victim was going down a narrow stairway with his arms
full of garbage, which he was carrying out to the back of the house.
The stairs were poorly lighted and made 90° bend about 2/3 of the way
down. At the bend where the tread width varied from 3 in. to 12 in.,
the victim fell and fractured his left ankle. He said he could not see
the stairs because his arms were full. (NEISS)

Accident B . The respondent had just returned from the grocery store and
was carrying 2 large grocery bags to her upstairs apartment. As she
reached the step next to the landing, she missed the step, and fell on
her left side. She sustained a simple fracture and contusions of the
left elbow and left leg. (NEISS)


Figure 2.7.5 . On this stairway, the slope of the handrail and the paint
pattern on the wall provide reliable cues for the direction, slope, and
location of the first riser. Such cues in the upper part of the visual
field are important whenever other users or objects obscure the user's
view of the tread surfaces themselves.

2.7.6 Non-Visual Cues for Visually Handicapped Users at Entrances to

and Exits From Stairs

IF: a stair is frequented by the elderly, handicapped, or visually

impaired user. .

THEN: provide non-visual cues at the top and bottom landings.

COMMENTARY - The analysis of the NBS videotapes indicated that detection

of the first step was a critical component in the transition from level
walking to stair movement (Templer, et al. 1978).
, This analysis further
indicated that the detection process involves both a visual and a
tactile-kinesthetic component. When the visual component is eliminated
or reduced by some sort of handicap, then the tactile-kinesthetic compo-
nent should be accentuated, through changes in texture on the floor, or
the walls. Provision of changing auditory cues is also possible. It is
important to ensure that these non-visual cues do not interfere with the
non-handicapped person's use of the stairs.

Although the use of tactile cues on the floor or the wall has been recom-
mended in some instances for the visual handicapped (Agate, 1966), there
is no consensus about the most effective means of alerting users about

potential clangers or changes in elevation in their path. Nevertheless,
the use of auditory or tactile cues appears to be a good means of alerting
all users to change in their immediate path of travel.

Facing page: The, -impo^ance. 0^5 andoA-

ittandiviQ ixiiQA bdhavZon. on ^taJju

^koutd not be iinddfiutAjmoutzd.



In the preceding pages, a number of issues associated with stair .safety

were considered. Various hazardous conditions on stairways were enu-
merated, evidence indicating their severity and frequency was explored,
and design guidelines for reducing or eliminating such hazards were pre-
sented. In general, the recommendations discussed in this report arise
from the premise that many stairway accidents are caused by human per-
ceptual and kinesthetic errors. These errors are frequently triggered
by some correctable flaw in the design or construction of a stairway.

Section 1 dealt with a review of the research into the nature and causes
of stair accidents. This review included a summary of the epidemiologi-
cal literature relating stair accidents to different design conditions;
a discussion of the NEISS in-depth survey reports of specific stair acci-
dents; and a presentation of various code requirements. In addition,
Section 1 documented research performed by the National Bureau of Stan-
dards in which numerous videotapes of successful and unsuccessful stair
uses were analyzed. This overview of NBS research also examined a
critical incident analysis of specific stair mishaps (Templer, et al.,
1978), and a survey of stair use and inventory of residential stair
characteristics (Carson, et al. ,1978). Finally, Section 1 described
a model of stair use behavior and discussed the importance of perceptual
cues in stair negotiation.

In Section 2 the research and model described in the first Section was
used to guide the development of recommendations for improving stair
safety. These recommendations focused upon 7 distinct categories of
stairway design and construction: (1) physical attributes of stair
surfaces, (2) appearance of stair surfaces, (3) handrails, (4) physical
attributes of the surrounding stairway environment, (5) appearance of
the surrounding stairway environment, (6) structural integrity and
quality of stairs, and (7) signs and symbols.


The research and guidelines discussed in the preceeding sections indicate

2 equally important factors that must be considered in the design and
construction of safe stairs. Conventional wisdom has suggested the need
for stairs which are structurally sound and uniform. In addition, how-
ever, there is a need to ensure that the user is able to perceive the
physical characteristics of the stairs in an accurate, rapid manner, free
from unnecessary distractions. Thus, not only should the physical ele-
ments of the stairs be considered, but also the user's perception of
these elements.

