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Evaluation of wear resistance of thin hard

coatings by a new solid particle impact test

Article in Wear · October 2001

DOI: 10.1016/S0043-1648(01)00743-8


37 75

6 authors, including:

Tomomi Honda Mats Larsson

University of Fukui Uppsala University


Sture Hogmark
Uppsala University


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Mats Larsson
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Wear 251 (2001) 861–867

Evaluation of wear resistance of thin hard coatings by a

new solid particle impact test
Y. Iwai a,∗ , T. Honda a , H. Yamada a , T. Matsubara b , M. Larsson c , S. Hogmark d
a Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fukui University, 3-9-1 Bunkyo, Fukui 910-8507, Japan
b Macoho Co. Ltd., Ishido-cho, Nagaoka 940-2032, Niigata, Japan
c Balzers Sandvik Coating AB, Box 42056, SE-126 12 Stockholm, Sweden
d The Angstrom Laboratory, Uppsala University, SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden

For the evaluation of tribological properties of thin hard coatings, several experimental techniques are normally used, such as scratch
testing and testing against abrasive, erosive, and sliding wear, and fretting. In this paper, we propose slurry jet, a new type of solid particle
impact test, in order to quickly evaluate wear properties of thin, single layered or multilayered physical vapor deposited (PVD) coatings. By
slurry jet 1 ␮m alumina particles were impacted at high velocity perpendicular to thin PVD coatings of TiN, TiN/NbN, TiN/TaN, TiN/CrN,
TiN/TiAlN deposited on a high speed steel (HSS) substrate material.
The coatings proved to have much higher erosion resistance than the substrate material and, consequently, the wear rate increased
significantly to the higher level of the HSS material when the coatings were penetrated. The maximum peak-to-valley roughness (Ry ) of
the eroded coatings was of the order of 0.1–0.5 ␮m, suggesting that the size of the detached particles was of the same order. The ranking
of erosion resistance and correlation to the mechanical properties, such as hardness and critical normal load obtained by scratch testing are
We conclude that the proposed evaluation test is fast and easy to accomplish. It generates reproducible results and is very sensitive to the
quality of the coating. Thus, it can preferentially be used as a screening test when evaluating coatings and coated materials. In particular,
the interface strength of multilayered coatings with very thin lamella can be assessed.
For the coatings included in this study, the TiN/TiAlN proved to have the highest erosion resistance, whereas the TiN/CrN was the worst.
© 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Slurry jet impact test; PVD coating; Evaluation; Wear resistance

1. Introduction Tests aimed at the intrinsic coating properties or at distin-

guishing between the properties of the coating and substrate
Today, homogeneous and multilayered coatings are in- material, respectively, should allow the wear rate of the coat-
creasingly being used to improve the tribological properties ing to be determined independently of that of the substrate.
of a wide variety of mechanical components such as tools Hutchings [3] has reviewed the application of solid parti-
for metal cutting and forming, and machine elements such cle erosion testing to coated samples. Erosion testing has
as rolling or sliding bearings, seals, piston/cylinder systems, proven to be a suitable tool for studies of crack initiation and
and valves [1,2]. propagation in thin hard coatings [4]. Conventional particle
As to the evaluation of tribological properties of thin hard erosion tests such as gas-blast [5], centrifugal [6] and slurry
coatings, several experimental techniques are being used, erosion tests [7,8] have been used to study the erosion dura-
such as scratch testing; abrasive and erosive testing, sliding bility of coatings when impacted by relatively large solid
and fretting wear testing. A continuing development of ver- particles of a diameter many times larger than the coating
satile and reliable techniques for evaluation of coated com- thickness. However, failure of thin hard coatings often oc-
ponents is important for the development and tribological curs unevenly [6] and after a short test duration [7] due to
assessment of new coating composites and their applications. this high ratio of particle diameter to coating thickness. It is
also difficult with these techniques to focus the impingement
of tiny solid particles on a small area of the target. If parti-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +81-776-27-8544; fax: +81-776-27-8748. cle erosion is to be used as a means to test intrinsic coating
E-mail address: (Y. Iwai). properties, a test method which involves the impact of very

