Ciencias de La Salud: Estomatología

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Ciencias de la salud


Estudiante : Huamán Flores Diana Alexia.

Curso : Ingles I.
Docente : Balladares Gonzales Juan Jose.
Año académico : 2018-I
Ciclo : II
Aula – Sección : 308 –“D”

Pimentel, 12 de Abril 2018


Marco: Hello, good afternoon! you must be the students of

Diana: Yes, I'm. good afternoon!. I'm sorry, and your name is?
Marco: My name's Marco. And you?
Diana: My name is Diana. Very nice to meet you Marco.
Marco: Thank you. ¿How are you today Diana?
Diana: Very good, thank you, and you?
Marco: I'm very well.
Diana: Good bye Marco.
Marco: Bye Diana.

1. Siringe
2. Anesthesia
3. Brackets
4. Bridge
5. Brush
6. Cement
7. Cottton pliers
8. Dental floss
9. Gauze
10. Gloves
Diana's desk

Hi my friends my name is Diana and study at Señor de Sipan

University. I'm an stomatology student. I go to the university
every day. When I return home, I go to my bedroom to do my
homework. That picture is from my desk where I do my works.
my desk is very important for me because I can find all my things.
for example, my laptop I like it because it is big and thin, my
books where I can read topics about my career. There are my
pencils, pens, eraser, corrector, markers, colors, bond paper,
rules and my notebooks. I also have a comfortable chair where I
spend Hours doing my homework.

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