To ensure the physical integrity of a stair, it should be designed with

uniform riser/tread dimensions, and with uniformly clear headroom. There
should not be any projections, rough surfaces, or exposed glass areas
within the stairway itself. Handrails should be provided, along with
adequate light that does not vary greatly over the stair area or over
time. There should be adequate contrast between the stair and its
surroundings. The use of winders, and open risers should be avoided.
The stairs should also be structurally sound, with stable surfaces and
foundations. In summary, stairs should be designed so that their physi-
cal characteristics safely accommodate the user's desire to change levels
with a space.

Yet, the provision of adequate physical facilities is not sufficient by

itself. The data collected on the NBS videotapes, the incident analysis
by Templer, et al. ,and the residential survey by Carson, et al., all
indicate the importance of accurate perceptual cues in successful stair

use. These cues include visual perception of the approach to, and use
of the first step, and tactile-kinesthetic perception during the
remainder of the flight.

Consequently, it is essential that the stair be designed so that the

user can pay maximum attention to those sensory cues necessary for a
correct perception of the stair and its surroundings. In this regard,
adequate lighting again becomes a critical issue, because it can maximize
the detectability of visual cues. Hence, good color and lighting
contrast are essential elements of safe stairway design. There should
not be any deceptive visual cues, inadequate lighting levels, glare, or
any other sort of visual misinformation present in the stairway. Equally
important, the tactile cues should be readily recognizable and accurate.
The user should be able to feel tread nosings so that his foot does not
roll off the stair. He should be able to use a handrail to guide him-
self — which means that the rail should be free from splinters and
easily grasped. Perhaps extra tactile cues should be available for the
visually handicapped user.

Finally, the stair surroundings must not be distracting to the user.

Orientation edges should be minimized in the design of safe stairs. The
user's attention should focus on the stair, rather than on the surround-
ing space. Visual distractions can be as dangerous to the stair user as
incomplete or inaccurate visual or tactile information.

Achieving increased safety on stairs thus demands consideration of the

role of perception in stair use, as well as the maintenance of stable
physical elements of the stairs. The stair design must facilitate the
user's detection of and response to the stairs. Because the user's
general familiarity with stairs may lead him to overlook small deviations
in stair characteristics, it is even more critical to ensure that the
perceptual cues presented by the stair demand the user's attention. It
is not enough, in summary, to provide sound structural stairs. The
user's response to the stairs must also be considered.


Future efforts should be directed toward: (1) verifying the theoretical

premises which underlie the design guidelines of Section 2; (2) verify-
ing the effectiveness of the specific design solutions recommended in
the guidelines; and (3) expanding the stair safety design guidelines
beyond the domain of residential occupancies.

The theoretical premises which underlie the stair safety design guide-
lines are given in the systematic model of stairway usage (see Section
1.2.4). This model constructs complex linkages between the user's per-
ceptions of the stairway environment, his previous stairway experiences
and expectations, and his actual stair-use behaviors. Some degree of
empirical support was advanced for certain aspects of the stair use
model, such as the idea that the user tests the environment when first
entering a stair system. However, connections between the specific
perceptual failures predicted by the model, and the accidents actually
occurring in stairway environments, remain empirically weak. Accord-
ingly, it is necessary to conduct well-controlled empirical tests of
specific hypotheses derived from the stair use model.

In addition to verifying the hypotheses derived from the stair use model,
a number of specific areas related to stair safety should be researched.
These include such problems as the role of color, lighting, and texture
contrast in aiding visual perception of the stair, as well as the role of
location-specific distractions such as orientation edges and movement in
contributing to stair accidents. Changes in the user's attention during
stair negotiation should also be explored in depth to determine if stair-
way design should be altered, or the extent of enclosure changed. Other
researchable areas include a determination of the interactive role of
visual, tactile, and kinesthetic perceptions in stair use. These should
be evaluated particularly for their relation to good tread/riser design,
and handrail considerations. Finally, the effectiveness of tactile,
auditory, or other sensory cues for warning handicapped users of the
presence of a stairway should be determined. Recommendations for stan-
dard warning procedures should ultimately be developed.

Throughout the presentation of stair safety guidelines in this report,

results from epidemiological, experimental, and survey investigations
were reported. In general, data from such studies demonstrate the exis-
tence, severity, or frequency of particular stairway hazards. However,
studies providing empirical support for the particular design solutions
offered by the guidelines were neither found in the stair safety litera-
ture, nor conducted during this project. Future research which tests
hypotheses about the effectiveness of specific design guidelines in
preventing stair accidents is, therefore, required.