0043-1648/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 3 - 1 6 4 8 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 7 4 3 - 8
862 Y. Iwai et al. / Wear 251 (2001) 861–867

small particles is needed to minimize the maximum depth the advantage over circle in the easy measurement of the
to which the coating material is affected at each individual central region of the scar. The jet velocity is regulated by
impact. the pressure of the compressed air, but could, unfortunately,
In this paper, we propose a new type of slurry jet, i.e. not be measured. For the pressure of 0.5 MPa used in this
a solid particle impact test which utilizes a focused slurry experiment, the maximum velocity was estimated to over
jet, in order to quickly evaluate wear properties of single 100 m/s at the exit of the nozzle by the double-disc method
layered and multilayered physical vapor deposited (PVD) [9]. However, the error of this method may be severe for
coatings. The PVD coatings included in this study are TiN, small particles and particles of low density. The impinge-
TiN/NbN, TiN/TaN, TiN/CrN, TiN/TiAlN deposited on flat ment angle of the jet relative to the test surface can be var-
(20 mm ×40 mm ×2 mm) high speed steel (HSS) substrates. ied from 15 to 90◦ by tilting the specimen holder. In this
The ranking of erosion resistance and its correlation to the test 90◦ impact was used. The test piece was mounted at
mechanical properties such as hardness and critical normal 10 mm distance from the end of the nozzle. The test liquid
load obtained by scratch testing are discussed. From these was tap water containing angular alumina particles with a
results, we conclude that the proposed test can preferentially size distribution in the range of 0.5–2.5 ␮m, with an average
be used as a screening test when evaluating coated materials. diameter of 1.0 ␮m, as erodent. The alumina particles have
a hardness ranged from 1800 to 2000 HV [10]. The erodent
was added into tap water of the volume of 2 l in 3 wt.%, i.e.
2. Experimental
the concentration of the alumina particles was 3 wt.% in the
2.1. Test apparatus and procedure tank, and the slurry was kept at room temperature.
The wear loss of the coatings after the tests was too small
Fig. 1 shows a schematic view of the test apparatus, which to be resolved by weighing. Instead, the geometry of the
was developed by Matsubara at Macoho Co. Ltd. It consists eroded surface was measured with a stylus profilometer at
of a specimen holder, a tank and a stirrer to mix solid par- three positions along the center-line of the square scar. In
ticles in liquid, a nozzle to eject the test liquid, a regulator addition, the worn surfaces were studied by SEM and AFM
to adjust compressed air pressure and a solenoid valve con- to reveal the wear mechanisms.
nected with a timer to control on–off of liquid flow. The
flowing stream of water containing solid particles sucked 2.2. Test materials
from the tank, is mixed with compressed air in the noz-
zle, and eventually a slurry jet is ejected at high velocity 2.2.1. Substrate material
in atmosphere. The cross-section of the nozzle is square by As substrate material, a powder metallurgical (PM) HSS
3 mm × 3 mm, which generates a rectangular scar on a flat with the chemical composition (wt.%) of 1.3C, 4.2Cr,
specimen. The shape of a square was chosen because it has 5.0Mo, 6.4W, 3.1V and 8.5Co, was used. It was heat treated
by austenitisation at 1180◦ C followed by tempering 3× 1 h
at 560◦ C, resulting in a primary carbides volume fraction
of 13% and a hardness of 9.2 GPa. All substrates were pol-
ished to mirror finish, corresponding to a center-line average
roughness (Ra ) value of approximately 5 nm. Uncoated HSS
was included in the erosion test as a reference material.

2.2.2. Coating materials

The coating materials and their properties are listed in Ta-
ble 1. The first four are experimental coatings, and the last
one is commercially available. The TiN coating is a mono-
layer, while the others have a multilayered structure, i.e. they
were obtained by alternately depositing two different com-
The total thickness of the coatings was in the range of
2.5–4.4 ␮m, as estimated from fractured cross-sections in
the SEM. The individual layer thickness, see Table 1, was
estimated similarly.
All multilayered coatings with individual layers of
0.01/0.005 ␮m thickness were found to be harder than the
coarsely laminated TiN/TiAlN (21 GPa) and the homoge-
neous TiN (21 GPa), see Table 1. All the coatings show a
Fig. 1. Schematic view of the slurry jet tester. The insert shows detail of higher surface roughness than the uncoated substrate (Ra :
the nozzle. 60–250 nm).
Y. Iwai et al. / Wear 251 (2001) 861–867 863

Table 1
Coating materials and their propertiesa
Coating Deposition Coating Coating Individual layer Hardness HV0.050 Ra (nm) Critical normal
technique structure thickness (␮m) thickness (␮m) (GPa) load (N)
TiN REB Homogenous 2.8 ± 0.2 – 21 ±1 100 ± 30 50 ± 10
TiN/TaN REB/RMS Multilayered 3.2 ± 0.2 0.01/0.005 39 ±4 110 ± 50 53 ± 7
TiN/CrN REB/RMS Multilayered 3.7 ± 0.3 0.01/0.005 24 ±1 170 ± 80 36 ± 4
TiN/NbN REB/RMS Multilayered 2.8 ± 0.3 0.01/0.005 38 ±2 160 ± 40 40 ± 5
TiN/TiAlN RAE Multilayered 4.1 ± 0.3 0.1/0.1 21 ±1 220 ± 60 40 ± 20
a REB: reactive electron beam evaporation; RMS: reactive dc magnetron sputtering; RAE: reactive arc evaporation.

