Hours Log Med

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Hours Log Med-X Speaker

Date Minutes What was discussed/done

August 1st 120 Met with Ms. Hazlewood and Mr. Lapin
to determine dates of Speaker Series
-March 6th and 17th potential dates

September 5th 40 Met with JP(Steam Expo coordinator),

Celina(Astronomy Night coord), and
Kai(Science fair coord)
-Discussed general plan of events/fill

September 12th 40 Continued to fill out paperwork to

confirm dates

September 19 120 (lunch+afterschool) Discussed with group to come up with

school group name representing the
entirety of STEM
-Science Showcase
-Applied STEM Series?

October 10th 30 -Finalize name of the STEAM team of

SSHS (didn’t finish)
-Focus on Kai’s senior project
-Confirm paperwork received by

October 19th 120 -Plan of action to find a potential

-Confirm dates with Block

October 24th 40 -Make HOSA account actively involved

for applied science series funds
-PTSA donations

November 7th 40 -Started formal email draft for

professional speaker
-Researched few professional
speakers from esteemed universities

November 14th 40 -Continued email draft

-Mr. Lapin and I discussed about a
neuroscientist who created imaging
brain chips for Alzheimer's patients
and a speaker on ethics behind
medical treatments

November 21st 120 (6th period) -Applied Science Series finalized

-Filmed a video for KSSH news about
JP, Kai, and my event.

November 28th 30 minutes -Contacted KSSH News

-Debated over what social media
would be effective for all three events

December 5th 50 minutes and 120 minutes -All helped Kai prepare for his event
at home(working on my -Finalized draft of email
presentation on X-ALD0 -Still looking for speakers and start
emailing speakers

January 10th 90 minutes (lunch and -Created instagram account

afterschool) @sshsappliedscience

January 17th 30 minutes lunch -Prep for Kai’s Event

-PTSA fund discussion

January 24th 30 minutes lunch and 240 -Talk to Mr. Block about plan of action
min after school -Will be on March 17th with 2
professional speakers and seven
student speakers
-Participated open house after Science
Fair from 5-9 pm/ any other
promotional events
-Promoted HOSA club(medical

January 31st 20 minutes lunch -Congratulated Kai

-Reviewed email draft with Mr. Lapin
-Sent out emails to first 2 speakers
from UCLA(learned that didn’t

February 2nd 600 min (6 in morning to 6 in UCLA STEM Cell Symposium to gain
evening) inspiration of how I wanted the Med-X
to be laid out
-Learned content about interesting
medical topics such as Macular
Degeneration which was the
requirements for student speakers

February 7th 40 min(lunch) and 120(home) -Found a professional speaker named

working on own presentation Dr. Hovda-emailed him
-Got a response back saying he can’t
do it, but his associate professor that
works under can-Dr.Mayumi Prins
-Looked up interesting TedX Talks and
chose one which was about kidney

February 10th 60 min -Forwarded email to Dr. Prins

-Revised Email
-Confirm dates with D. Prins?
-Call Dr. Hovda
-Dr. Prins confirmed and said she can

February 13 100 min -Met with Anushka Vakil, the graphic

and14th designer of the poster
-Told her my visions for the poster-
Vector Art
-Started promoting speaker series on
-Downloaded CV and headshot of Dr.
-Anushka and I sent a small article
about the Med-X to Acorn
-Looked up video for one more TedX
and chose cancer TedX
-Auditioned student speakers only a
few showed up

February 17th and 120 minutes -Sent email to Dr. Prins thanking her
18th -Sent email full of questions like do
you need reserved seating? If you
have pictures bring it on flashdrive.
-Promoted more Student Speakers to
present through flyers and social
media- so far got 2 confirmed

February 20th 40 -Ask Anushka to send graphic design

to Mr. Block for approval
-Print about 70 copies
-After printed, put them up in
community and school

February 21st 40 -Met with Mrs. Hazlewood

-Discussed other promotional flyers
that could make the event for
professional (pamphlets)
-Quickly sketched out design for that
-Started forming schedule for
presenters and order
-2 speakers needed

February 23rd 60 (lunch) and 180(home -Finalizing speakers with Mr. Lapin
working on X-ALD -Email back from Dr.Prins answering
presentation) questions from previous email
-Plan rehearsal day with TECH(put
paperwork and email in)

February 24th 60 -Posters arrived

-Help Anushka put posters up
-Sent follow up email to Dr. Prins
-Tech rehearsal Friday March 16th
during 5th period

February 26th 30 (lunch) and 180 (working -Went to all of Ms. Leonhardt’s classes
at home X-ALD presentation) for the first 5 minutes to announce
event details and extra credit to

February 28th 40 -Confirm pamphlet design

-PTSA donation of $100 to speaker
and $100 for all promotional activities
-Put together schedule for day of the
-Wrote descriptions of each speaker
as well as introductions
-Included Scholarly Skilled Honor
-Seven student speakers confirmed

March 2nd 60 -Bought water for speakers

-Mr. Block sent Med-X info to all
schools in the Simi Valley Unified
School District
-JP and Anushka as helpers and
-Went through exact time schedule
with Mrs. Hazlewood and Mr. Lapin

March 7th 40 -Pamphlets still haven’t arrived

-Discussed about professional pics
and videos-Anushka
-Reserve parking spot for Dr. Prins
-Continue putting up posters in
-SVH promotion of event
-Confirm Taco Truck with Mr.Block

March 10th 90 -Met with Mrs. Hazlewood and Mr.

-Pamphlet design has been confirmed
but hasn’t been printed out by Kopy
King(350 bulk)
-Lapin asked Hannah to be stage
manager of the event, needs to follow
-Bring together all the Med-X videos
including kidney and cancer
tedX(room for up to 4 videos)

March 12th 40(lunch) and -Get flash drives from all confirmed 7
180(afterschool) working on student speakers with google docs
my own medical presentation presentation
on X-ALD -Confirmed that there will be a side
table with an apple laptop next to
podium where students and Dr. Prins
can access their presentations
-Remind student speakers to dress
professionally through emails/ last
minute add ons to presentation
-Check to see videos are working

March 16th 60 min(in school) and 240 -Went to PAC and set up stage for the
minutes(at home/in Med-X next day
community promoting and -Set table for laptop with SSHS
working on descriptions and tablecloth and podium
last min scheduling) -Tested to see if presentations showed
up on the big screen
-Tested the lapel microphone for Dr.
Prins and handheld mics
-Also decided lighting-when
presentations are over the house lights
come back on for questions, during
presentations PAC will be dark

March 17th 540 -DAY OF MED-X

-From 11 am-5 pm(I came earlier)
-Hosted Dr. Prins and gave her
reserved seating in the greenroom
-Curator of the Med-X, hosted the
entire event
-Did a test run before doors opened at
11 am
-Dignitaries attended event
-Around 250 people came and
-Taco Truck came
-7 Students presented (had to switch
two students) to accommodate for
-Had runners to help
-Screen portrayed presentations
awesomely and TECH queued us
-Mr. Lapin was backstage helping me

September 14th- 630 -Health Occupations Students of

March 15th (all days America (HOSA) promotion of Med-X
between these days as well as overview(presentations) of
are Thursdays ex. content that will be included in
September 21st, presentations of the Med-X

Total amount of minutes logged: 4870

minutes = 82 Hours

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