Agate, J. Accidents to old people in their homes. British Medical

Journal, 1966, _5, 785-788.

Asher, J. K. Toward a safer design for stairs. Job Safety and Health ,
, 5^, 27-32.

Backett, E. M. Domestic Accidents . Geneva: World Health Organization,


Brill, M., See, B., & Collison, T. The hidden epidemic. Progressive
Architecture April 1974, 76-81.

Carson, D. H. Archea, J., Margulis, S. T. & Carson, F. E.

, Safety on

Stairs. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, National

Bureau of Standards, BSS 108, 1978.

Chapman, A. L. Accidents to the aged. In M. N. Halsey (Ed.), Accident

Prevention: The Role of Physician and Workers . New York: McGraw-
Hill, 1961, p. 80-92.

Dickson, D. G. Schlesinger E. R. & Westaby, J. R. Medically attended


injuries among young children: observations in a surburban area.

American Journal of Disabled Children 1964, p. 618. ,

Esmay, M. L. Home stairway safety research results. Lansing: Michigan

State University, Department of Agricultural Engineering, mimeo.

Esmay, M. L., & Segerlind, L. J. Human mechanics of ascending and

descending stairways. Transactions of the American Society of
Agricultural Engineers 1964, 7, 184-187.

Esmay, M. L. & Segerlind, L. J.

, Analysis of frictional characteristics
of stairway tread covering materials. Transactions of the American
Society of Agricultural Engineers 1964, 7_, 180-183, 189.

Fattal, S. G., Cattaneo, L. E., Turner, G. E. & Robinson, S. N. ,

Personnel Guardrails for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents.

Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of
Standards, NBSIR 76-1132, 1976.

Fitch, J. M. Templer, J., & Corcoran, P.

The dimensions of stairs.
Scientific American 1974, 23]^, 82-90.

Fruin, J. J. Pedestrian Planning and Design . New York: Metropolitan

Association of Urban Designers and Environmental Planners, 1971,

Gibson, J. J. The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems . Boston:

Houghton Mifflin, 1966.
Goldsmith, S. Designing for the Disabled , (2nd edo). New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1967.

Gowings Do D, Accidental falls in the home.

, New Building Research ,

Spring, 1961, 151-158.

Grand jean, E. Ergonomics of the Home . London: Taylor and Francis,

Ltd., 1973.

Hall, N. B.J & Bennett, E. M. Empirical assessment of handrail

diameters. Journal of Applied Psychology . 1956, ^tO, 381-382,

Harper, F. C. The mechanics of walkings Research ,

January 1962, 23-28.

Harper, F. C, Warlow, W. J., & Clarke, B. L. The Forces Applied to the

Floor by the Foot in Walking . London: HMSO, National Building
Studies Research Paper No. 32, 1967.

Harper, G. W., Florio, A. E., & Stafford, G. T, Hazard-free houses

for all. Champaign, 111.: Small Homes Council, Circular Series
Index Number Cl.l, 1958.

Hopkinson, R. G. Glare from daylighting in buildings. Applied

Ergonomics ,1972, 3^, 206-215.

Hopkinson, R, G., & Kay, J. D, The Lighting of Buildings ,

(2nd ed.).
London: Faber and Faber, 1972.

Iskrant, A. P., & Sullivan, D» F, Accidental falls in public places.

National Safety Congress Transactions 1960, 6^, 73-78.

Johnson, C. A., Archea, J., & Steel, L, A model of information process-

ing and human performance factors associated with accidents
involving stairs, ramps, and doors. Paper presented at the 6th
Environmental Design Research Association Conference, Lawrence,
Kansas, 1975.

Joilet, P. v., & Lehr, E, L. Home safety. In M. N, Halsey (Ed,),

Accident Prevention: The Role of Physicians and Public Health
Workers . New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961, p, 93-117.

McGuire, M. C. Preventative measures to minimize accidents among the

elderly. Occupational Health Nursing April, 1971, p. 13-18,

Miller, J. A,, & Esmay, M, L. Nature and causes of stairway falls.

Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers ,

1961, 4, 112-114.

