Unit 2a Test

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Unit 2A Test-4th hour-17-1 B

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Str"x)fi er]sw*I tBXl

Eli Whitney's idea of interchangeable parts resulted in

ff tfr" dominance of American Manufacturing

ffi tf,. beginning of the lndustrial Revolution

* a rapid expansion of railroads

ff tf," mass production of goods

The inventions of John Deere and cyrus Mccormick

'.*J improved communication

* introduced two new factory labor systems

i*i helped increase agricultural production in the United States

{ i led to manufacturing breakthroughs in the textile industry

Why were most textile mills built near rivers?

* Rivers provided power to operate the mills.

* Rivers provided transporation for employees of the mills'

i- i fextile mills were built near population centers.

i-,1 Textile mills provided cloth for factories near the rivers'

The Transportation Revolution can best be described as a period

..j rebellion against foreign countries' use of American shipping lanes'

* economic depression brought on by inferior modes of travel'

t public disapprovalof traditionalmodes of transit'

i : rapid growth in the speed and convenience of travel'

How did technological developments during the lndustrial "k

Revolution enable people to build factories almost anywhere?

i} Trains could bring raw materials to and ship finished goods from any location'
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?his f*rr:": is *ut*r:*ti**lly eoil*eting *rnaii *riejr*ssts f*r $t**h*ster Fxhli* $*i:**lx l$il 53$
il$er$. Change settings

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$hort ar"lsw*r text

Eli Whitney's idea of interchangeable parts resulted in

ffi tf,. dominance of American Manufacturing

t; a rapid expansion of railroads

ffi tf'" mass production of goods

The inventions of John Deere and cyrus Mccormick

LJ improvedcommunication
introduced two new factory labor systems

i.-,, helped increase agricultural production in the United States

Why were most textile mills built near rivers?

ij Rivers provided power to operate the mills.

i] rextite mills were built near population centers.

;..*'? fextile mills provided cloth for factories near the rivers.

The Transportation Revolution can best be described as a period

i-j rebellion against foreign countries' use of American shipping lanes'

: economic depression brought on by inferior modes of travel'

'-j rapid growth in the speed and convenience of travel'

How did technological developments during the lndustrial
Revolution enable people to build factories almost anywhere?

_i"i frains could bring raw materials to and ship finished goods from any location.

rivers, or waterfalls
i: The shift to steam power meant factories no longer had to be built near streams,

": The invention of the telegraph put factory managers and their urban investors
within easy reach'

The economy of the South was based on which of these?

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