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Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 9 (2018) 37–41

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Removal of As(V) from aqueous solution by adsorption onto nanocrystalline T

kaolinite: Equilibrium and thermodynamic aspects of adsorption

Mohammad W. Amera, Akl M. Awwadb,
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Department of Materials Science, Royal Scientific Society, Amman, Jordan


Keywords: In this paper, a one pot and easy method at room temperature, a modification macro-particles of Jordanian raw
Nano-structured kaolinite kaolin clay by hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide to obtain Nano-crystalline kaolinite as an adsorbent for
Adsorption the removal of As(V) from aqueous solutions. Nano-crystalline kaolinite was characterized by XRD, FT-IR, and
Arsenic ions SEM. The adsorption of As(V) onto Nano-crystalline kaolinite has been investigated. The effects of solution pH,
adsorbent dose, initial As(V) concentration, contact time, and temperature were examined. Thermodynamic
analysis revealed that the negative values of ΔGo and the positive value of ΔHo, the adsorption process was
spontaneous and endothermic. The Langmuir isotherm model is the best-fit model to predict the experimental
data and adsorption capacity was found 43.67 mg/g.

1. Introduction TiO2 (Beduk, 2016), nanometric titania (Chiavola et al., 2016), Fe3O4@
SiO2 magnetic composite (Montero-Campos and Puente-Urbina, 2016),
Arsenic is a toxic trace element occurring in natural water and Mox/TiO2 immobilized on quartz (Vaiano et al., 2016), and multiwall
wastewaters mainly in the inorganic trivalent As(III) and pentavalent carbon nanotubes (Aranda et al., 2016),
As(V) oxidation states. Toxicity of arsenic depends on its oxidation state In this work, a new adsorbent, nono-crystalline kaolinite (NCK) was
and trivalent As(III) has been reported to be more toxic than pentava- developed for the adsorption and removal of As(V) from aqueous so-
lent As (Moore and Ramamoorthy, 1984). It has been reported that the lutions. The NCK was found to work as an excellent adsorbent for As(V)
long-term uptake of arsenic-contaminated drinking water produced from aqueous solutions.
gastrointestinal, skin, liver, and nerve tissue injuries. (Choong et al.,
2007). The presence of arsenic in water is mostly due to mining ac- 2. Materials and experimental method
tivities, arsenic additives, pesticides, and herbicides. Various treatment
methods have been reported for the removal of arsenic from aqueous 2.1. Preparation of As(V) stock solution
solutions such as electrocoagulation (Kumar et al., 2004; Flores et al.,
2014; van Genuchten et al., 2012), Electro-removal by capacitive An As(V) stock solution of 1000 mg/L was prepared by dissolving
deionization (Fan et al., 2016), coagulation and biological treatment 4.2 g of sodium arsenate (NaH2AsO4 ·7H2O, Merck, Germany) in
(Pramanik et al., 2016; Bhattacharjee et al., 2015), precipitation 1000 mL of double-distilled water. A working solution for the experi-
(Tiwari and Pandey, 2013), and reverse osmosis (Ning, 2002). The ments was freshly prepared from the stock solution. The working so-
adsorption technique is generally considered to be a promising method lutions with different concentrations of As(V) ions were prepared by
and has been studied for arsenic removal from aqueous solutions. So appropriate dilutions of the stock solution immediately prior to their
far, various adsorbents for arsenic removal have been developed which use. Standard acid of 0.1 M HNO3 and a base solution of 0.1 M NaOH
include red mud (Altundogan et al., 2000), iron oxide coated sand, were used for pH adjustment. All of the reagents were of analytical
(Yang et al., 2015) natural siderite and hematite, (Guo et al., 2007) grade and used without further purification.
calcined iowait (Gao et al., 2016), treated zeolitic tuff (Ahmad and
Awwad, 2010), agricultural wastes (Al-Mamun et al., 2013; Shafiqu 2.2. Preparation of adsorbent
et al., 2012), magnetic nanoparticles (Akin et al., 2012), synthetic Fe7S8
nanoparticles (Cantu et al., 2016), supermagnetic nanomaterial Fe3O4- Kaolinite samples were collected from Batn el ghoul deposits,