Mowery, H. W, Structural walkway surface hazards. National Safety News ,

1968, 97, 47-49.

Neutra, R. & McFarland, R. A.
, Accident epidemiology and the design of
the residential environment. Human Factors 1972, ]A, 405-420. .

Over, R. Possible visual factors in falls by old people. Gerontologist ,

1966, 6, p. 212-214.

Pastalrn, L. A., Mautz R. K. & Merrill, J. The simulation of age-

, ,

related sensory losses: a new approach to the study of environmen-

tal barriers. In W. F. E. Preiser, (Ed.), Environmental Design
Research Vol. 1. ,Stroudsburg, Pa.: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross,
1973, p. 383-391.

Seldon, J. H. On the natural history of falls in old age. British

Medical Journal 1960, p. 1685-1690.

Sigler, P. A. Relative Slipperiness of Floor and Deck Surfaces .

Springfield, Va: NTIS, 1973.

Silvers, J. J. Visual aspects of life safety lighting. Lighting, Design

and Application 1972, 2, 17-25.

Teledyne-Brown Engineering. A Design Guide for Home Safety Washington, .

D.C.: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, January,


Templer, J. A. Stair shape and human movement. New York: Columbia,

University, Unpublished doctoral disseration, 1974.

Templer, J. A., Mullet, G. M. Archea, J., & Margulis, S. An analysis


of the behavior of stair users. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department

of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, NBSIR 78-1554, 1978.

Texas State Department of Health. A Study of Non-fatal Accidental

Injuries Among Residents of Selected Nursing and Custodial Homes
in Texas . Austin, Tx: Division of Chronic Diseases, 1961.

Velz , C. J., & Hemphill, F. M. Investigations and Applications of Home

Injury Survey Data in Development of Preventive Procedures . Ann
Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, School of Public Health,

Weale, R. A. The Aging Eye . New York: Harper and Row, 1963.

Wheatley, G. M. Relationship of home environment to accidents.

Archives of Environmental Health 1966, JL^, 489-495. ,

Wolf, E. Glare and age. Archives of Opthalmology , 1960, 6h_, 502-514.


As noted in Section 1.2.4 a model of stair use was developed to guide

the development of the guidelines for stair safety. In the following
pages, the relationship between each guideline and specific priorities
set by the model is outlined. See Table A.l. On the following pages
specific guidelines to common stair safety problems have been grouped
under the following seven priorities:

1.0 accommodate the user's INTENTIONS

2.0 focus the user's ATTENTION on the stair
3.0 enable the precise DETECTION of stair conditions
4.0 PROPORTION stairs to fit user's needs
5.0 assure adequate SERVICEABILITY
6.0 provide adequate TRACTION
7.0 protect the user from injury on IMPACT

Each of these priorities constitutes one aspect of the process involved

in using a stair properly. Using these priorities, it should be possible
to determine the need to implement any of the corrective measures listed
by considering the problems encountered by the regular users of a given
flight of stairs for the parts of the stair involved.

) 1

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The information described in the guidelines for stair safety may be used
for either new construction or for retrofit of existing stairways. When
stairs are repaired, it is important to consider the following general
principles so that the stairs are, in fact, made more safe.

( 1 ) Upgrade the stairs most frequently used by the most vulnerable

people first . Children under the age of 5 have twice as many stair
accidents as their proportion of the population suggests they
should. Accidents among older people, while less frequent, are much
more likely to lead to serious injuries or even death. People with
hearing problems, epilepsy, frequent dizzy spells, or similar medi-
cal problems are vulnerable to having these conditions aggravated
by the effort required to use the stair. Person who wear bifocals
or hearing aides are particularly susceptible to subtle deceptions
on stairs.

(2) Avoid piecemeal repairs and temporary patches on stairs . A flight

of stairs is a single unit and any improvements that are made should
contribute to the uniformity of the materials and dimensions of the
whole assembly from landing to landing. One-shot improvements like
tacking down a rubber mat on one tread where the carpet appears
worn, cement infill for a broken concrete nosing, or a piece of
framing lumber to replace a single hardwood tread are often worse
than no improvements at all. A lot of accidents are caused by make-
shift repairs that the householder thought would make the stairs
more safe.

