9 Grade Biology: Invasive Species

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Brady Eaton

Educ. 2500
Web Quest Assignment

9th Grade Biology: Invasive Species

1. Introduction

Attention students a federal organization consisting of biologist are concerned about the shirking
biodiversity of plants in the St. George ecosystem. They claim that a number of invasive plant
species have been introduced to the St. George region, and these invasive species are causing a
number adverse effect to the ecosystem. Our job will be to collect samples of potential invasive
species in the region and create a herbarium with those samples. This herbarium will give the
Federal scientist a better clue as to what invasive species are present and how they are affecting
the environment.
2. Task at hand
You and your partner will visit a number of website in order to collect knowledge about
the invasive species in the St. George Region. This information will allow you to
understand which invasive species are present in the region, and which plants will be
worth your time collecting. Answer the questions Below to help you understand the
basics of invasive species

Keep in Mind

 Invasive species are not native to the area, do not confuse them with pioneer
species of the region.
 Invasive species generally have mechanisms in place that allow them to
outcompete their native counterparts


1. What are the common names for the three major invasive
species of plant in the St. George Region?

2. What type of ecosystem are these invasive plant species

great at inhabiting?

3. What are some major characteristics of Invasive species?

4. Where are the three Invasive Plant Species native habitats?

5. Why do invasive species do to biodiversity?

6. What are the scientific names for the three major Invasive
Plant Species?
3. Process

1. Get with your partner and use the links to answer the questions.
2. Answer the questions in order with the links provide
3. Collect Plant Samples and follow insturctions on sample Handling

Question 1
< https://www.desertusa.com/flowers/tumbleweed.html >
< https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/graminoid/brotec/all.html >
< http://www.desertmuseum.org/invaders/invaders_tamarisk.php >

Question 2
< https://www.desertusa.com/flowers/tumbleweed.html >
< https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/graminoid/brotec/all.html >
< http://www.desertmuseum.org/invaders/invaders_tamarisk.php >

Question 3
< https://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/invasives/index.shtml >

Question 4
< https://www.desertusa.com/flowers/tumbleweed.html >
< https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/graminoid/brotec/all.html >
< http://www.discovermoab.com/tamarisk.htm >
Question 5
< https://biodiversity.europa.eu/topics/invasive-species >

< https://www.desertusa.com/flowers/tumbleweed.html >
< https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/graminoid/brotec/all.html >
< https://plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=TARA >
Instructions on creation of Herbarium

1. You will want to collect the three designated invasive species

2. Find targeted plant. BE SURE TO NOT HARM ANY PLANT
3. Using scissors or shears snip one branch belonging to the plant
with a cut that is approximately 6 inch long. If flowers are present
be sure to collect branches that have them
4. Take collect branch and place in an old newspaper.
5. Glue branch to inside of newspaper.
6. Include card with information filled out information, Card located
below (do this for all three)
4. Conclusion.

The world is changing and global transportation of plants and animals are more and more
common. Now you have some knowledge as to the potential danger of unregulated
transportation of these organisms. You can see firsthand what damage Invasive can cause
and reasons why our society must be diligent in stopping invasive and preserving a natural
ecosystem. Hopefully you can help educate others in society about invasive species and
help make St. George area a happy and healthy ecosystem.

Images: http://tumbleweedcountry.com/merchandise/

Images: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/113504853090252100/

Source Material:

< https://www.desertusa.com/flowers/tumbleweed.html >

< https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/graminoid/brotec/all.html >
< http://www.desertmuseum.org/invaders/invaders_tamarisk.php
< http://www.discovermoab.com/tamarisk.htm >
< https://biodiversity.europa.eu/topics/invasive-species >
< https://plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=TARA >

5. Evaluation

Rubric Poor Average Above Exceptional


Work Incomplete Basic Complete Grammar and

Sheet Answers or Information Sentences, punctuation is
unanswered and correct perfect.
question scientific Scientific
names are names are
present formatted
Herbarium Specimens Specimens Specimens are Specimens are
Missing and there but not glued and in pristine
information glued and information is condition with
missing information is present flowers and all
filled out on information is
card accounted for

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