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (A.M. Awwad).
Received 23 December 2016; Received in revised form 19 November 2017; Accepted 1 December 2017
2215-1532/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.W. Amer, A.M. Awwad Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 9 (2018) 37–41

located about 280 Km south of Amman, Jordan. Kaolinite rocks was The maximum adsorption was observed around pH 8.0 at all tem-
rolled crushed by a jaw crusher to obtain grains of kaolinite with di- peratures. However, a decrease in the removal As(V) percent from
mensions between 0.08 and 2.5 mm and then sieved to obtain aqueous solution at low pH = 7 to 1. The maximum adsorption was
0.5–2 mm sized fraction. The 0.5–2 mm sized fraction of kaolinite was observed around pH 8.0 at all temperatures.
washed with distilled water to remove soluble elements and dried at
378 K. Dried kaolinite was treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid
3.3. Effect of adsorbent dose
(0.37mass fraction purity) with agitation from time to time and left
overnight. An aqueous colored acid solution which formed was sepa-
The effect of adsorbent dose of NCK on the As(V) removal percent is
rated from grains of kaolinite by decantation and filtration. Afterwards
shown in Fig. 3, which shows that the removal percent of As(V) in-
kaolinite was treated with 50% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) with agita-
creased very rapidly with an increase in dosage of NCK from (0.1–0.9)
tion from time to time and left overnight and then washed with distilled
g/L and a marginal increase was observed on further increase in the
water and dried at a temperature of 378 K. The nanocrystalline kaoli-
adsorbent dose. At an adsorbent dose of 0.5 g/L NCK, maximum re-
nite (NCK) samples prepared from raw kaolinite were examined by X-
moval efficiencies of 98.45% were observed at 303.15 K. The increase
ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron mi-
in efficiency of As(V) removal may be attributed to the fact that, with
croscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).
an increase in the adsorbent dose, more adsorbent surface or more
adsorption sites were available for the metal ions to be adsorbed.
2.3. Adsorption isotherms

Adsorption equilibrium was obtained by shaking 1 g of dry ad- 3.4. Effect of contact time and temperature
sorbent (NSK) in a series of 100 mL flasks containing 20 mL of initial
concentration of As(V) ions ranging from 5 to 100 mg/L for 120 min. The effect of contact time and temperature on the adsorption of As
The initial pH value of As(V) ion solutions was adjusted from 1 to 8.0 (V) onto NSK is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the
with either 0.01 M HNO3 or 0.01 M NaOH at four temperatures, removal percent of As(V) increases with contact time until equilibrium
(283.15, 293.15, 303.15, and 313.15) K. Flasks were agitated on a is attained between the amount of As(V) on NSK and the remaining As
shaker at a 350 rpm constant shaking rate for 120 min to ensure equi- in solution. Fig. 4 shows that the removal percent of As(V) increases
librium was reached and filtered through filter paper (Schleicher and with contact time from (0–60) min and then becomes almost constant
SchÜ ll 589), and the supernatant was analyzed for arsenic by a se- up to the end of the experiment. It can be concluded that the binding of
quential plasma emission spectrometer (ICPS-7510, Shimadizu). Each As(V) with NSK is high at initial stages and becomes almost constant
experiment was run in triplicate, and mean values are reported. The As after an optimum contact time of 100 min. As temperature increases
(V) percent removal (%) was calculated using the following equation: from (283–313) K, As(V) removal percent increase from (70.0–98.4)%
for an initial concentration of 40 mg/L at pH 8.0. Similar trends were
Co − Ce
Removal % = × 100 observed for other concentrations. This indicated that the adsorption
Co (1) process is endothermic in nature. The As(V) removal percent versus
where Co and Ce are the initial and equilibrium concentrations of the As time curves are smooth and continuous leading to saturation, sug-
(V) ions(mg/L). gesting possible monolayer coverage of As(V) ions on the surface of the
The amount of As(V) ions adsorbed at equilibrium qe, which re- NCK.
presents As(V) uptake was calculated from the following equation:
Co − Ce 3.5. Adsorption isotherms
qe = xV
M (2)
An adsorption isotherm describes the fraction of sorbate molecules
where qe is the As(V) adsorbed (mg/g), Co and Ce are the same as above,
that are partitioned between liquid and solid phases at equilibrium.
V is the volume of the solution (L), and M is the weight of adsorbent (g).
Adsorption of As(V), ions onto NSK was modeled using two adsorption
isotherms: Langmuir, and Freundlich isotherms.
3. Results and discussion

