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03/29/18 Mod 9 Britney Haas

Module 9- Analyzing Data Assignment

Review of the Excel data

The class did poorly on the math test. The class average was a 67 and the median for the grades
was also a 67, both of which are failing grades. Also, only 5 out of the 16 students received a B or higher.
This analysis shows that the group of students, overall, did not do well on this test. However students
Bianca, who made a 100, and Cody, who made a 93, were the top two and the only question Cody
missed was an addition question, 1. Jamal and Jack who were the next to highest ranked students with
80’s, also missed question 1. The questions all these students seemed to excel in were subtraction
questions. The students who struggled the most and may need remediation were Luke and Nathan, who
both scored in the 40’s. They seemed to struggle with subtraction and division questions more often
than the addition classes. They may need a refresher on those skills.

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