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Concept Map Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Life style: 
 Maintain a structured Diagnostics Behavior and
Screening and DSM-5 communication therapies.
environment—  Educational therapies.
Things being out of  Social
 Family therapies.
place can be very impairment and
 antipsychotic drugs are
upsetting to a person communication
sometimes used to treat
with autism difficulties
severe behavioral problems;
 Avoid distractions—  Repetitive and and antidepressants may be
Slight disturbances characteristic prescribed for anxiety.
may disrupt a person behaviors
with autism from the
task at hand.
 Organize tasks— Risk factors
Even simple tasks
Autism  Paternal age effect
may need to be
broken down into a group of neurodevelopmental  Attention deficit
small parts and abnormalities that begin in early hyperactivity disorder
directed one-at-a- childhood and are characterized by  Tuberous sclerosis
time to keep the child impairment of social communication  Fragile X syndrome
on track. Provide and behavioral problems including
visual activity restricted interests and repetitive Prognosis
schedules. behaviors.  Some children with
autism may improve
at 4-6 years of age
especially those with
Signs and symptoms: mild autism who
 no babbling or pointing Goal have been treated at
by age 1 will develop social an early age. ASD is
 no single words by age understanding skills usually a severely
16 months or two-word will raise their hand and disabling condition.
phrases by age 2 wait to be called on However, some
 no response to name before talking aloud in children improve
 loss of language or social group settings with acquisition of
skills previously acquired will work cooperatively language skills and
with peers in small communication with
 impaired ability to make
group settings others.
friends with peers
will identify various
 impaired ability to emotional states
initiate or sustain a will state why a person
conversation with others might be feeling a
 absence or impairment particular emotion
of imaginative and social will initiate
play communicative
This concept map is a visual representation of relationships between concepts and ideas

related to autism. The topics covered in this concept map are signs and symptoms, treatments,

risk factors, prognosis, diagnosis, goals, and finally life style changes for children living within

the autism spectrum. Each box is colored differently and represents one of the topics listed

above. The middle pink box defines autism as a group of neurodevelopmental abnormalities that

begin in early childhood and are characterized by impairment of social communication and

behavioral problems including restricted interests and repetitive. The gray box lists out sign and

symptoms such as no babbling or pointing by age one, no single words by age 16 months or two-

word phrases by age two, no response to name, loss of language or social skills previously

acquired, impaired ability to make friends with peers, impaired ability to initiate or sustain a

conversation with others, and absence or impairment of imaginative and social. The top right

orang box talks about the treatment for autism, behavior and communication therapies,

educational therapies, family therapies. antipsychotic drugs are sometimes used to treat severe

behavioral problems; and antidepressants may be prescribed for anxiety. The list purple box lists

risk factors those being paternal age effect, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, tuberous

sclerosis and fragile X syndrome. The yellow boxed titled lifestyle lists out some lifestyle

changes needed when dealing with an autistic child, such as maintain a structured environment,

avoid distractions and, organize tasks. The blue box describes prognosis, the main idea being that

some children with autism may improve at four-six years of age especially those with mild

autism who have been treated at an early age. Finally, the dark yellow will develop social

understanding skills, will work cooperatively with peers in small group settings, will identify

various emotional states, and will state why a person might be feeling a particular emotion.

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