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Part II. Use the following section to evaluate each member of your group.

Your evaluation
should be honest.

Group #______________________ Name________________________ Topic__________________

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

Category 1 2 3 4 Score

Source of Participated in regular Was the source of Was minimally Worked to minimize
Conflict conflict that interfered conflict within the involved in either conflict and was
with group progress. group. The group starting or solving effective at solving
The conflict was sought assistance in conflicts. personal issues within
discussed outside of resolution from the the group.
the group. instructor.
Assistance Contributions were Contributed some Contributed Completed an equal
insignificant or toward the project significantly but share of work and
nonexistent other members strived to maintain
clearly contributed equity throughout the
more project
Effectiveness Work performed was Work performed was Work performed Work performed was
ineffective and mostly incomplete and was useful and very useful and
useless toward the contributions were contributed to the contributed
final project less than expected final project significantly to the final
Attitude Rarely had a positive Usually had a positive Often had a positive Always had a positive
attitude toward the attitude toward the attitude toward the attitude toward the
group and project group and project group and the project group and the project

Attendance Rarely attended group Sometimes attended Almost always Always attended group
& Readiness meetings, rarely group meetings, attended group meetings, always
brought needed sometimes brought meetings, almost brought needed
materials, and was needed materials, and always brought materials, and was
rarely ready to work was sometimes ready needed materials, always ready to work
to work and was almost
always ready to work
Focus on the Rarely focused on the Focused on the task Focused on the task Consistently stayed
task task and what needed and what needed to be and what needed to focused on the task and
to be done. Let others done some of the be done most of the what needed to be
do the work. time. Other group time. Other group done. Other group
members sometimes members could count members could count
had to nag, prod, and on this person most on this person all of the
remind to keep this of the time. time.
member on task.

Total Score
Part II. Use the following section to evaluate each member of your group. Your evaluation
should be honest.

Group #______________________ Name________________________ Topic__________________

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