(3) Do not try to learn new skills while fixing the stairs . Some
improvements or repairs on stairs require expertise that most house-
holders do not have. When it comes to stretching a carpet or
replacing resilient tile it may be more economical from a safety
standpoint to have the work done professionally. Proper installa-
tion of most materials is far more critical on a stair than it is
elsewhere in the home.

(4) There are upper, as well as lower limits to safe conditions on

stairs. There is a relatively wide range of material and dimen-
sional characteristics that can support safe behavior on stairs,
yet treads can be too long and risers can be too low for safe pas-
sage. Treads that are so resistant to slipping that the foot will
not move when it should or lights that are so intense that all
visual information is washed out can be just as hazardous as icy
stairs in the dark. Safe practices, if carried to extremes, can
produce unsafe stairs.

(5) Compensate for all defects that cannot be corrected . While the
dimensional characteristics of a stair are seldom amenable to
change, it is often possible to alert the user to steep or irregu-
lar stairs, low headroom or a missing landing with a strip of
reflective tape, special lighting, or a warning sign. It may also
be possible to add extra handrails or more slip-resistant tread
materials where precarious situations cannot be avoided. The key
to stair safety does not lie so much in the hazard itself as it
does in the user's awareness of his vulnerability to the hazard.
If someone sees a short tread or a high riser he can grab the
handrail, step cautiously, and usually avoid an accident. On the
other hand, if there is no handrail or the stairs are difficult to
see, he may be less fortunate.

(6) Avoid repairs or rennovations near the stairs that could create new
hazards. A new exhaust fan over an exit stair could lead the user
to turn his head and miss an otherwise visible hazard. A new window
near the stairs can introduce shadows or patches of glare that
confound the user's ability to see the edge of a tread at certain
times of the day. Repaving a driveway can shorten the bottom riser
on an adjacent stair by the depth of the paving and thereby intro-
duce a non-uniform bottom step. Safe stairs are as dependent on
- the conditions which surround them as they are on the materials and
dimensions of the stair itself. Changes in the surroundings can
often negate otherwise safe conditions on a stair.


Accident -
1. "An unpremediated event resulting in a recognizable injury"
(WHO: 1957).
2. "An event, independent of the will of man, caused by a quickly
acting extraneous force, and manifesting itself by an injury
to body or mind.
3. "An unplanned or unexpected event in a sequence of events."
4. "In a chain of events, each of which is planned or controlled,
there occurs an unplanned event which, being the result of
some non-ad justive act on the part of the individual (vari-
ously caused), may or may not result in an injury. This is
an accident."
5. "An accident is the event that occurs at that point in time in
the accident sequence when the preceding factors or potentials
interact to produce irreversible and recognizable results."
6. "Disabled for 24 hours or more."
7. "Unexpected physical and chemical injuries to the body and other
structures." (Haddon: 1967)
8. "Any actual or presumed trauma following an incident for which
direct medical or dental attention is obtained." (Dickson:
9. "An event that takes place without one's foresight or expecta-
tion; an undesigned and unforseen occurrence of an inflictive
or unfortunate character; a mishap resulting in an injury to
a person or damage to a thing." (Webster's Dictionary)

Baluster - "A post in a balustrade of a flight of stairs which supports

a handrail". (Templer: 1974)

Coefficient of Friction - The coefficient of friction between 2 surfaces

is the ratio of the force required to move 1 surface over the other
to the total force pressing the 2 surfaces together. (Ekkebus and
Killey: 1971)

Energy Expenditure - Amount of energy used measured in cal/kg-in.

Measured by monitoring the consumption of oxygen during the
performance of a task. (Templer: 1974)

Epidemiological Research - the application of sampling techniques to a

large body of information to determine the extent and severity of
a given problem within a diverse population.

Finishes - The finished material on a staircase; e.g. paint, linoleum,

carpet, etc.

Flight - A series of steps without an intervening platform. (Teledyne-

Brown: 1972)

Force - Amount of pressure applied by foot when ascending and descending

a stairway. (Harper: 1962)
Amount of pressure applied by foot when walking. (Harper, Warlow
and Clarke: 1967)

Force Plate - An instrument used to measure the amount of pressure

applied by the foot when ascending and descending the stairway.
(Harper: 1962)
An instrument used to measure the amount of pressure applied by the
foot when walking. (Harper, Warlow & Clarke: 1967a) (Harper,
Warlow & Clarke: 1967)

Frequency - Number of accidents per individual, as expressed by the

empirical data, or as expected by 1 ) chance
2) single-biased hypothesis
3) unequal liability hypothesis.

