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1. If two forces of equal magnitude are also equal to the magnitude of their
resultant force then angle between them should be
a.60 b. 120 c. 1820 d. none of these
2. A vector of magnitude 5 cm makes angle 30 and other of magnitude 6 cm makes
an angle 90 with x axis their scalar product will be
a. 30 cm2 b.20 cm2 c. 15 cm2 d. 10 cm2
3. The vector which is perpendicular to 3i-4j is
a.4i+3j b.4i-3j c. 2i+0k d. all
⃗ ⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗⃗
4.A vector 𝑨 is along x axis . If 𝑨.𝑩 =0 Then 𝑩 could be
a.i + j b. j – k c. i – j – k d. 2 i
5. If two vectors 𝑨 ⃗ and 𝑩 ⃗⃗ of magnitude 10 N and 5 N respectively .Their resultant is
15N. Then 𝑨 ⃗ .𝑩
⃗⃗⃗ will be
a. 50 N2 b. zero c. null vector d. 15 N 2
6.The minimum number of equal forces whose vector sum is zero is
a. 3 b. 4 c. 2 d. 1
7. Magnitude of resultant will be maximum when angle between vectors is
a.0 b. 180 c.90 d. all
8. Minimum number of vectors of unequal magnitude whose vector sum is zero
a.1 b. 2 c. 3 d.4
8. Reverse process of vector addition is
a. subtraction b. resolution c. product d. none
9. A force of 10 N acting along x axis has y component
a. zero b. 10 N c. 5 N d. 20 N
10. In which quadrant both components of vectors will be positive
a. 1st quadrant b. 2nd quadrant c. 3rd quadrant d. 4th quad
11. A body moving with uniform velocity is said to be in,
a. dynamic equilibrium b. rotational equilibrium c. static equilibrium d. translational equilibrium
12. A body moving with uniform linear velocity is said to be in
a. dynamic equilibrium b. rotational equilibrium c. static equilibrium .d. translational equilibrium
13. A body moving with uniform angular velocity is said to be in,
a. dynamic equilibrium .b. rotational equilibrium c. static equilibrium
d. translational equilibrium
14. If the vector sum of all the forces is zero then the body will be in,
a. dynamic equilibrium b. rotational equilibrium

c. static equilibrium . d. translational equilibrium

15. For translational equilibrium the minimum number of forces are,

a.2 b.1 c.3 d.4
8. If the vector sum of all the torques is zero then the body will be in,

a. dynamic equilibrium b. rotational equilibrium

c. static equilibrium d. translational equilibrium

16. The physical quantity which produces linear acceleration is called,

a. force b. centripetal force c. torque d. Impulse

Short questions

Note Write the short answers of any 9 questions marks 9x2=18

i.Two vectors have unequal magnitudes .can their sum be zero? Explain.
ii.Suppose the sides of a closed polygon represent vector arranged head to tail. What is the sum
of theses vectors?
iii. Name three different conditions that could make 𝑨 ⃗⃗ x𝑩 ⃗
⃗⃗ =𝟎
iv. Can a body rotate about its center of gravity under the action of its weight?

v. The vector sum of three vectors gives a zero resultant. What can be
the orientation of the vectors?
vi. If one of the rectangular components of a vector is not zero, can its
magnitude be zero? Explain.
vii. Can a vector have a component greater than the vector’s magnitude?
viii. Can the magnitude of a vector have a negative value?
ix. Define two conditions of equilibrium.
x. define rectangular components of a vector.

Note attempt any 2
Q3.a.Define and explain torque. (5)
b. Find the angle between the two vectors ⃗𝑨 ⃗ =5𝑖̂ +𝑗̂ and ⃗𝑩
⃗ =2𝑖̂+4𝑗̂ (3)
Q.4.a Define and explain scalar product. Give its two examples and four characteristics. (5)
b. find the work done when the point of application of the force 3𝑖̂ +2𝑗̂ moves in a straight line
from the point (2,-1)to the point (6,4). (3)
Q.5a. Find the resultant of two vectors by adding their rectangular components and
generalize the result for n vectors. (5)
c. Given that ⃗𝑨
⃗ =𝑖̂-2𝑗̂+3𝑘̂ and ⃗𝑩
⃗ =3𝑖̂-4𝑗̂ ,find the projection of ⃗𝑨⃗ on ⃗𝑩
⃗. (3)

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