3.1. Characterization of nano-crystalline kaolinite adsorbent 3.5.1. Langmuir isotherm

The Langmuir isotherm assumes monolayer adsorption on a uniform
XRF analysis showed that the NCK is rich in SiO2 and Al2O3 with a surface with a finite number of adsorption sites. Once a site is filled, no
percent oxide composition of 63.38 and 24.63, respectively. Moderate further sorption can take place at that site. As such the surface will
to high SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of 2.57 gives rise to good selectivity. eventually reach a saturation point where the maximum adsorption of
Mineralogical characterization studies NCK showed that the main the surface will be achieved. The linear form of the Langmuir isotherm
constituents are kaolinite, and traces of anatase and iron oxides. Fig. 1a model is described as (Langmuir, 1918):
showed XRD of NCK and the average size diameter determined by Ce 1 1
Debye-Scherr equation equals 20 nm. SEM analysis of prepared na- = + Ce
qe KL qmax qmax (3)
noscale kaolinite is shown in Fig. 1b. The SEM image showed the na-
noscale kaolinite particles are in spherical shape and with average size where KL is the Langmuir constant related to the energy of adsorption
diameter 5–40 nm. Fig. 1c showed the spectra of raw kaolinite and and qmax is the maximum adsorption capacity (mg/g). Values of
nanocrystalline kaolinite. Langmuir parameters, qmax and KL were calculated from the slope and
intercept of the linear plot of Ce/qe versus Ce as shown in Fig. 5. Values
3.2. Effect of the initial pH of qmax, KL and regression coefficient R2 are 43.67 mg/g, 0.0134 L/mg,
and 0.9998, respectively. These values for NCK adsorbent indicated that
The effect of pH of the As(V) solution on the adsorption capacity of Langmuir model describes the adsorption phenomena as favorable. The
As(V) onto the NCK is shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the essential characteristics of the Langmuir isotherm parameters can be
removal As(V) percent increases sharply with increasing pH of As(V) used to predict the affinity between the sorbate and sorbent using se-
from 1.0 to 8.0 and then decreases to reach pH 9.0. However, a decline paration factor or dimensionless equilibrium parameter, RL, expressed
in removal As(V) percent occurred when the pH was lower than 8.0. as in the following Equation:

M.W. Amer, A.M. Awwad Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 9 (2018) 37–41

Fig. 1. (a) XRD pattern, (b) FT-IR, and (c) SEM of prepared nanocrystalline kaolinite.

Fig. 3. Effect of adsorbent dose on the percent removal of As(V) by NCK

(T = 303 K; Co = 30 mg/L; pH = 8.0).
Fig. 2. Effect of pH solution on the percent removal As(V) by NCK.
T = 303 K; Co = 30 mg/L; pH = 8.0.
provides important information about the nature of adsorption. The
value of RL indicated the type of Langmuir isotherm to be irreversible
1 (RL = 0), favorable (0 < RL ˂ 1), linear (RL = 1) or unfavorable
RL =
1 + KL Co (4) (RL ˂ 1). The RL for As(V) ions adsorption by NCK was found to be
0.43–0.88 for concentration of 10–100 mg/L of metal ions. They are in
where KL is the Langmuir constant and Co is the maximum initial
the range of 0–1 which indicates the favorable adsorption. Langmuir
concentration of As(V) ions. The value of separation parameter RL

M.W. Amer, A.M. Awwad Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 9 (2018) 37–41

Fig. 7. log Ka vs 1/T for the adsorption of As(V) by NCK.