Gait, Human - The manner of walking or stepping; carriage of the body

in going, walking. (Universal Dictionary)

Handrail - An inclined structural member paralleling the slope of the

stair, intended for grasping by the hand during ascent and descent
of the stair. (Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Headroom - The vertical distance from the underside of another flight

of stairs or a ceiling above a stair to an inclined line that is
tangent to the nosings of the steps of the stair. (Teledyne-Brown:

Kinesthetic - "The sensation of position, movement, tension, etc. of

parts of the body, perceived through nerve and organs in muscles,
tendons, and joints." Webster's New World Dictionary 2nd Edition.

Landing - The floor at the top (or bottom) of a stair, or a platform

between flights of a stair. (Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Newel, Newel Post - A main post supporting the handrail of a stair at

the top, bottom or on a landing. (Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Non-Uniformity - variation or lack of uniformity of dimensions of treads

or risers through a flight of stairs.

Nose, Nosing - The projection of the front edge of the treads beyond the
front face of the riser below. (Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Open Riser - A step without a riser member. (Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Orientation Edge - An abrupt change from enclosed surroundings (of a

stairway) to an open, unrestricted view of a larger space.

Overhang - The projection of the tread beyond the back edge of the tread
below. (Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Perception - The intersect of sensation and cognition. This complex act
refers to the process of selecting, analyzing and synthesizing sen-
sory stimuli so that interpretation may follow. (Lerea and Rathey:

Posture - "Ambulation on any incline demands a postural change. The body

cannot maintain an angle perpendicular to the slope, but must be
adjusted forward for ascent and backward for descent in order to
maintain the center of gravity over the base, the feet; and the
extent of the adjustment is related to the pitch of the incline."
(Templer: 1974)

Railing - A barrier at 1 or both sides of the stair constructed so as

to prevent individuals from falling off the side of the stair.
(Jones & Williams: 1967)

Railing, Closed - A railing which is formed by a short wall extending

above the stair. (Jones & Williams: 1967)

Railing - A barrier at 1 or both sides of the stair, constructed so as

to prevent individuals from falling off the side of the stair.
(Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Ramp - Inclined plane for passage of traffic. (Templer: 1974)

Rise - the vertical distance from the top of 1 tread to the top of the
next tread. (Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Riser - The vertical face of a step, or the member forming this surface.
(Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Run - The horizontal distance from vertical riser to vertical riser, or

from nose tip to nose tip.

Slope - The inclined plane of the stairs established by the relationship

of the rise to run of the steps of the stairway. (Teledyne-Brown:

Stair - A series of steps, or flights of steps connected by landings,

for passing from one level to another. (Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Staircase - Stair; also sometimes used to designate the entire assem-

blage, including railing, balusters, etc. (Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Stairway - Often used synonymously with stairwell and/or stair.

(Teledyne-Brown: 1972)

Stairwell - The space in the building occupied by the stair. (Teledyne-

Brown: 1972)

Step - A single unit of level change in a stair consisting of 1 riser

and 1 tread. (Teledyne-Brown: 1972)
Step Length ~ The distance between successive contact points of the oppo-
site feet. (M. P. Murray: 1966)

Step Distance ~ It is determined by measuring the distance between the

toe point of 1 ft. and the heel point of the opposite foot. (Ogg:

Steep - A stairway with a slope of 40° (with riser height 8.25 in. and
tread width 9.70 in.).


In 1974, the major codes required a minimum stairway width of either

44 in. or 36 in. depending upon the occupancy. The minimum stairway
headroom dimension ranged from 6 ft. 4 in, for basement stairs for the
HUD minimum property standards (MPS) to 7 ft. 0 in. In general, landing
width was required to be not less than the least dimension of the stair-
way with minimum length varying from 2 ft. 6 in. to 4 ft. 0 in. The
recommended maximum height of risers varied greatly from 7-1/4 in. to
8-1/4 in., v/hile minimum tread depth varied from 9 in. to 11 in. There
was also disagreement about the minimum number of risers (often 2 or 3)
and the maximum number of risers between landings (given as 18 in the
MPS). The Life-Safety Code (LSC), the Uniform Building Code (UBS), the
Standard Building Code (SBC), and the Building Officials Code of America
(BOCA), all required means of egress to be illuminated with not less than
1 footcandle (fc) at the floor level, while the MPS required 5 foot-

candles (fc) for care-type housing and permanent electric light fixtures
in 1-2 family residences.

