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Springfield College – Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Matt McBride Date: 10/4/17 Time: 12:40 – 2:05

School: Minnechaug Lesson #: 7 Facilities: Challenge Course Class Size: 34

Grade: 10 Unit/Theme: Project Adventure Generic Level: Utilization/Proficiency

Equipment: Challenge Course

Focus of Lesson: Porthole and Wild Woosey

Student Performance Objectives (SPO): National # ; MA CF #)

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(P) work as a unit to successfully pass a student through the porthole by using proper
spotting techniques. (National # S1.H1.L1, MA CF 2.17)

(C) explain the proper commands used when lifting a participant. (National # S2.H2.L1,
MA CF 2.17)

(A) communicate with each other to successfully complete both elements while still
using proper spotting techniques. (National # S4.H3.L1, MA CF 2.26)
Check each objective – is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally

Teacher Performance Objectives – During the lesson the teacher will:

1. Give detailed instructions on the safety aspects of the elements
2. Check for understanding on spotting for each element
Special Considerations – What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
1. Spotters must be used at all times and be attentive
2. With some students being elevated must cover proper technique to do this.
References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)
 Courtier, L., Chepko, S., Holt/Hale, S., National Standards and Grade Level
Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. Human Kinetics, Champaign, Il. 2014
(pg. 56-59)
 Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks, Oct 1999
 East Campus LOP

12:40 Attendance. Send to locker room to change Key:

12:50 Transition to ropes course S= Student
c= cones
Focus of Day: Porthole and Wild Woosey
Safety: Spotting is extra important for both of SSS
these elements today. Everyone needs to be S
paying attention. S T
Intro: Today we will be attempting the
1:00 elements Porthole and Wild Woosy. Who can
remind me of proper spotting techniques?
Cover spotting techniques for each and the
objective of each.

Porthole: The objective is to get the entire

1:10 group from one side of the tire to the other, Half the group will be at With one group, I had
only passing through the tire hole. Once one element while the other them start by just trying
through the tire, a person can only return to half is working at the other passing people through
the beginning side of the tire to help spot. element the porthole. If I could
 Group members need to actively spot teach this again I would
carried participants during their entire have them start with the
passage through the tire. challenge of having one
person on the opposite
 Participants should agree to never
side and having to pass
drop or let go of a participant because everyone through. I feel
someone touched the tire. once I extended them to
 Do not allow diving or jumping through this challenge they lost
the tire. interest because they
 Warn spotters to watch for flailing liked the other way
arms and legs as a participant passes more, not because it was
through the tire. too challenging for them.

Wild Woosey: The objective is for two I felt students tried hard
here and kept
participants--one per cable-- to walk the
attempting different
angled cables, while maintaining physical
methods to complete it,
contact with one another, to the point where however after some time
they can no longer continue (they break they became bored. I
contact) or until they reach the far support would shorten the time
trees. spent on each element
 Two on-cable participants with a team and have the group
of spotters: spotters each on the attempt porthole as a big
outside of the cables; additional group.
spotters beneath the traversing pair,
increasing in number as the duo
progresses outward from the starting
 Spotters on the inside of the cable
should either clasp their hands on top
of their knees to prevent lower back
injury or form a zipper formation with
their hands and keep close to the
participants torso area.
 Spotters should move only as fast as
the participants, as the two
participants maneuver farther apart on
the cables, more spotters should be
added inside the cable walkers.
 Do not allow participants to interlock
fingers while attempting the activity.
Demonstrations were
completed well and
After explaining and demonstrating each showed the class all the
element, have class split into two equal sized
important safety
groups with people who they feel comfortable
aspects. Explanations
with. Half of the class will do one element
while the other half completes the other were quick but detailed.
element. Have groups switch about half way
through (20-25 minutes at each).

1:30 Transition: Students will have about 2

minutes to switch from one element to
Debrief had some well
Closure: SSS thought out answers and
1:50 What were some challenges these elements S most students were
brought? S T attentive and
How did you work together to overcome SSS contributing to it.

Transition: Walk inside from the challenge

1:55 course to get changed.

2:05 End of Class: Students will go home.

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