A crucial property of coated components is the adhesion At each test interval the distance between the original and
of the coating to the substrate. In the conventional scratch the worn surfaces at the deepest position was measured and
test, a Rockwell diamond stylus (tip radius 200 ␮m) was designated as the wear depth.
traversing the coating while the normal load was contin- The TiN coating proved to have much higher erosion re-
uously increased. All the coated samples were scratched sistance than the HSS material as can be seen from the wear
with a loading rate of 10 N/min and a scratching speed of depth variation with test duration in Fig. 3. For the TiN coat-
1 mm/min. Four scratches were performed for each coating. ing the wear depth increased linearly at a moderate slope
The critical normal load (FN,C ), i.e. the load at the first until the coating is penetrated after about 21 min when it
coating failure, was determined by monitoring a sharp in- increased significantly. The slope of the initial part of the
crease in the friction force and acoustic emission (AE), wear curve of the coating was calculated by means of the
respectively, during the scratch process. All the coatings dis- least-squares method, and defined as the coating wear rate
played relatively high critical normal loads, and ultimately in this study.
failed by a mixture of adhesive and cohesive failures. The The presumptive time of coating penetration tp is esti-
critical load was found to decrease in order TiN/TaN, TiN, mated as the time when the extrapolated initial wear curve
TiN/NbN and TiN/TiAlN, TiN/CrN, see Table 1. At and reaches a wear depth corresponding to the measured coating
above the critical load, TiN/CrN and TiN displayed small thickness. On the other hand, the wear depth curve drawn
cohesive chippings at the rim of the scratch. In the case of from high slope points means the wear curve of substrate
TiN/NbN and TiN/TaN, the critical load corresponded to material beneath the coatings. The time at which both wear
semicircular cohesive failures, which are typical for brittle curves of coating and substrate intersect is designated as the
materials. For loads higher than the critical load, TiN/NbN experimental penetration time te of the coating, see the il-
and TiN/TaN also displayed areas of exposed substrate. lustration in Fig. 3. For TiN, the slope of the high wear rate
curve-section was almost identical to that of the uncoated
substrate. In addition, tp and te were found to be almost the
3. Test results and discussion same (20.7 and 21.1 min, respectively).
In order to confirm the reproducibility of the wear rate of
the TiN coating, additional four 15 min tests were carried
Fig. 2 shows the depth profiles of the erosion crater of the
TiN coating, measured after various test duration. During the
first 21 min the wear of the coating was gradual and slow,
generating a smooth surface, where after the coating was
penetrated and severe damage of the substrate commenced.

Fig. 2. Surface profiles along the center-line of the square erosion scar Fig. 3. Maximum crater depth of the substrate (HSS) and the TiN coating
of the TiN coating after various test duration. as a function of test duration.
864 Y. Iwai et al. / Wear 251 (2001) 861–867

Fig. 7. Wear rates for all coatings.

Fig. 4. Reproducibility of the wear rate for the TiN coating.

Fig. 5. Wear depth vs. time for all coatings.

Fig. 6. Relation between the experimental time for coating penetration te Fig. 8. Representative SEM photographs of the worn surface of eroded
and the presumptive time for coating penetration tp . substrate material (HSS) (a), TiN (b) and TiN/CrN (c)
Y. Iwai et al. / Wear 251 (2001) 861–867 865
866 Y. Iwai et al. / Wear 251 (2001) 861–867

out, and the corresponding wear rates are plotted in Fig. 4.

