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Team Contract

Central Park
Nicole Davis, Mark Finley, Brooke Attkisson

Division of work:
- Body of the paper will be split between three parts:
- History of the park- first, analyzes a specific landscape for its wilderness
character or value. This begins with a definition of wilderness character, and
includes biological and cultural landscape characteristics​.- Nicole
- Current status and environment impacts- second, addresses known or potential
changes in the landscape, either due to climate or land use change-​Brooke
- Future- ​examines current management practices and/or legal protections, and
considers whether such practices and/or protection should be changed, if the
wilderness character of the landscape is to be maintained- ​Mark
- We will work on intro and conclusion together to tie in all parts of our research
- If one portion of the paper seems to be disproportionately more work than the other
sections, we will re-divide accordingly. To do this, we will meet before or after class and
assess the amount of work and divide again, this time more equally.
- Each member will present their 5 cited sources and give details about the source so
other members can use that source accordingly.
- Drafts and final portions of the paper will be done on a google doc so that all members of
the group can edit and preview before submission.
- Each member will be responsible for 2 or 3 subheadings and the corresponding written
work for each
- Each member will edit the paper individually and will compare the edits together and will
determine which corrections to make
- Presentation will take the format of a powerpoint presentation with a possible video or
other visual aid to complement it

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