The codes, in general, required handrails where needed to keep occupants

from falling, as from open landings and stairs. Specifications for hand-
rail height varied between 30 in. and 42 in, among the codes, with only
the LSC requiring guards and handrails to continue for the full length
of each flight of stairs. Intermediate handrails were required for all
stairways wider than 66 in. or 88 iuc depending upon the particular


There was also considerable variation among the codes with respect to
the requirement for tread/riser uniformity. Several, such as BOCA, did
not specify any particular uniformity while others such as LSC and UBC,
specified only a 3/16 in, maximum variation in risers and treads in any
flight of stairs. Others specified only that there be uniformity in
riser/tread dimensions throughout the flight of stairs.


•NBS.114A (REV. 9-78)

U.S. DEPT. OF COMM. 1. PUBLICATION OR REPORT NO. 2.Gov't. Accession No.: ! fi^eif»e«t's Access lyn Ho,
4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. Publication Date


6. Performing Organization Code

7. AUTHOR(S) 8. Performing Organ. Report No.

John Archea, Belinda L. Collins and Fred I. Stahl




12. SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NAME AND COMPLETE ADDRESS fSfreef, City, siaie, ZIP) 13. Type of Report & Period Covered

U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Final

Washington, D.C. 20207
14. Sporisoring Agency Code


Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-600057

Q Document describes a computer program; SF-185, PIPS Software Summary, is attached.

16. ABSTRACT (A 200-word or less factual summary ol most significant information. If document includes a significant bibliography or
literature survey, mention it here.)

This report summarizes information and research in the area of stair use and
provides design guidelines for improving stair safety. These guidelines are
directed toward seven major categories of stairway design and construction:
(1) structural integrity and quality of stairs, (2) physical
attributes of
stair surfaces, (3) appearance of stair surfaces, (4) handrails , (5) physical
attributes of the surrounding stairway environment, (6) appearance of the
surrounding stairway environment, and (7) signs and symbols.
In general, the recommendations offered in this report derive from the
premise that stairway accidents are caused by human perceptual errors, which
are frequently triggered by some flaw in the design or construction of stair-
ways themselves. Evidence describing the severity and frequency of residential
stairway hazards, and supporting premises underlying design guidelines were
obtained from epidemiological, experimental, exploratory, and survey research
sources. General directions for future investigation are suggested.

17. KEY WORDS (six to twelve entries: alphabetical order; capitalize onjv the first letter of tbeJir^t kev worti unless a, pro^er naijie
separated by semicolons) Accidents; architectural design; architectural psychology;

architectural research; building codes; building design; building regulatory

standards; floor coverings; home safety; safety standards; stair safety; stairway

For Official Distribution. Do Not Release to NTIS 129


20. SECURITY CLASS 22. Price
P^l Order From Sup. of Doc, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC (THIS PAGE)
20402, SD Stock No. SN003-003-

Order From National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield,


VA. 22161
if U.S. 1979 O— 292-033
PERIODICALS NOTE: At present the principal publication outlet for these
data Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference
JOURNAL OF RESEARCH—The Journal of Research

