Springfield College - Daily Lesson Plan

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Springfield College – Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Matt McBride Date: 1/8/18 Time: 12:25-1:05

School: Stony Hill Elementary Lesson #: 2 Facilities: Gym Class Size: 25

Grade: 3 Unit/Theme: Rock Wall Generic Level: Pre-control/Control

Equipment: 4 cones, 15 hot spots, Rock wall

Focus of Lesson: 5 panel climb
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): National # ; MA CF #)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(P) climb across the rock wall by climbing across 5 panels without climbing off the wall
at least once by the end of class. (National # S1.E1.2, MA CF 2.2)
(C) explain the benefits we gain from using the rock wall by answering questions during
the closure. (National # S2.E1.2, MA CF 2.1)
(A) follow the rules of the rock wall by not breaking the rules 100% of the time
throughout the lesson. (National #: S5.E3.2, MA CF#: 2.7)
Check each objective – is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives – During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Use proper teacher positioning to be able to see the entire class throughout the
whole lesson.
2. Use CFU at least 4 times throughout the lesson including by having students
model specific behaviors.
Special Considerations – What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
1. Students need to follow the rules due to the safety concerns involved with the
wall. If they cannot follow the rules they will lose their turn.
2. Space is limited. Students must be aware of their bodies and the movements
they are doing.
References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)
 Courtier, L., Chepko, S., Holt/Hale, S., National Standards and Grade Level
Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. Human Kinetics, Champaign, Il. 2014
(pg. 56-59)
 Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks, Oct 1999

12:25 Attendance: Students will enter the gym and Key:

sit in their squads. Squad leaders will tell me T=Teacher R=rock wall
who is missing. S= Student
C= Cone
Warmup: Partner Fitness. The class will be
split into two groups. The group inside the
cones will be doing an exercise. The group S S S S S
outside the cones will be jogging around the S c c S
cones. Groups will switch when told to. Each S S S
time a group is inside the cones, they will S S S S S
change the exercise they’re doing. Exercises S S S
S c c
will be listed on the board. Teacher can
change the locomotor movement of the
outside group as well.


Intro: Today we are going to be doing a 5

panel climb.

Start Signal: Begin climbing when I say to.

Stop Signal: Climbers start climbing off the


Safety: Rules of the rock wall that have

already been covered in class.
Activity 1: 5 panel climb. S S S S S S
12:45 Today we are doing a 5 panel climb. You and S S S S S S
your partner will be told to start at one panel.
Decide who will climb first. Once one partner
climbs across 5 panels, spotter and climber
will switch roles. Keep switching every time
someone completes 5 panels until the end of
class. If you cannot follow the rules we
discussed in the last two classes, then you
will lose your turn. No warnings.

Have students stand on center black line.
Assign partners and panels. Once everyone
has a panel and a partner tell them to start
climbing. Boy-girl partners.
1:03 Closure: S
Was climbing across 5 panels harder than 4? S T
What are some of the rules of the rock wall?
End of Class: Review the behavior chart. T
Send students back to class.

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