The mean-value and standard deviation of the five tests were
0.136 and 0.0065 ␮m/min, respectively. Their relative error,
i.e. the value of S.D./mean-value, was 4.8%. Consequently,
our test was found to be highly reproducible.
There are strong deviations in wear rate among the in-
vestigated coatings, as seen in Fig. 5. However, the gen-
eral shape of the wear curves is the same. In addition, it
was seen that te completely agrees with tp for all coatings,
see Fig. 6, which means that our test is able to determine
the durability and wear rate of thin hard coatings indepen-
dently of the substrate. This is the great benefit of using our
equipment. Therefore, it is possible to compare the wear
resistance between various coatings accurately. The wear
rate was found to decrease in the order TiN/CrN, TiN/TaN,
TiN/NbN, TiN/TiAlN, TiN, see Fig. 7. Fig. 11. Wear rate vs. hardness for all coatings.

3.1. Observation of worn surfaces

variation in roughness, produced during the coating process,
Fig. 8 shows representative SEM photographs of the worn see Fig. 9a. The higher parts of the original surface were
surface of substrate (a), TiN (b) and TiN/CrN (c). A char- preferentially worn down to form a uniform and smooth
acteristic pattern of protruding carbides is seen in the HSS surface, see Fig. 9b. All tested coatings showed a smooth
substrate indicating a very mild, selective wear mechanism, worn surface similar to that of TiN, cf. Fig. 9c–f.
primarily attacking the softer steel matrix. The coatings were The evolution of equilibrium maximum peak-to-valley
worn gradually, and eventually the substrate was exposed roughness (Ry ) of the worn surface of the coatings is
and eroded to show the surface characteristics as the worn shown in Fig. 10. For all coatings, the roughness was
surface of the substrate specimen, see Fig. 8b and c. For TiN, rapidly reduced at the beginning of the test and reached a
a smooth surface was produced and the substrate slightly constant-value, of the order of 0.1–0.5 ␮m, after less than
appeared on the whole worn surface, whereas for TiN/CrN 5 min. The homogeneous TiN and the TiN/TiAlN multilay-
a very smooth worn surface was produced compared to that ered coating with 0.1 ␮m lamella thickness, showed a higher
of TiN, but the initial exposure of the substrate was more Ry compared to the three multilayers with 0.01/0.005 ␮m
local. Cutting traces and cracks, which usually are charac- lamella (TiN/NbN, TiN/TaN and TiN/CrN). These results
teristic of surfaces exposed to solid particle erosion [11], suggest that the size of the detached debris is of the order
were neither observed for the substrate nor the coatings. It is of 0.1–0.5 ␮m.
concluded that the material is removed in the form of very The wear rate of the coatings does not simply correlate
small fragments due to repeated attacks from the very small to the coating hardness, see Fig. 11. The homogeneous TiN
eroding particles. and the multilayered TiN/TiAlN with relatively thick lamella
The micro-topography of the worn surfaces was quantified
by AFM, see Fig. 9. The original surface of TiN had a regular

Fig. 10. Equilibrium maximum peak-to-valley roughness (Ry ) for all

coatings. Fig. 12. Wear rate vs. critical normal load for all coatings.
Y. Iwai et al. / Wear 251 (2001) 861–867 867

proved to give a lower wear rate than expected form of their These advantages of using our equipment are a great ben-
hardness-values. efit compared to other erosion tests.
Nordin et al. [12] demonstrated a higher resistance for • It is believed that this test can preferentially be used to
multilayered TiN/TaN coatings when eroded with SiC par- evaluate the interlamella strength of multilayered coatings
ticles (20–30 ␮m in size) that they believe is a result of the with thin lamella.
superior toughness gained from the large number of inter- • For the coatings included in this study, homogeneous
faces. Some proportion of the impact energy is consumed TiN and a multilayered coating with coarse lamellae
by crack deflection and correspondingly less energy is used (TiN/TiAlN) proved to have a higher erosion resistance
in the creation of wear fragments, as compared to homo- than multilayers with thin lamellae (TiN/NbN, TiN/TaN,
geneous coatings. TiN/CrN).
However, in the present investigation, homogeneous TiN
and the coating with thick lamella (TiN/TiAlN) showed a
higher wear resistance than the thin lamella multilayered Acknowledgements
The reason for these unexpected results is probably found This study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid administered
in the very small scale of the wear fragments. Any crack in- by the Ministry of Education of Japan (no. 11650149), and
volved in the formation of the wear fragments in this very The Swedish Research Counsil for Engineering Sciences
mild erosion is smaller, or of the same order of magni- (TFR). The authors are grateful to Mr. Tetsuo Suehiro for his
tude as the inter distance between the thin lamella. Thus, experimental help, and also to Mr. Ulrik Beste for operating
on this small scale, the interfaces rather play the role of de- a scanning electron microscope.
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