Data (JPC'RD) published quarterly for NBS by the Ameri-

of the National Bureau of Standards reports NBS research
can Chemical Society (ACS) and the American Institute of
and development in those disciplines of the physical and
Physics (AIP). Subscriptions, reprints, and supplements
engineering sciences in which the Bureau is active. These
available from ACS, 1155 Sixteenth St. N.W., Wash., D.C.
include physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and
computer sciences. Papers cover a broad range of subjects,
with major emphasis on measurement methodology, and Building Science Series —
Disseminates technical information
the basic technology underlying standardization. Also in-
developed at the Bureau on building materials, components,
systems, and whole structures. The series presents research
cluded from time to time are survey articles on topics closely
results, test methods, and performance criteria related to the
related to the Bureau's technical and scientific programs. As
structural and environmental functions and the durability
a special service to subscribers each issue contains complete
and safety characteristics of building elements and systems.
citations to all recent NBS publications in NBS and non-
NBS media. Issued six times a year. Annual subscription: —
Technical Notes Studies or reports which are complete in
domestic $17.00; foreign $21.25. Single copy, $3.00 domestic; themselves but restrictive in their treatment of a subject.
$3.75 foreign. Analogous to monographs but not so comprehensive in
scope or definitive in treatment of the subject area. Often
Note: The Journal was formerly published in two sections:
serve as a vehicle for final reports of work performed at
Section A "Physics and Chemistry" and Section B "Mathe-
matical Sciences."
NBS under the sponsorship of other government agencies.
Voluntary Product Standards Developed under procedures
published by the Department of Commerce in Part 10,
This monthly magazine is published to inform scientists,
Title 15, of the Code of Federal Regulations. The purpose
engineers, businessmen, industry, teachers, students, and
of the standards is to establish nationally recognized require-
consumers of the latest advances in science and technology,
ments for products, and to provide all concerned interests
with primary emphasis on the work at NBS. The magazine
with a basis for common understanding of the characteristics
highlights and reviews such issues as energy research, fire
of the products. NBS administers this program as a supple-
protection, building technology, metric conversion, pollution
ment to the activities of the private sector standardizing
abatement, health and safety, and consumer product per-
formance. In addition, it reports the results of Bureau pro-
grams in measurement standards and techniques, properties Consumer Information Series —
Practical information, based

of matter and materials, engineering standards and services,

on NBS research and experience, covering areas of interest
to the consumer. Easily understandable language and
instrumentation, and automatic data processing.
illustrations provide useful background knowledge for shop-
Annual subscription: Domestic, $11.00; Foreign $13.75 ping in today's technological marketplace.
Order above NBS publications from: Superintendent of
NONPERIODICALS Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Monographs Major contributions to the technical liter- 20402.
ature on various subjects related to the Bureau's scientific
and technical activities.
Order following NBS publications —NBSIR's and FIPS from
the National Technical Information Services, Springfield,
Handbooks —Recommended codes of engineering and indus- Va. 22161.
trial practice (including safety codes) developed in coopera-
Federal Information Processing Standards Publications
tion with interested industries, professional organizations,
and regulatory bodies.

(FIPS PUB) Publications in this series collectively consti-
tute the Federal Information Processing Standards Register.
Special Publications—Include proceedings of conferences Register serves as the official source of information in the
sponsored by NBS, NBS
annual reports, and other special Federal Government regarding standards issued by NBS
publications appropriate to this grouping such as wall charts, pursuant to the Federal Property and Administrative Serv-
pocket cards, and bibliographies. ices Act of 1949 as amended. Public Law 89-306 (79 Stat.

Applied Mathematics Series Mathematical tables, man- 1127), and as implemented by Executive Order 11717
uals, and studies of special interest to physicists, engineers, (38 FR 12315, dated May 11, 1973) and Part 6 of Tide 15
chemists, biologists, mathematicians, computer programmers, CFR (Code of Federal Regulations).
and others engaged in scientific and technical work. NBS Interagency Reports (NBSER) —A
special series of

National Standard Reference Data Series Provides quanti- interim or final reports on work performed by NBS for
tative data on the physical and chemical properties of outside sponsors (both government and non-government).
materials, compiled from the world's literature and critically In general, initial distribution is handled by the sponsor;
evaluated. Developed under a world-wide program co- public distribution is by the National Technical Information
ordinated by NBS. Program under authority of National Services (Springfield, Va. 22161) in paper copy or microfiche
Standard Data Act (Public Law 90-396). form.


The following current-awareness and literature-survey bibli- Superconducting Devices and Materials. A literature survey
ographies are issued periodically by the Bureau:
issued quarterly. Annual subscription: $30.00. Send subscrip-
Cryogenic Data Center Current Awareness Service. A litera-
ture survey issued biweekly. Annual subscription: Domes- tion orders and remittances for the preceding bibliographic
tic,$25.00; Foreign, $30.00. services to National Bureau of Standards, Cryogenic Data
Liquified Natural Gas. A
literature survey issued quarterly.
Annual subscription: $20.00. Center (275.02) Boulder, Colorado 80302.
National Bureau of Standards
Washington. D C. 20234
Penalty for Private Use. S300



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