Fig. 4. Effect of contact time and temperature on percent removal of As(V) by NCK.
Table 1
Thermodynamic Parameters of NCK for As(V) Adsorption.

T(K) Ka ΔGo (kJ/Mol) ΔHo (kJ/Mol) ΔSo (J/K Mol)

293 4.45 −3.64 22.94 90.72

303 6.11 −4.56
313 8.12 −5.45

Table 2
Comparision of various adsorbents for the removal of As(V).

Adsorbent qmax (mg/g) References

Fe7S8 nanoparticles 31.30 Cantu et al. (2016)

Treated zeolitic tuff 18.35 Ahmad and Awwad (2010)
Red mud 0.51 Altundogan et al. (2000)
Natural siderite and hematite 0.16 Guo et al. (2007)
Fig. 5. Langmuir isotherm for As(V) ions onto NCK. Alumina 25.00 Wasay et al. (1996)
Magnetite 46.70 Yean et al. (2005)
Maghemite nanoparticles 50.00 Tuutijärvi et al. (2009)
Nanoscale zero valent iron 29.04 Wang et al. (2014)
Nanoscale zero valent iron 14.00 Mosaferi et al. (2014)
Nano-crystalline kaolinie 43.67 This work

l nqe = l nkF + lnCe
n (5)

where KF is the Freundlich constant related to the bonding energy. 1/n

is the heterogeneity factor and n (g/L) is a measure of the deviation
from linearity of adsorption. Freundlich equilibrium constants were
determined from the plot of lnqe versus lnCe, Fig. 6. The n value in-
dicates the degree of non-linearity between solution concentration and
adsorption as follows: if n = 1, then adsorption is linear; if n < 1, then
adsorption is a chemical process; if n > 1, then adsorption is a physical
Fig. 6. Freundlich isotherm for As(V) ions onto NSK. process. The n value in Freundlich equation was found to be 1.58 for As
(V) ions, Since n lie between 1 and 10, this indicates the physical ad-
sorption of As (V) ions onto NCK. The value of regression coefficients
qmax and KL values increased with temperature, showing that the ad-
R2 = 0.8903, which is regarded as a measure of goodness of fit of the
sorption capacity and intensity of adsorption are enhanced at higher
experimental data to the isotherm models. The Langmuir model is more
suitable than the Freundlich model for the representation of the ad-
sorption data because it has higher R2 values.
3.5.2. Freundlich isotherm
Freundlich isotherm model is the well-known earliest relationship 3.6. Thermodynamics
describing the adsorption process. This model applies to adsorption on
heterogeneous surfaces with the interaction between adsorbed mole- The thermodynamic behavior of the adsorption of As(V) ions onto
cules and the application of the Freundlich equation also suggests that NCK is evaluated as follows. The changes in Gibbs energy, ΔGo, of the
sorption energy exponentially decreases on completion of the sorption adsorption process is related to the equilibrium constant by the fol-
centers of an adsorbent. This isotherm is an empirical equation and can lowing equation:
be employed to describe heterogeneous systems and is expressed as
ΔGo = −RT ln Ka (6)
follows in linear form (Freundlich and Hellen, 1939):
where Ka is the equilibrium constant calculated from the following

M.W. Amer, A.M. Awwad Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 9 (2018) 37–41

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University of Jordan for giving all facilities to carry out this research and arsenate. J. Mater. Res. 20, 3255–3264.
work. Also authors thank University of Science and Technology, Irbid,
Jordan for SEM and XRD analysis.


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