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The OLAP cubes are built inside SQL Analysis Services. Open the SQL Management Studio and
connect to the Analysis Services server.

Click on Database

It is your server

Open the file Analyser_2009_BNK.xmla from the folder Insight/Analyser as show below
Scan and replace _2009 to _YYYY (appropriate year for your data).
Scan and replace server LYDIAN23 to your Insight Server name (Mention in the page 1).
Run the Query by selecting F5 or the Execute Query button.

This should build the database Analyser_2013_BNK (see below)

Configure the Data sources
To reconfigure the data sources to this server you must select each data source and enter the
insight SQL login password.
Click on the Connection String button
Type the password

Set the Server Name and enter the password – Test the Connection then select OK
Repeat this for all four data sources

For Customer Profitability a separate database is created and the CP cubes are built in this
Repeat the above procedure for the file Analyser_2009_CP_BNK.xmla

1. Open the XMLA

2. Scan and replace _2009 to the correct year
3. Scan and replace LYDIAN24 to the server name
4. Execute the XMLA query
Run the Query by selecting F5 or the Execute Query button.
Configure the Data Sources
To reconfigure the data sources to this server you must select each data source and
enter the insight SQL login password.
Set the Server Name and enter the password – Test the Connection then select OK
Type Password
Process Analyser Data

Once follow the above steps you can run Insight EOD for the New Year or please re-
run the EOD for all New Year dates.

Validate Processing
Cube Processed

Once the EOD process is completed you should be able to review the cube in SQL
Management Studio.

The state under the Status tab of the cube should be processed.

If the Status of the cube is unprocessed status run the process

through SSMS
Repeat this for all data sources for both data base (Analyser_YYYY_BNK and
Analyser_YYYY_CP_BNK) which is not in the “Processed” state

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